SIDEBAR #28- Arias/Alexander forum

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I find it questionable also. How can she be labeled indigent and sell anything for thou.'s of dollars for her self?
My mom was on Medicaid in Ohio, I was told not to pay one bill or allow assets to go over 1,500 . If I paid any bills
or she had more than 1,500 I would become liable for her bills. How can she keep money from (ahem) artwork? I
suspect she is having it banked to family. This is not right! The State of AZ. should look into this. She shouldn't be
talking about it. Jodi, Give one of your holes a rest~shut up. This money will be used for her penalty PHASE. I dont know
how she gets away with this. The State has spent over 2 mil. on her. She doesn't know if she will have an appeal!!

Nore....I agree with you 100%.... Now what is Arizona state or local government as well and the Federal government doing....any investigation or will it all slide like in another case is Florida!? If these people were held accountable then these games they try to play might not happen. So Sad.
i am very sorry about your husband and I am glad he failed in his attempt. I will go pray for him andyou and your loved ones right now.

I'm just stating this. But any prayers sent my way id appreciate~~dh attempted suicide Saturday. I'm dealing with a bunch of crap

Prayers to you, DH and family! You have friends here!!


That's how I felt yesterday... LOL!

Kissy's due date is "technically" today. Will she hold off a few more days, a week? :tantrum: Got EVERYTHING covered, just in case. And I mean EVERYTHING, short of a monitor on her cervix! If she doesn't foal by next Monday, I'll have the vet out to do an ultrasound.

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She's not a happy camper at this point......

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Got a pic for our resident "Emu" here on WS. This is Priscilla, just chillin' after last night's storm.

View attachment 58468

Good Luck! I'm sure Zuri is on pins & needles!

September 9, 1850 - California becomes a State!!

Dear lord I'm going for any distratcion

I hope this doesn't sound corny...but do you have a pet to help distract you. One to love on, talk to, play with, etc. They really help take your mind off things, if only temporarily. My dog is a multi-purpose dog! Hope that helps. Peace and love to you and yours. ---n---
Hi Josie and all, if she winds up with LWOP I am sure there are in appeals. DP. gets one automatically.
She doesn't want a PD. for an appeal, she wants a private Attorney.They should give her as much as
Travis had,,,,,,,Zilch!!
Bernina, she looks sad but she is beautiful! She is as anxious as you are.
Poor Baby!
Sadly I had to put my little pug zoey down in January :( still miss her
I find it questionable also. How can she be labeled indigent and sell anything for thou.'s of dollars for her self?
My mom was on Medicaid in Ohio, I was told not to pay one bill or allow assets to go over 1,500 . If I paid any bills
or she had more than 1,500 I would become liable for her bills. How can she keep money from (ahem) artwork? I
suspect she is having it banked to family. This is not right! The State of AZ. should look into this. She shouldn't be
talking about it. Jodi, Give one of your holes a rest~shut up. This money will be used for her penalty PHASE. I dont know
how she gets away with this. The State has spent over 2 mil. on her. She doesn't know if she will have an appeal!!

I, too, wonder how Arias gets away with this. Her selling artwork and eyeglasses and whatever else people are dumb enough to buy is a round-about way of her profiting off her crime, IMO. She would not sell one thing if it were not for her infamy--infamy that is a direct result of her being the defendant in a high-profile murder case, high-profile only because her crime was so heinous.

Arias family takes in the funds so nothing is in her name other than the "business" that sells the art. With her family involved like this it is money laundering pure and simple, and I cannot for the life of me understand how this is allowed! Arias is supposedly indigent--poor enough that she cannot pay for her own legal expenses, yet no authority bothers to question those laundered funds?

I am sick of her antics and how she puppeteers others into doing for her. If people are stupid enough to contribute to the killer in any way, fine--we can't stop them. But given her income through sales managed by her family and begging for donations by her groupies, it seems there should be some legitimate argument for the taxpayers of Arizona not having to continue to foot the bill for The Jodi Show--especially since Jodi herself objects to video of the proceedings that those taxpayers are paying for!

We don't have medical insurance but therapist is giving me info for community health ~~he will also be going to sign up for his vetrans benefits (with all crap out there lately I'm not sure how that will go) he is under some insurance thru something since he was in such bad shape ~~if my sister hadn't called when she did he'd have been successful. So much crape!! Currently daughters staying with me. Was told first 24-48 hours could be tricky (trigger factors is the word of the day)
Thanks all been looooong couple days
Zoey, I am so sorry you are going through this. I know exactly how you feel. I have been there. If you have family, reach out to them in any way you can. Ask for what you need...sometimes people want to help but do not know how to until you ask. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help.
Bernina, does she have twins in there? LOL. Maiden mare...It happens! She actually looks great and I hope she delivers soon. She has one GORGEOUS head! Can't wait to see her foal.

Zoey, I have been sending prayers and thoughts of strength and healing your way. Please let your DH know that we care. Xoxo
I, too, wonder how Arias gets away with this. Her selling artwork and eyeglasses and whatever else people are dumb enough to buy is a round-about way of her profiting off her crime, IMO. She would not sell one thing if it were not for her infamy--infamy that is a direct result of her being the defendant in a high-profile murder case, high-profile only because her crime was so heinous.

Arias family takes in the funds so nothing is in her name other than the "business" that sells the art. With her family involved like this it is money laundering pure and simple, and I cannot for the life of me understand how this is allowed! Arias is supposedly indigent--poor enough that she cannot pay for her own legal expenses, yet no authority bothers to question those laundered funds?

I am sick of her antics and how she puppeteers others into doing for her. If people are stupid enough to contribute to the killer in any way, fine--we can't stop them. But given her income through sales managed by her family and begging for donations by her groupies, it seems there should be some legitimate argument for the taxpayers of Arizona not having to continue to foot the bill for The Jodi Show--especially since Jodi herself objects to video of the proceedings that those taxpayers are paying for!


Great post. Another Casey Anthony. Except maybe this one will actually face justice.
We don't have medical insurance but therapist is giving me info for community health ~~he will also be going to sign up for his vetrans benefits (with all crap out there lately I'm not sure how that will go) he is under some insurance thru something since he was in such bad shape ~~if my sister hadn't called when she did he'd have been successful. So much crape!! Currently daughters staying with me. Was told first 24-48 hours could be tricky (trigger factors is the word of the day)
Thanks all been looooong couple days

Zoey, we can't do much but I did pray and we are all here for you, if nothing else just to listen as you express your pain and emotions. Just know that we are all praying for your strength and your DH's health.

Here's who should play me:

"Meryl Streep
For you, it's nothing but the best! Meryl Streep will play you in a movie about your life!

You are smart, independent and fearless. You are capable of anything if you put your mind into it. You've had a very successful career, you've collected a lot of stories over the years, and you deserve someone truly talented and classic to bring them to the big screen.

Well, you can't get someone more talented than Meryl. Congrats!"

Mine said Jennifer Lawrence, because I don't take life seriously. Eeek!! Not me. The first question was to describe myself in one word and I said SERIOUS.

Those of you who got Meryl Streep, congrats! She rules!

My personal gave is Jennifer Garner. She is perfect.
We don't have medical insurance but therapist is giving me info for community health ~~he will also be going to sign up for his vetrans benefits (with all crap out there lately I'm not sure how that will go) he is under some insurance thru something since he was in such bad shape ~~if my sister hadn't called when she did he'd have been successful. So much crape!! Currently daughters staying with me. Was told first 24-48 hours could be tricky (trigger factors is the word of the day)
Thanks all been looooong couple days

Push the VA benefits! My BF is a Viet Nam vet, and 100% disabled. If this is "war related", you have to go after it like a dog with a bone.

Here's who should play me:

"Meryl Streep
For you, it's nothing but the best! Meryl Streep will play you in a movie about your life!

You are smart, independent and fearless. You are capable of anything if you put your mind into it. You've had a very successful career, you've collected a lot of stories over the years, and you deserve someone truly talented and classic to bring them to the big screen.

Well, you can't get someone more talented than Meryl. Congrats!"

I got bored.................yep, got Meryl too! :floorlaugh:
"...Jodi Arias still has a legion of supporters...."
~ By FOX 10 News Staff

[Snipped by me]

Seems comical and quite overplayed, as Troy Hayden, Donavan Bering, 'Doc' Samuels, Alyce Laviolette, Gus Searcy, and Darryl Brewer -- even all six of them in the same room at the same time -- scarcely constitute "a legion."
@troyhaydenfox10: Documentary filmmaker says #JodiArias gave ok for interview behind bars. @RealSheriffJoe says no to " tale of woe."
ETA: Not sure why Sheriff Joe's letter is not showing up, but it basically says that since JA doesn't want the media attention, he says no. The filmmaker sent the letter in February of this year. Sheriff Joe answered it on September 4th. He said he believed JA was manipulating the Sheriff's office and this filmmaker. Wish Judge Stephens would see the same thing.


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