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She will be in full shackles etc at the final sentencing w Judge Stevens in a few weeks. I'll be there to see it even though all the cameras and media will be gone (local coverage I'm sure). I'm with you, I want to see her chained and "debased" like the common criminal she is.

I did see her yesterday walk swiftly across the courtroom toward the back in her baggy pants, ugly black shoes, ghostly pallor, hideous greasy hair and limp from the stun belt.

You forgot her new haircut...who gave her scissors?:facepalm:
I'm not as confident about it as you are. I still think there's a 50/50 chance she gets LWOP. She deserves the DP, if only for the hideous lifestyle she will lead because of it, but I'm not so sure they will give it to her.

This is a death qualified jury. They've all been interviewed extensively if they could sentence a woman to death.

Arias has no real mitigators. They're already loudly unanimous in the DP box. To jump back out of that box to LWOP there would have to be serious mitigation to pull them out. Her own family isn't trying to save her life.

They are going to stay right where they've landed as one- Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes for the DP.
9 days ago she trashed Travis in an interview less than a half hour after the verdict, calling him an abuser (again), a hypocrite and a pedophile (again). She took it even farther this time claiming she had photographic evidence of said "abuse" and "pedophilia" that her attorneys wouldn't put into evidence (riiiiiiiiiight). There is zero remorse in her for what she has done and I doubt there ever will be. If her tears yesterday were real, it was because she knows the jig is up and these jurors really are going to hold her accountable for what she has done -- something she's never ever had to do in her life.

I think when Steven and Samantha spoke, her thoughts were "oh s***, this is bad for me, really bad.". :twocents:

I know what she did. But that was days ago, before she watched those victim impact statements. Perhaps she has had a change of heart. Still no snarky tweets, and she will be addressing a jury that she knows does not believe her abuse excuse. If she wants life like she has indicated to a "close source", it would be stupid to continue with her lies when she gives her statements. I still have a tiny bit of hope that she will drop the act on Monday, show remorse and ask for forgiveness.

And btw, she never claimed she had pictures of bruises, just that she *might* have and she blamed her lawyers for not doing a more extensive search of her HDD to uncover such examples. Just wanted to clear that up.

Has this trial made me loco... or do I REALLY see a pencil drawing of an ELEPHANT and possibly a tombstone on the killer's cell wall????
I will play with this with photoshop later, but what I THINK I see is just one more disturbing "creation" from the (huge, man) hands of this depraved killer.

When you get really close up it doesn't look like anything in particular.


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We all keep forgetting... this creature does not think like us, does not react like we would and has few redeeming human qualities, if any. JMO, of course

Absolutely! Our brains can not process the twisted and WRONG way she sees the world. Her actions and reactions are ALWAYS "off". Everything she thinks, does and says comes from a place normal minds can not understand. Our minds constantly attempt to make her bizarreness line up in some way with a normal person's behavior and this is why we are constantly surprised and shocked by her.
Her extreme self-absorption (and whatever illness and evilness she undoubtedly has) so skews her thinking process that that ALL of her actions and thoughts are self-serving. She also perceives that the entire world (or the limited amount of it she cares to notice) is thinking of and acting in response to her. So bizarre.
It just "does not compute" to normal people.
Jodi was crying to appear human.
She is evil. The crying was for the jury: "Look at me shedding tears for the poor siblings of the man whos life I HAD to take away"

This is the woman that stood there at his memorial and heard everyone of his friends speak and cry for Travis, knowing SHE was the one who had brutally murdered him.
Can somebody tell me what exactly JA's Mitigation specialist has accomplished. Her selection of expert witnesses was a profound failure and now they're scrambling to find people to testify in the mitigation phase. She was recently approved for another 100 hours of 'mitigation' work in the penalty phase and it appears that time is to be spent looking pretty at a table by herself passing notes back and forth from the convict to whoever receives the notes. I don't get it. Shouldn't these witnesses have been lined up months or even years ago??

She accomplished getting a more professional wardrobe, a new hair color and a couple really handsome guys up in front by her yesterday who she was giggling with. Wonder how JA felt about that considering HER adorable look in court yesterday.
When you get really close up it doesn't look like anything in particular.

Yep, I definitely don't see any elephants in there. However, there do appear to be a couple of ninja-like figures and what I think is a 67 Camaro.
I'm not as confident about it as you are. I still think there's a 50/50 chance she gets LWOP. She deserves the DP, if only for the hideous lifestyle she will lead because of it, but I'm not so sure they will give it to her.

the only way i see her not getting death is if some of the jurors think she's worth saving----kind of an intangible mitigator, because none of the ones listed by the DT even count, IMO. they couldn't even come up with good reasons to save her.
like, if her mother is so non-supportive and so abusive, why is she THERE every single day? she's a good artist? really? she COPIES. she 'wants to improve herself?' how? by killing another human being in cold blood? by never being serious about working towards anything in her life, except snagging a man? she has a clean record? well, starting with the burglary of her grandparents' home, i'd say that's not true. she's a good friend? well, this 'friend' who's going to testify for her hasn't even seen her in 7 seven years. some friend. and wasn't JA supposed to be TA's friend??? yeah, she's a GREAT friend! and dumb darryl is the guy she left holding the bag for a house they bought together, after she dumped him for her new guy. so she was a SUPER good friend to him too!

so if the jurors really go by these mitigators they've been presented with, they won't find any of them worthy of sparing her from the DP. IMO, the only way that happens is if someone just FEELS like she deserves to live.
She accomplished getting a more professional wardrobe, a new hair color and a couple really handsome guys up in front by her yesterday who she was giggling with. Wonder how JA felt about that considering HER adorable look in court yesterday.

She also accomplished disrespecting the court with her circus performer attire for this entire trial.
the only way i see her not getting death is if some of the jurors think she's worth saving----kind of an intangible mitigator, because none of the ones listed by the DT even count, IMO. they couldn't even come up with good reasons to save her.
like, if her mother is so non-supportive and so abusive, why is she THERE every single day? she's a good artist? really? she COPIES. she 'wants to improve herself?' how? by killing another human being in cold blood? by never being serious about working towards anything in her life, except snagging a man? she has a clean record? well, starting with the burglary of her grandparents' home, i'd say that's not true. she's a good friend? well, this 'friend' who's going to testify for her hasn't even seen her in 7 seven years. some friend. and wasn't JA supposed to be TA's friend??? yeah, she's a GREAT friend! and dumb darryl is the guy she left holding the bag for a house they bought together, after she dumped him for her new guy. so she was a SUPER good friend to him too!

so if the jurors really go by these mitigators they've been presented with, they won't find any of them worthy of sparing her from the DP. IMO, the only way that happens is if someone just FEELS like she deserves to live.

Agreed...or if when it comes time to actually sentance her to death one of them just simply cannot do it..this is my fear...they can be death qualified as it gets, but to actually do it may be a different animal for one of them and that is all it takes...:twocents:
When you get really close up it doesn't look like anything in particular.

I agree. Plus who knows who had that cell before JA. She was moved there after her interview. :floorlaugh: That sure did backfire.
I have to believe that true justice will be served. Sure there is a chance at everything but hopefully she is going down. Down to that little cement cell for the duration of her time until they wheel her in and put her out of her misery.

During the trial, I wasn't sure and I was worried there might be one holdout that bought her abuse story. After the guilty verdict, I think they all already have their minds made up on the DP. I imagine it would be hard not to think Jodi was guilty of such a cruel premeditated murder and be OK with giving the DP and then give her LWOP. I think it's such an easy decision, and she spent 18 days making it.

I'm not for the DP and I think we should outlaw it. I don't really see the point in the law doing what puts someone in there for and there is too much room for air in conviction. I would rather have convicts be made to spend their full life in solitary, much crueler. I have no problem with it for Jodi and a few special cases. There are a certain type of person that is just sociopathic and will never change. are our eyes... do you think from her appearance that is is finally becoming reality to JA? TYIA
I know what she did. But that was days ago, before she watched those victim impact statements. Perhaps she has had a change of heart. Still no snarky tweets, and she will be addressing a jury that she knows does not believe her abuse excuse. If she wants life like she has indicated to a "close source", it would be stupid to continue with her lies when she gives her statements. I still have a tiny bit of hope that she will drop the act on Monday, show remorse and ask for forgiveness.

And btw, she never claimed she had pictures of bruises, just that she *might* have and she blamed her lawyers for not doing a more extensive search of her HDD to uncover such examples. Just wanted to clear that up.

Sorry, not buying it. She's had 5 years to show some remorse and has not. Suddenly she's going to find some in 9 short days after hearing his family speak? Come on. Steven and Samantha touched all of us, but Jodi is a different kind of human.
Agreed...or if when it comes time to actually sentance her to death one of them just simply cannot do it..this is my fear...they can be death qualified as it gets, but to actually do it may be a different animal for one of them and that is all it takes...:twocents:

well, she's about the least sympathetic defendant i've ever seen in my life, so i'm not worried about it. plus, i was done caring after her conviction. she's never getting out of prison either way. she'll die there. that's what i wanted so i'm fine with what they decide.
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