SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

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This is a death qualified jury. They've all been interviewed extensively if they could sentence a woman to death.

Arias has no real mitigators. They're already loudly unanimous in the DP box. To jump back out of that box to LWOP there would have to be serious mitigation to pull them out. Her own family isn't trying to save her life.

They are going to stay right where they've landed as one- Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes for the DP.

I hope so. I can't stand the TH's on HLN talking about the jurors might feel this, might feel that, might not be able to death - well, I'm thinking like you are that they are death-qualified so there should be no question about their own feelings regarding the death penalty. I think that they will do exactly like they have done thus far - and read the jury instructions carefully and analyze it objectively. It seems pretty clear to me that the aggravating factors in this case outweigh the mitigating factors....and just by common sense it is clear that there is no "justification" for the extreme nature/cruelty of the crime.

Why would the jury all say they COULD vote for death, and then yet at the very end think, oh no actually I feel sorry 'cause she's a woman? Or, I can do it, oh but except for "younger" people. I don't think this jury will do that.
well, she's about the least sympathetic defendant i've ever seen in my life, so i'm not worried about it. plus, i was done caring after her conviction. she's never getting out of prison either way. she'll die there. that's what i wanted so i'm fine with what they decide.

Same here...but the family wants the DP so I want them to get reality, they will then have to deal with the aftermath as does our KCL..
I don't think Jodi had a change of heart. After all she heard variations of how much Travis meant to his family and friends at his memorial. I saw video of one of his sisters speaking. She was there. She still lied to the police, to the media and then dragged him in court. This was not the first time she was confronted with their grief and the first time around after hearing TA's siblings speak, when their grief was still raw, Jodi Arias tried to pick someone up on the flight back home. I very much doubt she had a change of heart yesterday.
I can see why Patti Womack would want to keep her face off-camera.


Maricopa County doesn't pay as much as ABC.

yea, I dont understand AT ALL why she doesnt want her face shown, as I told someone it shows the lack of credibility. And WTF - Darryl testifies and doesnt want his face shown, but NOW he doesnt mind :headscratcher:

Again, the defense is stalling as much as they possibly can. I mean, really, why even bother to play her game anymore if they are going to try to withdraw as her attorneys after the verdict is read? Why dont they just look at her and say - "Enough is enough, you have stalled for 5 years, suck it up and put your big girl panties on and deal with what they give you"

Ive just had enough of JA's circus. Im ready for Travis to be vindicated and her to be locked away for a lifetime, whether death or LWOP. She will be forgotten soon enough...

SPEAKING of which, I got a chuckle last night watching HLN. DD was on and then they went to commercial, they showed a clip of the Zimmerman trial starting June 10th(??) and I thought, see, by then this will be over and NO ONE will be talking about JA anymore. Thats the way it should be.

My message to Travis and his family:

Travis, may you now be able to rest in peace. Your name is cleared my friend, not that anyone believed it for a second anyway. I know you were there with your family yesterday in court, and they need you probably now more than ever. Please help them heal their wounds and remember you for the shining light of a person you were. Travis, you have touched many MANY people, and you will live on forever in their hearts. RIP my friend.

To the Alexander Family:

To see day after day what you all have gone through, is just heart wrenching. Im so very sorry for your loss. I pray for healing, and strength for all of your family and friends. I know Travis was with you all yesterday, and know that he is ALWAYS with you, listening and walking beside you. Remember him as he lived, larger than life, happy, smiling, and loving. Dont let his memory be what she tried to make of it. You have the world behind you in support.
I don't think Jodi had a change of heart. After all she heard variations of how much Travis meant to his family and friends at his memorial. I saw video of one of his sisters speaking. She was there. She still lied to the police, to the media and then dragged him in court. This was not the first time she was confronted with their grief and the first time around after hearing TA's siblings speak, when their grief was still raw, Jodi Arias tried to pick someone up on the flight back home. I very much doubt she had a change of heart yesterday.

I dont believe she will ever have a change of will always be Travis fault in that warped little mind of hers...jmo
When you get really close up it doesn't look like anything in particular.

Wow..i saw a crude drawing of an elaphant facing a tombstone..unless my mind is playing tricks on me.
Well, the Mitigation Specialist is supposed to look into JA's entire life, home, all family, all schools, all doctors, all friends, and anything else, to find out all about her. To find out if she was abused, if she suffers from any mental illness then or now, if she killed kittens or hugged them, if she had any friends, if she harmed friends or helped them, and the list goes on.

Then the Mitigation Specialist is to help the DT in preparing their mitigation procedure, speech, witness for JA, and what to bring to the juries attention. Since we are not finished with whatever will be said on behalf of JA, we don't know how much was found to be helpful. Even if not much was found, hours go into that work, she also has to endure hours with JA, lol.

I have no idea about the hours requested for pay, but she does get paid for her in Court hours too, I'm sure the hours had to be somehow itemized for the Judge's approval. (Side Note: The big cross could go, or at least be tucked inside though. Looks kind of 1980s Madonna Style, even if she means it as a religious symbol.)

Thanks 21merc7! I know what she's supposed to do. I just don't see her doing any of it. Sitting on her butt for 5 months in the courtroom doesn't seem very productive. I don't even see her taking notes.
Don't mind me while I :banghead:. I've run out of patience with this never ending trial and all the delays. If I were a juror I'd be spitting nails by now!! :facepalm:
Oh my god, the 2 pairs of glasses thing is killing me :floorlaugh:

I'll have to try it!!!!

OT...well actually it isn't cause this is the OT thread :lol:

I will be visiting london next week with my daughter and her friend, any Londoner's here who could give me some tips, and/or must see places??? :)

The Thames River cruise will cover lots of sights along the way, most enjoyable. Would also recommend a trip to St. Paul's Cathedral, in particular the "Whispering Gallery", the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge. Perhaps Hampton Court Palace or Shakespeare's Globe Theater. Not sure what your interests might be but these are a few that come to mind, stop at a pub for some food, fish - n- chips or kidney pie... enjoy !

Should add if Princess Di is to your liking - Kennsington Palace.
Jodi was crying to appear human.
She is evil. The crying was for the jury: "Look at me shedding tears for the poor siblings of the man whos life I HAD to take away"

This is the woman that stood there at his memorial and heard everyone of his friends speak and cry for Travis, knowing SHE was the one who had brutally murdered him.

Yeah, a woman on HLN last night said it's like she's watching a movie. It's like she doens't even know SHE is actually the real villian. I just don't get it. The lady said it's like you go to a movie and cry, but then when you leave u forget about it because it was just a movie. Except I don't think Jodi does it in the sense that she is mental, she does it as part of an act. The reality is that she doesn't care, but when she gets into the movie theater and everyone else is crying, she feels like she should cry to. But the actual core of feeling bad about any of this isn't there.
I hope so. I can't stand the TH's on HLN talking about the jurors might feel this, might feel that, might not be able to death - well, I'm thinking like you are that they are death-qualified so there should be no question about their own feelings regarding the death penalty. I think that they will do exactly like they have done thus far - and read the jury instructions carefully and analyze it objectively. It seems pretty clear to me that the aggravating factors in this case outweigh the mitigating factors....and just by common sense it is clear that there is no "justification" for the extreme nature/cruelty of the crime.

Why would the jury all say they COULD vote for death, and then yet at the very end think, oh no actually I feel sorry 'cause she's a woman? Or, I can do it, oh but except for "younger" people. I don't think this jury will do that.

I had a rare opportunity to speak w Juan Martinez the last day of closings and he said he thought he didn't do as well the second day as the first. My jaw dropped and said "are you kidding me? I had a room full of people in tears today over your closing" and suggested maybe it was cuz Nurmi was so terrible. He then said "well he's not a great orator" to which I responded "it was like watching a gnat up against a bull" which is exactly how I feel re this mitigation.

The likes of those VI statements against a Jodi Arias art show? I just wanna see the looks on their faces, ESP my new fave Trump and someone's gonna have a "b$:(/, please" look. Mark my words. She's going to death row. To me it's a no brainier. I heard their loud and proud "yes's" and saw their faces. They're ready to tie it up. IMO of course.
:seeya: Good Morning !

Does anyone know the real reason why court was cancelled yesterday afternoon ?

Did the :dramaqueen: "wig out" ... or was it because of her mitigation witnesses ?

Sure would like to know !

TGIF !!!
Myself I do not think this will happen, those jurors were cying yesterday.

They want to see her hang too.

I believe you.....and if they are feeling any thing like juror #8 felt, they wont

want to let the Alexander family down...MOO
Thinking a lot about what's her name's (not sure what to call her, lol) crying in court yesterday. After lot's of thought, it's her chameleon behavior, her mimicking that we all saw. She is what ever she thinks someone wants her to be. She is no longer surrounded by her jailhouse admirers egging her on. She needs now only to go by instincts and her instinct is to morph. Courtroom crying so she cries, she has no other cues to go by at this point. Tears real, but not felt. It truly seemed to me like she was on the outside looking in, she was not the person sitting at that table. She was just part of the gallery.

I agree that she was at a loss for cues, especially since she could not play secretary and doodle. But I think she cried because she sees herself as equally much a victim as Travis' family. If only Travis hadn't made her kill him! How could he have made his family suffer like this! How could he have made her be here, facing death, when all she ever wanted to do was to be his loving wife!
On facebook today, a friend posted about 5 "Support Travis Alexander's Family" posts and posted to pray for Juan to be successful, and I'm thinking, "Yay! Somebody besides me cares about this." Then the very next post from her was a forward of some guy saying he'd begin fighting immediately after the trial to free Jodi because she's such an abuse victim, and my friend appended a post all about how railroaded Jodi has been and that the jurors are bums and liars. What?????? :banghead: (I really need to figure out why it bothers me so much, since it doesn't affect anything.)
the only way i see her not getting death is if some of the jurors think she's worth saving----kind of an intangible mitigator, because none of the ones listed by the DT even count, IMO. they couldn't even come up with good reasons to save her.
like, if her mother is so non-supportive and so abusive, why is she THERE every single day? she's a good artist? really? she COPIES. she 'wants to improve herself?' how? by killing another human being in cold blood? by never being serious about working towards anything in her life, except snagging a man? she has a clean record? well, starting with the burglary of her grandparents' home, i'd say that's not true. she's a good friend? well, this 'friend' who's going to testify for her hasn't even seen her in 7 seven years. some friend. and wasn't JA supposed to be TA's friend??? yeah, she's a GREAT friend! and dumb darryl is the guy she left holding the bag for a house they bought together, after she dumped him for her new guy. so she was a SUPER good friend to him too!

so if the jurors really go by these mitigators they've been presented with, they won't find any of them worthy of sparing her from the DP. IMO, the only way that happens is if someone just FEELS like she deserves to live.

I think if she doesn't get the death penalty it will be because the jurors realize she belongs in a state mental institution for the remainder of her life.
On facebook today, a friend posted about 5 "Support Travis Alexander's Family" posts and posted to pray for Juan to be successful, and I'm thinking, "Yay! Somebody besides me cares about this." Then the very next post from her was a forward of some guy saying he'd begin fighting immediately after the trial to free Jodi because she's such an abuse victim, and my friend appended a post all about how railroaded Jodi has been and that the jurors are bums and liars. What?????? :banghead: (I really need to figure out why it bothers me so much, since it doesn't affect anything.)

Maybe it bothers you b/c JA was not a victim of abuse. The only thing she is a victim of is her own imagination. She imagined her sexual control over Travis as a path to marriage. She imagined it all. He was just having sex with her while scoping out potential wives that did not include her. She imagined she loved him. She imagined he tarnished her image. She imagined that slaughter and made it happen.
i was watching HLN last night and got super disturbed. i enjoy entertainment and have really gotten into this trial. but i'm starting to get turned off by the people on that network. they were doing the show 'after dark' and they were talking about her mitigating factors and her art. i really got creeped out by the way they were mocking her art. taken by it'self, okay yeah she does trace and some of her stuff is amateurish.

i think the fact that she's most likely going to the death chambers and people are almost gleeful about hating her and making fun of her. it reminds me of the days when people would go out to cheer on hangings and beheadings. kind of barbarian.

i think this chick is super disturbed and malicious and dangerous. i don't like her at all. but the behaviour of some of the tv people really disturb the heck out of me. this isn't a bloody carnival (although some would say the trial is a circus), still, a man was killed in a brutal fashion and a really screwed up person will most likely be put to death for this. why are they having such a party on HLN????
:seeya: Good Morning !

Does anyone know the real reason why court was cancelled yesterday afternoon ?

Did the :dramaqueen: "wig out" ... or was it because of her mitigation witnesses ?

Sure would like to know !

TGIF !!!

No answers yet that I know of, and I've been looking for them., including in court minutes.
The best speculation I've heard came from BK last night...that the State may have been objecting to elements of DT's mitigation witness statements, and demanding to hear full proffers, which would take time.
On facebook today, a friend posted about 5 "Support Travis Alexander's Family" posts and posted to pray for Juan to be successful, and I'm thinking, "Yay! Somebody besides me cares about this." Then the very next post from her was a forward of some guy saying he'd begin fighting immediately after the trial to free Jodi because she's such an abuse victim, and my friend appended a post all about how railroaded Jodi has been and that the jurors are bums and liars. What?????? :banghead: (I really need to figure out why it bothers me so much, since it doesn't affect anything.)

After a trial is over, the nuts get nuttier. It will last for about 2 weeks then they die down.
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