SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

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I hear ya. I just remind myself that in 5 years, she'll be but a mere memory.
Somehow I believe that every opportunity she gets, she will take it and more interviews.
She will keep herself in the spotlight forever.

Since the is the sidebar, i'm gonna awkwardly segue...
I don't believe that for most people dietary cholesterol effects blood cholesterol.
The science is not there.

My wife and I concur. I've had serious discussions with my GP about it on those very grounds; she acknowledged that there is a problem with any substantive link.
:seeya: Is this where all the CMja trial watchers went after the last penalty phase thread closed? :confused:
THanks! She didn't seem drugged to me, but what do I know. I just had no idea of what could and could not be done, and this makes a lot of sense -- it would obviously need to be under some kind of doctor's order.

Was going to comment on the "lithium"........yep, she would have been nodding out. There's a term for it in the psych wards, the "Lithium Shuffle". I'm beginning to sound like an encyclopedia of "What Happens When You Hook Up With Not So Normal Husbands". Yuck! 2nd ex was bipolar, paranoid schizophrenia with psychosis. He was on lithium for a while. He was also very scary when he went psychotic on an annual basis.

CMJA just might have had a bad couple of days being all by adoring fans and all.
I had to guard a koala from the dog today, but it ran up a tree before I could tame it and keep it .. I'm still hoping one drops a baby near me one day so I can raise it .. So. Want. One!

Bad doggy! Tell that doggy that koala bears are not twinkies! They are real live furry fluffs of adorable! Glad you were able to guard one from the dog today! I didn't realize you could tame one and keep one as a pet! Now I want one!
I had to guard a koala from the dog today, but it ran up a tree before I could tame it and keep it .. I'm still hoping one drops a baby near me one day so I can raise it .. So. Want. One!

You had to guard a koala from "the dog" ? You want a baby koala I'm guessing but I must know what kind of dog you have...
I am so disgusted what when on today.

Steven and Samantha pleading to get this behind them and to
return to their normal lives. They cannot take much more.
Having to see their wonderful brother slashed and butchered

They have been there everyday for four months, enough is enough.

So once again the killer gets her own way again.
She did not shower and had greasy hair.
She did not want ex Darryl seeing her that way.

So basically the impact statements are put on the backburner.

She should not be getting her own way, she is convicted for 1st
degree murder.

Who is the person of authority here, the killer, it seems that way.
Very sad.

That is why I call her prisoner #2013 I know that's not her assigned number so I made one up because I don't think she deserves her birth name anymore. She is not a name she's a number in my eyes. The Alexander family continues to suffering more than they should and that is not right.
Somehow I believe that every opportunity she gets, she will take it and more interviews.
She will keep herself in the spotlight forever.


Will Perryville allow her to continue with interviews??
The best pizza I ever had was in NY when I was a little kid. I still remember how good it was. The cheese stretched forever. The crust was crunchy. I never had anything close until we ran into a guy who had a small business in S. Fl. it was sooo good. Then he went out of business, I haven't been able to find anything close since.

Yup. Best Pizza in the world to me was in Brooklyn NY at a place called "Baldo's Pizzeria". OMG. He had a brick oven and it was a small hole in the wall place that you had to know was there. He sold pizza by the slice or a whole pie. You could get regular or square sicilian style.

And in NY, a large pie is a LARGE pie. You need 2 hands to hold a slice or it would bend over to the table. The sauce is a perfect blend of just the right amount of spices where it is not too spicey , but not too tomatoey. And the cheese was perfect amount, again not too much or not too little. It would ooze off the slice if you werent careful. Oh, and the crust....OMG, it had the perfect browness on bottom with a dusting of some sort of powdery stuff that gave the perfect flavor to the crust.

PIZZA HEAVEN AT BALDOS. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I hope this doesn't mean that we cannot discuss any of the points I made in an earlier post (that can be BBM and replied to):

Just some thoughts of my own here after today:

*I wonder if anyone has ever seen CMA (convicted murderer Arias) - I adopted this from another poster here "gauntlet"...I wonder if anyone in her family or friends ever saw "real tears with emotion"? Any evidence of that yet? No.

*Notice, CMA was wearing the same ponytail behind her head today that she wore during the guilt phase of this trial? I did and I know the jurors remember.

*Remember hearing Samantha say today that Travis visited her in Late May 2008 in Southern Cal? Travis insisted that they have their picture taken together. LATE MAY 2008 - Think about that.....

*The jurors know how all the delays are affecting their own lives. After today, they know the constant delays by the DT is affecting the Alexander's lives, too.

*Did Juan Martinez know that the 2 witnesses for the DT were going to be speaking today? Did the State have enough time to look into these 2 individuals ahead of time?

*Man, when Steven talked today about having nightmares about someone coming at him with a KNIFE and then waking his kids and wife to make sure they were still alive".....That was it !!! That was it.....

*How about the DT claiming that one of the mitigating factors for CMA was "She Had No Support From Her Family":

#1 - Didn't CMA live with her grandparents in between her "road-trips"? Are they not family? Do you not think that her parents didn't give some monies to grandparents to help?

#2 - Didn't Mom and Grandma attend court?

#3 - Didn't Mom visit CMA in jail everyday?

#4 - Didn't Mom try to help CMA move from Mesa to Yreka?

#5 - Didn't Father try to discipline CMA and that is when she moved in with Bobby Juarez?

I've got more but will stop for right now.....[/QUOTE

in the interrogation tapes, her dad said she called and was always out of money. i got the impression her mom and dad gave her money often
I'd like to see Jodi show up in court with her hair in braids!
They are like air puffed chips that taste like pork. They're crunchy. I think they are gross!!

Okay...since we are talking about pork. It's not fair that you guys have "Pork Roll" in NJ, but I can't buy it down here. My grandma used to make me Pork Roll sandwiches for lunch during summer vacation and I loved them! YUM...Pork Roll. I could eat the whole pack!

I moved to NJ just a few years ago from San Diego and was immediately introduced to pork roll (Taylor Ham). I'm in a constant battle to keep my weight under 190 so it's not something I indulge in regularly, but it's good stuff. A stack of pork roll slices cooked until just crisp on the edges, with melted cheese on a hard roll is a wonderful thing.

Of course it's next to impossible to get abalone here, so there's tradeoffs.
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