SIDEBAR #35 - Arias/Alexander forum

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I take too long to do a post - or to read through them :blushing:

Thank You - YESorNO
I did not quote the post but I'm referencing the longer one up thread #876

What a lovely post - you always find the best attachments/pictures/links/I'mnotsurewhatyoucallthem but they are good.

I totally understand about not thinking you're a good enough or a real artist.
But my experience was the opposite - I can take my vision and put it on paper, I can create landscapes, people, places that don't exist.
But I do that as a cop out (or so I feel) because I do not do well (or so I think) with real faces/portraits, still life etc.
So I feel that I'm not the real artist as one should be.

What helped me get over that is an art instructor from the local art league told me if you wanted your piece to look that real, take a picture.
That's what photography is for. You are creating your own version of that object (be it from a picture, still life, etc....)
Nowadays artwork can be considered practically anything - as long as the creator thinks so, then shall it be.

Was the laundry lint and cow poo for ceramics?
I've seen (book and film strip) the firing of ceramics done that way, and it creates a very interesting finish or markings.

Oh well, by the time I'm done with this post it will be obsolete and off topic :blushing:
Laundry lint art:


Two different techniques - got cha.

I thought they were mixed together :giggle:

Learn something new everyday - should of saved all the leftovers in our yard from our dog.
Could of made a fortune. She was a big dog. :hilarious:

Bernina you could make some life size statues with baby Zuri's and co. stuff :floorlaugh:

Thanks for the info Bernina :loveyou:
I went for a nice hike and was thinking about our art discussion earlier.

It occurred to me that trying to figure out how a work of art was created can be a wonderful expedition in sleuthing. Have any of you seen this movie? It's amazing.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone earlier. I know a bit about drawing and portraits, and even about pencils. My criticism is not coming from spite or envy or meanness. I don't like dishonesty, and the combination of this lying murderer and her murderbilia business just bugs me.
I think she traces.

(animated .gif may not display properly on Tapatalk)

I also think she traces a lot of her "art".

Her skill set of artistry is that of early high school. I took art in high school and what was taught specifically in the 9th grade was:
How to draw eyes (how to shade the lids, iris, pupil, lashes..etc)
How to draw showing the light source (shadows, highlights proper placement)
Still life drawings (fruit, objects..etc. goes with learning how to show the light source direction)
You learn to draw shapes and shading (cylinders, cubes, balls..etc.)
You learn to work with different mediums, water color, oil pastels, graphite pencils..etc.

In my class, we took photos out of magazines and drew the people's whole faces, or just their eyes..etc. I remember I drew a woman from a make up ad and I also drew Sean Lennon.
We also had to pick pictures out of magazines to paint with water colors, and also oil pastels.

We weren't allowed to trace the images, we had to make them either larger or smaller than the original image.

My point is...looking at her drawings, it's basic art class lessons that she just keeps repeating from her art class she took before she dropped out of high school. I think her skills are average at best. Her paintings certainly aren't worth thousands. It's an insult to real artists for her to ask that much for her silly tracings.

Sounds like you don't procrastinate Yes/No. I am not in the Holiday mood this year, so I am giving money. First time in my life I have been this way. I will get some gift bags and put some items in them such as chapstick, chips, gummy bears, stickers - that kind of stuff for the little kids in addition to the money. Last year even thought I bought presents, I made goody bags for the kids and they loved it. I think they like the potato chips the best!!!

BBM My sons always like those stocking stuffers when they were little and I always enjoyed seeking out things to make them. I remember one Christmas I found a little bag of coal that I put in my younger sons stocking (he must have been maybe 6 years old or so) and when he emptied his stocking (we open them first) and found the coal, my older son (who was 26 or so at the time) told my younger son that he must have been bad because Santa left that for him instead of presents. He started to cry :anguish:- poor thing. :facepalm: (I shouldn't laugh :( bad mommy , but it's funny now).:floorlaugh:

I'm so sad that you are not in the mood for Christmas- it's such a magical time- especially for children. :therethere:
Aha! I've wondered too! Just figured it out...

It's [ s ] strikethrough [ /s ]

Let me see if I can do that correctly.

[ s ] Voluminous [/s ]

Hope this works

I'm doing something wrong??? It doesn't want to work for me. :(

Let me try it again:


I did it!!! :confetti:

Thank-you :gthanks:- now I have to somehow remember how to do it. :eek:

I learn so many things on WS. :)
I'm just going to mention this once................I hope. (because it chaps my hide)

CMJA traces and smudges the pencil in the images she copies.

She's not using grids.

She's tracing 1:1. Although I'd call her work a clone. We all know what a clone is now, lol!

Yes, Maria is probably bringing her the art supplies because there's no way Joe would let her have any of that stuff in her cell. (maybe that's why Nurmi doesn't want her on camera) That's probably where she used the Spirograph to make one of her pics.

Someone MAY be sprucing up her shading, light and dark planes. Who knows, and who really cares?

For all of us who took art, in Grade School, High School, or Institutes of Higher Learning, CMJA's work lacks.............a...........lot, specially when you slap those $$$$$ on them. CMJA is a rip off artist. A plagiarist. A glorified "color inside the lines" coloring book scribbler. And a convicted murderer <-----That's the biggest flaw in her so called artistic talent.

She's sub par to John Wayne Gacy: at least HE painted what he imagined, he didn't copy. Heck, Charles Manson does "better" art.

But none of them are noticed in the accepted Art World because it's just obscene, foul, and vile. Compare her Snow White with her self portrait: one is free hand, the other is tracing. Without something to trace, she's laughable.

I just can't give credence to anyone who's mind delights in murder, wants to claim they have creative talent, and profits from their notoriety.&#8203;

I wish someone would just shut her "Scribbles by CMJA" down.

Yep, I'm annoyed (to put it mildly) that she has money coming in when the tax payers are footing her court/legal/and living expenses. I would hope a reporter would take it upon themselves to investigate just how CMJA is doing this, who is helping her, and what the originators of the photos and ads she's copied think, or plan on doing about her blatant plagiarism.

In no way am I judging or trying to offend anyone else's artistic ability.

Let's just call it what it is..................CMJA's scribbles are dog doo doo.:facepalm:
My handwriting is not as neat and exact as JA's either.

Also haven't got oodles of time on my hands. If I were to get paid for my time on this it would go for about $30.
I went for a nice hike and was thinking about our art discussion earlier.

It occurred to me that trying to figure out how a work of art was created can be a wonderful expedition in sleuthing. Have any of you seen this movie? It's amazing.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone earlier. I know a bit about drawing and portraits, and even about pencils. My criticism is not coming from spite or envy or meanness. I don't like dishonesty, and the combination of this lying murderer and her murderbilia business just bugs me.

No offense taken daisydomino - and I did not want to come across as a "supporter" and did not want to offend anyone as well.
My questions were pure curiosity on how this "tracing" could be done because of her limited (or should be limited resources).
I hope you know I was not questioning your methods with that example you did - that was a great layover technique.
They could give her a low quality paper that's thin enough to trace? It really does not matter. I agree her muderbilia business bugs me too.

I don't understand, kill someone and get the red carpet rolled out. Lie about it and a silver platter is handed to you.
Decent folk work hard their whole lives and get the carpet pulled out from underneath them and the platter knocked out of their hands.
At least at the end of the day an honest person can sleep with a clean conscious and not worry about karma whipping up from behind.
And when all is said and done, at the end of their life honest or not, justice will take over.

I never saw that movie, but the trailer sure made it seem interesting - Is it online somewhere?
Cow poop art:



By Chris Ofili.
Hi Bernina, see anything for dogpoop? I've got 4 of 'em!:laughing: Seriously I appreciate all you do for us. Other ladies too. I have been sick on and off for weeks so trying to catch up some. All the women do such a fantastic job. I could never do it I am too slow..take care. :seeya:
I think Christine has written a very good article about all this mess with *advertiser censored*/computers and "prosecutorial misconduct":

Jodi Arias trial: Porngate continues, Maria de la Rosa takes center stage

"...Juan Martinez made it abundantly clear that, despite the lack of evidence shown to support the allegations against him, he was not going to take such a serious allegation sitting down. When he closed, he turned the tables calling into question the potential cases of misconduct sitting right at the defense table. As Jenn Wood @TrialDiariesJ from Trial Diaries reporting from inside the courtroom tweeted,

"Juan -- This Mitigation Specialist that goes by cougarluscious has leaked info to Michael Kiefer and others constantly through out this case."..."
Bernina -

Now, tell us what you really think :floorlaugh:
btw - great post.

daisydomino -
If that is your work :clap: very well done!

I am against a prisoner making excess money unless they are donating it, or paying it back somehow.
I really do not think it's fair that they can profit for themselves.
No offense taken daisydomino - and I did not want to come across as a "supporter" and did not want to offend anyone as well.
My questions were pure curiosity on how this "tracing" could be done because of her limited (or should be limited resources).
I hope you know I was not questioning your methods with that example you did - that was a great layover technique.
They could give her a low quality paper that's thin enough to trace? It really does not matter. I agree her muderbilia business bugs me too.

I don't understand, kill someone and get the red carpet rolled out. Lie about it and a silver platter is handed to you.
Decent folk work hard their whole lives and get the carpet pulled out from underneath them and the platter knocked out of their hands.
At least at the end of the day an honest person can sleep with a clean conscious and not worry about karma whipping up from behind.
And when all is said and done, at the end of their life honest or not, justice will take over.

I never saw that movie, but the trailer sure made it seem interesting - Is it online somewhere?

Oh good! I think it's great to be able to share opinions and discuss topics without getting flamed. I'm glad we had the discussion and I got a lot out of it. And I found out that tracing isn't as easy as I thought it would be!

BBM: Yes! You can rent this movie on iTunes or rent and stream it from in the US. Just search for the title, "Tim's Vermeer."
No offense taken daisydomino - and I did not want to come across as a "supporter" and did not want to offend anyone as well.
My questions were pure curiosity on how this "tracing" could be done because of her limited (or should be limited resources).
I hope you know I was not questioning your methods with that example you did - that was a great layover technique.
They could give her a low quality paper that's thin enough to trace? It really does not matter. I agree her muderbilia business bugs me too.

I don't understand, kill someone and get the red carpet rolled out. Lie about it and a silver platter is handed to you.
Decent folk work hard their whole lives and get the carpet pulled out from underneath them and the platter knocked out of their hands.
At least at the end of the day an honest person can sleep with a clean conscious and not worry about karma whipping up from behind.
And when all is said and done, at the end of their life honest or not, justice will take over.

I never saw that movie, but the trailer sure made it seem interesting - Is it online somewhere?

I was also interested in that movie and found this article:

Reverse-Engineering a Genius (Has a Vermeer Mystery Been Solved?)

"David Hockney and others have speculated&#8212;controversially&#8212;that a camera obscura could have helped the Dutch painter Vermeer achieve his photo-realistic effects in the 1600s. But no one understood exactly how such a device might actually have been used to paint masterpieces. An inventor in Texas&#8212;the subject of a new documentary by the magicians Penn & Teller&#8212;may have solved the riddle....

&#8220;One of the things I learned about the world of art,&#8221; Teller says, &#8220;is there are people who really want to believe in magic, that artists are supernatural beings&#8212;there was some guy who could walk up and do that. But art is work like anything else&#8212;concentration, physical pain. Part of the subject of this movie is that a great work of art should seem to have magically sprung like a miracle on the wall. But to get that miracle is an enormous, aggravating pain.&#8221; To see Vermeer as &#8220;a god&#8221; makes him &#8220;a discouraging bore,&#8221; Teller goes on. But if you think of him as a genius artist and an inventor, he becomes a hero: &#8220;Now he can inspire.&#8221;..."

And a review on the movie:

I found a blue-ray DVD and an Italian edition of it on Amazon:

And these websites to buy a regular DVD:

But I think that the library might possible have a copy. I don't think I want to buy a DVD, but I may look into borrowing it from the library if it's available.
My handwriting is not as neat and exact as JA's either.

Also haven't got oodles of time on my hands. If I were to get paid for my time on this it would go for about $30.

That's a wonderful drawing. I think it's very good.
I am soooooo envious! You all have amazing talent. I have none. :(
But at least I can enjoy what you all have. :)
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