SIDEBAR #39 - Arias/Alexander forum

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What little remorse she tries to portray, is overridden with jabs to the Alexanders throughout the letter.
Did she actually think this letter would help her in anyway? Did she actually think
that she could give the Alexanders a reasonable doubt about her actions?
She is a very sick, twisted, vile. She is just plain psycho.
This is outrageous to me- that she would lie and say this (she doesn't even believe what she is saying): :stormingmad:

"At the end of the day I have to give it all to God. God is fair and just. And regardless of what the world believes, I am so grateful that it
is ultimately His opinion that counts."

What- she doesn't know "Thou shall not kill"???? "His opinion" What does she think God's opinion will be? She knows she murdered Travis! :stormingmad:

And to write this "letter" to Travis' family after she murdered him! She. really. is. a. psychopath!:stormingmad:
Having read that abomination, I just reversed everything she wrote about Travis. She was so filled with jealous anger and was not about to let him go. IMO, they did talk about the future of kids and marriage. He probably said "Marry Me" after really great sex. He had no idea of the monster she still is. This letter is such a "tell". OMG. How horrendous....
The level of her psychopathy is mind blowing. She justified all of her actions. Every. One. Of. Them.
I am speechless.

I'll call your "speechless" and up you "I want to hurl".

What the :censored: is this piece of :censored: trying to prove? What a :censored: :censored:!

The depths that :censored: CMJA will go to to just rub it in your face...................

The hell the Alexander's have had to endure. It's :censored: sick. CMJA is :censored: sick.

Give her the needle. She's not fit to breath.
I printed the letter but am almost afraid to read it before I go to bed. Debating whether to wait until morning. It must be even worse than I imagined from the snippets we have seen. I hope with all my heart that there isn't one juror with the least bit of doubt after this letter is finished.

I want to see her grovel ..... and even when the sentence "Death" is pronounced, she will act smug and righteous. JMO

Thank you to everyone for getting the letter on here.
This letter is Jodi Arias' death warrant. Even the reluctant juror will be pushed to the side of voting death now seeing the complete, COMPLETE, lack of remorse and the true Jodi Arias. She can take the stand or not. Jen can do two more weeks of redirect with Geffner. It wont matter. The reaction to this is visceral, much like the autopsy photos and the victim impact statements. It is an overwhelming feeling that reaches right into your soul. You know reading this it is from someone purely EVIL. Nothing can mitigate THIS.

This is over. In the words of Detective Flores in the interrogation

"This is absolutely over Jodi".

God bless the Alexanders. Their grace under fire is the most humbling thing any of us have ever seen.
It was just published on BK's site, in the murderer's hand writing.

Hell has a special place for CMJA.
That letter is the most offensive thing I think I have ever read. I filled up with tears reading her barefaced lies to his family. The smearing and damaging of Travis' name has gone on from day 1. CMJA really has no shame. How does anyone write that to the grieving family of the man she has just brutally slaughtered? I can't imagine how his family felt having to read that utter garbage, knowing she was spewing out lies, blackening their beloved Travis' name, making HERSELF the most important one through a rambling, twisted tale of lies. How DARE she! HOW DARE SHE? I'm so completely and totally broken hearted after reading this. I cannot even begin to understand what impact this had on his family. I don't know how they have coped with nearly 7 years of this despicable trashing of their beautiful brother. Travis, I believe that Juan and Steve have your back. I hope the jury are seeing through these lies. On principle I've been against the death penalty for as long as I can remember, but thanks to CMJA, for the first time in my life not only do I want her to receive the death penalty but I want it carried out as soon as possible. I have no more words left. Rest in peace Travis x
It was just published on BK's site, in the murderer's hand writing.

Hell has a special place for CMJA.

Do tell.... what is her handwriting like throught this lengthy tale? All neat and tidy, or does she ever get sloppy like I would if I wrote while upset or for a great length of time.
Calling it a day, feel like I've been slimed by something vile and disgusting.

Catch you kids tomorrow. My heart is heavy..........just sick, sick, sick.
Good night, Bernina. Thank you for everything you do here, and your kind heart.
Boy, this chick is alllll kinds of delusional. imo.

*i couldn't even read it all...
Do tell.... what is her handwriting like throught this lengthy tale? All neat and tidy, or does she ever get sloppy like I would if I wrote while upset or for a great length of time.

I read the transcript, not the handwritten one. If someone doesn't read the hand written one this evening, I'll get on it tomorrow.
Still can't see it :(

I had to click on the black square to get the Adobe Reader permission to open it, then click on the purple title at the top of the page and reopen the whole page, then it loaded for me. What a piece of work! She adamantly denies killing him and states she'll never serve a day in prison for a heinous crime she didn't commit!!!
I read the transcript, not the handwritten one. If someone doesn't read the hand written one this evening, I'll get on it tomorrow.

No problem. I was just curious. You don't have to do that.
CMJA was throwing shade at Deanna, IMO to throw suspicion her way and to sully her character. She was so jealous of her and anyone who Travis talked to that was female. She threw Sky Hughes under the bus too by quoting TA remark about her.

A psycho like CMJA is fascinating to watch, because we rarely get to see one in action. No wonder the DT is throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. She is HEINOUS.
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