SIDEBAR #44 - Arias/Alexander forum

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The Final Countdown (penalty retrial) (Feb 25)

Fact-based reporting by
Amanda Chen & Rob Roman


Paul Sanders Radio Archive Feb 2015
Paul Sanders talks about the Jodie Arias trial.

Original Jodi Arias arrest report

"The first report FOX 10 made on the Jodi Arias case, shortly after Jodi was arrested for Travis Alexander's murder in May of 2008."

PETERSON JURY: DEATH / THE JURORS: How they decided he should die

In Boston and Aurora, Jurors May Risk Mental Health for Justice


"...But what role does remorse really play in capital sentencing? We
divide this basic question in two. First, what makes jurors come to
believe a defendant is remorseful? Second, does a belief in the defendant's
remorse affect the jury's final judgment of life or death? ...

...our results indicate that jurors' beliefs about a defendant's remorse are strongly linked to
their impressions of his crime, especially the seriousness of the crime and the
nature of the defendant's involvement in the crime. Moreover, our
results show that one group ofjurors-white females-may be less disposed
to believe in the defendant's remorse than other jurors. We
also confirm the widespread conviction that remorse makes a difference
to the sentence a defendant receives-provided jurors do not
think the crime is too vicious."

The Weight of Capital Punishment on Jurors, Justices, Governors, & Executioners

James Holmes Trial: Death Penalty Would Only Feed Culture of Violence
Joey Jackson Esq. ‏@JoeyJacksonEsq 38m38 minutes ago
“@JanJanbeckett: @JoeyJacksonEsq WHEN WILL THE VERDIT COME BACK FOR JODI ARIAS DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”Looking like MONDAY!
Beth Karas, Jen Wood and Jarrett Seltzer discuss where everything stands during verdict watch on the Jodi Arias Trial!

Isn't life just an adventure?

Just glad I can find some humor in it now. You just have to hope that in some way, our travels *might* just help someone else at some point in our lives. That was parts of chapters 18-25, working on the end of Chapter 53 right now, lol! I look at my years of life as chapters, makes it soooooo much easier specially with all the footnotes to refer to a previous chapter. :thinking:

If I don't laugh, I'll sit here and say WT*, when is life gonna give me just a chilled out existence? Have to take it day by day. Today is OK, could have been better if some nimrod hadn't fenced off our easement last night. Can you believe that? 8:00 in the evening, I hear someone pounding t-posts into the ground. I'm thinking maybe the neighbor lost part of his fenceline to a 4 x 4 and didn't investigate it any further. This morning, neighbor calls and says 2 trucks were out with peeps fencing off the easement. Oh FGS!
My BF went and cut all the cable, and I'm just itching to get on the tractor and pull the t-posts out before this gets any nastier.
Damn foot. Tomorrow I just *may* get over there and get the deed done, Aircast or not. (BF has a tendency to destroy stuff when he's on the tractor)

Don't people have something better to do? Like have a nice day? Honestly, I'm ready to spit nails.

Cubbeegirl, you scored with those pics last year of Stevie, I envy you! Haven't seen them in concert for ages, but got to rub shoulders with Stevie back when she lived on Camelback Mountain.

BBM You better not! :eek:

Hatfield... :seeya:

I just read your posts about the camera and photos related to June 4, 2008. I agree with you that that entire day seems to have been one of weirdness. The photos are 'off' and strange. Travis did not look happy at all. His emotions in those photos range from annoyance to fear. I wish we could know what exactly went on that day. It's frustrating to realize that we never will. And, you're right that even if Arias were to tell us the truth someday that no one would believe her. I don't believe liars (unlike ALV and gang who make a living out of it---sorry, just had to add that bit in there!).

Get ready for a VERDICT of DEATH on Happy Monday y'all! :happydance:
Husbands and brothers can be so crazy. It must be men. Then you can end up with suicide wondering what you could have done.
I wonder if we are all here because of something in our lives.
I always liked Nore's line. Dear God, please give me a break.
I hope you all have a great evening.

BBM Life is a beautiful and precious thing

I would like to share a story and then I have a point at the end.

My sister, her husband, and little 2 year old daughter were in a horrible car accident, years ago, 1976. They were hit by a drunk driver who ran a stop sign onto a major road with speed limit of 75.
Everyone was hurt and hospitalized. My niece didn't make it. She was a little angel on earth. Always laughing and smiling, so tiny for her age and had the longest and most beautiful hair, for a 2 year old. Her hair was light brown but a golden color and way past her little back side, with the perfect little curl on the ends. My sister and I would talk about how she must have the hair for a reason. Little did we know at the time, the reason was, to put under the little bonnet she wore with her frilly little dress, laying in her casket. (they had to cute her hair, shave her little head for brain surgery.) My sister was in too bad of a shape to attend her funeral. My sister had a wonderful Mormon family from her church. They stayed by her side and prayed with her and help nurse her back to being healthy. I don't know if she would have recovered without them. To this day I think about their kindness and how they never said anything negative about the drunk driver that killed our little angel. As for me, my heart turned to stone, hate, revenge, torment, sadness, and all at the same time I was in so much pain and suffering. I was in such a bad place. My sister saved me. After some time had passed, I went to visit her and was going to stay a week with her. She seemed so different, so at peace. She talked about only positive things about her child. The good times. She would say, remember when Chrystal would come sit in your lap at the dinner table, and even though she had her own plate she wanted to share yours. Remember how she always wanted to help you do everything you were doing. Remember how she always wanted you to be the one to wash her hair. It was amazing and I couldn't understand how she did it. My heart was still stone. I had seen her crying in private at night, but the next day she was positive again. Then she lowered the boom on me. She knew I wasn't moving on too well, that I was suffering. She had been through more than I had, she was her mother. So, she sat me down and told me that I was letting hate, revenge and all the negative things control me. She told me that I needed to pray. (I had prayed and prayed but not in the right way) She told me, that I had to pray and ask for the ability to forgive the man that was drunk, and ran the stop sign and killed our little angel. Wow! That was so out of the question I thought at first. But, she lead me in prayer and I was serious and it was like a million pounds was lifted off my shoulders. If someone else had told me to do that, I wouldn't have believed them. We cried for hours. Then we both started only thinking of all the good precious memories. I realized what an amazing strong caring women my sister was. I hadn't known this before. My point of sharing this is, TA's family at some point will have to do this to move on with their lives. Having a hard hateful heart will ruin your life. I hope their Mormon family will help them and they will seek counseling, if they have to. MOO, the DP isn't going to help them. I know that is what they want, but in truth that isn't going to help them heal. I believe it will be worse because that will always be in their minds of if and when it would be carried out. It's just more negativity. I know they believe JA deserves it. I hope someday they will find peace otherwise JA will have taken more of their lives too. JMOO.
Husbands and brothers can be so crazy. It must be men. Then you can end up with suicide wondering what you could have done.
I wonder if we are all here because of something in our lives.
I always liked Nore's line. Dear God, please give me a break.
I hope you all have a great evening.

EM: I trust I wasn't the only person to note the irony of this statement being used in this particular sub forum..
To go with that gold/white or blue/black dress...


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Originally Posted by Charterhouse Husbands and brothers can be so crazy. It must be men. Then you can end up with suicide wondering what you could have done.
I wonder if we are all here because of something in our lives.
I always liked Nore's line. Dear God, please give me a break.

I hope you all have a great evening.

EM: I trust I wasn't the only person to note the irony of this statement being used in this particular sub forum..

Hmmmm......I wonder if the irony is that CMJA was *hoping* that's how the average juror would look at this case, when it was actually the reverse, and you have many REAL DV survivors that are all saying "Yeah, right, CMJA, you were abused, NOT."

*I still want to know what Mall CMJA got that pamphlet on pedophiles, LOL! She's living down there in Mesa, just shy of a year, and she doesn't give the name of the mall?!?!?!

mesa shopping centers.jpg

Maybe it was at Walmart Tire and Lube Express? :floorlaugh:

*Anyone else think CMJA's journals point to a very boring life? There's just no "substance".

*Why does everything now involving DB and CMJA seem so "normal" when there was that "alcohol" issue? Or CMJA's "nervous breakdown" and DB parks his truck behind her vehicle so she can't leave? How come DB walks away from this smelling like a rose all of a sudden while CMJA's DT continued to poke BJ and MM? What's with that weirdness? Don't even start about the pic of the "man bits".

*If CMJA had seen a trial within 2 years of her arrest, all the conspiracy theories wouldn't be there. Slam, Bam, Thank-you Mam. The Lunatic Fringe wants to see the entire case re-investigated..........because, you know, EVERYONE LIED, the EVIDENCE LIED, MORMONS LIED, ARIZONA LIED, the JUDICIAL SYSTEM LIED. Well, all of it was lies, except CMJA.

*Queue the "mothership" to beam CMJA up as the verdict is read because she's attained Sainthood Status.........:alien3:

Good Morning Everyone!
Are we all having Chili today or did we have it yesterday?
I am always dieting so I use a WW recipe that adds one Yellow (summer squash) and one Zucchini squash. I peel and shred them. They disappear into the chili and give you an extra vegetable for the day. Also shredding hides them from the kids.

I hope you all have a great Saturday. You know it will be better than JA.
Good Morning Everyone!
Are we all having Chili today or did we have it yesterday?
I am always dieting so I use a WW recipe that adds one Yellow (summer squash) and one Zucchini squash. I peel and shred them. They disappear into the chili and give you an extra vegetable for the day. Also shredding hides them from the kids.

I hope you all have a great Saturday. You know it will be better JA.

That sounds delicious.

Good afternoon all.
Good Morning Everyone!
Are we all having Chili today or did we have it yesterday?
I am always dieting so I use a WW recipe that adds one Yellow (summer squash) and one Zucchini squash. I peel and shred them. They disappear into the chili and give you an extra vegetable for the day. Also shredding hides them from the kids.

I hope you all have a great Saturday. You know it will be better than JA.

I haven't seen one single person say they add beer or a Hershey bar to their chili.........c'mon kids, whazzup with that? Lol!
I haven't seen one single person say they add beer or a Hershey bar to their chili.........c'mon kids, whazzup with that? Lol!

No kidding. I thought our Ohio contingent would have shown up with the cinnamon and chocolate laced recipes by now.
Skyline Chili, Cincinnati tradition. Chocolate in it. I lived back East for a while.
It is a little too spicy for me.
If you want a different tasting chili google Skyline Chili for recipe.
I personally recommend cooking it outside. Your house will smell like this chili for a week.
I haven't seen one single person say they add beer or a Hershey bar to their chili.........c'mon kids, whazzup with that? Lol!

Do you? :shame: Seems a waste of a good serving for that drink or dessert.
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