SIDEBAR #44 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Ok. So I've heard a couple of times that when CMJA was arrested that there was a gun and knives found in a car, and that she could have been heading off to kill someone else. But I can't find MSN evidence of this. Was it true?
Ok. So I've heard a couple of times that when CMJA was arrested that there was a gun and knives found in a car, and that she could have been heading off to kill someone else. But I can't find MSN evidence of this. Was it true?

Yes the knives were found in boxes amongst books in the car she was packing when she was arrested. Sometime later they found the hidden gun in the rental car that Jodi had the day she was arrested IIRC it was hidden in the wheel well. Not sure how she hid it (ie: duct tape or magnets?) but it wasn't found in routine inspections that they did upon rental returns. I think LEO's asked the rental company to check the car out and the car was actually in Calif (San Diego area?) Jodi later admitted to having the gun - she admitted to Flores that she had one during an interrogation. At another time Jodi said she packed the gun because she was going camping with a bunch of men that she didn't know very well.Seems to me she packed the murder gun and knife with her out of Travis's house but she was heading to go hump on Ryan Burns - a man she didn't know very well.
I wonder why her older brother has never attended any of her trials?

Also wonder why her past boyfriends except Daryl, have not spoken out somewhere.
Ok. So I've heard a couple of times that when CMJA was arrested that there was a gun and knives found in a car, and that she could have been heading off to kill someone else. But I can't find MSN evidence of this. Was it true?

BBM I have never found anything on that also, only this transcript from a NG show segment:

"...JEAN CASAREZ, "IN SESSION" (via telephone): Nancy, we`re learning some absolutely amazing things from a police incident report that we have just gotten hold of. On July 14th, when Mesa police detectives went to Yreka to arrest Jodi Arias, they found her at her grandparents` house.

They visually surveilled her from outside, and they could see inside that she was packing boxes and packing suitcases. They believed she was going to flee. They stayed there watching her. In time (ph) of that night, of July 14th, a car pulled up. She came outside to talk to a female person in the driver`s seat. They believe that was her mother. It was a lengthy conversation. It ended with Jodi going back into her grandparents` house, her mother driving off.

The next day, they found a brand-new shiny rental car outside of the grandparents` house. They subsequently arrested Jodi, executed a search warrant, and found in that rental car boxes of books of Jodi Arias`s. Intermingled amongst the books were two knives. In her suitcase was a box of .9-millimeter bullets, no gun.

Less than a month later, her mother was inquiring where the gun was that Jodi had hidden in the rental car. They traced the rental car at that point to San Francisco, California, and they found hidden in that car a .9- millimeter gun...."

There's nothing on the arrest, unless I missed it, on Det. Flores' report:
BBM What did he do after he got out? Did he use his degree? And that's all my fault, LOL! Yeah right.

He got early release on a flat 7 years, out in 4, because California was handing off their imate to Az, I do NOT know what nonsense made this seem like a good idea.
I filed divorce in late 1983, so since the ex was sooooo devastated, he continued with his self destructive behavior, continued his alliance with the Mexican Mafia, made an attempt on my life in 1986, I don't really know if it was because he saw I was pregnant that he didn't pull the trigger. In and out of prison/jail, homeless for 3 years, got beat up by some San Jose, Ca LE when they tried to do an illegal search and seizure of a back pack he was carrying. (he HAD heroin in it, but LE was just randomly stopping park goers. It was later determined they WERE doing illegal searches w/o cause) Ex's attorney threatened suit, which was probably a good thing because the ex was going down on the 3 strikes law in Cali. (he also had a shattered check, eye was totally blinded, and his hip crushed in the dog pile with LE)
Here I have to say, the ex was NEVER confrontational or combative with LE during his entire criminal history. All of his arrest reports said he was a gentleman, yes sir, no sir. That was his "mo". His attorney had a really strong case, so they made a deal. LE: Don't sue and we'll drop the charges. The medical at the jail was not addressing his busted up body, so they settled.

....and he ended back out on the streets for another 3 years until he wandered into an emergency room with his liver blown from Hep C and collapsed. He's still in San Jose, in an apartment, on methadone, crippled, on disability (he SHOULD have been on VA disability but that's an entirely different story) and maybe has 2 of his 9 lives left.

Don't get me wrong, he was an incredible person, I knew him since I was 5 years old. He made incredible grades in school, very althletic, star football player, all with an incredibly abusive household with sexual abuse to come home to. He was signed into the Marines at 17 during the Viet Nam conflict. He acquired his heroin addiction while on body bag duty. He and a few others were involved (unknowingly) with the major drug distribution of Frank Lucas. Heroin was put IN the body bag before shipment back to the states. The weight of the bag was indicated on the transport order BEFORE the drugs where placed inside. The ex's job, closely watched by his CO, was to find the body bags that didn't weigh the same as the transport doc. Then it was all about retrieving the packages from the bag and the body parts. The drugs were NOT hidden in false bottoms.
This totally freaked him out, and him and a buddy started raiding the medical supply depot for morphine ampules.........and the rest is history. He got involved with his brother and law and sister right before he was discharged and started the Salano Organization and ran heroin, until the operation was busted by the FBI. He walked away from it because they could never connect him with any possession/transport/or sales. His sister was put on life time probation and later married a San Jose LE. His brother in law died in prison during a fight for control of the Nuestra Familia.
He really was the love of my life, my soul mate. That was when he was straight and sober. I didn't know he was a junkie until a week after we were married. I had no experience with heroin or junkies, didn't have a clue about what I had got myself into.
When he got into the drinking and drugging, I got busted up. Busted clavicle, ankle, finger (ha, ha!), numerous beatings from head to toe, death threats, split lips, black eyes. Marines just have that upper hand.
If I had stayed he, or the environment he was in would have killed me. And it wasn't the environment I wanted to raise a child in.
I still love the person he was when he was sober. But I don't know who this person is now.

Was that long winded? :floorlaugh:
Leonard Nimoy's last tweets:

Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy · Feb 22
A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP

Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy · Feb 22
I will be sharing my poetry. Today's is, "You and I have Learned," which is in my book, These Words Are for You. LLAP


He was more than Dr. Spock And that's all my fault, LOL! Yeah right.

He got early release on a flat 7 years, out in 4, because California was handing off their imate to Az, I do NOT know what nonsense made this seem like a good idea.
I filed divorce in late 1983, so since the ex was sooooo devastated, he continued with his self destructive behavior, continued his alliance with the Mexican Mafia, made an attempt on my life in 1986, I don't really know if it was because he saw I was pregnant that he didn't pull the trigger. In and out of prison/jail, homeless for 3 years, got beat up by some San Jose, Ca LE when they tried to do an illegal search and seizure of a back pack he was carrying. (he HAD heroin in it, but LE was just randomly stopping park goers. It was later determined they WERE doing illegal searches w/o cause) Ex's attorney threatened suit, which was probably a good thing because the ex was going down on the 3 strikes law in Cali. (he also had a shattered check, eye was totally blinded, and his hip crushed in the dog pile with LE)
Here I have to say, the ex was NEVER confrontational or combative with LE during his entire criminal history. All of his arrest reports said he was a gentleman, yes sir, no sir. That was his "mo". His attorney had a really strong case, so they made a deal. LE: Don't sue and we'll drop the charges. The medical at the jail was not addressing his busted up body, so they settled.

....and he ended back out on the streets for another 3 years until he wandered into an emergency room with his liver blown from Hep C and collapsed. He's still in San Jose, in an apartment, on methadone, crippled, on disability (he SHOULD have been on VA disability but that's an entirely different story) and maybe has 2 of his 9 lives left.

Don't get me wrong, he was an incredible person, I knew him since I was 5 years old. He made incredible grades in school, very althletic, star football player, all with an incredibly abusive household with sexual abuse to come home to. He was signed into the Marines at 17 during the Viet Nam conflict. He acquired his heroin addiction while on body bag duty. He and a few others were involved (unknowingly) with the major drug distribution of Frank Lucas. Heroin was put IN the body bag before shipment back to the states. The weight of the bag was indicated on the transport order BEFORE the drugs where placed inside. The ex's job, closely watched by his CO, was to find the body bags that didn't weigh the same as the transport doc. Then it was all about retrieving the packages from the bag and the body parts. The drugs were NOT hidden in false bottoms.
This totally freaked him out, and him and a buddy started raiding the medical supply depot for morphine ampules.........and the rest is history. He got involved with his brother and law and sister right before he was discharged and started the Salano Organization and ran heroin, until the operation was busted by the FBI. He walked away from it because they could never connect him with any possession/transport/or sales. His sister was put on life time probation and later married a San Jose LE. His brother in law died in prison during a fight for control of the Nuestra Familia.
He really was the love of my life, my soul mate. That was when he was straight and sober. I didn't know he was a junkie until a week after we were married. I had no experience with heroin or junkies, didn't have a clue about what I had got myself into.
When he got into the drinking and drugging, I got busted up. Busted clavicle, ankle, finger (ha, ha!), numerous beatings from head to toe, death threats, split lips, black eyes. Marines just have that upper hand.
If I had stayed he, or the environment he was in would have killed me. And it wasn't the environment I wanted to raise a child in.
I still love the person he was when he was sober. But I don't know who this person is now.

Was that long winded? :floorlaugh:

That's such a sad story. So much potential wasted because of drugs. My brother was the same way- with the drugs- he messed up his life with the lying and stealing from family, friends ( he was never abusive tho'), and now no one from my very small family will have anything to do with him. I miss him so much, but he cannot be trusted and it hurts so much. I've picked up the phone to call him a million times, but then I don't because I remember what he has become. :(

I do understand how you still love the man before, because I love my brother very much- the brother I grew up with. So sad.

Thanks for sharing Bernina. :therethere:
How sick is this story?

A teenage girl actually talked another teenage guy into committing suicide even when he was about to take his own life but said he was scared and didn't want to leave his family!

Her name is Michelle Carter: my iPad won't let me copy and paste the People article link.
Sending heartfelt (((HUGS))) to sweet daisymae. So sorry to hear about your furbaby :frown:
So sorry daisy. Sweet dreams Fluffy. And that's all my fault, LOL! Yeah right.

He got early release on a flat 7 years, out in 4, because California was handing off their imate to Az, I do NOT know what nonsense made this seem like a good idea.
I filed divorce in late 1983, so since the ex was sooooo devastated, he continued with his self destructive behavior, continued his alliance with the Mexican Mafia, made an attempt on my life in 1986, I don't really know if it was because he saw I was pregnant that he didn't pull the trigger. In and out of prison/jail, homeless for 3 years, got beat up by some San Jose, Ca LE when they tried to do an illegal search and seizure of a back pack he was carrying. (he HAD heroin in it, but LE was just randomly stopping park goers. It was later determined they WERE doing illegal searches w/o cause) Ex's attorney threatened suit, which was probably a good thing because the ex was going down on the 3 strikes law in Cali. (he also had a shattered check, eye was totally blinded, and his hip crushed in the dog pile with LE)
Here I have to say, the ex was NEVER confrontational or combative with LE during his entire criminal history. All of his arrest reports said he was a gentleman, yes sir, no sir. That was his "mo". His attorney had a really strong case, so they made a deal. LE: Don't sue and we'll drop the charges. The medical at the jail was not addressing his busted up body, so they settled.

....and he ended back out on the streets for another 3 years until he wandered into an emergency room with his liver blown from Hep C and collapsed. He's still in San Jose, in an apartment, on methadone, crippled, on disability (he SHOULD have been on VA disability but that's an entirely different story) and maybe has 2 of his 9 lives left.

Don't get me wrong, he was an incredible person, I knew him since I was 5 years old. He made incredible grades in school, very althletic, star football player, all with an incredibly abusive household with sexual abuse to come home to. He was signed into the Marines at 17 during the Viet Nam conflict. He acquired his heroin addiction while on body bag duty. He and a few others were involved (unknowingly) with the major drug distribution of Frank Lucas. Heroin was put IN the body bag before shipment back to the states. The weight of the bag was indicated on the transport order BEFORE the drugs where placed inside. The ex's job, closely watched by his CO, was to find the body bags that didn't weigh the same as the transport doc. Then it was all about retrieving the packages from the bag and the body parts. The drugs were NOT hidden in false bottoms.
This totally freaked him out, and him and a buddy started raiding the medical supply depot for morphine ampules.........and the rest is history. He got involved with his brother and law and sister right before he was discharged and started the Salano Organization and ran heroin, until the operation was busted by the FBI. He walked away from it because they could never connect him with any possession/transport/or sales. His sister was put on life time probation and later married a San Jose LE. His brother in law died in prison during a fight for control of the Nuestra Familia.
He really was the love of my life, my soul mate. That was when he was straight and sober. I didn't know he was a junkie until a week after we were married. I had no experience with heroin or junkies, didn't have a clue about what I had got myself into.
When he got into the drinking and drugging, I got busted up. Busted clavicle, ankle, finger (ha, ha!), numerous beatings from head to toe, death threats, split lips, black eyes. Marines just have that upper hand.
If I had stayed he, or the environment he was in would have killed me. And it wasn't the environment I wanted to raise a child in.
I still love the person he was when he was sober. But I don't know who this person is now.

Was that long winded? :floorlaugh:

HUGGS...Been there...done that ...different details ...
The Touch of Leonard Nimoy is the fourth studio album released from Leonard Nimoy. The album was released in 1969, on Dot Records.


Oh my gosh, this is just beautiful. I didn't even know he sang. I'm going to send this to my son, he and his dad are both avid Star Trek fans. Thanks YorN , so sad that he passed. :(
Hi everyone!

Just got back from my weekly grocery shopping...

:wave: Hi Chelly!!

so sorry to hear about Fluffy!

We also have a stray cat that comes around here - we call him "Crazy Kitty", as he has this VERY loud meowing voice! LOL! The Huz let him in slowly and he would eat and spend some time sleeping on the rug, but unfortunately, two days ago he sprayed our couch and carpet... :gaah: Huz was NOT very happy, so Crazy has had to stay outside where we give him food now. He does spend time sleeping on the balcony, so he still comes around. He must have another "homeless" home to go to, as he doesn't stick around too much. Wanders in and out!

YESorNO - :tyou: for the chili recipe!!
I copy and pasted your recipe for the Huz; if he needs any "specifics" I'll let you know! Thanks a bunch!!! :wave:

Now - do you have a recipe for cornbread?? I mean - I can't eat chili without cornbread, eh??!!

new Queen icon for ya, YESorNO!

Who ever writes on that Jodi Foundation site MUST be
- Jodi is innocent??? Hello?
to Jodi Foundation person... she confessed to killing Travis; HOW is THAT innocent?? :waitasec: unbelievable!!
scary people...

Okay - at least I can catch up on my other cases here while we have 3 day lull in Verdict Watch! :eek:nline:

See you all later! :seeya:

Oh - we should be having rain...
- but the sun is out there shining!!
How sick is this story?

A teenage girl actually talked another teenage guy into committing suicide even when he was about to take his own life but said he was scared and didn't want to leave his family!

Her name is Michelle Carter: my iPad won't let me copy and paste the People article link.

I just read this on DailyMail today. Hard to believe someone would actually do this to another human being. (except for JA).
Their parents must be devastated. I hope she pays in some way for this!
Bernina, I have so much love and respect for you. Your ex sounds very much like my favorite baby cousin. I miss him terribly and want to contact him, but I know better. What a waste of lives. I am glad you have been able to do so well for yourself. :hug:
How sick is this story?

A teenage girl actually talked another teenage guy into committing suicide even when he was about to take his own life but said he was scared and didn't want to leave his family!

Her name is Michelle Carter: my iPad won't let me copy and paste the People article link.

Student, 18, 'encouraged her friend to kill himself', organized a fundraiser in his name - and was only caught when cops found her texts telling him to take his life

"A high school honor roll student encouraged her friend to kill himself before raising thousands of dollars for suicide prevention, according to authorities.
Michelle Carter, 18, has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of Conrad Roy III, who died of carbon monoxide poisoning in his idling truck in Fairhaven, Massachusetts last July.
When Roy texted Carter that he wasn't sure he should take his life and had climbed out of the vehicle, she allegedly texted him: 'Get back in.'
Carter, who was 17 at the time of Roy's suicide, was indicted on February 5 and arraigned on an involuntary manslaughter charge the next day in New Bedford Juvenile Court..."

That's so crazy- what possessed her???
And it's so sad. There's so much sadness today- Fluffy dying, Leonard Nimoy's death, Bernina's sad story, my brother.... :anguish:

I'm going to go take a nap. I'll feel better after. :(
HUGGS...Been there...done that ...different details ...

Isn't life just an adventure?

Just glad I can find some humor in it now. You just have to hope that in some way, our travels *might* just help someone else at some point in our lives. That was parts of chapters 18-25, working on the end of Chapter 53 right now, lol! I look at my years of life as chapters, makes it soooooo much easier specially with all the footnotes to refer to a previous chapter. :thinking:

If I don't laugh, I'll sit here and say WT*, when is life gonna give me just a chilled out existence? Have to take it day by day. Today is OK, could have been better if some nimrod hadn't fenced off our easement last night. Can you believe that? 8:00 in the evening, I hear someone pounding t-posts into the ground. I'm thinking maybe the neighbor lost part of his fenceline to a 4 x 4 and didn't investigate it any further. This morning, neighbor calls and says 2 trucks were out with peeps fencing off the easement. Oh FGS!
My BF went and cut all the cable, and I'm just itching to get on the tractor and pull the t-posts out before this gets any nastier.
Damn foot. Tomorrow I just *may* get over there and get the deed done, Aircast or not. (BF has a tendency to destroy stuff when he's on the tractor)

Don't people have something better to do? Like have a nice day? Honestly, I'm ready to spit nails.

Cubbeegirl, you scored with those pics last year of Stevie, I envy you! Haven't seen them in concert for ages, but got to rub shoulders with Stevie back when she lived on Camelback Mountain.
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