SIDEBAR #46 - Arias/Alexander forum

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So the other night hubby and I were sitting out on our patio, I told him I was thinking of going to the court to see the murderer sentenced. His first remark was, “well you know it’s going to be delayed” and his second remark was, “I’m afraid you’ll get arrested” I was shocked, I would not do anything to get myself arrested. He thinks this judge will not sentence the murderer to LWOP and then there will be a riot and I just might be by chance caught in the middle. Well I plan to be on the inside, not outside. AND I’m really really hoping this judge will sentence the murderer to LWOP. As far as the delay, I hadn’t even thought about that happening but after reading some of the posts here about this judge delaying the sentencing I’m beginning to wonder if maybe that just might happen. So now I’m having doubts about going to court. I thought this judge was ready to sentence her right then when the verdict came back. I’m still not sure why she didn’t.
Oh good! Bet the convicted felon was Donovan- that means she won't be able to get her quotes for tweet anymore!!!

She will be filing new charges against Sheriff Joe for so called violating her rights again. Why does this evil murderer think her so called rights supersede everyone else. She is not special
Press release from Good Ole' Sheriff Joe :loveyou:

"(Maricopa County, AZ) Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing various violations
of jail video visitation policies, today is banning ten (10) of inmate Jodi Arias’ most
regular visitors.
The ten are not only regular visitors to the high profile inmate but are also
responsible for assisting Arias in her prolific use of social media...

Arpaio says he may expand the ban to of all non-legal video visits to Arias because
of some information that has come to light from his jail Intel/monitoring team....

...Arias has been seen by Jail Intel officials instructing the 15
year olds as to how to get false IDs in order to continue the visits.

“In her thirst for adoration and attention, Arias is willing to corrupt these young
girls, all to satisfy her own narcissism. That needs to stop,” Arpaio says.

That ban will be effective by close of business today, Tuesday, March 10, 2015.


Jodi Arias Updates retweeted
RJ @RJonesNY · Mar 7
#JoeApraio, u should b nicer 2 #JodiArias.She's ALWAYS shown u&ur ofcs respect&never trashed u on nat'l TV despite many chances 2 do so.
Joe Arpaio ‏@RealSheriffJoe 13s14 seconds ago
Banned 10 #jodiarias fans from visiting 4 violating jail rules. The list includes 2 15yo girls who idolized Arias.

All of us on Twitter should send Sheriff Joe a Like, IMO

One is a visitor fro Greece using a false ID?

Then there is this : Now Arias has been seen by Jail Intel officials instructing the 15year olds as to how to get false IDs in order to continue the visits.

If this is any indication, JA is not going to be a model prisoner.
Just so we have the tweets for da record!

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
BREAKING: MCSO bans 10 #jodiarias jail visitors citing her "thirst for adoration and attention."

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
.@RealSheriffJoe says he may ban ALL non-legal visitors to @jodiarias after 2 15yo girls video chatted w/her.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
MCSO also banning those who run her social media accounts. #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
For those out of state, all visitation in jail is done via Internet video. #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
"#jodiArias has been seen by Jail Intel officials instructing the 15 year olds as to how to get false IDs in order to continue the visits."

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
Being told #jodiarias gets as many as 20 video visitors a day. Each has to pay money to video chat.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
"One person on the banned list is a convicted felon who circumvented the video visitation system by using another person’s name." #jodiarias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
To clarify, #jodiarias does not get the money visitors pay to call, it goes to MCSO.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
After she's sentenced and goes to DOC custody, #JodiArias gets no interviews at all and there is no video system.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
"One of those being banned is a video visitor from Greece. He is using a false ID to gain access to #jodiarias" - MCSO

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
"ten visitors who no longer can visit with #jodiarias are being banned for violations such as using cell phones for photographic purposes"

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
"#JodiArias is willing to corrupt these young girls, all to satisfy her own narcissism. That needs to stop" - @RealSheriffJoe

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 2h2 hours ago
MCSO: #jodiarias accused of advising man how to donate money to her in a trust to keep it away from Alexander family.

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 2h2 hours ago
Every time I try to get out, they pull me back in. #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
BREAKING: Sheriff's office BANS #JodiArias visitors. Full statement: (Maricopa County, AZ) Maricopa County...

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago
This reminds me of what I wrote on Verdict Day... #JodiArias #iseenewspeople …

Dave Erickson ‏@ericksonvision 2h2 hours ago
The #JodiArias trial is over so I resent that I've been forced to report her shenanigans. Straighten up so I can return to my bird rescuing.

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 1h1 hour ago
Judge Stephens: #Juror17 disclosed seeing parts of #JodiArias movie in juror questionaire. Told judge she was not following case in media.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 12m12 minutes ago
BREAKING: minutes of the closed-door meeting w/ Juror 17 show she disclosed some of her previous exposure to the case during jury selection.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 10m10 minutes ago
Minutes show Det Flores had examined Juror 17's facebook page and saw she had accessed it during trial. Could not determine if any exposure

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 10m10 minutes ago
Minutes show Juror 17 had watched The Ssecret and The Law of Attraction World. She claimed it was before trial. #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 8m8 minutes ago
Judge Stephens concerned about removing Juror 17 or addressing other concerns b/c could be construed as coercing a verdict. #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 7m7 minutes ago
After first note from jury to JSS, foreman reported Juror 17 had improved immediately. Believed she could deliebrate then. #JodiArias
....and they're all upset on the "Dark Side" *sniff, sob, snivel*

I'm not even going to look at the rules for Video visitation, but I CAN tell you that minors need parental consent for visitation. No "if's, and's, or but's". Maybe the two 15 year olds' parents will file charges against CMJA, one can hope.

False ids? Easily another charge for the visitors themselves, "impersonation", "circumventing protocol".

Convicted Felon? If they're on parole, parole violation, if not, CHARGE them Joe.

The one from Greece? JAII headliners. Too bad, so sad.

And none of this violates CMJA's "rights" because she broke da rulez. 34 days in SILENCE. And if something goes out on her twitter, Joe can find out exactly who it is passing the info.

There's peeps who want to give Joe a hard time, but he has to follow rules too. Until someone breaks one, his hands are tied.
I'm going to vent a little bit.

There is talk over on the sentencing hearing thread about how Travis' family should not sue Arias/give her more attention. Meanwhile, these same members post frequently on all things related to Arias including their opinions on when and how Travis' should family should move on. These 'suggestions' not-so-nice. The poor family.

Unfortunately, I read those posts and posted some rather pointed thoughts on the subject. I used the term "blessed ignorance" referring to those who are lucky enough not to have lived through the violent loss of a family member due to homicide. I would love to live in blessed ignorance, but those were not the cards fate dealt.

I wasn't calling anyone ignorant In a negative connotation by any means. But it devolved into a poster thinking I was calling them ignorant in a negative way. Ugh. I had to come back over here.
and good morning all!

are you still
YESorNO ?? :snowball:

okay - I came in here this morning and all the pages went back to 25 per screen... :gaah: I had it on 200 pages per screen - HOW do I get that back? I forgot "where" I can do that??

HELP!! :pcguru:



It was 70 degrees today! :)

The snow is melting. I can actually see the tops of my lawn chairs! I was out and about this afternoon with a lite sweater on- it was great.

I have my post thingy on the WS default- which is 25 (?) I think??? I find it easier to read even tho' there are more pages and more downloading.
The 13th Juror MD retweeted
Chris Hughes ‏@cshughes 22h22 hours ago
Get on the email list 2B notified when the book about #TravisAlexander is available #jodiarias

I have no interest in CH's book at all.
Bernina, while it's quiet for a minute, wanted to thank you for the photos of your 'family'. Sure did enjoy them! I'm still in love with little Zuri and can't believe how tall she has grown. Those long legs remind me of mine when I was shooting up!
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