SIDEBAR #47 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Oh Josie, you have been through so much! It just goes to show you that WE know more about our own bodies than any Dr. knows! I can't imagine your Drs. being so disrespectful to you. It makes me realize just how fortunate I am to have such a good PCP, that leaves no stone unturned. Bless you sweet Josie, and I hope you will begin to feel a little better with each passing day. (((HUGS)))

Come to think of it, the last two times I was sick it took two rounds of antibiotics to recover.

Thanks so much. I have a wonderful wonderful dentist. His team keeps searching for a doctor that my insurance approves of, that will take odd cases. I stay with the current doctor because I know what is what with that one now until I find a a different one. My nurse friends have been great too. A new year, with new plans and positive thoughts!
Oh Josie, you have been through so much! It just goes to show you that WE know more about our own bodies than any Dr. knows! I can't imagine your Drs. being so disrespectful to you. It makes me realize just how fortunate I am to have such a good PCP, that leaves no stone unturned. Bless you sweet Josie, and I hope you will begin to feel a little better with each passing day. (((HUGS)))

Come to think of it, the last two times I was sick it took two rounds of antibiotics to recover.

Thanks so much. I have a wonderful wonderful dentist. His team keeps searching for a doctor that my insurance approves of, that will take odd cases. I stay with the current doctor because I know what is what with that one now until I find a a different one. My nurse friends have been great too. A new year, with new plans and positive thoughts!
I am glad you made it too. It is scary. Different pharmacists said I was being poisoned and that the slow poisons would have killed me if it was not caught. Family and friends, at my request, help me finish sentences or words. This way the conversation can continue and those that don't realize something is wrong don't get uncomfortable not knowing what is wrong. Take care.

PS FJA just made the national CNN news about the release of the secret days! Gosh she is so scary and can slip into whatever personality she wants to so easy....but she does not have split personalities. I have a hard time listening to her and the D Team. thankful for those here that listen and report on all that happens!
Have a great day everyone!

So glad you are getting better. Will say a prayer for you. I am very blessed that I have kind and very caring doctors. My family doc works with my team of doctors and I am blessed with our insurance that will pay for these wonderful doctors. I still see the team every 6 months.

I can't seem to catch up today! I still haven't gotten around to reading YoN's goodies yet! My pooch is not having it! She keeps bringing me her toys and then sitting by the door barking to go out! She's been out 3 times since 7am :smile: she's lying to me!
And I just wrote a very long post...and lost it some how :gaah:

Juror 17 should have not given her "exclusive" interview. She would have been better off keeping quiet. It did not help her...
Every other sentence was "I want a say"
There was some speculation the sentencing had been moved up. What is the date?

Amanda Knox final appeal is to be heard in a few weeks, too.
So glad you are getting better. Will say a prayer for you. I am very blessed that I have kind and very caring doctors. My family doc works with my team of doctors and I am blessed with our insurance that will pay for these wonderful doctors. I still see the team every 6 months.


Hey cj, I just remembered that Jodi SAID she had migraines :thinking: Do you have any of those wonderful pills left that you could send her :giggle:
:yeahthat: ...I was nosing around today trying to find info on the luxuries of life at the inmate's new Lumley crib and this little ditty resurfaced :giggle:

September 20, 2012

My friend Christy, a prisoner out at Perryville / Santa Cruz, dropped me a letter late last week that just came in yesterday. It was dated 9/14/12. Here's the update:

"I was called up to the Deputy Warden's office to talk about my kites. Here is what has been done:

Water was turned down (hot water off)
Coolers were purchased but they ran out of money to install them so that is still a problem
I was given tape to tape my vent for roaches
the exterminator is supposed to come out & spray inside and out
the back window is still broken does not close (we have a bag with tape covering it)
they power-washed the showers
we still only have 2 showers working - the lady who was fixing them was out here on 9/11...
the doors are still having to be keyed for a total of 48 rooms - that is a fire hazard!"

Worth reading the entire article. Kind of reassures that the luxuries of Estrella will soon be behind her and doing life is hard time indeed.
But she'll benefit from a private room (random visits/searches) medical, mental and dental care (2 hour line ups), 2 squares a day served at a predictable time and supplemented by the commissary (2 hour line up in the hot sun), mail delivered to her door (screened and censored), limited edition underwear, comfy and fashionable hell fire orange overalls (small/medium sizes a rarity), laundry and library service (one book). When her Hershey bars melt in the AZ heat, she can dip a lil roach in it for a tasty protein snack. Oops, that's mean

Does anyone see the significance of the old San Juan Unit being re-named Lumley?

Brent Lumley was a guard who was stabbed in the neck by an inmate and died there while he was finishing up some paperwork. This was when San Juan still housed medium security male inmates. I *think* it was payback about something to do with the inmate's cell being searched and a pic of his mom was knocked off a wall onto the floor, or something just incredibly ridiculous several days prior.

Seriously, this "little snowflake" couldn't have picked a worse State to commit a murder. She's NEVER had the pleasure of staying in Arpaio's "Tent City", she doesn't have a clue how miserable the Arizona summer can be. She may have lived in places where the summers where hot, but betcha she had AC and a pool. There's no relief. Perryville is just a little patch of hell in the middle of nowhere.
Just getting back on. I saw where someone posted up thread somewhere during jury selection that Juror 17 was crying during this time, and Juan tried to get her stricken because she was too emotional about DV....
1. I remember reading it was 4 of 4 on video
2. And it was at the 25 minute mark

But I can't remember the most important where the heck it is?
Can one of you kind souls tell me where to view this..TIA

I haven't watched the trial yet, just bit and know like juror 17 with the Jodi arias movie (cough cough)
Juan Martinez's Tie ‏@juanstie 1h1 hour ago
Due to HIPAA laws the jail can't discuss #JodiArias' mental breakdown.

Does anyone see the significance of the old San Juan Unit being re-named Lumley?

Brent Lumley was a guard who was stabbed in the neck by an inmate and died there while he was finishing up some paperwork. This was when San Juan still housed medium security male inmates. I *think* it was payback about something to do with the inmate's cell being searched and a pic of his mom was knocked off a wall onto the floor, or something just incredibly ridiculous several days prior.

Seriously, this "little snowflake" couldn't have picked a worse State to commit a murder. She's NEVER had the pleasure of staying in Arpaio's "Tent City", she doesn't have a clue how miserable the Arizona summer can be. She may have lived in places where the summers where hot, but betcha she had AC and a pool. There's no relief. Perryville is just a little patch of hell in the middle of nowhere.

GOOD MORNING/afternoon < don't want Laurence/Larry to call me biased.

Bernina ~
Well, living in Arizona was always a "goal" of Jodi's
And to her we say...You're welcome :giggle:

ETA ~ the summer weather there sounds delightful, especially with no air conditioning. this "little snowflake" will melt really fast.

It's a BONUS for us :smile:
Does anyone see the significance of the old San Juan Unit being re-named Lumley?

Brent Lumley was a guard who was stabbed in the neck by an inmate and died there while he was finishing up some paperwork. This was when San Juan still housed medium security male inmates. I *think* it was payback about something to do with the inmate's cell being searched and a pic of his mom was knocked off a wall onto the floor, or something just incredibly ridiculous several days prior.

Seriously, this "little snowflake" couldn't have picked a worse State to commit a murder. She's NEVER had the pleasure of staying in Arpaio's "Tent City", she doesn't have a clue how miserable the Arizona summer can be. She may have lived in places where the summers where hot, but betcha she had AC and a pool. There's no relief. Perryville is just a little patch of hell in the middle of nowhere.

I sure hope so!! After the non-verdict, my DH was watching news on a major broadcast and I walked in his man cave and asked what he wanted for dinner...Anyway, JA was on the news and were telling about the hung jury. Now, my DH doesn't say much about her, as he hears it all from me lol. He looked at me and said as serious as he could, that they should bring back Public Hangings and she should be the first!!
Does anyone see the significance of the old San Juan Unit being re-named Lumley?

Brent Lumley was a guard who was stabbed in the neck by an inmate and died there while he was finishing up some paperwork. This was when San Juan still housed medium security male inmates. I *think* it was payback about something to do with the inmate's cell being searched and a pic of his mom was knocked off a wall onto the floor, or something just incredibly ridiculous several days prior.

Seriously, this "little snowflake" couldn't have picked a worse State to commit a murder. She's NEVER had the pleasure of staying in Arpaio's "Tent City", she doesn't have a clue how miserable the Arizona summer can be. She may have lived in places where the summers where hot, but betcha she had AC and a pool. There's no relief. Perryville is just a little patch of hell in the middle of nowhere.

That place is nothing short of terrifying. She and her lawyers have put off her arrival year after year after year...Honestly, I've seen some well meaning people state that the county jail is worse than this state prison...(?) Good lord, nothing could be farther from the truth. It's a prison, for pete's sake! People are treated worse than other animals there! And the main reason this trial has languished as long as it has is that she is petrified of going there. Even this last paltry request of an extra 30 days goes to that end.
Sue Ellen Allen (author of The Slumber Party from Hell) refers to Perryville cells as "concrete coffins of heat". The only thing that kept her going was knowing that she would get out one day. Arias is going to spend the rest of her life (hopefully) in one of those coffins.
Arias juror who saved killer's life speaks out for first time

"She's the juror who cast the vote that saved the life of convicted murderer Jodi Arias. Now the 33-year-old mother of three is getting threats to her own life...."

Arias juror interview excerpt 1 (video)

Arias juror interview excerpt 2 (video)

Arias juror interview excerpt 3 (video)

I tried REALLY hard to feel sorry for her and no matter how I tried.. I just couldn't do it.
I tried REALLY hard to feel sorry for her and no matter how I tried.. I just couldn't do it.

I still haven't watched it...........after going through the ADOC inmate search for her ex, and her now current husband, and the court case minutes JM accepted a plea for her ex on............I'm like "REALLY?"

J17 is on her 3rd last name, she's had 3 kids, her ex's plea deal was in 1999, almost 16 years ago, and JM is supposed to recognize her? She was still using her maiden name when the plea was accepted in the court minutes (yep, it's right there) One of the stipulations was that he LIVE at HER address............all in black and white.

I believe Larry and Wilma knew. I think they checked her out with her acknowledgement the she "allegedly" was a victim of DV and watched part of the Lifetime movie. J17 was probably initially on their "strike list".

I'm not going to be another "viewer" on AzCentral/12news website that pushes their J17 story up on the Google search.

Dancing with the Stars tonight :dance: :Banane48 or is it tomorrow? So excited I forget!
I have not watched any videos of the trial nor any videos of J17. I did listen to the jury after. But other than that, I prefer reading what I can about it all...
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