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sigh...... I wish all my Sidebar friends were on the James Holmes trial thread. The Sidebar gang is so smart, insightful, logical, bright, friendly, intuitive, etc., etc.....sigh.

Chelly ~ I try and watch the trial...When I listen to different audios about the 911 calls, the dispatch, the police calls, and hear these people describe the pain, suffering, the nightmare they are just puts me in such a sad, sad, sad mood and I end up crying. I honestly cannot go through this. I am fine just reading about it on the trial thread. Just can't WATCH or LISTEN...I do catch up on the thread. I can be there and read. :)
Good morning Coffee :seeya:

Did you make that good morning greeting? It's so cute :)

Yes I did! Feel free copy and use it :) I make all my graphic greeting I post here and the link is in the picture and will take you to my Photo Bucket acct; coffeejunkie. You're more than welcome to copy any of the ones I have in the public section.

anyone can use any of the graphics that I have :) I post these on my FB page too. Many of my friends copy and use them. I need no Link, or credit for the use of them. :)
no, haven't called the doctor and my next visit is on may 12th. will call them tomorrow. thanks! it is my left arm and i'm right handed.

Aw daisymae, I sure hope you’re feeling better soon, it’s so frustrating to have to deal with injuries!!! I hope you have someone to help you, to baby you. :)
Yes I did! Feel free copy and use it :) I make all my graphic greeting I post here and the link is in the picture and will take you to my Photo Bucket acct; coffeejunkie. You're more than welcome to copy any of the ones I have in the public section.

anyone can use any of the graphics that I have :) I post these on my FB page too. Many of my friends copy and use them. I need no Link, or credit for the use of them. :)

You our are so talented, coffee! Thanks for allowing us to use your graphics! They are adorable. Sure wish I knew how to do that -- is it a special program?

Aw daisymae, I sure hope you’re feeling better soon, it’s so frustrating to have to deal with injuries!!! I hope you have someone to help you, to baby you. :)

Pampering would sure be nice for daisymae. Hope you are getting some help.
GREAT NEWS. Sky and Chris Hughes will be my guests tonight on True Crime Radio 8 PM Eastern

The book "Our Friend Travis" is flying out of Amazon.

This is one show you can't miss live. That's all there is to it.

Go to at 8 PM Eastern. Click on the "Listen Now" tab and you are taken to and the live show.

Another thing? You have got to join us in chat. Just have to do it. Chat opens at 7:30 PM Eastern
Chelly ~ I try and watch the trial...When I listen to different audios about the 911 calls, the dispatch, the police calls, and hear these people describe the pain, suffering, the nightmare they are just puts me in such a sad, sad, sad mood and I end up crying. I honestly cannot go through this. I am fine just reading about it on the trial thread. Just can't WATCH or LISTEN...I do catch up on the thread. I can be there and read. :)

Thanks sweety. I'll post tweets over there then to keep ya caught up.
You our are so talented, coffee! Thanks for allowing us to use your graphics! They are adorable. Sure wish I knew how to do that -- is it a special program?

Pampering would sure be nice for daisymae. Hope you are getting some help.

Thanks! I appreciate the praise :) Yes, it is a few programs I use, Photoshop, Corel PSPx6, and many different filters, a ton of fonts, many tubes and pictures. I belong to many pay sites that allow the use of these images and they are duty free to use. I also make my own imagines, embellishments', ect...

Always been a person who could draw and paint from ideas in my head. Have done many murals for businesses and homes, painting on wood and sold a lot of my crafts in craft fairs. Old World Santa's are my fav!! My Mom encouraged my art when I was just a child. :) It's basically raw talent;

When Photoshop came out (many years ago)...I was hooked!! lol..Can create without the mess :)

Will post some of my work later :)
Hi, maybe I shouldn't write this. an 8 can be changed to a 7 by someone who really knows what they are doing. I have plans for after warranty. My gt. nephew is taking this, a college course, in hi school. He made his own computer!! My grt.grandson is now taking prep classes in hi school.
want to ask if it's normal to have numbness in arm and hand of broken arm. it's been 3.5 weeks and it still hurts very much so, but the numbness is also uncomfortable. my shoulder hurts, too. i'm a big baby.

It could have a lot to do with just the position you have to keep it in while it heals, but if it where me, I'd call the Doc.
Never had a broken arm, but damnit if I don't look like I bit the dust on a dirtbike and got road rash. Of course, the Zuri Monster strikes again. She's just so chilled out all the time, I don't *think* when I do something "different" with her..............gah. Yesterday was all about clipping her to a lunge line and we're going to play in the round pen..........right.

>insert choice swear words fondly used by truckers and others<

See, Zuri can bolt with her head pulled around almost into her shoulder, And maybe I should have clipped her onto the lunge line AFTER I got her in the round pen, instead of where she had, oh, like say 100's of feet of open space. And she can "run" just on her back feet, Actually it's an amazing feat, should think about letting her join the circus.

It takes about 24 hours for my body to register pain. But this time, I got ice on my knee before it could start talking to me, took a couple of aspirin, and it's not too bad this morning. Going to love the scars on my shoulder when the scabs fall off, the old forearm is just mottled with bruises from pebbles.

On another note, Zubaz and Star got to spend the last few days together. Lots of whinnying, snorting, mayhem, but they're in love.


What color their foal will be is going to be a mystery. Have all of Zubaz's pedigree, but Star came from a mustang roundup on BLM 13 years ago. She had one foal prior, a little buskin filly out of who knows what stallion out there with the wild horses. She was pregnant when they rounded her up but didn't know it.

Today I'm going to pull the swan eggs out....they were all infertile. Bummer. But the incubator is all set up for the peafowl eggs when they start laying here shortly, so that's a good thing. The swans have 2 eggs under them, who knows what will happen to them. Going to blow out the swan eggs and add them to my collection. Juan is shooting blanks, I suppose. He hasn't in past years, but they never stayed on the nest long enough for the babies to hatch.

Now for some very interesting documentaries: Finally got around to watch "Gasland". OMG. A "must see" if your State allows fracking. It's appalling what politicians can do to fly under the radar when people's health and the environment is concerned. I'm going to watch "Gasland 2" tonight. I am so glad that natural gas has not been found in Arizona, although I'm going to do some research on what's going on in the 4 Corners. That area was marked as a natural gas area, and I'm kinda wondering if that's whats causing these big "booms" around here from the earth's plates moving and that earthquake last year in Sedona.

Another must see: "Fed Up" narrated by Katie Couric. Another political snafu with the sugar lobbyists and special interest groups. Good bye "Cinnamon Toast Crunch", looks like my breakfast buddy will be Quaker Oats with my blueberries. When I started converting the grams of sugar in to teaspoons, I was like "you have got to be ******* kidding me." 4 grams of sugar equals 1 teaspoon. I'm not a soda drinker, but a can of coke has 44 grams of sugar, that's 11 teaspoons. I know women who can't go through a day without several cans of Pepsi, Coke, or RC cola.
Divide the grams by 4 and you have your teaspoon value. The food product makers were slick, use grams instead of teaspoons because how many consumers actually know the conversion?

That's it for a bit, going to read posts and chill a bit before I go out and play with Zuri.........:truce:
I keep popping in for a short time at the Hilmes thread, but find it very intense and just cannot let myself get too attached right now. After JA and the recent family deaths, I am wiped out. Also, spending a lot of time on two threads related to two young ladies in my area who were murdered. Emotionally, that is about all I can handle for now.

I was surprised at the very different appearance of Holmes. Any thoughts on that? Does he seem to be medicated, or is he paying attention well?

I can't go there..........just don't have it in me right now.
But if they come in with tattoos, how do they keep from getting infractions because of that? It's very difficult to laser them off I've heard.

If you ever get booked and finger printed, any tattoos you have are noted and if they're "gang related" they're photographed. Most jail and prison tattoo removal programs are only available to inmates under 21.
I don't know what they use now days for tattoo gear, but years back, the guts from a cassette player were used to make a tattoo gun or a toothbrush with the bristles replaced with straight pins, and chess or checker game pieces melted down and cigarette ashes to make the ink.
Hey all! :wave: to Bernina, since you're the only one here...

anyway - Chelly I'm over there reading too!! :gthanks: for all the Tweets!!!!!! I have low bandwidth as YESorNO, so just reading!

YESorNO - wish I could send my Huz over there and help you with that internet wire!! :gaah:

Just tell your son to stay away from home! :lol:

okay - I'm off to the Holmes trial!

Coffeejunkie, thanks for the explanation in making your graphics. It all sounds a bit too complicated for me now, but if only I had been younger when computers became a home staple I may have tried some if that. It does fascinate me.

Still not fond of Windows8, but I have adjusted fairly well. 7 was much kinder.

Bernina, you will be the death of me yet ... or yourself. Your arthritis is going to be uncontrollable when you are my age, I am afraid for you. Bot darned if you don't have my respect (and a bit of envy!).
Thanks sweety. I'll post tweets over there then to keep ya caught up.

I want you to know just how much I appreciate your tweets on the Holmes trial thread!! :) I can keep up with it by reading, not near as bad as watching it. I don't get so emotional. Thanks again!! :takeabow: :blowkiss:
Coffeejunkie, thanks for the explanation in making your graphics. It all sounds a bit too complicated for me now, but if only I had been younger when computers became a home staple I may have tried some if that. It does fascinate me.

Still not fond of Windows8, but I have adjusted fairly well. 7 was much kinder.

Bernina, you will be the death of me yet ... or yourself. Your arthritis is going to be uncontrollable when you are my age, I am afraid for you. Bot darned if you don't have my respect (and a bit of envy!).

You're welcome :) I find when a new version comes out in windows or even the graphic programs, it's sometimes a challenge for me learning the new programs!! lol
I'm still using Window's 7 (bought it new about a year ago) and will keep on using 7 till I can't buy it anymore. :) Hey! you're never too old to learn!! I started learning the graphic programs in my very late 40's early 50's :) Didn't know a thing about them! Took online classes.
Hello Everyone.

Just dropping in to say Hi.

I've been visiting the Holmes Case.

I have also been experimenting with my new Dell Windows 8 machine that I got for Christmas. I hate it but getting used to it a little bit.

I don't like this Dell as compared to my old HP machine. The case is just so flimsy and the lid is hard to grab to open it. The HP had a much nicer case IMO. The keys on my HP wore through the color and I broke a key off but it lasted many years.
This Dell just doesn't seem to be built as solid IMO.

But it does have tons of memory and is very fast. I suppose my biggest complaint is Windows 8 installed on it. I keep fighting it to find my way around and keep ending up on screens that I have to work to find my way back. Its horrible to get used to it.

I suppose once I memorize how to navigate around it will be easier but right now I hate the way it automatically bounces me all over the place by accident. If I move my cursor in the wrong spot, I automatically am taken to screens that I didn't even want to go to.

Its Microsoft trying to be too fancy for their britches. They are constantly making updates based on what they think we want to do but they are wrong in a lot of situations because I don't want to do that. LOL :)

At least I have learned how to make the look of it with the old look. I keep having to hit the Windows "hot key" to get away from the APPS screen and keep the look of it the old way with my own ICONS that I put on the desktop. The other thing that is hard is I used to be able to create Shortcuts much easier. I am having a tough time figuring out how to create shortcuts with ICONS but I got a few of them built so it will take some time and Ill finally be able to get all the main ones I use.

Anyway, its been fun playing with the new machine and I like the speed of it. If I can ever get my email setup then I may have to start using this machine all the time so I can start saving things to the hard drive.

Hope everyone is doing good. Stay safe everyone and away from any riots. Bye for now.

My dh gave me my new Dell laptop for a just because during Jodi's guilty phase of the trial. It drove me crazy that if you went to far to the left or right, and sometimes not even being close to it the side charms will pop up. I can do emails, some shopping, lots of wondering all over the net learning new and old facts and figures, and my websleuths, and that's about it.

I know I have all kinds of bells and whistles, but not that interested or motivated to learn. I use (free at Microsoft) Windows Defender, then the free Malwarebytes and Avg anti virus - I have broken down and bought the full versions. You can add Malwarebytes up to three computers. I can't stand McAfee or Norton and removed them in the control panel.

I do love the speed. Within one second of hitting enter to go to a site you're there - unless it's Websleuths, which has been going really slow for a while. But to be fair my last three laptops and desktop were fast too.

The one reason I got the new Dell were my anguished screams was when Jodi was on the stand and during a really good thread flying like crazy, all of a sudden I have this weird icon show up and takes the cursor from a pointer into a round magnifier that won't move and it if does it keep enlarging and shrinking the screen until who know for what reason it goes back to normal, and the thread has flown by and close and moved on to the next - twice.

There is good news through. Microsoft is giving a free Windows 10 upgrade to Window 8 users. It's bringing back the start menu and the games like it had on older models. I think they re thought Windows 9 and thought naw this is like Vista lets do better.

We've have had a pair of Egrets that have decided to take over and make a nest in the pecan tree that overshadows my gazebo,and big birds? big poop, need I say more? So, DH is putting up scaffolding to put a twenty foot ladder on to hang an boombbox turned to rap music next to the nest. He's wants my grandson to stand on the scaffolding, stomping on the poppers you get for New Years Eve, when the birds try to attack him. We're also tying Mylar balloon over my gazebo and trees and I'm getting an air horn. The timing is crucial because once the birds lay eggs federal law protects them.) I have been forbidden to take any pictures.
My dh gave me my new Dell laptop for a just because during Jodi's guilty phase of the trial. It drove me crazy that if you went to far to the left or right, and sometimes not even being close to it the side charms will pop up. I can do emails, some shopping, lots of wondering all over the net learning new and old facts and figures, and my websleuths, and that's about it.

I know I have all kinds of bells and whistles, but not that interested or motivated to learn. I use (free at Microsoft) Windows Defender, then the free Malwarebytes and Avg anti virus - I have broken down and bought the full versions. You can add Malwarebytes up to three computers. I can't stand McAfee or Norton and removed them in the control panel.

I do love the speed. Within one second of hitting enter to go to a site you're there - unless it's Websleuths, which has been going really slow for a while. But to be fair my last three laptops and desktop were fast too.

The one reason I got the new Dell were my anguished screams was when Jodi was on the stand and during a really good thread flying like crazy, all of a sudden I have this weird icon show up and takes the cursor from a pointer into a round magnifier that won't move and it if does it keep enlarging and shrinking the screen until who know for what reason it goes back to normal, and the thread has flown by and close and moved on to the next - twice.

There is good news through. Microsoft is giving a free Windows 10 upgrade to Window 8 users. It's bringing back the start menu and the games like it had on older models. I think they re thought Windows 9 and thought naw this is like Vista lets do better.

We've have had a pair of Egrets that have decided to take over and make a nest in the pecan tree that overshadows my gazebo,and big birds? big poop, need I say more? So, DH is putting up scaffolding to put a twenty foot ladder on to hang an boombbox turned to rap music next to the nest. He's wants my grandson to stand on the scaffolding, stomping on the poppers you get for New Years Eve, when the birds try to attack him. We're also tying Mylar balloon over my gazebo and trees and I'm getting an air horn. The timing is crucial because once the birds lay eggs federal law protects them.) I have been forbidden to take any pictures.

BBM: a free upgrade! Please, post it here when it is available in case I miss it. Much appreciated.

OMG, but you egret woes are so reminiscent of me trying to rid our house of bats in the attic! :laughing:
I played loud music and out strobe lights up there .... it didn't work. Finally, a new roof moved them on to other digs.
Jeffrey Evan Gold &#8207;@jeffgoldesq 2h2 hours ago
You can always try to be something you are not, but in the end you are always who you are.

She has a really long, narrow face!! Can't see how anyone thought this attractive.:thinking:
And her brows are growing back in- no tweezers for you Jodi!!!
Heard it was going to be 100 degrees in Phoenix today! Welcome to the heat!!
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