SIDEBAR #5- Arias/Alexander forum

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I seriously :heart: this song. So don't tell me how sappy it is!

One of my favs :)

I have to get this off my chest...I left a Twitter message on Jodi's page that I dated Travis at the same time she did. I didn't. I never knew Travis but knew if it reached her, it would drive her CRAZY (and that was my goal). It was never posted and I wonder if by chance, her "Twitter manager" didn't want her to see it. Obviously, Jodi has no access to review her own twitter page and comments but who's to say her "manager" doesn't print them off, and pass them off to her to peruse (if its in her "manager's" interest, someone I feel is obsessed with her, I'm thinking it may not have been passed off and therefore,never posted).

OMG! We used to stop dead in our tracks and sing all the parts of this song IN ALL SERIOUSNESS! :floorlaugh: As if!!!! One of my brothers always took the high voiced vocals. We did not laugh. We did not smirk. We WERE The Temptations. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

ETA: We harmonized Beautifully! (Now this is something I really do need to get on video while I still have the chance!)
Here's one for VU fans and Max's Kansas City habitués.

I have to get this off my chest...I left a Twitter message on Jodi's page that I dated Travis at the same time she did. I didn't. I never knew Travis but knew if it reached her, it would drive her CRAZY (and that was my goal). It was never posted and I wonder if by chance, her "Twitter manager" didn't want her to see it. Obviously, Jodi has no access to review her own twitter page and comments but who's to say her "manager" doesn't print them off, and pass them off to her to peruse (if its in her "manager's" interest, someone I feel is obsessed with her, I'm thinking it may not have been passed off and therefore,never posted).

Thank God she didn't allocute about it.

Hey, you could send this to PostSecret!

And we can find some songs to help relieve your feelings of guilt!

So bad it's good ....

My husband shook me awake around 3:15 this morning, saying he was going up in the attic and not to worry if I heard overhead noises, it was just him putting a towel near a vent pipe that is leaking into the attic. I knew I should have gotten up but I'd been here listening to JA interviews until well after midnight and my mind was just zoned.

So I tried to fall back to sleep, heard his steps, everything a-okay, almost back to sleep. Boom, boom, bam - I was very sure this wasn't the noise he told me not to worry about as I rolled off the bed and fell on the floor, brushing at my head, something had come down on me like a fog but I couldn't feel anything.

I looked up where the racket came from and there was my husband's foot and lower leg, poking through the bedroom ceiling, with drywall flapping like butterfly wings, and pink insulation cascading down, in that chaotic way insulation has when gravity gets the best of it.

The bed got the best of the insulation and whatnot that fell with it, hub finally extricated himself from the ceiling and got downstairs, I looked him over and ascertained he was relatively unscathed.

He helped me clean up and then put some plywood over the hole. He got another hour of sleep after I vacuumed and changed bedding, of course as he's dressing for work he says his shirt feels prickly and he should have showered instead of just rinsing off. Sheets probably need changing again too.

He's lucky he has work to go off to. ;)
My husband shook me awake around 3:15 this morning, saying he was going up in the attic and not to worry if I heard overhead noises, it was just him putting a towel near a vent pipe that is leaking into the attic. I knew I should have gotten up but I'd been here listening to JA interviews until well after midnight and my mind was just zoned.

So I tried to fall back to sleep, heard his steps, everything a-okay, almost back to sleep. Boom, boom, bam - I was very sure this wasn't the noise he told me not to worry about as I rolled off the bed and fell on the floor, brushing at my head, something had come down on me like a fog but I couldn't feel anything.

I looked up where the racket came from and there was my husband's foot and lower leg, poking through the bedroom ceiling, with drywall flapping like butterfly wings, and pink insulation cascading down, in that chaotic way insulation has when gravity gets the best of it.

The bed got the best of the insulation and whatnot that fell with it, hub finally extricated himself from the ceiling and got downstairs, I looked him over and ascertained he was relatively unscathed.

He helped me clean up and then put some plywood over the hole. He got another hour of sleep after I vacuumed and changed bedding, of course as he's dressing for work he says his shirt feels prickly and he should have showered instead of just rinsing off. Sheets probably need changing again too.

He's lucky he has work to go off to. ;)

But did he fix the leak?

And kudos to you for not beating him up after you made sure he was OK.
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