SIDEBAR #58 - Travis Alexander forum

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Morning everyone! :santahat:

Still in the Christmasy mood! That's why I have the "santahat" !! LOL!

neesaki - actually JonBenet's brother's name is Burke... And this is the case that brought me to the forums! First I was on Yahoo, and then Tricia started "Forums for Justice", and than found "Websleuths"! I know you didn't ask me MY opinion - but I believe Patsy had "something" to do with JonBenet's death... it WAS her handwriting on the supposed "ransom" note!! And STILL we don't know the conclusion... :gaah:

Going to watch my Niners in a about 15 minutes - vs. the Detroit Lions!

:cheer: NINERS!!!!!!!

Was wondering "when" do you all take down all your Christmas decorations and :christmastree: ?? I wait until the week after Christmas...

We are supposed to get low snow tonight - and they DID mention our town on the news this morning! Will have to take pictures, IF it actually happens... :snowball: Today it's going to be 48 degrees, and tonight, they say, will be 31! Good enough for Snow!!

Off to read some other threads! GigiG - don't forget to post the link to Steve Avery's case here on WS!! Okay?? TIA!

Later! :wave:

You're right Niner, I had a brain blip, nothing new for me though, lol. :floorlaugh:

It's raining cats and dogs here with lots of Tornado and Flash Flood warnings. Hope BPages is ok, all those tornadoes last night. Stay safe everyone.
:scared:Hi everyone, I am worried about all our friends in Texas , N.M.. I cant even think about Christmas (God forgive me). We have so many in Texas and I know of a few in New Mexico. In NM. many don't have any idea how to drive in snow.
Does anyone hear from magpie? I wrote to her , no response. she is a nice person, lives outside Dallas. She hasn't posted in a long time. Oh Dear God protect the Puppies and Kitties!! Forgive me all I am really upset. Always worse when there is nothing one can do.
What is your opinion on that, Bendpages?

Let me ETA: I have had serious thoughts concerning the parents, and the son, Burt. Something was sure not right in that household, IMO.

One of her parents killed her and the other helped. After JonBenet was hit in the head, a devastating blow, she would of died on her own an hour and half to two hours due to swelling of her brain, but one or both of her parents decided to kill her. No calls were made for help after she was hit. No 911 to see if she could be saved. John and Pasty "forgave" the killer right after her murder. Now who delivered that blow to the head is one of three people in that house that morning.
You're right Niner, I had a brain blip, nothing new for me though, lol. :floorlaugh:

It's raining cats and dogs here with lots of Tornado and Flash Flood warnings. Hope BPages is ok, all those tornadoes last night. Stay safe everyone.

We're OK here. My grandson's grandparents was missed by fifty yards in Garland, and five blocks from their home in Rowlett. We're west of Garland but had very high winds and torrential rain through out the night and off and on all day, and we might ice and snow moving in . Welcome to Texas weather.
One of her parents killed her and the other helped. After JonBenet was hit in the head, a devastating blow, she would of died on her own an hour and half to two hours due to swelling of her brain, but one or both of her parents decided to kill her. No calls were made for help after she was hit. No 911 to see if she could be saved. John and Pasty "forgave" the killer right after her murder. Now who delivered that blow to the head is one of three people in that house that morning.

I always believed it was someone, but not John. Idk, but what would motivate him to do that? Well, maybe I know what you're thinking? I can definitely see the other two in the house though.

So glad to see you here and you're doing ok!!! :happydance:
We're OK here. My grandson's grandparents was missed by fifty yards in Garland, and five blocks from their home in Rowlett. We're west of Garland but had very high winds and torrential rain through out the night and off and on all day, and we might ice and snow moving in . Welcome to Texas weather.

Close calls, thank God they're ok. Talk about crazy, flooding everywhere and tornadoes all around us .. :scared: Supposed to be moving out, pray, pray, pray.
One of her parents killed her and the other helped. After JonBenet was hit in the head, a devastating blow, she would of died on her own an hour and half to two hours due to swelling of her brain, but one or both of her parents decided to kill her. No calls were made for help after she was hit. No 911 to see if she could be saved. John and Pasty "forgave" the killer right after her murder. Now who delivered that blow to the head is one of three people in that house that morning.

I always thought that the brother Burke was involved, and that possibly Patsy walked in on something going on and swung to hit him, missed and hit JonBenet in the head. Then she and John worked together in covering it up... God forgive me if I am wrong.
:scared:Hi everyone, I am worried about all our friends in Texas , N.M.. I cant even think about Christmas (God forgive me). We have so many in Texas and I know of a few in New Mexico. In NM. many don't have any idea how to drive in snow.
Does anyone hear from magpie? I wrote to her , no response. she is a nice person, lives outside Dallas. She hasn't posted in a long time. Oh Dear God protect the Puppies and Kitties!! Forgive me all I am really upset. Always worse when there is nothing one can do.


You are so caring, and if it's any consolation I saw a photo of a woman's home destroyed, yet the cat was rescued and okay. I hate tornadoes and floods... praying for all.
Niner, here is the thread link to Steven Avery, Netflix movie:

Nore, you are such a sweetheart. Try not to worry so much you make yourself sick. We will send up many prayers that people will be safe from the awful weather disasters.
Pages, I am relieved to know you are OK, as are the ones you mentioned. I hope all your other friends/relatives will also do all right.

We did the return of some gifts today, and it was an easy experience. One store, had to use store credit to get something else. As for putting the holiday decor away .... I gradually start removing a few things all week, but the tree usually comes down the day or two after New Years.

Just sitting here enjoying the quiet. I read a book on Julie Schenecker (killed her two teenage children). Just a so-so book. Now I hope to start reading about Bob Bashara, Murder in Grosse Pointe Park. Hubby says it is really good (waiting on him to finish it first).
:scared:Hi everyone, I am worried about all our friends in Texas , N.M.. I cant even think about Christmas (God forgive me). We have so many in Texas and I know of a few in New Mexico. In NM. many don't have any idea how to drive in snow.
Does anyone hear from magpie? I wrote to her , no response. she is a nice person, lives outside Dallas. She hasn't posted in a long time. Oh Dear God protect the Puppies and Kitties!! Forgive me all I am really upset. Always worse when there is nothing one can do.

I know what you mean, Nore. I'm in Texas and we're fine, but I'm worried about everyone else as well .... and yes I agree, it's worse when we feel helpless isn't it. And thank you for thinking of us. You're a sweetheart. Is there any bad weather your way? Please take care, dear one. :grouphug:
Hi Spellbound. Amy and family went to Johnnys brothers. I stayed home. My leg was so swollen at the knee I could barely walk. Molly and I had pierogies which were good. I had my cry for my kids and Joe, also my Buffy. Oh how I loved that dog! I do love Molly and we are close but its not my fuzz Butt Cocker . They are so expensive! Rescue wants 250.00 at the shelter I paid 85.00 (here I go again):tears: Amy came home early and my niece and family came over. Its just so hard..
..I go to the hospital on Tuesday for my iron infusion(?) have to go to cancer hospital , abuts mine. I guess they don't do that at Parma hospital. anyway another one 10 days later. Gastro DR. said I will feel stronger faster. The blood helped. Well wish you and family health and happiness in 2016..:loveyou:
Hi Spellbound. Amy and family went to Johnnys brothers. I stayed home. My leg was so swollen at the knee I could barely walk. Molly and I had pierogies which were good. I had my cry for my kids and Joe, also my Buffy. Oh how I loved that dog! I do love Molly and we are close but its not my fuzz Butt Cocker . They are so expensive! Rescue wants 250.00 at the shelter I paid 85.00 (here I go again):tears: Amy came home early and my niece and family came over. Its just so hard..
..I go to the hospital on Tuesday for my iron infusion(?) have to go to cancer hospital , abuts mine. I guess they don't do that at Parma hospital. anyway another one 10 days later. Gastro DR. said I will feel stronger faster. The blood helped. Well wish you and family health and happiness in 2016..:loveyou:

Hi Nore. Pierogi sounds quite tasty. We haven't had them in a very long time.
I am sorry you felt a bit sad today, though. Lots of good people have left us with so many good memories, but the sadness never quite goes away. A good cry is part of having loved someone, but doesn't wash away all those memories and the wanting them back for one more hug, word, or even their quirks. And sometimes losing a pet is even harder to get through. We still talk about a few of ours that were a touch more special ..... remembering some of their habits, seeing something they enjoyed, even the window where kitty snoozed can set me into those sweet days. :hug:

I hope your weather is OK. It is colder here finally and tomorrow is expected to be icy rain, maybe a touch of snow. You can lounge about and rest that knee. Do you know why it swells up on you? Mine is giving me a lot of pain today, due to arthritis. I may need to go back to wearing my knee brace for awhile.

How is Molly? Have you decided you can keep her?

I do hope that new iron does the trick! It is miserable when you feel so drained and sore. I want you to start the New Year feeling much better. Take care of yourself, my Nore.
Hi Spellbound. Amy and family went to Johnnys brothers. I stayed home. My leg was so swollen at the knee I could barely walk. Molly and I had pierogies which were good. I had my cry for my kids and Joe, also my Buffy. Oh how I loved that dog! I do love Molly and we are close but its not my fuzz Butt Cocker . They are so expensive! Rescue wants 250.00 at the shelter I paid 85.00 (here I go again):tears: Amy came home early and my niece and family came over. Its just so hard..
..I go to the hospital on Tuesday for my iron infusion(?) have to go to cancer hospital , abuts mine. I guess they don't do that at Parma hospital. anyway another one 10 days later. Gastro DR. said I will feel stronger faster. The blood helped. Well wish you and family health and happiness in 2016..:loveyou:

Please take care of yourself, Nore, is it due to an injury or poor blood cirdulation? Are you elevating your leg? And use whatever packs or treatment they tell you to use. Soaks, or baths, etc. Do you have a heart condition that can cause this, I sincerely hope not. And I hope you're getting good care dear. You deserve it. :hug:
GOOD MORNING and SMILE! If you don’t start out the day with a smile, it’s not too late to start practicing for tomorrow :)

We have rain, rain and more rain since Christmas night and still raining! It was almost 70 degrees on Christmas Day and cold front moving through today with MORE RAIN through tomorrow....feel like a duck! Says we will get total 3 inches time it is over. The ground was already wet from previous rains and now the water is just standing, no were to go and trees are being uprooted. I despise this type weather in winter. It's crazy, trees have been getting buds on them, Easter flowers are blooming, just isn't right!~

Here's a joke for y'all...

A little boy was attending his first wedding.
After the service, his cousin asked him,
"How many women can a man marry?"
"Sixteen," the boy responded.
His cousin was amazed that he had an answer so quickly.
"How do you know that?"
"Easy," the little boy said.
"All you have to do is add it up. Like the pastor said, four better, four worse, four richer, four poorer.

Prayers for all who needs them and the states that are being effected by this wild weather pattern!!
Hi Nore. Pierogi sounds quite tasty. We haven't had them in a very long time.
I am sorry you felt a bit sad today, though. Lots of good people have left us with so many good memories, but the sadness never quite goes away. A good cry is part of having loved someone, but doesn't wash away all those memories and the wanting them back for one more hug, word, or even their quirks. And sometimes losing a pet is even harder to get through. We still talk about a few of ours that were a touch more special ..... remembering some of their habits, seeing something they enjoyed, even the window where kitty snoozed can set me into those sweet days. :hug:

I hope your weather is OK. It is colder here finally and tomorrow is expected to be icy rain, maybe a touch of snow. You can lounge about and rest that knee. Do you know why it swells up on you? Mine is giving me a lot of pain today, due to arthritis. I may need to go back to wearing my knee brace for awhile.

How is Molly? Have you decided you can keep her?

I do hope that new iron does the trick! It is miserable when you feel so drained and sore. I want you to start the New Year feeling much better. Take care of yourself, my Nore.

Hi Spellbound. Amy and family went to Johnnys brothers. I stayed home. My leg was so swollen at the knee I could barely walk. Molly and I had pierogies which were good. I had my cry for my kids and Joe, also my Buffy. Oh how I loved that dog! I do love Molly and we are close but its not my fuzz Butt Cocker . They are so expensive! Rescue wants 250.00 at the shelter I paid 85.00 (here I go again):tears: Amy came home early and my niece and family came over. Its just so hard..
..I go to the hospital on Tuesday for my iron infusion(?) have to go to cancer hospital , abuts mine. I guess they don't do that at Parma hospital. anyway another one 10 days later. Gastro DR. said I will feel stronger faster. The blood helped. Well wish you and family health and happiness in 2016..:loveyou:

OH Ms. Nore :hug:
Our Spellbound said what I was thinking, and she said much more eloquently than I ever could. So, what Spell said...that's the ticket :smile:
I know exactly how you feel about missing your Buffy :frown: I loved my Macky just as much. I am still grieving that furbaby. I've had dogs my whole life, but losing her has been by far the hardest on me. I think it's because I got her after I retired. She helped get me through after losing my husband. Then again after my girls got older and moved on with their life's. She was always here, waiting for me. And the funny thing is, I didn't want a dog at that time in my life. My daughter begged and begged until I gave in. The little dog we "rescued" from the shelter ended up rescuing me. Sweet Nore, I will help you get that cocker spaniel, but just know that she will not be anything like your beloved Buffy. All dogs have totally different personalities, just like people.
My very good friend has the sweetest Cocker Spaniel in the world. My sister also has a Cocker, and hers is a little Beotch! She bites. I remember that even as a puppy she was mean. My whole family was at my parents house years ago. I got there last and noticed that "Lacy" was leashed to the clothesline (not as bad as it sounds, long leash). I said oh, "sweet baby tied up outside", so I walked over and unleashed soon as I did she BIT me! She was only 9 months old at the time and she drew blood. She was always a growler and she would bite you if you tried to pet her. She's old now, and can't/won't bite anymore.
But that just goes to show you how 2 dogs of the same breed can be so different.

Nore, I hope you get everything with your health straightened out, as we worry about you. I always look forward to your posts :loveyou:
Glad to see that Pages and neesaki are safe from the horrible storms and tornado's...but has anyone seen our Chelly?? She lives in New Mexico.
Pop in Chelly if you are reading today. I have you a good ole hot cup of Chock full of nuts waiting :cup:
GOOD MORNING and SMILE! If you don’t start out the day with a smile, it’s not too late to start practicing for tomorrow :)

We have rain, rain and more rain since Christmas night and still raining! It was almost 70 degrees on Christmas Day and cold front moving through today with MORE RAIN through tomorrow....feel like a duck! Says we will get total 3 inches time it is over. The ground was already wet from previous rains and now the water is just standing, no were to go and trees are being uprooted. I despise this type weather in winter. It's crazy, trees have been getting buds on them, Easter flowers are blooming, just isn't right!~

Here's a joke for y'all...

A little boy was attending his first wedding.
After the service, his cousin asked him,
"How many women can a man marry?"
"Sixteen," the boy responded.
His cousin was amazed that he had an answer so quickly.
"How do you know that?"
"Easy," the little boy said.
"All you have to do is add it up. Like the pastor said, four better, four worse, four richer, four poorer.

Prayers for all who needs them and the states that are being effected by this wild weather pattern!!

Hello Everyone. Hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas.

Took a little break from the computer and just getting back to catch up with some threads.

We had tons of rain lately too but luckily just some street flooding which is expected with all the rain lately. Its getting much colder today and due for some ice and wintery mix which wont help any.

I think the cold snap is heading from the Midwest and going to start creeping Eastward so keep the warm clothes handy as temps are going to change soon for lots of people.

Going to read back and catch up some more.
What you are describing is going to make it all worthwhile for generations to come and even when we are long gone.

I have come to learn that people and especially children don't always let their loved ones know how much they appreciate things. But they do appreciate them. They really do. They may not say it often enough or even at all but you can rest assured that they really do recognize it and appreciate it.

And someday many years in the future when we are looking down on the ones we leave we will hear them say......"My grandma used to make the best....." OR "I heard my Grandma used to be the best at...." OR "My Mom would have ....." OR ...... :)

We humans are not the best at being able to communicate directly with the ones we should be communicating with but we are pretty good at using 3rd parties to express our feelings for another. I suppose it is a little tough for us and maybe it makes some uncomfortable. So there are reasons why it happens but the GOOD NEWS is the feelings are really there and they will come out eventually. We may be looking down on them when it happens but it will all be worthwhile.

So whatever passion one has whether it be a love for horses OR cooking OR making beautiful colorings OR just being you. It doesnt matter because our loved ones will recognize us some day down the line.


Now if I can just remember that next year when I am told to go to the attic to get the 6 large bins of decorations. LOL :)

What a heart warming post, Hatfield :heartbeat:
Good Morning the Day after Christmas! I love Christmas, but glad it's over! LOL A good time was had by all...Want to share a family tradition I started 25 years ago and it's the highlight of our Christmas.

We are big game players at family functions and we love giving silly little gag gifts at Christmas, so I got the idea of everyone bringing a fun, silly gift wrapped with no name on it and when family got here I gave everyone the same amount of play money and we had an auction bidding on the gifts they brought. Everyone loved it and each year it grew bigger and better! After 25 years we now bring many gifts all using plain brown sacks (that way no one knows their gift they brought) We each receive 1 million $$ in play money and the bidding starts after we have eaten and the 'real' gifts unwrapped. It is wild and crazy during the Auction! LOL For instance, I won the winning bid of $50,000 on this gift and when I opened was a pair of 'pasties' with tassels!! Needless say , the family loved that mom 'won' those!! Fun times :)

I also got pied in the face twice! playing that new stupid game, PIE IN YOUR FACE that one of the little kids got :giggle:

It sounds like tons of fun and sounds like everyone had a great time.
The Auction thing sounds like a lot of fun. Having a larger group is neat because it allows unique opportunities for things like that.

I was at an office party one time and they did something similar to that which was a ton of laughs. Some have probably heard about the game called "Dirty Santa". Link below describes it. A ton of laughs and good time.

"The person with #1 picks a gift to open from the pile. The person with #2 can choose to open another package or steal the gift from #1. If a gift is stolen, the person who had it then steals from someone else or picks another gift to open."
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