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In January we have plans to tear out of bathtub and have a walk in shower built. Already contacted the contractor and he has been by a couple time taking measurements and so I need decide what tile I want and the decorative tile and all that fun stuff. LOL HELP! I'm going to post some ideas (pics) I have later on and want everyone's input :) I do want to go with a light stone type tile.
I normally don't post much about personal things going on in my life, but wanted to let you all know that my dear sweet cousin passed away unexpectedly Christmas day. She was only 39 and so beautiful. We have to say our final goodbyes to her on Wednesday. The most heartbreaking thing is her three young daughters just don't understand why she is gone. I normally have words aplenty but the words just won't come to help ease their pain. I will be MIA for awhile but just want you all to know that I hope each and every one of you have a Happy and safe New Year. :(

Oh dear. Prayers for her children, family, and friends to have some of their pain eased. Hoping the children will be surrounded with comforting arms and people as they will need a special kind of help in the months and years to come.

Prayers for you too Caylee Advocate to have the strength and some comfort to be able to attend the family gatherings.
From my niece's facebook page. "Public Service Announcement:" check the owner's manual for the filling limits on your new blender before loading it chock full of homemade chicken broth you've been simmering all morning and organic veggies to make the tortilla soup you and the kids have been looking forward to since Christmas. Because what MIGHT happen is too much warm liquid will cause the powerful motor to cast aside the lid and violently fling the ingredients about the kitchen, ceiling, and in your eyes & hair like a tornado hitting a salsa bar. Also, minuscule shards of tomato, cilantro, onion, carrots, yellow pepper and corn are really hard to clean from your hair and the grooves of every cabinet and baseboard in the kitchen. You're welcome, friends.

This really gave me a chuckle this morning.

Reminded me of when we first got our new Kitchen Aide Mixer from QVC.

We were so excited because we had seen them on David in the Kitchen for years and finally decided to get one. It seemed easy enough to use and so one morning I decided to use it for myself to make a simple cake mix.

I dumped in the powdered cake mix in the bowl, a couple eggs, and a little water, and I never would have guessed anything could go wrong as I slid over the switch.

These things need a warning sticker that says the sliding switch has a tendency to slide all the way to the high setting. LOL

I spent more time cleaning up the powder off the floor than I did making that cake. LOL
Good Morning and SMILE!!
Smiling is infectious,
You can catch it like the flu.
Someone smiled at me today,
And I started smiling too.

We had a break in the rain yesterday and the sun came out for about 30 minutes and this is what happened ~ a double rainbow! It was amazing...
But the clouds soon returned and it's still raining! Many roads are flooded...calling for the rains to stop this morning and cold front came through last night. But, for that brief moment we had yesterday when God painted the sky for us, gave us hope that there is an end in sight :)

WOW. What a beautiful picture.

So interesting that the colors are opposite on each side.
Noticed the colors on left side has:
Green to Yellow to Red

and then the right side has:
Red to Yellow to Green
WOW. What a beautiful picture.

So interesting that the colors are opposite on each side.
Noticed the colors on left side has:
Green to Yellow to Red

and then the right side has:
Red to Yellow to Green

It was beautiful just standing there looking up at it! I went up the graveyard that is up on a hill and was just awed by it...It was like a mirror image.
OK peeps, here is some samples I can up with. Top 4 are the tiles, bottom two are the accent tiles. I think I like the lightest colors best.


  • tiles.jpg
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I normally don't post much about personal things going on in my life, but wanted to let you all know that my dear sweet cousin passed away unexpectedly Christmas day. She was only 39 and so beautiful. We have to say our final goodbyes to her on Wednesday. The most heartbreaking thing is her three young daughters just don't understand why she is gone. I normally have words aplenty but the words just won't come to help ease their pain. I will be MIA for awhile but just want you all to know that I hope each and every one of you have a Happy and safe New Year. :(
My dear Mandy lost her mom at the age of 4. I understand the heartbreak from that perspective and my heart breaks for those children. No matter how much they are loved by others they will miss their mothers love. My most sincere sympathy.
Afluenza teen captured in custody with his mother in Mexico...

I thought there was a thread here but I cannot find it

And apparently he he dyed his hair and beard black.

In January we have plans to tear out of bathtub and have a walk in shower built. Already contacted the contractor and he has been by a couple time taking measurements and so I need decide what tile I want and the decorative tile and all that fun stuff. LOL HELP! I'm going to post some ideas (pics) I have later on and want everyone's input :) I do want to go with a light stone type tile.

Oh am I envious! We plan to do the same, hopefully next summer or fall. First thing in the Spring will be to get the outside trim painted .... two story home is too much for us to do, and we have a contractor ready. We are pricing shower costs now. Coffee, I will be interested in following your project, so do keep us posted.
Morning all! :wave:

atthelake said:
Afluenza teen captured in custody with his mother in Mexico...

I thought there was a thread here but I cannot find it

Here you go:

You'll have to go to page 1 to start reading! :)

Peepers McPeep said:
Holiday greetings, everyone.
I just wanted to pop in for a moment, give everyone a hug in the SB Cul-de-sac.

Words fail me.
And there's so much I want to say.

Every one of you, is the loveliest of souls.

May old dreams come to pass, and new dreams begin, in this New Year!

And Happy New Year to you too! :confetti:

That's a nice double rainbow coffeejunkie!! :happydance:

Caylee Advocate :hug: Prayers going out to her children and family and friends! :luv:

:rotfl: Hatfield!!

Oh, I see that Spellbound gave the link to the "affulenza" teen... oh well! :D

Okay - today I'm taking my book and will be sitting in the County Human Services office until I get my Huz on Covered California.... don't know how long I'll be there? Hopefully, I can see the lady that helped me the first time I tried getting him covered. Crossed fingers for me that it won't take ALL DAY LONG!!!

Going to 46 today, and low tonight - 31... Brrrrr....

Off to read the "affulenza" teen...


adding a picture to share with you all! (I hope!) This is for the original Star Trek fans! :D


  • HesDeadJim.jpg
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OK peeps, here is some samples I can up with. Top 4 are the tiles, bottom two are the accent tiles. I think I like the lightest colors best.

This is just an opinion of course so take it with a grain of salt. And be sure to get what YOU really want.

For me, I like the lightest tiles the best from these because the others do too good a job of camoflauging any dirt or grime that it would be too hard to tell if it is ever dirty or not.

So what I think would happen is you would find yourself cleaning the darker ones too much even when they are not really dirty because you would not be able to tell if they are really dirty or not.

With the lighter one you would be able to see if it is clean.

All are really nice though and I do like the general color.
OK, received my turn on Nurmi's book, came in the morning mail and I have started reading it already! If anyone is interested it getting it I will be more than happy too pass it on...just PM me your mailing address. First one I receive will get the book :giggle:

I want to thank everyone for their idea's and good wishes, I knew you guys would come through for me! I hope I didn't leave anyone out, as I started writing this yesterday! Thanks again my SB friends :heart:

Dmacky, so glad you agreed to take the dog. Sometimes the best things in life come when we least expect them. I hope this is one of those times.

Since he marked his territory in your home, I guess he decided it was the place he wanted to call home. I have a male dog and he is a kind, gentle soul. He is the perfect companion for Zuri, who is very alpha, high drive, high energy.

I think you are a lovely, kind hearted soul. Thank God for wonderful people like you.
Sweet Zuri, I hope you're right about how the best things in life come when we least expect it. You don't know this, but YOU have been/are an inspiration to me and no doubt many others here at WS.
You absolutely have the kindest heart of anyone I have ever met. I've seen all the food you have donated to search parties for the missing, the love you had and gifts you sent to the Alexander family as well as others who were involved with/insuring there would be justice for Travis. But above all, your avid love of your animals. :heartbeat:
Thank God there are wonderful like you!

Dmacky maybe he was marking his spot? As to boys hiking their legs to pee? Mona and Eva do too. And for exercise, get a tennis ball (don't need much it's just fetch, but it's exercise) and play fetch. Mona loves loves tennis balls (dh buys many brand new unopened at garage sales and thrift stores so we have close to twenty of them.) We have twenty five feet between the halls on each side of the living room, and we play catch there. It does get harder when three dogs run at the same time.

I love crate training, but not that like and all the time. That's the same as neglect and abuse to leave them like that. I'd give him a chance to help ease my conscious, in case things don't work out, At least I'd know I'd done something to help the little guy.

Thanks for the tip on throwing the tennis ball Pages ~ I also have a long hallway (mine reminds me of a bowling alley!) to our bedrooms and that's a great idea!
Yeah, see I don't want him "marking his spot." He's already marked it in 3 different places, ironically down the long hallway by all 3 bedrooms. :giggle:
And I totally agree about crating a dog constantly. Maybe I was being a bit unfair to the wonderful vet who picked the little guy up off the road and made sure he got the medical attention he needed. She also took him home with her and "fostered" him until he was able to be adopted. After he healed completely, she neutered him. Then she started bringing him to work with her everyday and he was put in a dog run, where they keep the dogs for Boarding. She did this I'm sure because she has 3 dogs of her own who didn't want the little guy in their home. She kept him in a big crate at her house each day after work for his own safety.

Morning! :wave:

Dmacky - get instructions on "how" to train your new dog! We've had German Shepherds, but they were more outside dogs than inside - so had no problems training them to "ask" to go out! LOL! Hope you have fun with your new puppy beagle!!
LOL at training your "outside shepherds" to pee while they were out side. :smile: The problem is Chase is NOT a puppy. He is 5 yrs. old, and I believe that before he was hit by a car he was an outdoor dog. He sure is Johnny on the spot whenever we open the door for anything!

Dmacky, I am really glad you made the decision to keep Chase. Beagles are my all-time favorite dog. They have a wonderful temperament. My heart would have said yes, but my brain might have said "take your time". Who can resist a beagle's eyes?

My son has a beagle-Bassett who likes to lift his leg when he comes over. I do believe his is marking his territory and trying to cover the smell of my dogs. However I just have to be observant -- sometimes I may need to holler loudly "don't" or get out the squirt bottle, and that seems to stop it. Patience and persistence may help. Always be particularly observant when he enters new territory/homes.

Do you have a fenced area? Beagles are known to want to chase little animals (squirrels, rabbits) so that can be a problem. But they are so loyal and loving, and full of expression. I bet he grows on you quickly. And they can live quite nicely in smaller areas. Give him lots of play times and chew toys if he is too energetic. I like putting tiny bits of food into a treat toy and let them roll it around to work out some of their friskiness. Keep treats to a minimum to avoid weight gain.

Maybe use the crate at night or when you are away, and always leave the door open when he is loose. He may be so used to it that he will continue to think of it as his comfort zone. GOOD LUCK!!

Spell ~ your post was very informative, as have my back :wink:
I certainly didn't think about all the little animals outside :eek:
I do have a fenced in back yard, but it is mostly weeds and ALOT of dirt (now MUD) from those damn moles!! They moved in last year and I can't get rid of them...they have terrorized my 2 next door neighbors yards as well. My neighbor has killed 3 and I had a lawn care co. come out and spray for grub worms. I read that they like worms as well, so that was probably a waste of money. Last year, I had to take Macky out on 2 leashes hooked together in my fenced in yard:mad: to make
sure she didn't get all muddy.
I will get him some new toys, I don't have the heart to give him my Macky's toys.

So happy to hear you are helping him out.

It may take some time before he will learn outside all the time. In the meantime perhaps closing doors to certain rooms to at least minimize the rooms he could have accidents in.

They also still make those doggy gates or young child gates that can be used to close off a hallway or room. We have 3 of them. LOL
***retractable leashes
Good luck with his progress and so happy you have decided to care for him.

Great advice Hatfield.
My kitchen and great room are almost completely open to one another, except for a 14 inch wall, including the white trim around the each side. I had to buy 2 gates from a catalog that extended together when we first got Mac, but we could never catch her to keep her in the kitchen :lol: I have a big kitchen too, but Mac had separation anxiety for the first 2-3 years. And she wasn't having any part of being in the kitchen where she couldn't look out the front door and chew up everything in sight...I ended up giving that gate away :frown: It was 170 bucks!!! The Kitchen is linoleum and it needs to be replaced anyway. But I unfortunately have carpet every where else....
I am very seriously wanting to move pretty soon and I don't want to have to replace the carpet.
I normally don't post much about personal things going on in my life, but wanted to let you all know that my dear sweet cousin passed away unexpectedly Christmas day. She was only 39 and so beautiful. We have to say our final goodbyes to her on Wednesday. The most heartbreaking thing is her three young daughters just don't understand why she is gone. I normally have words aplenty but the words just won't come to help ease their pain. I will be MIA for awhile but just want you all to know that I hope each and every one of you have a Happy and safe New Year. :(

Sweet CayleeA, my heart is breaking for you, and for all who knew and loved your YOUNG cousin :frown:
And those beautiful little girls who she left behind is making me tear up.
And on Christmas day at that :cry: Sending prayers to you and your family. I cannot imagine :frown:
I normally don't post much about personal things going on in my life, but wanted to let you all know that my dear sweet cousin passed away unexpectedly Christmas day. She was only 39 and so beautiful. We have to say our final goodbyes to her on Wednesday. The most heartbreaking thing is her three young daughters just don't understand why she is gone. I normally have words aplenty but the words just won't come to help ease their pain. I will be MIA for awhile but just want you all to know that I hope each and every one of you have a Happy and safe New Year. :(

I am truly sorry for your loss. 39 is way too young and her death must be such a shock to the whole family. Sending prayers to you and your family, especially her young children. God Bless. Xo
From my niece's facebook page. "Public Service Announcement:" check the owner's manual for the filling limits on your new blender before loading it chock full of homemade chicken broth you've been simmering all morning and organic veggies to make the tortilla soup you and the kids have been looking forward to since Christmas. Because what MIGHT happen is too much warm liquid will cause the powerful motor to cast aside the lid and violently fling the ingredients about the kitchen, ceiling, and in your eyes & hair like a tornado hitting a salsa bar. Also, minuscule shards of tomato, cilantro, onion, carrots, yellow pepper and corn are really hard to clean from your hair and the grooves of every cabinet and baseboard in the kitchen. You're welcome, friends.

That sounds like the time I made brownies. I put butter, eggs, and sugar in the mixing bowl, hit the button and turned around to put to grab the pan and when I turned back around there was nothing in the bowl. I turned the mixer off wondering if I had put things in the bowl, then noticed all the ingredients all over my kitchen cabinets. I'd hit high speed by accident and it flung it everywhere. It took me all day to find and clean it up.
Afluenza teen captured in custody with his mother in Mexico...

I thought there was a thread here but I cannot find it

You'd think with all that money they would of gone to further than Mexico. I was really concerned that mom would talk someone into a suicide pack.
You'd think with all that money they would of gone to further than Mexico. I was really concerned that mom would talk someone into a suicide pack.

Instead of "Afluenza" I hope he now catches a good case of "BehindBarenza". :)

For Mom....maybe some community service helping out at the Homeless Mission.
OK peeps, here is some samples I can up with. Top 4 are the tiles, bottom two are the accent tiles. I think I like the lightest colors best.

I very much prefer the lighter color, too, especially with the medallion (lower right).
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