SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

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What I want is an in-depth interview with a reliable juror...hint, hint, NOT FOREMAN...which describes in detail the deliberations in all 3 phases...not just mitigation, but guilt and aggravation too.
Tara Kelley sounds like a "hater", quite different from the jury foreman. The bitter Jodi minions are already cyber stalking her, having recently forced her to shut down her facebook page. She must be driving them insane with her "hater" opinions toward Saint Jodi.

She's also a verified Juanette

"yes I loved Juan!!! I knew he was very passionate for the Alexander family!"

Someone needs to tell her about this place. She'd make a good member.

they are going bonkers about her and will prolly on juror 6 - plus they are still trying to figure out why JA wasn't released after the mistrial, they still don't get that it was just the penalty phase :banghead:
It looks like Juan should be looking for female jurors, his next go 'round. I always knew we were the smarter sex.:rockon:

Women don't suffer from "white knight in shining armor" syndrome. The jury foreman clearly has a mild case of it.
Yes, but are you a Mormon in a Singles Club, reaching "peak age" of manhood so to speak?

I'm 39, no kids, never married myself. :seeya:

I don't understand why you find that odd - It took me 48 years to find my husband.
While I think Travis voluntarily slept with her, I do think she had her backpack with her. I also think she may have stayed in the house with Travis until nightfall. Remember her asking Flores if the roommates heard anything?

Ooh, interesting theory. Can we sleuth that out? I remember she got gas in Winnamucca the night of the murder but I'm not sure a--what time the receipt said and b-- how far from Mesa to Winnamucca. Anyone??
Not disagreeing with you AA, but here are my thoughts:

If a guy consistently had sacred sex with me but wasn't committing to me and lying to people about us, i'd feel like an object.

Thinking, thinking...imagining....thinking, thinking....ok, yes, I'll give you that. I would feel hurt. Why oh why did he have to pick the ultimate psycho?
What I want is an in-depth interview with a reliable juror...hint, hint, NOT FOREMAN...which describes in detail the deliberations in all 3 phases...not just mitigation, but guilt and aggravation too.

I want a juror that will tell us at what point in the process Mr. Willie made it known that he would not vote for the DP. I'm betting as soon as he accepted the Foreman position. :doh:
they are going bonkers about her and will prolly on juror 6 - plus they are still trying to figure out why JA wasn't released after the mistrial, they still don't get that it was just the penalty phase :banghead:

Are you serious? They actually thought she would be released?:facepalm:
they are going bonkers about her and will prolly on juror 6 - plus they are still trying to figure out why JA wasn't released after the mistrial, they still don't get that it was just the penalty phase :banghead:

I figured. She's a Jodi hater to the extreme. She asked many of those skeptical questions, including the famous "After all the lies you've told, why should we believe you now?". Damn, we lost two of the "skeptical question" jurors and still got a 1st degree murder conviction.
Yes, but are you a Mormon in a Singles Club, reaching "peak age" of manhood so to speak?

I'm 39, no kids, never married myself. :seeya:

I do believe TA was going to marry a woman named Linda, he even bought a ring but she called it off because of his job.
Not disagreeing with you AA, but here are my thoughts:

If a guy consistently had sacred sex with me but wasn't committing to me and lying to people about us, i'd feel like an object.

Yes, I'd feel like an object and I would get out of the relationship.
Let's see; didn't work out with Deanna, Linda, Lisa, Mimi.

I'm imagining Travis was getting stressed over settling down with a good Mormon girl/virgin... and there is Jodi in the way of Travis moving on. :burn:

Not disagreeing with you AA, but here are my thoughts:

If a guy consistently had sacred sex with me but wasn't committing to me and lying to people about us, i'd feel like an object.

If he wasn't committing and lying to people about us, he wouldn't be getting any.
If someone sees the Juror 6 interview posted, can you please link it? Thanks
Not disagreeing with you AA, but here are my thoughts:

If a guy consistently had sacred sex with me but wasn't committing to me and lying to people about us, i'd feel like an object.

Well, let's turn that around. Wasn't it miss stabby that wanted all that sacred sex with TA? I'm sorry, and I am no prude but I think she was one nasty girl and always pushing the sex. So why did she feel TA needed to commit to her?
I do believe TA was going to marry a woman named Linda, he even bought a ring but she called it off because of his job.

Was this job the PPL job? Deanna didn't like that either iirc.
Did y'all see Beth Karas say mini trial will last 6 weeks?!! Never. Ending. Trial.

Of course I feel for the Alexanders and what they'll have to go through and for everyone else involved in the case ie JM, JSS..... For me, it's six weeks of some top virtual company.
Let's see; didn't work out with Deanna, Linda, Lisa, Mimi.

I'm imagining Travis was getting stressed over settling down with a good Mormon girl/virgin... and there is Jodi in the way of Travis moving on. :burn:

Why did TA need to marry every g/f he dated? Deanna had a job in another state and wanted to finish things she planned first. Linda didn't like TA's job, Mimi and TA weren't even dating.
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