SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

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JM told the jurors iirc that it's not their responsibility to be sleuths, but to refer to the evidence presented. One clear mitigating factor was there imo - a severe mental disturbance (BPD + even more pathologies via DrD). JW grabbed onto that life preservor in her final closing, and I think it worked with 1 or more. JA wasn't your typical woman scorned. She was a hate-filled psycho scorned. The overkill reflects that. Her calm "Let's go see Othello" post-mayhem call reflects that. Her enthusiastic grinding session with RB reflects that. Dr. Kristina Randle's statement that she'd move away if JA moved next door reflects that. I'd have voted for death because then JA couldn't harm future innocents, but I can understand a juror/s finding she didn't deserve to die since her brain really is scrambled. LWOP, next week via JSS, would be much preferable to a futile, further pursuit of the death penalty.

Some mitigator. It's not her fault. She couldn't help herself. IMO, it's right up there with the abuse excuse. I am sure thousands of prison inmates would agree with this. It almost makes her sound as if she is criminally insane.

She knew right from wrong. She planned it. She took care in doing it. She carried it out savagely. She took care to cover it up. She lied about it. Pretty lucid for a "scrambled" brain. She should be held accountable for her behaviour and her decisions which, IMO, far outweigh the fact that she's a born reptile in human clothing.
I always thought I wouldn't be able to make a DP decision...hence, I would stay clear of being on a DP qualified jury. But, after watching this trial and seeing the photos of Travis, I honestly can say that I couldn't think of one reason why the DP shouldn't be handed down. I don't care who the person was that committed the crime. I don't see her race, her age, etc. One look at this person's handiwork, and I see only DEATH. I'm sure there must be more brutal crimes out yes, whoever committed them should face the same outcome. The fact that they did or didn't doesn't have any bearing on what happened to Travis Alexander. Knowing what happened to this man, I just can't see how anyone can NOT grasp that this person should be put away for her entire life one way or another. Not to decide is to decide...and this jury couldn't make a decision about her fate. I pray that the next jury will decide that Travis deserves to have his killer sentenced for what she did to him.
Gotcha! But you don't think Jodi's lack of criminal history is not a mitigating factor?

The "tire slashing" is not because Travis never reported it, nor the stalking.

If he did, that would of erased that mitigating factor, no?

We know she stalked him extensively etc... but the jury didn't.

Yes, the jury foreman to me is in the same pool as Gus S. and Dr. Samuels. Let's see... all mid 50's or later white males. Jodi's perfect targets.

Heya LL. :seeya:

For me, murder is like a formula. I need certain components to be in place. Do I have DNA proof that JA was at the scene? Check. Do I feel the State provided a clear motive? Check. Do I believe it was premeditated with malice aforethought? Yes.

Then I move on to the next part.

Do I feel the murderer has done everything possible to mitigate the family's suffering? NO way. Do I feel the murderer has expressed remorse? No. Do I feel the murderer has repented in any way? No.

The lack of criminal history is irrelevant to me. All the components are in place, therefore the only verdict is death. It is absolute.

I don't know if you are familiar with Pamela Smart, but she was sentenced to LWOP for the murder of her husband, Greg. She was involved in an extramarital affair with a then 15-year-old student, Billy Flynn. Billy was the triggerman. When Billy was on the stand, testifying against his former lover, his testimony was gut-wrenching. He was genuinely remorseful and wracked with guilt. If he had not accepted a plea and the State had elected to try him as an adult, I could not ever have sentenced him to death, even though he satisfied the first part of my "code."

What JA has never done and never will do is to channel REAL remorse. Instead of making whatever amends possible, she feels justified in continuing to lie and force the Alexander family to endure unfathomable pain. I would push the needle in myself if I could.
How did the foreman know that JA was being 'crucified' by us? Did he do some research? Nice word huh? 'Crucified' The woman who almost beheaded a man is now being 'crucified' by mere words. How unfair!

If Jodi was crucified...what was Travis?
What happens from here.Does anyone think Juan offers her LWOP rather then bring in a new jury?
Even more curious how he came to that conclusion if he indeed did research on the killer, one would think he would be mortified at her actions not ours!

Maybe he was Samuels in disguise. :sleuth:

Well I can't play witcha no more. Naptime. :eek:fftobed:
Reductio ad absurdum, IMO.

My statement that a death-qualified jury does not guarantee a death verdict is not even an argument, it's just a fact. Please, save your fallacy watch for something worthy.
Just wanted to say I have not listened or watched ANYTHING this foreperson has said. Your comments here are enough for me. I am just going to hold my tongue and sit on my hands about this "man."
I do hope all of you will continue to see this out until the very end. I KNOW I will. I owe that to the family.

Between this "non verdict", sitting in this hospital watching poison dripping slowly into my child's body, AND leaving my anti-depressants at home......I am having a really hard time. I cannot take much more. HOPEFULLY we will go home tomorrow for 2 whole weeks!

I do take pleasure in thinking of CMJA being locked up 23 hours a day without being able to open her lying *advertiser censored* mouth... I wish nothing but the worst for that creature.
My prayers are with your son and with you, RP.
Nancy G. I love you but quit calling it a defeat :) It's a big win for the prosecutor to get unanimous 1st degree/premed/aggravating circumstances

Sentence is just a bump in the road, it's not a defeat, its nothing? its unfinished? not concluded? delay? snow day for everyone come back later?
go shop clean house and feed your family, gather again July 2013....

but NOT a defeat.
In watching one of the interviews with a Jury member, am I correct in what I think I hear? He says something to the effect of "When we heard there was a mistrial, we were devastated"

huh? What did he think would happen. I apologize if I have this wrong...but I swear I heard that?

You heard what I heard. Nuts ain't it? I translated what he said you mean because we couldn't agree on the death penalty the trial is over? The only thing I can think of is the did a poor job in selecting jurors if they couldn't understand this basic fact. :facepalm:
In watching one of the interviews with a Jury member, am I correct in what I think I hear? He says something to the effect of "When we heard there was a mistrial, we were devastated"

huh? What did he think would happen. I apologize if I have this wrong...but I swear I heard that?

That's what he said.

I want to know why it was a surprise. If they didn't know, they should have asked. I thought they did ask, didn't they? What exactly happened?

This gentleman reminds me of people who like to tell you their opinion before they even understand the topic. Roseann Roseanna Danna. He's saying some really strange things in these interviews.
Chester my girl, I am loving this! Has a James Brown vibe.

It sounded so familiar and - GUESS WHO SINGS IT?

Seal - I Can't Stand The Rain - YouTube

ETA: Heidi is such a FOOL!!!

A belated thank you to Vivian for this. I love Seal and never knew he sang this song. And yes, agree about Heidi. Maybe her fame has really gone to her head (thought I still like her on Project Runway. :)
My statement that a death-qualified jury does not guarantee a death verdict is not even an argument, it's just a fact. Please, save your fallacy watch for something worthy.

Its also a FACT that when the jury foreman openly SAYS its unfair that jurors should have to decide between life and death, he should NOT have been allowed on that jury. He was NOT DP qualified.
My strong understanding is that CMJA has no choice IF JM takes the DP off the table. IT will be up to JSS to sentence LWP or LWOP. The only " negotiation" that would be possible is IF JM offers CMJA LWOP and " no appeals" IF he takes the DP off the table...
Jodi Ann Arias arrested July 15, 2008
Jodi Ann Arias sentenced July 18, 2013

I bet the Prosecutor just wanted this to be nice and neat and tidy....
My hat goes off to you linda! I homeschooled my then teenage daughter. She learned so much and at her pace. It really inspired her. She graduated at 16 and went right into college.

That's the goal here too!

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In watching one of the interviews with a Jury member, am I correct in what I think I hear? He says something to the effect of "When we heard there was a mistrial, we were devastated"

huh? What did he think would happen. I apologize if I have this wrong...but I swear I heard that?

Do you think they assumed if they couldn't agree on death... it would default to life? This is how it's done in some states.. right?

Do you think the 8 DP holdouts wanted to send a message to JM that in not conceding to life ...but rather digging their heels in that he should keep trying?

Why doesn't one of these meat-headed reporters follow up and ask WTF did you think would happen? It's not like foreman is camera shy.
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