Re: When Mr. Foreman said he wouldl like to "talk" to Jodi and find out what really happened that day/in the bathroom. I have also thought that many, NOT the talking part....but just wanting to know exactly what happened...all the unanswered questions. I know she will never tell. Then I think, imagine the poor family...they will NEVER know what happened. Just like Travis' brother said, that part was just so brutal when he was talking about he has questions all the time like what were Travis' last words, was he screaming, etc.? And HE WILL NEVER KNOW THE TRUTH.
But when Foreman was talking and saying that, I never detected from him any kind of real compassion for Travis' family. So Mr. Foreman, you have questions, what about Travis' family?? And your little friend JA has those answers, and instead she chooses to lie and lie and lie, and trash Travis. Instead of telling the truth to the family. It did not seem like it bothered him in the slightest.
But when Foreman was talking and saying that, I never detected from him any kind of real compassion for Travis' family. So Mr. Foreman, you have questions, what about Travis' family?? And your little friend JA has those answers, and instead she chooses to lie and lie and lie, and trash Travis. Instead of telling the truth to the family. It did not seem like it bothered him in the slightest.