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I'm really upset, I (stupidly) spent last weekend lurking at that JII website. At first it was out of curiosity, then found a few laughs but the more I read I can't help being infuriated.
I can understand people who are against the DP but other than that I have seen posts such as- "the world is a better place without TA","poor JA was an abuse victim". There are all kinds of laughable theories on there. They claim Juan is "slime of the earth and corrupt". What really is eating at me is their attack of not just TA but also his family. I so badly wish there were someway to hold these people accountable for their actions.
I'm not looking there anymore but it's still bothering me. I should have never looked but I did and can't even voice my thoughts to them. I wish the THs would call these crazies out for the disgusting trashing of TA and family, laughable theories and their delusional obsession with this murderer.
I needed to get this off my chest and hopefully I can forget about it now. Even if this isn't read I'll pretend it has (by those nuts)......ok, feel better now, rant over...

Hi TotallyObsessed, I am sorry to say this but I fear this trial will never end. They must once again read Jurors notes and comment, then whatever more notes, closing hopefully, they dont do notes on that do they? Mr. whatever is still on the stand! I cant watch him! he makes me sick, dont know why.I can no longer believe one thing he says. shes probably packing her "can" with notes. I would never watch a movie!!:banghead: :what: [[[[[[[[[ P S. how about Sheldons girlfriend (BigBang Theory) for jodie? well she wears glasses.

I totally agree...just wouldn't want to insult her!
I am taking the rest of the day off. I just have to decide what phrase I am going to drink on....
I gotta say, they got Gus and Samuels pretty darn right.
Jessica Alba is toooo pretty...gotta get someone who won't give JA the feeling she's "pretty" or "famous".

I say "Octomom"....

And, one poster during the trial watch thread got JA's mom dead on with Rosie O'Donnell, and someone also said Roseanne Barr.....
I am taking the rest of the day off. I just have to decide what phrase I am going to drink on....

Depends on how drunk ya wanna get??

You can go with "amnesia", or "fog" or "PTSD" if you're wantin' a drunkin stupor...OR, Jodi telling a "truth" if ya wanna stay sober as a judge.....
Depends on how drunk ya wanna get??

You can go with "amnesia", or "fog" or "PTSD" if you're wantin' a drunkin stupor...OR, Jodi telling a "truth" if ya wanna stay sober as a judge.....

If Nurmi is up... then Sex or Vagina will put me under.

I am gonna be creative today.
Inspired by a request from deedee21 in the Court Observers thread, for a JUANETTE song, I submit the following abbreviated version of "One" from A Chorus Line (with a fond tip of my top hat to Marvin Hamlisch [RIP] & Ed Kleban)....

JUAN, singular sensation, every question that he asks
JUAN, thrilling combination, every lie he unmasks
Juan asks a question like nobody else can do
You know he'll catch you in a lie, you-know-who (yoo-hoo Jodi!)

He walks into a court and you know
he's uncommonly smart, very astute
Uncompromising, tenacious and cute
He walks into a court and you know from his
Maddening poise, passionate "Why?"
He's a special guy

One moment in his presence
and you can forget your lies
For the man is second best to none, son
Oooh! Sigh! Give him your attention
Do I really have to mention
He's our JUAN!

(repeat chorus indefinitely)
Inspired by a request from deedee21 in the Court Observers thread, for a JUANETTE song, I submit the following abbreviated version of "One" from A Chorus Line (with a fond tip of my top hat to Marvin Hamlisch [RIP] & Ed Kleban)....

JUAN, singular sensation, every question that he asks
JUAN, thrilling combination, every lie he unmasks
Juan asks a question like nobody else can do
You know he'll catch you in a lie, you-know-who (yoo-hoo Jodi!)

He walks into a court and you know
he's uncommonly smart, very astute
Uncompromising, tenacious and cute
He walks into a court and you know from his
Maddening poise, passionate "Why?"
He's a special guy

One moment in his presence
and you can forget your lies
For the man is second best to none, son
Oooh! Sigh! Give him your attention
Do I really have to mention
He's our JUAN!

(repeat chorus indefinitely)

OMG VV, you knocked it outta the park!

:rocker: :great: :woohoo: :takeabow:
I'm really upset, I (stupidly) spent last weekend lurking at that JII website. At first it was out of curiosity, then found a few laughs but the more I read I can't help being infuriated.
I can understand people who are against the DP but other than that I have seen posts such as- "the world is a better place without TA","poor JA was an abuse victim". There are all kinds of laughable theories on there. They claim Juan is "slime of the earth and corrupt". What really is eating at me is their attack of not just TA but also his family. I so badly wish there were someway to hold these people accountable for their actions.
I'm not looking there anymore but it's still bothering me. I should have never looked but I did and can't even voice my thoughts to them. I wish the THs would call these crazies out for the disgusting trashing of TA and family, laughable theories and their delusional obsession with this murderer.
I needed to get this off my chest and hopefully I can forget about it now. Even if this isn't read I'll pretend it has (by those nuts)......ok, feel better now, rant over...


I lurk over there sometimes and today was enough to get me off my behind and make a donation to help TA's family continue to attend the trial.

I lurk over there sometimes and today was enough to get me off my behind and make a donation to help TA's family continue to attend the trial.

I have never been, much like I could not stomach the CA supporters.I have enough stress,LOL,and nothing they are gonna say will convince me that she is not guilty to the core.

I lurk over there sometimes and today was enough to get me off my behind and make a donation to help TA's family continue to attend the trial.

I understand they really need it too!!
Dayum, Javier Bardem IS yummy - but I like Edward James Olmos for the role...


I agree!
My casting choices for the movie are :

Jessica Alba –Jodi Arias

Chris Pine / Chris Mcdonnell - Travis Alexander


Jennifer Wilmott- Mary McDonnell ( Capt Rador “Major Crimes”)
Kurt Nurmi - Daniel Lawrence Whitney- Larry The Cable Guy

Juan Martinez- Edward James Olmos
Jimmy Smits- Det. Flores

Kyra Sedgewick- Judge Stevens


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Juan Martinez- Edward James Olmos
Jimmy Smits- Det. Flores

Kyra Sedgewick- Judge Stevens


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Give Larry the Cable guy a shave and a haircut and he would be the perfect Nurmi!


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I think I'm gonna start the day at the sidebar...think ill need a stiff drink for this crap
Like Just Sharing, I feel Travis has been libeled with the most execrable assertion the defendant could seize upon. Pedophile. There is nothing to support that. The prosecutor presented her work schedule for the day she claims to have walked in on Travis. She could not have been there as she testified. Beyond that, her description of what she witnessed smacks only of more liar fiction. She talked about how one of the papers on the bed fell "in that chaotic way that paper has", landing face up. If the discovery was as traumatic as she attests, she would not be describing the event in these detached words which a film director would use. Nor was her ring finger broken in the aftermath. Those very phony words have always jarred on me.
I have my own cast of characters but I have to find the right pictures yet! I was struggling to find a good Nurmi, but I think whoever suggested Larry the Cable Guy was spot-on! I could only think of people like Seth Rogan or Jonah Hill (larger guys) but they are much too good looking to play Nurmi.

All I see when I look at Wilmott is Tina Fey.


I took DH to the eye doctor today, turns out he is having ocular migranes! He had called me from work to come get him, as he had suddenly lost vision in one eye! They're apparently harmless so that's good. Anyways, at the counter they had a lollipop jar for good little girls and boys that was filled with Tootsie Pops!!! You bet your booty I took one :) DH was slightly embarrassed of me because I think I squealed out loud, lol!

Then DH suggested we stop at Burger King for lunch, and for whatever reason Burger King is now partners with Cinnabon so you know I had to get me one of those. LOL!

I was giggling the whole way home.
I have my own cast of characters but I have to find the right pictures yet! I was struggling to find a good Nurmi, but I think whoever suggested Larry the Cable Guy was spot-on! I could only think of people like Seth Rogan or Jonah Hill (larger guys) but they are much too good looking to play Nurmi.

All I see when I look at Wilmott is Tina Fey.


I took DH to the eye doctor today, turns out he is having ocular migranes! He had called me from work to come get him, as he had suddenly lost vision in one eye! They're apparently harmless so that's good. Anyways, at the counter they had a lollipop jar for good little girls and boys that was filled with Tootsie Pops!!! You bet your booty I took one :) DH was slightly embarrassed of me because I think I squealed out loud, lol!

Then DH suggested we stop at Burger King for lunch, and for whatever reason Burger King is now partners with Cinnabon so you know I had to get me one of those. LOL!

I was giggling the whole way home.

fwiw - I get ocular migraines and got rid of them when I followed a low(er)-carb, no processed food diet.

ETA: it's also really important for me to eat b-fast and eat 3 square meals a day. I think the migraines possible have something to with blood sugar swings in my case.
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