Sidebar Discussion #3

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If they made her look plainer, the very talented girl who played Rhonda on 'Big Love' could portray KC's lying and the manipulation and the looniness very well, I think. Also KC looked as if she was straight out of Juniper Creek when she was in court, I thought, from the neck up anyway.
On second thoughts, who is the ugliest ugliest actress in Hollywood (please don't actually answer that here!)?
Get her to play OCA and invite OCA to the premiere.

My vote is for this actress to play Casey. I think it would be most appropriate. (ETA: I believe her name is Anne Ramsey)

JMHO :great:

It might behoove whoever is in charge of casting to attend a taping of the Jerry Springer show and check out the audience.
Right. Okay. ITA re: what Jeff Ashton is saying. I was commenting about the linked show was making a show about what happens when the media gets over involved with a case. One comment about Jeff Ashton's comment: I do agree the jury pool was polluted but the P12 were educated people, on paper, and said at Jury selection that they did not have an opinion about her guilt or innocence and had not followed the case, just seen it a few times on the news and I remember at least one said they didn't watch the news or at least only watched it rarely. So if all of that is true, that 12 educated sequestered people with no set opinions about fca's guilt or innocence sat through 6 weeks of a trial and then sat in a room for only a day or so deliberating - how were these 12 influenced by the media?
The National Law Journal - July 26, 2011
My favorite very long article about this case written by Adam H. Kurland, a professor of law at Howard University School of Law in Washington and of counsel to Coburn & Greenbaum in Washington.
The whole article is fantastic. He mentions a law cartoon from the The New Yorker.
And this article made me realize that there are three (3) opinions: the court, the media and the public. The media and public are two different entities.
Regardless, if the Jurors were tainted by the media and there was Nancy Grace saying night after night she was guilty, where did the verdict come from? IMO the media, news, Nancy did not influence this jury. It was the permitted OS, the permitted lowered chair etc etc blah blah blah omg I have given myself a headache, nothing to do with you or your posts, I love your posts - I just now really realized that I will never get past that fiasco of a trial

Okiedokie....I see your points. I won't disagree that they were educated, at least on paper, but Ashton pointed out that they were not decisive people. They also took little notes and paid little attention.

Please remember they were supposed to be the CEO's in this. That means you listen, discuss and evaluate and then make an informed decision. How many CEO's do you know that attend meetings with no notepad, daydream about lunch throughout the whole meeting, and then make a decision that will impact their company without asking one single questio? None, zero, zip, nada. Doesn't happen in the real world.

So, did the press directly cause this verdict? I agree with you. No. They couldn't have since the jury was seqestered.

Did the press indirectly contribute to this verdict? Yes. Once the jury pool was withered down to nothing (don't forget one whole group was thrown out further reducing it) it was a disaster. To seat even one juror who "doesn't want to judge" was a big error on the Judge's part.

JMO. I always enjoy your posts too.
You're a riot, you are:great: I want to see Meredith Baxter as CA. She was so good as Betty Broderick-she may be over 60, but she can pull it off. Xnay on R. Gere or G. Clooney-both still too cute to play GA-Ah, maybe it'll be that actor who JB bumped into w/B. Walters. LiLo is still a great idea for FCA-imagine a felon playing a felon:waitasec: Who would ever think of that! :great:
I better stop, I have the worst case of laughitis going since I came in here. :laughcry:

Sorry, the role of Jose has been filled:


ahhhh.... I love you guys... :)
I think she needs to lay off those beers!:floorlaugh: Are these sources the ones in her head? Maybe they had a typo and it's actually sorcerer's:innocent:

I'm going to go and re-introduce myself to Mr. J. Daniels now:floorlaugh:

I had the same thought. I think the fact that Jeff Ashton's book just came out and with all of the attention he was getting, caused her to want some of her own. I bet trying to 'protect' her is a logistical nightmare because she's shown us time and time again that she's her own worst enemy. She's probably the one who contacted the Enquirer with this bogus story.
You're a riot, you are:great: I want to see Meredith Baxter as CA. She was so good as Betty Broderick-she may be over 60, but she can pull it off. Xnay on R. Gere or G. Clooney-both still too cute to play GA-Ah, maybe it'll be that actor who JB bumped into w/B. Walters. LiLo is still a great idea for FCA-imagine a felon playing a felon:waitasec: Who would ever think of that! :great:
I better stop, I have the worst case of laughitis going since I came in here. :laughcry:


How about 'Juliette Lewis' for OCA? :great:
I had the same thought. I think the fact that Jeff Ashton's book just came out and with all of the attention he was getting, caused her to want some of her own. I bet trying to 'protect' her is a logistical nightmare because she's shown us time and time again that she's her own worst enemy. She's probably the one who contacted the Enquirer with this bogus story.

You know lowens, I've been thinking the same thing. If, as she seems to, she consider herself some sort of celebrity, maybe she's cottoned on to the old tactic of calling the paps when times get quiet?
LG- I get that, but that for me just explains a resentment, even a great big deep resentment, but not the extreme hatred of George that she's demonstrated.

Adding- unless, its the "on to her" part you say. Maybe it is literally intolerable to her to not have complete control over those around her and how they view her.

Having had a roommate who is a lot like Casey (except not a murderer), you are totally right. And it doesn't have to be something big at all. I complained to my old roommate once because we lived in an apartment on a street near the school I was attending, so parking in our driveway was a necessity because otherwise, I'd have to fight other students for a parking space. Well, her mother started coming over a lot and parked in the driveway instead, leaving no room for me because my roommate's car was there too. I got angry because day after day I was fighting for a parking space. I tried to nicely bring this up to her, asking her to have her mom park in the street instead so I could rightfully park in the driveway, and that did NOT go over well. God Forbid I ask her mother to park on the street, her mother who didn't live with us or go to school, so I didn't have to fight for a parking space. It was like I had betrayed her by asking such a thing. It was like I had tried to upset the balance or something worse, and all I was asking was that her mother park in the street. It wouldn't have been a big deal at all for her mother to do that. I ended up dropping it because I wasn't going to get my way, and thankfully, her mother stopped visiting so much anyway.

I imagine that Casey is like this and maybe worse. I wouldn't think it would take something really bad or really big for her to hate George. I imagine she hates plenty of people for small things that are probably insignificant to anyone else but her. Probably, George seeing through her lies and checking up on her would be enough. Shoot, if he even dared to ask her why she wasn't really working, or even innocently asked what was going on with her, she would probably get angry at him. She is used to having things HER WAY darnit, and no one should question it or dare upset it. I bet George was the only one not really willing to walk on eggshells and please Casey all of the time, and I bet that that made her hate him more than anything.

I know once I did stand up to my roommate and not just take her bull anymore, she was moving out and gone from my life. She liked having people around her she could snow and get to do what she wanted to do without question. Now multiply that times ten and you probably have Casey.
Well LG, I think someone is reading websleuths too where the whole thing was promptly debunked and then after getting the attention they wanted, decided to deny it before it went any further. Objective met. Attention, attention. Diversion, diversion against the truth's Ashton revealed in his book.

Now, what I want revealed and investigated is the source of this story. Two news sources did not report this for no reason. I believe and would love to hear that FCA reported this incident herself and Baez afterwards dug her our of the hole knowing she would be..... :behindbar

I agree....
This site is so great! Not only can you relieve tension by coming in here and laughing, but you learn A Lot of things to put it all into perspective, plus the fact all of the posters have been very consistant with their thoughts and ideas as to what happened. We all swayed off the beaten path sometimes because of all the misinformation given out by certain parties, couldn't be helped, but we all eventually came around to the same conclusion.

I have a very hard time accepting the jury's verdict. I do not think they took any real time to stop and think about any of the proof, they paid no attention at all. I might have said this before, but that opening statement of JB-I think he went that way with it because he knew there wasn't any charge of child endangerment on the table, if there was, he'd have never said it because then as small as their brains are, they'd have had to arrive at the conclusion at least Child Endangerment/Abuse because FCA said it happened to her, but allowed Caylee to be left behind while she partied. I still want to know what this wording is about; GA telling FCA Caylee was still alive during those 31 days? Still Alive? Was GA threatening FCA for a month? And she never called the right people? IOW, FCA is saying that GA was then Zanny? Somebody up and take my child for whatever reason and there'd be all kinds of hello raised, no matter what kind of lifestyle I was into, going out once a week for a night out is a nothing, but 31 days of not calling anybody, not being around your child? Stealing gas cans instead of stealing your daughter back? See how that makes absolutely no sense? Of course, nothing she or her parents ever did made very much sense.

Oh Wow! Anne Ramsey(RIP) as FCA after the failed attempt? Some of you should try out for The Improv-so funny! And Fester...What a hoot! Trust me, if somebody was going to make a movie based on the DT side, it'd have to go by way of SNL. So mixed up, it's laughable. Don't get me wrong, What happened to Caylee is not laughable at all, just the idiot antics after the fact.
This site is so great! Not only can you relieve tension by coming in here and laughing, but you learn A Lot of things to put it all into perspective, plus the fact all of the posters have been very consistant with their thoughts and ideas as to what happened. We all swayed off the beaten path sometimes because of all the misinformation given out by certain parties, couldn't be helped, but we all eventually came around to the same conclusion.

I have a very hard time accepting the jury's verdict. I do not think they took any real time to stop and think about any of the proof, they paid no attention at all. I might have said this before, but that opening statement of JB-I think he went that way with it because he knew there wasn't any charge of child endangerment on the table, if there was, he'd have never said it because then as small as their brains are, they'd have had to arrive at the conclusion at least Child Endangerment/Abuse because FCA said it happened to her, but allowed Caylee to be left behind while she partied. I still want to know what this wording is about; GA telling FCA Caylee was still alive during those 31 days? Still Alive? Was GA threatening FCA for a month? And she never called the right people? IOW, FCA is saying that GA was then Zanny? Somebody up and take my child for whatever reason and there'd be all kinds of hello raised, no matter what kind of lifestyle I was into, going out once a week for a night out is a nothing, but 31 days of not calling anybody, not being around your child? Stealing gas cans instead of stealing your daughter back? See how that makes absolutely no sense? Of course, nothing she or her parents ever did made very much sense.

Oh Wow! Anne Ramsey(RIP) as FCA after the failed attempt? Some of you should try out for The Improv-so funny! And Fester...What a hoot! Trust me, if somebody was going to make a movie based on the DT side, it'd have to go by way of SNL. So mixed up, it's laughable. Don't get me wrong, What happened to Caylee is not laughable at all, just the idiot antics after the fact.

Agree with everything you said and I bet Baez wasn't counting on an end game where he is a primary player in a comic strip we all laugh at.
How about 'Juliette Lewis' for OCA? :great:

As they say in the theater/movies: Art DOES imitate life. I'm sure FCA had a fondness for a movie stars life-a fantasy turned into a bit of reality, it was so evident when she peacocked for the cameras and I'm sorry, but CA loved the camera too much as well. LOL! Maybe J. Lewis' dad could scoop up the role of D. Casey-Oh better yet he could maybe play the towtruck driver since he did such a good job of that in Any Which Way But Loose:floorlaugh:

Do you think FCA's brain was already working on a script when she mentioned some of the star's names? :furious:
I suggest we keep giving them "Ideas & Advice" and see how long before a Tabloid reports that "a source" tells us...
As they say in the theater/movies: Art DOES imitate life. I'm sure FCA had a fondness for a movie stars life-a fantasy turned into a bit of reality, it was so evident when she peacocked for the cameras and I'm sorry, but CA loved the camera too much as well. LOL! Maybe J. Lewis' dad could scoop up the role of D. Casey-Oh better yet he could maybe play the towtruck driver since he did such a good job of that in Any Which Way But Loose:floorlaugh:

Do you think FCA's brain was already working on a script when she mentioned some of the star's names? :furious:

Let her plan her little empty heart out - the only place it fits is in an SNL skit - that where this last assassination attempt belongs...I'm still shaking my head at the sheer stupidity of it. Note on door, email warning...tsk tsk - needs a new script writer...

Agree with everything you said and I bet Baez wasn't counting on an end game where he is a primary player in a comic strip we all laugh at.
Or the gatekeeper for the crazy, aging, and washed up "lying sl*t" (As only he so fondly referred to her...what was it, four times?)
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