Sidebar Discussion #3

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Actually I looked at it a few times to figure if it was really him. :floorlaugh: Seems like the same Chili Cookoff event. It is kind of nice to see them look happy. Maybe JA's book is rubbing off on me. :truce:

...LA - can't really give him grief, he's gotten to the man-body stage - not a kid anymore, looks ok. Doesn't have that genus rattus look of some of his relatives, iykwim

Sure it was a cook-off and not an all-you-can-eat? LA looks as though he might have taken it literally.
Seriously and to be honest, in a way I'm glad to see LA with a smile on his face.
Ingrained - very, very, very early - also gotta check the tan line and the "slenderizing" of the finger .... indeterminate at this time...

Shhh - BigFatMommyDog - we are in mixed company - no giving away a girl's secrets.....:giggle:
From a tweet a la @dadessertladie:!/DaDessertLadie/status/139182207016243200/photo/1

She seems to think GA is employed at this Quinco Electric Co. When I googled them and George Anthony I got results that someone from Quinco went on their dolphin vaca with them.

And the irony of a "Chili Cookoff" is too rich.

ETA: I notice there is no wedding ring on LA. This pic was taken in October. I know a lot of men don't wear one but...

Got laughitis over this one again! Thanks!

No ring, but isn't it ironic, he's playing Beer Pong!:floorlaugh: Chili and Beer Pong and someone breaking the law by apparently smoking in a workplace/inside a building:waitasec:

I may be wrong, but I think the owner of this co. was the one who took the A's with them to the Bahamas. Sounds right, but I really could care less now, KWIM? :furious:
Chief Judge Belvin Perry is one of the most respected judges in the United States. Whatever he does, it is within the law or as the law requires it. As a judge he cannot let his personal opinion about anything that goes on in the courtroom to interfere with his actions.

I see lots of complaints about Judge Perry should have done this, or should have done that, but as I read the various legal summaries that fellow judges or lawyers have written, not one has written any negative comments about Judge Perry or how he ran his courtroom. It is one thing for him to sentence a woman who stood up and disrupted the courtroom, and quite another for a lawyer to comfort OCA - as much as it grated me. Both decisions fit within the laws available for him to base his decisions.

I saw nothing in any of HHJP's actions that indicated he showed any preference to OCA as a defendant, in fact to my eyes, quite the opposite. To the best of my knowledge, his job is to keep to the laws that guide the court and get a trial through from beginning to end. I think he did a fine job - much better than anyone else could have done. I don't get the comparison between the Conrad Murray trial and OCA's trial - Murrays trial was a mini trial compared to the mountain of evidence in the Anthony trial and the number of players involved.

For those who complain about HHJP, maybe it would be more fair to actually provide some points of law that indicate HHJP should have acted differently. I know we are unhappy about the verdict, but let's place the blame squarely on the shoulders of those it belongs to - the jury. And how about us backing off with this amount of disrespect for one of the finest judges Florida has ever seen. All IMO of course.

Yeah!! Everyone thought he was judge of the century when we all thought they were gonna fry her ... As soon as the .. Cough cough.. "Jury" made that incredibly shocking decision (if we can call it a decision) .. Everyone started turning on JBP. I think he was an exceptional judge with a high ethical standard.. He doesn't take prisoners ... I think he was trying to make an example out of the crazy lady.. I think the prosecution team and the judge were top notch... Considering the prosecution was literally working "a dry bones case" someone mentioned that the jury made up its mind after Jose Baez gave his performance on day one ... I completely agree.. The jury must've really related to him, felt connected with him. Once they were interviewed some jurors said verbatim lines from JB's opening and closing statements ..

Its still not something I will ever comprehend .. I still can't believe they let her walk.

I'm about half way thru JA's book. So far I like it.. He was definitely my fav on that team.

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Yeah!! Everyone thought he was judge of the century when we all thought they were gonna fry her ... As soon as the .. Cough cough.. "Jury" made that incredibly shocking decision (if we can call it a decision) .. Everyone started turning on JBP. I think he was an exceptional judge with a high ethical standard.. He doesn't take prisoners ... I think he was trying to make an example out of the crazy lady.. I think the prosecution team and the judge were top notch... Considering the prosecution was literally working "a dry bones case" someone mentioned that the jury made up its mind after Jose Baez gave his performance on day one ... I completely agree.. The jury must've really related to him, felt connected with him. Once they were interviewed some jurors said verbatim lines from JB's opening and closing statements ..

Its still not something I will ever comprehend .. I still can't believe they let her walk.

I'm about half way thru JA's book. So far I like it.. He was definitely my fav on that team.

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I agree Vhead. I'm one of those who have not turned on him though. IMO (and I don't know a lot about U.S. court procedures) he did his utmost to uphold the law in very trying circumstances.
It's surprising he didn't burst out with 'this can't be right' when he read the verdict to himself. It takes a real professional to remain poker faced when confronted with something so surprising.
I wonder if Casey Anthony's parents are religious by any chance.

She seems to think GA is employed at this Quinco Electric Co. When I googled them and George Anthony I got results that someone from Quinco went on their dolphin vaca with them.

And the irony of a "Chili Cookoff" is too rich.

<snipped for subject matter; BBM>

I think it is a pretty definite YES!, GA is working there. If you look through the rest of the pics in that album, he has on a Quinco shirt and....<gasp>.. lanyard with ID. :angel:

Okay guys, with that said, talking about his new employment is fine.

BUT, let's keep it classy and leave out the snarky physical appearance comments about any of them, okay?
I wonder if Casey Anthony's parents are religious by any chance.

In all seriousness, that depend upon how you define "religious".

It is a fact, that they call themselves Christians, yes. :)
ok who is the Boston guy? Is he the same guy they always referred to as the one who "died in an accident" ? I thought he was ruled out due to timing.

GiantPickle, not from Boston~ google JP Chatt check pictures.:seeya:
I agree Vhead. I'm one of those who have not turned on him though. IMO (and I don't know a lot about U.S. court procedures) he did his utmost to uphold the law in very trying circumstances.
It's surprising he didn't burst out with 'this can't be right' when he read the verdict to himself. It takes a real professional to remain poker faced when confronted with something so surprising.

LOL - you are so restrained! I was picturing him wanting to start hurling all his law books off his desk at the jury!!! And then marching over and giving a couple of them a smack on the upside of their heads!:great:

Umm..I like my version better - no offense...:floorlaugh:
I wonder if Casey Anthony's parents are religious by any chance.

They were "born again" somewhere in there - but then got tattoos and piercings and went on a cruise and had a few media outbursts since then and committed I'm not sure how all of "that" is going for them....:innocent:
I wonder if Casey Anthony's parents are religious by any chance.

They predend to be! But the ugly has come out of both of them from time to time and that's when we see the truest true Anthony's. IMO
LOL - you are so restrained! I was picturing him wanting to start hurling all his law books off his desk at the jury!!! And then marching over and giving a couple of them a smack on the upside of their heads!:great:

Umm..I like my version better - no offense...:floorlaugh:

So do I :floorlaugh:
They predend to be! But the ugly has come out of both of them from time to time and that's when we see the truest true Anthony's. IMO
Yes it has! Squirting people with a hose never seemed very Christian to me.
I've always felt 'being Christian' is why they fit in so well with Delvalle and BKH.
Yes it has! ,Squirting people with a hose never seemed very Christian to me.
I've always felt 'being Christian' is why they fit in so well with Delvalle and BKH.


I think this practice is called 'baptism by ire'. Or it might be 'baptism by liar', I always get those two mixed up.
Good morning! Catching up on reading posts from yesterday. Even though I had to take a break for awhile after the terrible awful no-good verdict I just gotta say, I LOVE being able to come to WS now to read about the the inevitable results of what is happening to all the liars in this case.
I wonder if Casey Anthony's parents are religious by any chance.

I'm not particularly religious (not formally so, anyway), but the Anthonys seem to be of the "pick 'n choose" school of Christianity...picking the Commandments they want to honor and discarding those that are bothersome, like "Do Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor." And they have completely glossed over this little tidbit:

"Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God."
Cindy's all about the mammon! lol

And about Judge Perry: I still hold him in high esteem but he cut Baez waaaaay too much slack. It was supposed to be a court of law, not law SCHOOL. But when the verdict was read, you could see it in his face; the man was doing a slow burn. He must have been completely disgusted with the jury.

:twocents: My humble opinion only
In all seriousness, that depend upon how you define "religious".

It is a fact, that they call themselves Christians, yes. :)

I was thinking someone who is fervently religious. Yes, I agree that they call themselves Christians. Very pretentious of them.
They predend to be! But the ugly has come out of both of them from time to time and that's when we see the truest true Anthony's. IMO

The Anthonys sound like a really dysfunctional and pretentious family. They remind me of the Drews (Lori Drew). It would not surprise me if the Anthonys are social climbers themselves.
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