Sidebar Discussion #3

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I hope you don't mind, I have only posted here a few times but read every day, and I'm sorry it's OT but my daughter has arrived distraught in a taxi at 6.30 this morning. She has been drugged and sexually assaulted the police are downstairs with her now. Just needed to speak about it. Although you don't really know me but I consider you all my friends and needed to offload. Thank you for being there x
I hope you don't mind, I have only posted here a few times but read every day, and I'm sorry it's OT but my daughter has arrived distraught in a taxi at 6.30 this morning. She has been drugged and sexually assaulted the police are downstairs with her now. Just needed to speak about it. Although you don't really know me but I consider you all my friends and needed to offload. Thank you for being there x

Very sorry to hear this! My prayers go out to your daughter, and hope that the perp is quickly caught and justice served.
In the news thread, RR0004 posted the following -

Judge withholds ruling in Texas EquuSearch v. Casey Anthony hearing

In the article,
Greene said Anthony’s focused on other things, and money isn't one of them.
“And she’s not out there trying to sell anything,” Greene said. “She’s spending a lot of time in reflection, and trying to figure out who she is and where she goes from here.”

I was going to make a remark about her staring into the mirror trying to figure out who or what she was (which struck me as being so funny), but decided to back off to find out what time in reflection meant.

It can mean looking back at a tragic happening so you can mourn and grieve a loss so you can begin to heal. (I know she ain't doing that)

It can also mean to look back at what has happened and ponder on what you would do differently the next time. (I would hope there will never be a next time)

Not interested in money? (Give me a break)

Where she goes from here? (I thought she already had a beau and was going to get married and I hope she doesn't end up anywhere in the US) Maybe she is trying to figure a way to continue manipulating the system and how she can abscond with her benefactor's money and checks.

What kind of bull is Attorney Greene trying to throw out or has he himself truly fallen under the spell of the angry FCA wherein he believes every lie she spits out? (oh, the poor mistreated damsel in distress)


in my very humble opinion, this reflection consists of her eating taco bell while whatever poor smuck is taking care of her reflects on "how the holy hell am I gonna get out of this?"
I hope you don't mind, I have only posted here a few times but read every day, and I'm sorry it's OT but my daughter has arrived distraught in a taxi at 6.30 this morning. She has been drugged and sexually assaulted the police are downstairs with her now. Just needed to speak about it. Although you don't really know me but I consider you all my friends and needed to offload. Thank you for being there x

I am so sorry for her :( I wish her love & strength, I dont know what's happening to this country :(
Where she goes from here is...hmmm

Let's start with..she should get her GED
She should be finding gainful employment to SUPPORT herself and not mooch off of other people or STEAL their hard earned money
She should be courageous enough to apologize to ZG, to Tim Miller and the thousand of volunteers who looked for Caylee, to LE...and many more...

IMHO where she goes from here is straight to H.E. double hockey not pass go, do not collect $250,000....:floorlaugh:
I was watching Dr. Drew last night and the "new big story" is about that woman...sorry her name escapes me at this early hour...who is in jail awaiting trial for the "fatal attraction" murder of her boyfriend. THE ENTIRE show was a comparison of this girl and Casey. "Is she the NEW Casey Anthony"..."What do they have in common"...."They are both beautiful, and purported killers".....
So hang onto your hat, Ms Amphony......your fame and fortune are fleeting and you will always, ALWAYS be linked to the most vile of vile human beings. Kind of like .... Lizzy Borden.
Ah fame, ain't it a biotch????
in my very humble opinion, this reflection consists of her eating taco bell while whatever poor smuck is taking care of her reflects on "how the holy hell am I gonna get out of this?"

I love your humble opinion. :floorlaugh:

Reality has to be setting in by now. All FCA's life she lied and "thought" she got away with it. The people she surrounded herself with admitted they knew she was a liar.

So what does the liar do now? No one believes her stories and even if she were to tell the truth for once, it wouldn't be believed.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
I hope you don't mind, I have only posted here a few times but read every day, and I'm sorry it's OT but my daughter has arrived distraught in a taxi at 6.30 this morning. She has been drugged and sexually assaulted the police are downstairs with her now. Just needed to speak about it. Although you don't really know me but I consider you all my friends and needed to offload. Thank you for being there x

Omg! How horrific! I am so, so sorry, Anabelle! I pray your daughter is ok and I pray for you to have the strength to get through this and to help her get through this! We are always here for you!

I am so sorry Anabelle, thoughts are with you and your daughter.
I was watching Dr. Drew last night and the "new big story" is about that woman...sorry her name escapes me at this early hour...who is in jail awaiting trial for the "fatal attraction" murder of her boyfriend. THE ENTIRE show was a comparison of this girl and Casey. "Is she the NEW Casey Anthony
"..."What do they have in common"...."They are both beautiful, and purported killers
So hang onto your hat, Ms Amphony......your fame and fortune are fleeting and you will always, ALWAYS be linked to the most vile of vile human beings. Kind of like .... Lizzy Borden.
Ah fame, ain't it a biotch????

I never understood the media calling her a beauty.
Beautiful women-
Gene Tierney, Vivien Leigh, elizabeth Taylor, etc.

Casey does not even come close to a beauty. imo
I hope you don't mind, I have only posted here a few times but read every day, and I'm sorry it's OT but my daughter has arrived distraught in a taxi at 6.30 this morning. She has been drugged and sexually assaulted the police are downstairs with her now. Just needed to speak about it. Although you don't really know me but I consider you all my friends and needed to offload. Thank you for being there x

What a horrible experience, Anabelle; I hope the beast who did this to your daughter is caught and punished.
I never understood the media calling her a beauty.
Beautiful women-
Gene Tierney, Vivien Leigh, elizabeth Taylor, etc.

Casey does not even come close to a beauty. imo

I agree. I always thought OCA Tacky.
Anabelle - my arms are wrapped around you and your daughter sending strength and positive thoughts.

in my very humble opinion, this reflection consists of her eating taco bell while whatever poor smuck is taking care of her reflects on "how the holy hell am I gonna get out of this?"

I can see her with her driver (ahem:waitasec:) pulling up to a drive through Taco Bell wrapped from top to bottom in hat and scarf with trout lips sticking out front and forward and sweating bullets in the Florida heat. That would be hilarious to see!

I wonder if wrapping rubber lips around a taco is akin to having your gums frozen when having dental work and then trying to bite into something?

Just a thought.
I think there was no hope for justice with this jury no matter what. If Caylee had never been found the defense would have claimed she was not dead. And the jury would have gone along with that. They just wanted out, and they had decided that the first day, IMO. The few who went into deliberations believing in Casey's guilt were intimidated into changing their votes. Intimidation is a very strong force. How often have you seen someone back away from their beliefs just because someone intimidated them? And in a jury deliberation room, things can get pretty heated.

Before reading JA's book, I thought the jurors made up their minds with JB's opening statement - Caylee accidentally drowned, GA covered it up, GA sexually abused Casey - an easy out for the jury. Say it was an accident, no crime committed on Casey's part, go home quicker. I thought they ate it up because they knew a murder conviction would keep them sequestered much longer after the trial was over while they heard DP arguments.

JA said when the jury was shown a picture an alive Caylee and a picture of Caylee's remains in the woods, they had NO reaction, no facial changes, nothing. This was during Linda's opening statement. Before JB's theatrics.

Whoa! What? NO REACTION on the first day?

Then JA reminded us that on the third day of trial the jury had two important questions: Which jurors would be making the final decision, all of the first 12, or some of the alternates too? Would those not chosen to be the decision makers be allowed to go home?

So that's what was on their minds! Questions they should have asked before trial started. Instead of paying attention to the court proceedings, witness testimonies, and evidence being offered, they were concerned with themselves.

They were also concerned about the movies they could watch (kids' movies!), where they would go for dinner, when they could go home, running out of water during the trial...

Reading about the jury only confirmed my belief that a conviction would never have been handed down by them. They weren't interested, they blamed the prosecution, the court system, probably LE, for their having to be there. The only people they didn't blame were the accused and the defense. Unbelievable.

I did notice while watching the trial how the jurors reacted to the different sides. When Baez and other defense team members greeted them, they responded in a friendly manner. When the prosecutors greeted them, rarely could I hear a response. I was hoping it was because they were aware the prosecution team was admitting very serious evidence, so their mood was more somber.

Boy, was I wrong. The jurors had decided before trial how they would vote, and anyone not on board with the rest, well, they knew who was stronger. :cow:
OMG. Go look what is posted in the news thread by RR!!!!!!!!
Maybe Tim was there but nobody recognized him with his hat and sunglasses on. Lol
Seriously, Mr Greene is claiming that the person suing should be deposed first. A bit of a legal question I guess, but is this protocol/normal or something they are making up to fit the agenda?
I never understood the media calling her a beauty.
Beautiful women-
Gene Tierney, Vivien Leigh, elizabeth Taylor, etc.

Casey does not even come close to a beauty. imo

Thank you for saying this because I believed I was the only one who thought Casey was definitely NOT pretty. In fact, there were times when I thought she was on the ugly side. The vile mouth of hers brought out the evilness of her character. Who could forget her first call home from the jail, her fit in the jailhouse visit tape, and her actions in the courtroom? Not a pretty picture.

I never understood the media calling her a beauty.
Beautiful women-
Gene Tierney, Vivien Leigh, elizabeth Taylor, etc.

Casey does not even come close to a beauty. imo
Let me assure you (from a male's perspective) that Casey Anthony is not hot, sexy or anything else - lol I like the ladies but OCA is not someone I'd look at twice in the street.
Iornically, I've always thought that the actress who most looks like her and could play her in a movie would be Jennifer Love Hewitt (yet she IS beautiful). Go figure!
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