Sidebar Discussion #4

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Anyone who does any critical thinking and reading on this case would realize that George did NOT sexually abuse Caylee and Casey. The only proof of this is from a convicted liar's mouth. That is not proof, that is LIES. As much as I don't like George, I will never believe he is a sexual abuser just because Casey says so.
*sitting on hands*

I made enough trouble last night; I'm behaving today! :)
I have been of the belief that the verdict was very wrong. I followed the case in between both of my jobs and parenting as closely as I could and could hardly stand Casey and her emotionless cold demeanor. When the verdict was read I cried. I have tried to walk away thinking it's best Casey realizes the world is not really with her and she can disappear into being anonymous and not having any attention and that is the best for that kind of personality disorder. However I have read and listened to some things recently and I have completely changed my tune. I think she was sexually abused by George. I think Caylee was sexually abused. I think there is something coming out soon and George is going to be exposed. I realized I was just being fed what the talking heads wanted me to be fed plus it all made sense simply at face value. But when I started to do some critical thinking and reading everything and listening to documents and family members myself I put two and two together. This is a very dark man. I can't believe I didn't catch it all sooner. I encourage those of you who might be wondering if there is something deeper to seek the truth on this. Casey isn't an angel but my goodness she was also a victim. Seriously. I encourage you all to dig deeper. George is guilty.

I will admit very early on I had put together a story line that fit this situation perfectly. The problem with it is she had many chances to speak to police and get protection for her and mom and bro and have dad investigated.

To me insane is knowing the differance between right and wrong and doing wrong any way.

Plus, there was something definitely mentally wrong with Andrea Yates. Casey cannot be compared to her. Casey is just evil with no chance of redemption. Andrea Yates is very sick and needs help.
I have been of the belief that the verdict was very wrong. I followed the case in between both of my jobs and parenting as closely as I could and could hardly stand Casey and her emotionless cold demeanor. When the verdict was read I cried. I have tried to walk away thinking it's best Casey realizes the world is not really with her and she can disappear into being anonymous and not having any attention and that is the best for that kind of personality disorder. However I have read and listened to some things recently and I have completely changed my tune. I think she was sexually abused by George. I think Caylee was sexually abused. I think there is something coming out soon and George is going to be exposed. I realized I was just being fed what the talking heads wanted me to be fed plus it all made sense simply at face value. But when I started to do some critical thinking and reading everything and listening to documents and family members myself I put two and two together. This is a very dark man. I can't believe I didn't catch it all sooner. I encourage those of you who might be wondering if there is something deeper to seek the truth on this. Casey isn't an angel but my goodness she was also a victim. Seriously. I encourage you all to dig deeper. George is guilty.

I see that you have been a member here for a very long time, much longer than most of us. So, I make the assumption that you followed this case closely and it seems like you are upset that what you once believed, you no longer believe.

May I ask, do you think George is guilty of molestation, murder, or both? What made your change your mind?

If you are interested, I find it helps me to get my thoughts out into the open and let the other sleuthers point out things that I may have missed. There are some very smart people on this board.


I have been of the belief that the verdict was very wrong. I followed the case in between both of my jobs and parenting as closely as I could and could hardly stand Casey and her emotionless cold demeanor. When the verdict was read I cried. I have tried to walk away thinking it's best Casey realizes the world is not really with her and she can disappear into being anonymous and not having any attention and that is the best for that kind of personality disorder. However I have read and listened to some things recently and I have completely changed my tune. I think she was sexually abused by George. I think Caylee was sexually abused. I think there is something coming out soon and George is going to be exposed. I realized I was just being fed what the talking heads wanted me to be fed plus it all made sense simply at face value. But when I started to do some critical thinking and reading everything and listening to documents and family members myself I put two and two together. This is a very dark man. I can't believe I didn't catch it all sooner. I encourage those of you who might be wondering if there is something deeper to seek the truth on this. Casey isn't an angel but my goodness she was also a victim. Seriously. I encourage you all to dig deeper. George is guilty.

First - thank you for your opinion - WS supports all viewpoints. Now let me say I do not agree with you, nor will I ever. There is no - that is NONE- no evidence whatsoever that this man who adored his grand daughter abused her or OCA. None whatsoever.

This is OCA's biggest lie and the very thing that saved her from a guilty verdict! And wasn't it a clever lie? Because sexual abuse seems to be fascinating and I acknowledge there are tragically many victims out there and here at WS who has suffered abuse and still suffer from the consequences of it. We have multiple threads on the possibility of George being an abuser before the trial and before we had all the facts.

The Defense looked for evidence of abuse, the Prosecution looked for evidence, the LE looked for evidence and for all I know so did the FBI. There was no evidence at all to suggest this was true.

I believe we were issued instructions by our TOS to stop suggesting George was guilty of any form of abuse. Anyone, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong. However, any suggestions regarding George belong on the appropriate threads please! All IMO.
Plus, there was something definitely mentally wrong with Andrea Yates. Casey cannot be compared to her. Casey is just evil with no chance of redemption. Andrea Yates is very sick and needs help.

Not to argue at all but anyone who kills another for no other reason then protection for their self or another is sick in the head or evil.
I have been of the belief that the verdict was very wrong. I followed the case in between both of my jobs and parenting as closely as I could and could hardly stand Casey and her emotionless cold demeanor. When the verdict was read I cried. I have tried to walk away thinking it's best Casey realizes the world is not really with her and she can disappear into being anonymous and not having any attention and that is the best for that kind of personality disorder. However I have read and listened to some things recently and I have completely changed my tune. I think she was sexually abused by George. I think Caylee was sexually abused. I think there is something coming out soon and George is going to be exposed. I realized I was just being fed what the talking heads wanted me to be fed plus it all made sense simply at face value. But when I started to do some critical thinking and reading everything and listening to documents and family members myself I put two and two together. This is a very dark man. I can't believe I didn't catch it all sooner. I encourage those of you who might be wondering if there is something deeper to seek the truth on this. Casey isn't an angel but my goodness she was also a victim. Seriously. I encourage you all to dig deeper. George is guilty.

What facts do you have to confirm this? If George had been abusing Casey/Caylee why would Casey leave Caylee with George on a regular basis? Why would Casey go on and on about what a wonderful Dad and Grandpa he was in her jailhouse video? I don't agree and feel so bad for George. He'll be labeled a pedophile by some people for the rest of his life due to all of Casey's lies. I guess FCA ripping Caylee away from him wasn't enough, she had to push the knife in all the way. My heart breaks for George. Ever Dr Drew changed his mind and says that there is no way that FCA or Caylee were abused. Are you basing this off the new physc evals?

Do you really think that Cindy would have allowed that? She said on Dr Phil she would have killed him if she had any idea he had done anything like that. I think he had an affair with River Cruz, but in no way did he sexuallly abuse either casey or caylee. jmo

as far as I'm concerned George fell on the sword to save his Daughter and now he's paying the price.
What facts do you have to confirm this? If George had been abusing Casey/Caylee why would Casey leave Caylee with George on a regular basis? Why would Casey go on and on about what a wonderful Dad and Grandpa he was in her jailhouse video? I don't agree and feel so bad for George. He'll be labeled a pedophile by some people for the rest of his life due to all of Casey's lies. I guess FCA ripping Caylee away from him wasn't enough, she had to push the knife in all the way. My heart breaks for George. Ever Dr Drew changed his mind and says that there is no way that FCA or Caylee were abused. Are you basing this off the new physc evals?

Do you really think that Cindy would have allowed that? She said on Dr Phil she would have killed him if she had any idea he had done anything like that. I think he had an affair with River Cruz, but in no way did he sexuallly abuse either casey or caylee. jmo

as far as I'm concerned George fell on the sword to save his Daughter and now he's paying the price.

I agree he fell on his sword to save his daughter from what Baez told him was going to be a death sentence - but he did not as far as the accusation of sexual abuse to either Caylee or OCA.
I agree he fell on his sword to save his daughter from what Baez told him was going to be a death sentence - but he did not as far as the accusation of sexual abuse to either Caylee or OCA.

I agree with you and just worded my post wrong. sorry! You're right he has never admitted to sexual abuse because there was none and George is not a liar.
There is no way that George was the abuser in that family. Cindy and Casey are the abusers in that family. If I were George, I would file for divorce, take half the $500,000.00 and move far far away. There is no doubt in my mind that Casey is going to end up right back in Cindy's home. Well, let them victimize each other. They deserve each other.

The sexual molestation stories are nothing but more of Casey's wild lies. Funny how she first only told her boyfriends that Lee molested her. Then when she was in jail as the Ah-choo Prophet she had vivid dreams of her dad doing the same thing.

If you believe Casey's lies, you are chosing to be another one of her victims. I refuse to be Casey's victim.
I have been of the belief that the verdict was very wrong. I followed the case in between both of my jobs and parenting as closely as I could and could hardly stand Casey and her emotionless cold demeanor. When the verdict was read I cried. I have tried to walk away thinking it's best Casey realizes the world is not really with her and she can disappear into being anonymous and not having any attention and that is the best for that kind of personality disorder. However I have read and listened to some things recently and I have completely changed my tune. I think she was sexually abused by George. I think Caylee was sexually abused. I think there is something coming out soon and George is going to be exposed. I realized I was just being fed what the talking heads wanted me to be fed plus it all made sense simply at face value. But when I started to do some critical thinking and reading everything and listening to documents and family members myself I put two and two together. This is a very dark man. I can't believe I didn't catch it all sooner. I encourage those of you who might be wondering if there is something deeper to seek the truth on this. Casey isn't an angel but my goodness she was also a victim. Seriously. I encourage you all to dig deeper. George is guilty.


If you are going to accuse a man of being guilty of being a pedophile you are going to need to provide links to prove such claims. That is a very serious, serious accusation. And I am not talking about a link to a liar's comments or her attorney's imaginative opening and/or closing statement. I am talking about legitimate links that prove he did what you are accusing him of doing.

I completely respect your right to have your opinion but please do not make such blanket statements that can ruin a person's life and reputation without providing some proof that he is truly guilty of the things of which you are blatantly accusing him.

Well, I just got home from grocery shopping. While standing in line to check out I noticed the NE, my eyes went right to a quote from FCA telling her "pals" she would make a great Mom. My first thought was, "FCA you were a Mom, and NOOOOOO you were not a great Mom!!! and then I turned the NE around LOL that felt good!!!!
To quote the greatest publicist of them all, Phineas T. Barnum, "I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell my name right." I am sure Casey Anthony doesn't give a rats *advertiser censored** what is being said about her, as long as she is still be talked about, with people rushing to post about everything she, or anyone remotely associated with says or does.

Do NOT Ever mention my *advertiser censored** and Casey Anthony again in the same sentence! This Rat has some Very High Standards that Casey will forever Fail to Reach!!!

I agree with you and just worded my post wrong. sorry! You're right he has never admitted to sexual abuse because there was none and George is not a liar.

No worries MaryAnn - I assumed that's what you meant but just wanted to clarify...:seeya:
Do NOT Ever mention my *advertiser censored** and Casey Anthony again in the same sentence! This Rat has some Very High Standards that Casey will forever Fail to Reach!!!


:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Love that you're from SWFL too! Hey neighbor!
There is an ongoing Karmic balance going on, though sometimes I have overlooked it.

GA and CA told bunches of lies to cover for FCA, because they were lies but had to somewhat fit with the evidence they often came across as 'weirdisms'. We all understood that they were a bunch of self preserving liars.

In the courtroom, they didn't have the benefit of 'rotting pizza' to cover up 'smell of death' which we later find FCA described as 'dead squirrels' and scientists explained as 'grave wax'. This took 3 years for us to digest and dissect, it all tumbled out in a few days in court. Dead squirrel/dead baby/grave wax, they require a little consideration......but PIZZA, that's just plain odd.

The DT storyline was borne from the crazy webs that the family weaved, as each piece of evidence was discovered. Each new lie made them look more and more bizarre. This led to a DT being able to say ---- look at these crazies, no wonder our client is quiet.

Now the family stand accused of abuse, incest, control, etc by the very person they were trying to save with their lies.

She managed to NEVER talk about her missing/dead child until almost trial time, but managed to spew all the accusations about her family from her first interviews/jail letters/texts pre jail.

So saving FCA turned the family into perceived abusers of all types.
Saving FCA bankrupted JB both morally and then financially.
Saving FCA made many 'experts' with decent reputations into 'paid opinions'.

....and now FCA gets 5 mins in NE, and a day of web chatter. Her vlogs are akin to OJs book, and she should be careful for WE are her future jury pool.
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