Sidebar Discussion #4

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:) I am sorry I did misunderstand. :( Caylee deserved so much more :(

Been there/done that with the misunderstand thing. We all have.

Yes, Caylee deserved so much more, and now, so does George. I think Caylee is the only thing that kept George in that house, well that, and the lack of a decent paying job for so many years.

Well George, now's the time.

Just a thought... but maybe because they WANT the public to believe she is still there. If everyone believes she is there but she was actually moved, they won't go looking elsewhere for her.

These people have played so many games, absolutely nothing would surprise me now.

bbm, That is exactly how I feel, everything is a subterfuge and underhanded and smoke and mirrors, and that is the way everyone involved with FCA has acted in this case from Day 1, her parents, her whole DT past and present, all of the crazy characters surrounding the DT, I don't trust one thing they say or do, it is like bizarro-world where everything is opposite from what they say or do, it is maddening!! :maddening: :maddening:
Been there/done that with the misunderstand thing. We all have.

Yes, Caylee deserved so much more, and now, so does George. I think Caylee is the only thing that kept George in that house, well that, and the lack of a decent paying job for so many years.

Well George, now's the time.

He's now a safety inspector in a field in which he has no experience or previous interest.
Now before I get all mushy and offer George a place to live, I have to say once again :)
Thanks Mods :) Goodnight all :)

We will be good. (ssshhhh giggle) We promise. :) :)D) (sshh shut up!!! you're gonna ruin it!!!) (giggles....zzzzzzzzzzz)
This whole thing about the church: the congregation has certainly done a stellar job keeping this under the lid. Unless, of course, the preacher didn't tell them he was harboring the most-hated woman in the world. Which would open up a whole new can of worms for this guy.

If the congregation is truly even a small amount like 100, he had to keep it hidden. There is NO way that 100 people would vow to keep this silenced.

If I am wrong, then CM and LF are wrong, FCA is NOT in danger and should be afforded ZERO concessions.

Here we have a very charismatic preacher, with a music career with videos, and a very self-selecting group. In sales terms, they are very well qualified customers. I am sure there has been an appeal to them (and their pride) as true christians to exercise their highest principles of christian forgiveness. WWJD?

And bully to them. I do not see this group suborning these principles cause that's what the devil is tempting them to do.

I am a natural skeptic. Leader says - we do it - or we lose our social construct. I do not believe that this is a group that exercises or much less, encourages independent thinking. And here we are.

I have great respect for those philosophical leaders who have exercised the intellectual rigors necessary to accept and even embrace dissent and discourse.

But I have reservations here. Very serious reservations.
Here we have a very charismatic preacher, with a music career with videos, and a very self-selecting group. In sales terms, they are very well qualified customers. I am sure there has been an appeal to them (and their pride) as true christians to exercise their highest principles of christian forgiveness. WWJD?

And bully to them. I do not see this group suborning these principles cause that's what the devil is tempting them to do.

I am a natural skeptic. Leader says - we do it - or we lose our social construct. I do not believe that this is a group that exercises or much less, encourages independent thinking. And here we are.

I have great respect for those philosophical leaders who have exercised the intellectual rigors necessary to accept and even embrace dissent and discourse.

But I have reservations here. Very serious reservations.

The leader has no formal education in religion/divinity, no association with religious organizations and their church is basically a compound. 2+2=4
The leader has no formal education in religion/divinity, no association with religious organizations and their church is basically a compound. 2+2=4

yep - ran that down last night - a long with some emails he traded with others in his profession.

I am skating on thin ice here - lots of adherence to principles - lots of rejection to any questions - obedience.

Met far too many of these in my travels
Here we have a very charismatic preacher, with a music career with videos, and a very self-selecting group. In sales terms, they are very well qualified customers. I am sure there has been an appeal to them (and their pride) as true christians to exercise their highest principles of christian forgiveness. WWJD?

And bully to them. I do not see this group suborning these principles cause that's what the devil is tempting them to do.

I am a natural skeptic. Leader says - we do it - or we lose our social construct. I do not believe that this is a group that exercises or much less, encourages independent thinking. And here we are.

I have great respect for those philosophical leaders who have exercised the intellectual rigors necessary to accept and even embrace dissent and discourse.

But I have reservations here. Very serious reservations.

RBBM and ITA! Have you read their Church Restoration (basically it's the doctrine they follow for church discipline)? If you even glance through it I believe it will give you an idea about the makeup of the members. (They are all required to sign a statement that they will submit themselves to the discipline and agree to hold other members to it as well.)

It's a very informative read, if anyone's interested:
He's now a safety inspector in a field in which he has no experience or previous interest.
True, but they do pay well.

Well enough that George can financially afford to scoot on out from under Cindy's ruling fist, stand up for himself, legally clear his name and become a man of his own accord.
He would have to reveal his sources if George sued him. I just can't see the point in suing over something that doesn't sound that terrible me at least. I mean, if probably thousands of people think you're a child rapist and murderer, who cares if they also think you were once a horny teenage boy--just like 99.9% of all the rest of the teenage boys? :waitasec:

I know what you are saying but I know if I were accused as George has been and I were innocent I would be desperate to prove it. And I would be taking any and all steps to do so. Proving that Ablow was at least inaccurate or at worst a liar would be one step on the road to vindication.

But then again I know I am projecting my own feelings here. The A's never behave like I think a normal person should.
It is a big deal, because it's yet another spark that has ignited the bigger blaze, that's why. Either stand for your complete dignity, or sit down and shut up.

We see which route George has taken.

ETA: This "sit down and shut up" is the exact same choice that George has made all along pertaining to Casey, and Caylee was the victim of the "bigger blaze".

Couldn't agree more. I would just like to see the people have learned something from all this. (Well learned something that makes them a better human I mean - not just learned how to game the system.) :(
True, but they do pay well.

Well enough that George can financially afford to scoot on out from under Cindy's ruling fist, stand up for himself, legally clear his name and become a man of his own accord.

I hope he does...and I hope their aren't any emergencies on his watch. I'm sure the employees feel a little unsafe with him standing sentinel.
I think George is the kind of a guy who has to has somebody. He's lost Caylee in a horrible way and will always be devasted by that, he's lost OCA a daughter he loved, and he never had a relationship with Lee that could be considered close. He doesn't have anyone but Cindy now so I think he is so bruised he's hanging on to her because she is all he has. Some people just aren't strong at all, even when they need to be.

I agree he may be the kind who always needs a "someone" but I also think he's a major mooch. He doesn't choose life on his own because he doesn't want to be responsible for himself. IMHO. And the apple didn't fall too far from the tree on that either...
Umm didn't we find out he had a college degree before he joined the police force and we were all shocked about that?:waitasec:

No I meant that if GA never was asked to leave one school therefore having to finish in another school system...not that he never finished at all. I think it was poorly worded - and this one is not so great either! Hope you get what I mean.
Couldn't agree more. I would just like to see the people have learned something from all this. (Well learned something that makes them a better human I mean - not just learned how to game the system.) :(

BBM - Exactly!, and thank you for saying what I've been trying to say all along.

Has George learned nothing from his years of being ____whipped?!? Being silenced, denigrated as though he is nothing? Caylee is D-E-A-D in a large part due to that very thing! NOBODY stood up to Cindy. NOBODY stood up to Casey.

NOBODY stood FOR Caylee!

And now, as the fallout from Caylee's murder settles on George's shoulders in many people's eyes, it's time that George stood up FOR George!

You're precisely right, has he learned nothing from all of this?
RBBM and ITA! Have you read their Church Restoration (basically it's the doctrine they follow for church discipline)? If you even glance through it I believe it will give you an idea about the makeup of the members. (They are all required to sign a statement that they will submit themselves to the discipline and agree to hold other members to it as well.)

It's a very informative read, if anyone's interested:

my goodness.... well FCA falls under #5..
I agree he may be the kind who always needs a "someone" but I also think he's a major mooch. He doesn't choose life on his own because he doesn't want to be responsible for himself. IMHO. And the apple didn't fall too far from the tree on that either...

You could be right alright. But recently I dig my heels in when we start talking about George.

He has been so consistently vilified for the last 3.5 years for his weakness and much much more that I just don't feel up to doing what I did for almost two years straight - which was to be highly critical of him and said so over and over again.

George is a weak weak man. He adored Caylee and now's she gone, and he has a broken heart that will never mend. It's done - he knows what he's done. Even if he'd gone completely in the other direction that he did - I honestly don't think it would have made a darned bit of difference. Not with that vicious lying murderer sitting in the courtroom, not with Baez saying anything to give him that win, and not with that jury who could have cared less and just wanted to go home. But I'm done with it.
You could be right alright. But recently I dig my heels in when we start talking about George.

He has been so consistently vilified for the last 3.5 years for his weakness and much much more that I just don't feel up to doing what I did for almost two years straight - which was to be highly critical of him and said so over and over again.

George is a weak weak man. He adored Caylee and now's she gone, and he has a broken heart that will never mend. It's done - he knows what he's done. Even if he'd gone completely in the other direction that he did - I honestly don't think it would have made a darned bit of difference. Not with that vicious lying murderer sitting in the courtroom, not with Baez saying anything to give him that win, and not with that jury who could have cared less and just wanted to go home. But I'm done with it.

I, for one, cannot believe that George has not risen up and demanded the Truth. Isn't there one lawyer out there who would represent him in this manner? Seriously, hasn't he allowed his name to be sludged through the mud just to save his daughter long enough? Hell, she is free and she is still doing it! Hello...George...she did it. She is free. Now...come on and come clean!
You just made me think of a great job for FCA!!!
She could work for a restaurant ...wearing one of those costumes and standing outside with a big sandwich board luring people in!!!!
A yellow duck suit perhaps, with a big head.
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