Sidebar Discussion #4

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Not sure if it's allowed but AS' website is claiming AS died in 2011 and her roommate has been doing all of this recent activity through her accounts. I don't know what to believe anymore.
snipped for brevity

wow I never even thought of that. sure I know all about lizzie, so I knew she was acquitted but ask the average joe on the street they'll say oh, the one who killed her parents, as she is THAT notorious.

perfect comparison. 100 years from now when asking the average joe who anthony was, they'll say oh, that <modsnip> who smothered her 2 year old with duct tape. they wont even remember that she was acquitted.

that's....almost good enough for me. (that she will be posterchild for babykillers for loonnnggg after we're all gone)

That is right. And even if she did something with her life to try and redeem herself (short of becoming another Mother Theresa I don't know what that would be) she will always be remembered FIRST as convicted felon CA who was tried for the murder of her precious daughter. ALWAYS. Forever and a day. The A's will also go down in history as how they portrayed themselves before, during and after the trial. I don't know about most of ya'll, but in the end...nothing else matters but how you lived your life and how you are remembered. Period. I, for one, am glad MY epitapth won't look anything like theirs.
Omg...i just watched the SNL skit about the poor dog. I bet she shook her fist so hard at the tv......she went into a seizure. I am loving it .. how is that bella vita working out for you now.

I actually think that she's ROFLMAO when she watched that parody. Reason being, recall her laughing in court when Jeff and the DR. discussed looking into Caylee's skull through the hole/opening in the skull. I about fell out of my chair with disbelief when she started snickering/laugh and she caught herself and placed her hand over her mouth. They were talking about her daughters skull and she was facing the death penalty and she found humor in it? That's sick. So yes, to her this is probably great entertainment.
I actually think that she's ROFLMAO when she watched that parody. Reason being, recall her laughing in court when Jeff and the DR. discussed looking into Caylee's skull through the hole/opening in the skull. I about fell out of my chair with disbelief when she started snickering/laugh and she caught herself and placed her hand over her mouth. They were talking about her daughters skull and she was facing the death penalty and she found humor in it? That's sick. So yes, to her this is probably great entertainment.

Ahh, yes... but that was about somebody else. Somebody insignificant, like her daughter. And this is about HER. Not so funny when it's about her.
Ahh, yes... but that was about somebody else. Somebody insignificant, like her daughter. And this is about HER. Not so funny when it's about her.

Completely agree! Narcissists don't fancy being the butt of the joke. As all she is is the big butt of a very bad joke...
How hilarious!

I have posted before that I liken FCA to Lizzie Borden in some ways. Here is a clip from an article, which sheds some light on how an acquited (but not perceived innocent) murderer can expect to live.


The trial was pure theatrics and every move in court was documented in newspapers. Lizzie had a few things going for her: No blood was found on her or any of her clothes in the home. There was no weapon to connect her to the crime. The hatchets that was taken from the home did not contain human blood or hair on it. She was not read her miranda rights when she was arrested, so the testimony she gave police was thrown out and never heard by the jury. Most importantly, Lizzie was a woman. In the Victorian Era, nobody believed a woman could commit such a violent act.

Although circumstantial, the prosecution had damning evidence against her. Days before the murders, Andrew and Abby became violently ill after dinner. They went to the doctor, claiming they had been poisoned. On that same day, Lizzie had tried to buy prussic acid from a pharmacist but did not have a prescription and was denied. A friend claimed to have seen Lizzie burning a bloodied dress days after the murders took place. The prosecution also noted the growing hostility in the family and inheriting the family fortune as motives.

In court, Lizzie played up on her femininity. She wore black expensive clothing (as she was to be in mourning), she carried a fan and sometimes flowers. When something graphic was being said, Lizzie would cover her eyes with her fan. Her shining moment came when her defense attorney knocked over a box containing the skulls of Andrew and Abby Borden. Lizzie fainted dead away. The public ate it all up. Every morning, people anxiously awaited the morning paper. The trial was simply irrisistable.

After closing arguments, the jury deliberated for less than an hour before coming back with a Not Guilty verdict. The spectators in the courtroom applauded. Lizzie put her face into her hands and yelled for joy. Her sister and others came up to congratulate her. She wept in her sisters arms and said to her, "Now take me home. I want to go to the old place and go at once tonight."

Life After Acquittal

Shortly after the trial, Lizzie Borden and her sister Emma left their childhood home and bought a luxurious mansion on the hill complete with electricity and plumbing. The home was one of the most beautiful homes in Fall Rivers. Finally, the sisters were where they belonged: Among the rich.

Ironically, Lizzie Borden and her sister were shunned from society after the trial. At church, nobody would sit by the sisters. This never detered Lizzie. She stayed in Fall Rivers for the rest of her life. She made friends in Boston and frequently threw lavish parties in her home. She befriended actors and actresses. In Victorian times, actresses were at the same level as prostitutes. The fact that Lizzie would invite such people in her home was seen as a disgrace and further ostracized her.

I don't know about you all....but an honor IT IS NOT to be thought of in the same sentence with Lizzie.

Very interesting. I have done a little research on Borden and even though she was mostly shunned by townspeople after her acquittal, no one really bothered her. She continued to live in the same town in a new home she had purchased with her murdered father's money.

(But FWIW, there were no Miranda Rights back then.)
I know, weird huh??? But thinking back about him on that stand, specifically the duct tape...what was so hard about saying he made a mistake thinking he did not put the tape on the can but he must have. He did look nervous and acting like he was hiding something....certainly much more during that testimony then when asked if he ever molested KC. He's hiding something about that duct tape and knows more than he is saying. Funny how police never found the rest of the roll.

CA could write a 100 books I'd never buy one of them. GA on the other hand, I'd have to think about it but if he were truthful in what he wrote and dedicated to Caylee, I just might buy it. jmo

Putting myself in George's shoes I think he would be alot nervous about admitting he touched the murder weapon at all. I know I would.
Especially with an evil child like KC.
We now know that she tried to set him up by putting his name on a dating site. What else has she done to set this poor man up?
Perhaps he didn't figure out earlier that she had been setting him up for years.
Maybe he figured it all out after all this came down. Maybe he started putting 2 & 2 together about all the ways she had set him up in the past.
That would have scared me pretty bad about being set up for the murder of my grandchild. I'd be terrified to admit I was anywhere near that tape.
She already did get a select few to believe that he was guilty or involved in some way by setting him up. JMO
If GA left CA I would also read his book.
I did not watch CA and GA on Dr. Phil but from what I got from posters here, GA did a few times make comments that flew in the face of things CA was saying on the show.

I would read GA's book. Even if he didn't leave CA, I think there might be a few nuggets of truth in his writings. I could overlook any parts where he might not tell the entire story on a specific topic but I do not think GA would write based on CA's accounts. I really believe he loved little Caylee, and I do not think he has forgiven KC or in any way accepted much of her behaviors.
Putting myself in George's shoes I think he would be alot nervous about admitting he touched the murder weapon at all. I know I would.
Especially with an evil child like KC.
We now know that she tried to set him up by putting his name on a dating site. What else has she done to set this poor man up?
Perhaps he didn't figure out earlier that she had been setting him up for years.
Maybe he figured it all out after all this came down. Maybe he started putting 2 & 2 together about all the ways she had set him up in the past.
That would have scared me pretty bad about being set up for the murder of my grandchild. I'd be terrified to admit I was anywhere near that tape.
She already did get a select few to believe that he was guilty or involved in some way by setting him up. JMO
If GA left CA I would also read his book.

BBM: Nigeran scam???
I know, weird huh??? But thinking back about him on that stand, specifically the duct tape...what was so hard about saying he made a mistake thinking he did not put the tape on the can but he must have. He did look nervous and acting like he was hiding something....certainly much more during that testimony then when asked if he ever molested KC. He's hiding something about that duct tape and knows more than he is saying. Funny how police never found the rest of the roll.

CA could write a 100 books I'd never buy one of them. GA on the other hand, I'd have to think about it but if he were truthful in what he wrote and dedicated to Caylee, I just might buy it. jmo

They DID find it. They used it to put up pictures of a missing Caylee. :(
Putting myself in George's shoes I think he would be alot nervous about admitting he touched the murder weapon at all. I know I would.
Especially with an evil child like KC.
We now know that she tried to set him up by putting his name on a dating site. What else has she done to set this poor man up?
Perhaps he didn't figure out earlier that she had been setting him up for years.
Maybe he figured it all out after all this came down. Maybe he started putting 2 & 2 together about all the ways she had set him up in the past.
That would have scared me pretty bad about being set up for the murder of my grandchild. I'd be terrified to admit I was anywhere near that tape.
She already did get a select few to believe that he was guilty or involved in some way by setting him up. JMO
If GA left CA I would also read his book.

WHAT??? :waitasec: I have never heard THIS (BBM) before??!! When did this happen?? TIA! :seeya:
I know, weird huh??? But thinking back about him on that stand, specifically the duct tape...what was so hard about saying he made a mistake thinking he did not put the tape on the can but he must have. He did look nervous and acting like he was hiding something....certainly much more during that testimony then when asked if he ever molested KC. He's hiding something about that duct tape and knows more than he is saying. Funny how police never found the rest of the roll.

I agree.

The only concession that I can give GA was that JB was trying to frame him as SODDI so while it was common sense that GA (and everyone in that house) had access to the duct tape there was an implication since GA was the primary user.

I think GA was trying to do a dance so as not to become entrapped into something that JB was trying to hang him on ... so he over-reacted.

I also think that GA was trying to keep things off-balance and suspicious so as to 'suggest' other possibilities and save KC from the DP.

GA was very weird but to me it was a mix of following the DT script as well as self preservation. There is more to this whole story in terms of cover-up by the A's.
I agree.

The only concession that I can give GA was that JB was trying to frame him as SODDI so while it was common sense that GA (and everyone in that house) had access to the duct tape there was an implication since GA was the primary user.

I think GA was trying to do a dance so as not to become entrapped into something that JB was trying to hang him on ... so he over-reacted.

I also think that GA was trying to keep things off-balance and suspicious so as to 'suggest' other possibilities and save KC from the DP.

GA was very weird but to me it was a mix of following the DT script as well as self preservation. There is more to this whole story in terms of cover-up by the A's.

I just can't seem to relinquish the idea that both GA and CA knew what the smell in the car was and they conspired to give IT a way out. Both the A's and Lee knew they had not seen Caylee for a month. Then, when the notice from the tow yard was found, they knew she'd been lying about the car and where she'd been. Additionally, when the car was found at the tow yard and brought home, there is no way the A's didn't recognize that smell. If GA was smart enough to have been a detective and CA was smart enough to have been a nurse, it does not add up that they were too dumb not to put the clues together and know that IT had killed Caylee. No, instead of calling the police when they found the car reeking of decomposition, they took it home and CA proceeded to try to get rid of evidence.
I haven't forgotten the comment made by CA that she could lose both her girls over this. I guess she's happy now that IT is out of jail and can continue being the wonderful daughter and friend she has always been.
I am really hoping that one of the HLN shows runs some of the SNL skit, but I don't know if they would really do something like that.

Just so as many people as possible see it.
Very interesting. I have done a little research on Borden and even though she was mostly shunned by townspeople after her acquittal, no one really bothered her. She continued to live in the same town in a new home she had purchased with her murdered father's money.

(But FWIW, there were no Miranda Rights back then.)

Yes, no Miranda rights. AND no ABCs, NBCs, TMZ, ROLs, etc. But I will always remember Lizzie by....

Lizzie Borden took and ax and gave her mother 40 wacks,
When she saw what she had done,
She gave her father 41.

I am sure, if I tried hard enough, I could make up an equally "immortalizing" poem about Casey....
Casey Anthony took some tape.....
And while I laugh at that, I in no way laugh at the death of her daughter. I laugh because I hope that is how she is remembered....
Yes, no Miranda rights. AND no ABs, NBCs, TMZ, ROLs, etc. But I will always remember Lizzie by....

Lizzie Borden took and ax and gave her mother 40 wacks,
When she saw what she had done,
She gave her father 41.

I am sure, if I tried hard enough, I could make up an equally "immortalizing" poem about Casey....
Casey Anthony took some tape.....
And while I laugh at that, I in no way laugh at the death of her daughter. I laugh because I hope that is how she is remembered....

What's so weird about the whole Lizzie Borden using her femininity on the jurors and judge, etc., is that I have seen photos of her and she was so NOT an attractive woman. I don't know if it is just what photography was like back then...or if that is what was considered attractive back then...or what. But the woman was quite homely, in my opinion.
"casey anthony took some tape
thought of Caylee as concieved by date rape :(
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