Sidebar Discussion #8

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I am going to listen also. I love Vinnie and watch him all the time. I'm glad you gave your opinion of him, I would have expected him to be as you said. TY

He's a pleasure to look at too :)

Gee KC, you're getting boring around here again Better do something to get noticed again.
Well, for some reason, we did have to hear (at the lecture) she was locked away in a cell for 23 hours a day. Is CM programmed to say only certain things? What did that have to do with ANYTHING??!!

And wasn't it for her own protection since baby killers seem to be in danger from other inmates....:waitasec:
Oh, so word came back? No can do? :(
Well, regardless...I sure do hope he can post more often. Miss him lots! You're right, he was a godsend.

RR0004 - isn't he involved with the Tim Miller side of the case? :waitasec: He hasn;t said that but something along that line is rolling around in the back of my brain. That may be what the hold-up is.....There was a lot of carp going on around the time of both the searchers and the private investigators before the trial....
RR0004 - isn't he involved with the Tim Miller side of the case? :waitasec: He hasn;t said that but something along that line is rolling around in the back of my brain. That may be what the hold-up is.....There was a lot of carp going on around the time of both the searchers and the private investigators before the trial....

You know, I just don't understand this whole MM thing and not being able to talk about it NOW. Trial is over. Acquitted felon.....what's the hold up?
Don't get me wrong, I truly appreciated all MM did for us during the trial. But come on......dying here to know the scoop.
You know, I just don't understand this whole MM thing and not being able to talk about it NOW. Trial is over. Acquitted felon.....what's the hold up?
Don't get me wrong, I truly appreciated all MM did for us during the trial. But come on......dying here to know the scoop.

I sorta kinda remember it was hinted he may have to testify - so that's what has me thinking it's the upcoming Tim Miller lawsuit...and yes me too - this is worse than waiting for new docs!
Thanks to ThinkerBelle for the News post:

Well I'd like to be careful and stay on this side of our TOS by not bashing the players, this article has me ROTFL! :floorlaugh:

“Casey has gained a great deal of weight in the past six months and her face is extremely puffy,” an unidentified source “close to the situation” tells RadarOnline.

The source says Anthony has gone out in public without need of disguise because the weight gain renders her “almost unrecognizable.”

Anthony is serving a year’s probation for check fraud somewhere in Florida. The source adds that Anthony finds comfort in food, orders to go from restaurants and avoids eye contact when she’s out.

It's bad enough when our friends and family know we've put on a few pounds but sheesh - FCA has the whole world watching and :floorlaugh:
:floorlaugh: Yuk Yuk....
I wonder if Casey Anthony corresponds with Jerry Sandusky. :crazy: :floorlaugh:
I am amazed.
I have been following this case since 7/16/08.
How is it that the tragic death of Caylee has
turned the tot mom into a celebrity?
Every time a read a paper, magazine or TV news,
I hear about FCA.
Aw shucks, poor Casey!
Looks like Costa Rica isn't that keen on having her as a resident....


I had to use the search feature to find the story - not sure if this is the same link but here goes:

Be sure to read all the way to the bottom where a favorite word appears. Coincidence ... Or sense of humor on the part of the writer? :)
I had to use the search feature to find the story - not sure if this is the same link but here goes:

Be sure to read all the way to the bottom where a favorite word appears. Coincidence ... Or sense of humor on the part of the writer? :)

OMG love it - thanks jerseygirl48 - both" thwarted" and a "brazen fabrication" when talking about FCA accusing ZG of kidnapping....

A little gift to Costa Rica from a WS baker........ :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: ...... :giggle:
I had to use the search feature to find the story - not sure if this is the same link but here goes:

Be sure to read all the way to the bottom where a favorite word appears. Coincidence ... Or sense of humor on the part of the writer? :)

Me thinks you should bake a batch and send them to the author!

:cupcake::cupcake::cupcake::cupcake::cupcake: :giggle: :cupcake::cupcake::cupcake::cupcake::cupcake: :doorhide:

Dog gone it ----> when will I learn to finishing reading before thinking I am so unique! Looks like Logical already baked a batch!
I am amazed.
I have been following this case since 7/16/08.
How is it that the tragic death of Caylee has
turned the tot mom into a celebrity?
Every time a read a paper, magazine or TV news,
I hear about FCA.

Where are you getting your news from? Do you live in Orlando? Casey is still getting media coverage, but it's not like it's all over every media outlet and you can't avoid it.
Cindy and George Anthony should be right next to Casey Anthony as they are family. Even Jose Baez knows how to lay low.

It would be interesting if Osama bin Laden was listed as he is dead. Who would be more hated, Anthony or bin Laden? :dunno:

Yes, I know bin Laden was responsible for 9/11 and it is really horrid. I will never forget that awful day. :tears:

Well, considering that we went to war against two countries, which had massive support from the public in the beginning, due to Osama's crime, I'm going to take a wild guess and say he's more hated. Venting on social media about Casey's acquittal and then voting in a NY Post poll that you hate her doesn't equal how Americans felt after 9/11.

Most people hate Casey more because she got away with it, not because she murdered her daughter.
Does anyone else but me notice that many Radar posts about KC tend to "sync up" with hot keywords and topics? It's interesting how Costa Rica comes up in KC stories just as the Real Housewives of Orange are there in tonights episode.

Even JB used the Kardashian name during trial!!!
I don't mean to be a downer or a meanie or anything, but this talk about casey getting fat as if it's the worst thing in the world, well, I guess I'm just a little put off by it in a way. I'd be the last one in the world to defend anything when it comes to her, but the fat humor is a little much for me, I think. I get it that it's the irony that's the funny part here, that she lived her life as if she were a goddess and this is like payback, but, oh I don't know, I'm being sensitive I guess. ?
Well, considering that we went to war against two countries, which had massive support from the public in the beginning, due to Osama's crime, I'm going to take a wild guess and say he's more hated. Venting on social media about Casey's acquittal and then voting in a NY Post poll that you hate her doesn't equal how Americans felt after 9/11.

Most people hate Casey more because she got away with it, not because she murdered her daughter.

BBM - This comment had me tilting my head saying :waitasec: and :banghead: .

I, for one, have not lost sight of the primary reason. SHE MURDERED CAYLEE. Secondary all the other fallout - quite a bit that FCA doesn't even consider IMHO.

My heart ached tonight reading that Shirley Pleasea (Cindy's mom) in an interview with another is said to have felt it was her fault it happened----------I have not read the article, just the caption of the article. That really REALLY ANGERS ME - I can't read as it's so upsetting to me.....and I so wish that FCA (nope, F does NOT equal felon for me - another word) could realize and have empathy for such - but FTLOG, I guess after killing her daughter, and having no feeling, Shirley and the rest of them will have to go to their graves without having an answer and wrongfully feel remorse in their participation of events.

Again, my heart aches for Shirley. I still recall the surreptitious recording...and the help they gave with her cat. I can't fathom........just can't fathom..... and makes me wonder............

I'll end here before I get a TO :banghead: :banghead:
I don't mean to be a downer or a meanie or anything, but this talk about casey getting fat as if it's the worst thing in the world, well, I guess I'm just a little put off by it in a way. I'd be the last one in the world to defend anything when it comes to her, but the fat humor is a little much for me, I think. I get it that it's the irony that's the funny part here, that she lived her life as if she were a goddess and this is like payback, but, oh I don't know, I'm being sensitive I guess. ?

Gnatcatcher - just a nudge for you to consider the IORNY and don't take it to heart personally in any way. :hug: :blowkiss:
Gnatcatcher - just a nudge for you to consider the IORNY and don't take it to heart personally in any way. :hug: :blowkiss:

Ok, yes I hoped someone would tell me to lighten up. I don't normally take anything personally and I guess tonight I'm feeling sensitive (stupid life and whatnot). I wanted to be told this, frankly, so thanks.

I shall not only :chillout: ... but I shall do it in another color.
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