Sidebar Discussion #8

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As far as Casey gaining weight? We all must know that the day will come where she will get pregnant. This time she will lock onto some guy stupid enough to get her pregnant in the first place.
I think she has better really hide then because NO ONE wants to see this child killer bring another innocent baby into her picture again.

Oh Casey Casey Casey, I am patiently waiting for the day when you get yours. Oh, and I have no patience!
I just have to comment on some of the comments of the Pace U video. I tried watching it the night of but the buffering was crazy and I gave up. I seen it posted here and decided to take the time to watch today. A lot of comments have been made that CM was rude and obnoxious -- but unless I'm imagining things, He made his arguments, got a few digs in, called some BS but remained respectful and was not insulting. However, it appeared to me that JA was over the top with his insulting and an overall smart *advertiser censored* to CM throughout the whole thing. JMO.
What did I do run everybody off lmbo
What did I do run everybody off lmbo

I respect your position pcrum but I didn't see it (although I'm admittedly biased). I have a couple of thoughts on CM's performance:

- He's smart enough to realize the world hates him and probably cares about salvaging what good reputation he reportedly once had ... Hence his moderately tolerable behavior (with the emphasis on moderately!)
- I hated his "I know more than you" attitude ... Said just enough to hope people might believe there's more to the story
- He needs us to feel like he was in it to save the poor, wrongly accused "girl" and her unfairly maligned attorney ... No way did he get involved for the publicity (wink wink)
- I hated that he had to mention that the attorneys involved in the OJ trial were his friends ... Who cares?
- I loved when the moderator actually acknowledged bringing up something that CM wanted mentioned (part of his agenda) ... Bet there were a few "not allowed to be mentioned items," like his own foray as a talking head
- I hated that he accused JA of lying about plea deals- I don't believe it for a minute

I could probably go on ....
Wonders, LG - oddly enough, Boedeker just posted virtually the same sentiment half an hour ago now - and yeah - same old stuff on the report

Amazing what a clever guy that Hal is!.... :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

:seeya: Hi Hal, you reading us? LOL

Um, for reasons I don't quite understand I feel the need to defend myself.... I think I get what you are saying - that Hal is reading us - but I feel the need to go on record that I am just a midwest empty nester who last went to Orlando (on business) in 1996 I don't know, represent, or correspond with Hal - I figure the the great consciousness and I were on the same page at the same time.

Ack! No offense intended!
Is it my imagination or have we upped the mods. to 16? Are we expecting a crowd control situation?
:seeya: Hi All, I really liked Bill Sheaffers reporting on the trial. I always found his comments to be so interesting. I hope he can join the station again. I wonder which one of our "creeps" will be tried on In Sessions next, hope its soon as I am bored.:what:

ps. can I sneak in my great grandson graduated 6th grade yesterday, recieved awards one for never misspelling a word on tests the entire year!! Forgive I am sooo proud of my Boy!!
Um, for reasons I don't quite understand I feel the need to defend myself.... I think I get what you are saying - that Hal is reading us - but I feel the need to go on record that I am just a midwest empty nester who last went to Orlando (on business) in 1996 I don't know, represent, or correspond with Hal - I figure the the great consciousness and I were on the same page at the same time.

Ack! No offense intended!

I don't know about everyone else - but I love most of what Hal says and was just being silly by suggesting he was being clever by being on the same page as we are - cause we're clever - right???:floorlaugh: Not meant as a serious comment at all.....
So, sort of OT, but sort of not: my son is getting into bugs, i.d.'ing them, learning about their habits, my hubby pulled up a search for looking for books on bugs on Amazon. One of the hits was Imperfect Justice by Jeff Ashton? I imagine it was because of the entomological evidence from the trial, but it kind of cracked me up that Casey Anthony's name came up in a search for BUGS.:floorlaugh:
I don't mean to be a downer or a meanie or anything, but this talk about casey getting fat as if it's the worst thing in the world, well, I guess I'm just a little put off by it in a way. I'd be the last one in the world to defend anything when it comes to her, but the fat humor is a little much for me, I think. I get it that it's the irony that's the funny part here, that she lived her life as if she were a goddess and this is like payback, but, oh I don't know, I'm being sensitive I guess. ?

I'm not one for fat humor either, mostly because I am fat, lol, but there is SUCH an irony here. I remember the skinny chick flirting with the police officers while they interviewed her, loving the fact that men that had never met her thought she was hot, and even before that, using her body to get men so she could not work and get away from her mother. Her pride was how sexy she was. Look at the outfits she used to wear, the type of partying with clothes that stuck to her curves, the no clothes party, I could go on and on. She lived to be sexy. She lived to have guys want to have sex with her. That was her only goal in life.

The main point here is that her body was what she loved the most, even more than Caylee and anything else. And now it comes out that she's gained weight and is fat. It's an irony that I can't ignore. What is she going to do when probation is over? The only thing she has is Mason to pay her way. She has lost the one thing that used to get her what she wanted, and that is not only ironic but karmic as well.

I think that's why we talked about it, I know that's why I talked about it. But I didn't mean to insult anyone. Normally, I don't talk about people's weight. I just couldn't help myself with Casey when I read that she was fat. Caylee didn't get justice. But Casey being fat is karmic justice to me!!!! Being fat is a fate worse than death to Casey, I would imagine. I hope she's fat and ugly for the rest of her life!!!!
Um, for reasons I don't quite understand I feel the need to defend myself.... I think I get what you are saying - that Hal is reading us - but I feel the need to go on record that I am just a midwest empty nester who last went to Orlando (on business) in 1996 I don't know, represent, or correspond with Hal - I figure the the great consciousness and I were on the same page at the same time.

Ack! No offense intended!

My wave to Hal was a joking at him - nothing to do with you at all. Like a little "great minds think alike, and for themselves" (but we were first! LOL). I can't tell you how many times we discuss stuff here at WS and within no time at all, it is everywhere.

:waitasec: so, I am confused you would feel the need to defend yourself????? But anyway, no need with me.
I'm not one for fat humor either, mostly because I am fat, lol, but there is SUCH an irony here. I remember the skinny chick flirting with the police officers while they interviewed her, loving the fact that men that had never met her thought she was hot, and even before that, using her body to get men so she could not work and get away from her mother. Her pride was how sexy she was. Look at the outfits she used to wear, the type of partying with clothes that stuck to her curves, the no clothes party, I could go on and on. She lived to be sexy. She lived to have guys want to have sex with her. That was her only goal in life.

The main point here is that her body was what she loved the most, even more than Caylee and anything else. And now it comes out that she's gained weight and is fat. It's an irony that I can't ignore. What is she going to do when probation is over? The only thing she has is Mason to pay her way. She has lost the one thing that used to get her what she wanted, and that is not only ironic but karmic as well.

I think that's why we talked about it, I know that's why I talked about it. But I didn't mean to insult anyone. Normally, I don't talk about people's weight. I just couldn't help myself with Casey when I read that she was fat. Caylee didn't get justice. But Casey being fat is karmic justice to me!!!! Being fat is a fate worse than death to Casey, I would imagine. I hope she's fat and ugly for the rest of her life!!!!

Wonder if George has been calling her - reminding her not to gain wieight and get some exercise. Some where back in the docs I remember he was concerned about her getting fat - which also makes me wonder if she went through a heavy stage as a pre-teenager..:waitasec:
Wonder if George has been calling her - reminding her not to gain wieight and get some exercise. Some where back in the docs I remember he was concerned about her getting fat - which also makes me wonder if she went through a heavy stage as a pre-teenager.. :waitasec:

I remember that jail letter!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and she went thru one of those puffy periods during a certain wedding too! LOL :angel:
So i wonder who is she moving to Costa Rica with?
So i wonder who is she moving to Costa Rica with?

Oh, I'm sure Cookie is waiting down there with an RV for Casey. Gonna start that tour soon! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
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