Sidebar Discussion #9

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I went to Amazon this morning to confirm my approval of the good reviews and comments. Happened upon on post about sending in photos holding Baez's book. Being the helpful poster I am, I referred them to the youtube video of his other fans holding his book.Enjoy.
DD is on the next to the last chapter in “The Trash Talk Book”.... Where to begin. She, who watched every minute of the trial was convinced, like me that FCA murdered Caylee. She basically still is, but last night she asked “Do you think George had anything to do with it?” When I asked her why she said JB was very good at weaving lies to fit the facts and create doubt. Such as George was - in those early interviews with LEO - trying to point the guilt towards Casey early on to deflect any suspicion from himself. (This is, of course, per JB).
I said to her, if at the time George was talking with LEO, why oh why wouldn’t Casey have circumvented any type of “diversion” by George BY SIMPLY TALKING TO LEO HERSELF AND TELLING HER “TRUTH”? Problem solved. The reason LEO had to interview approximately 9 million people is that the “mother” of a missing child clammed up and refused to speak to them regarding the “kidnapping”...from the get go. WHO DOES THAT? What type of innocent person would not meet with, talk to, beg or help law enforcement in any way possible to aid in the investigation of what happened to your missing daughter. A GUILTY PERSON, that’s who.
So, when I went to bed last night, I put her on acandyrose site and told her to watch all of the early stuff. The interviews, the TV appearances, etc. so she could see for herself what was going on back then. Like I said earlier I so enjoy revisiting the early “real time” stuff that is still out there, because in my mind that is the best defense for this crock of sh*$ that Jose is spewing.
Gawd this is maddening. Also, by the end of the book he talks about the jurors who have contacted him many times and have talked about an array of things, such as how much they hated Jeff Ashton and the fact that what sealed the deal for them was when Cindy and Lee got up on the stand and contradicted George's testimony on the bagging of the dead pets. They all thought George was trying to cover it up because he dis-remembered doing that. But Cindy and Lee said yes, they buried pets that way and GEORGE DID IT. HE TOOK CARE OF IT.

This was a concerted effort by all of the Anthony's to lie on the stand and get their daughter off. Just when did that family "remember" about burying the pets that way, hmmmm? LEO never heard that. It was a last minute "Hail Mary".....and it worked.
I just want to make sure I understand something FACTUALLY that I believe Jose wants misunderstood. From what I remember of the facts, Casey only used the Zanny lie when she wanted to do something her parents wouldn't agree to babysit for (i.e. sleeping over Ricardo's...partying at clubs...etc.). Also, she mentioned Zanny as a "Nanny" to friends when she wanted to sound pretentious.
In other words, she didn't stay away from her house every day in order to pretend she was working. She told her parents she could work from home on her computer. If her parents were available, they babysat for the "nights" when Casey had to "work." Zanny didn't go into overdrive use until the 31 days.
Given the above scenario, its not as crazy as people might think that Cindy didn't know Zanny was a fake.
Jose plays up the crazy when it suits him.
On another note, I doubt he gives a rats azz if we prove his lies on here. I believe lying is his modus operandi and he thinks it makes him smart...just like his ex-client.
I decided, ok, going on my 1 hr walk, I will tune in on my Iphone. Raunchy is putting it mildly. I listened to 1 hr of discussion on cousin incest, anal sex, lesbian *advertiser censored*, homosexual boy scouts, an interview with the man's largest penis and detailed discussion of how he performs sex with both men and women, Southern bashing/Christian trashing and dishonoring of the name Jesus Christ.

Listening to same ole same JB now...he is in good company with this group. The main interviewer goes through all the basic questions with JB answering in the same ole "double speak." He ended up telling JB "You're a , eat a d***! And then they hung up on him.

Pattymarie, this post is hysterical! :floorlaugh: :laughcry::floorlaugh:
Hahaha....yeah, they're a hard rock station which isn't really my cup of tea. But the morning show is hilarious.

Still waiting on Jose....they just got finished interviewing the man who got searched by the TSA because of his extremely large, ummmm, nether region. :floorlaugh:

please share highlights (lowlights?) with us. Can't listen at work. :banghead:
I decided, ok, going on my 1 hr walk, I will tune in on my Iphone. Raunchy is putting it mildly. I listened to 1 hr of discussion on cousin incest, anal sex, lesbian *advertiser censored*, homosexual boy scouts, an interview with the man's largest penis and detailed discussion of how he performs sex with both men and women, Southern bashing/Christian trashing and dishonoring of the name Jesus Christ.

Listening to same ole same JB now...he is in good company with this group. The main interviewer goes through all the basic questions with JB answering in the same ole "double speak." He ended up telling JB "You're a , eat a d***! And then they hung up on him.

Thanks so much for the update on the second paragraph - that's so funny - if I could stand JB's voice this early in the morning, I would have listened to it!
I just want to make sure I understand something FACTUALLY that I believe Jose wants misunderstood. From what I remember of the facts, Casey only used the Zanny lie when she wanted to do something her parents wouldn't agree to babysit for (i.e. sleeping over Ricardo's...partying at clubs...etc.). Also, she mentioned Zanny as a "Nanny" to friends when she wanted to sound pretentious.
In other words, she didn't stay away from her house every day in order to pretend she was working. She told her parents she could work from home on her computer. If her parents were available, they babysat for the "nights" when Casey had to "work." Zanny didn't go into overdrive use until the 31 days.
Given the above scenario, its not as crazy as people might think that Cindy didn't know Zanny was a fake.
Jose plays up the crazy when it suits him.
On another note, I doubt he gives a rats azz if we prove his lies on here. I believe lying is his modus operandi and he thinks it makes him smart...just like his ex-client.

Fact is....Casey told her friends the Nanny had Caylee, when in fact it was Cindy or George. Everytime. Up until she killed Caylee and threw her away. She told George and Cindy she had to go to work each and every day...when she waltzed out of the house and drove around the corner and waited for them to go to their real jobs, then she went back home most days. Unless, of course, she had an "event" at night which gave her an excuse to go to hot body contests and ABC parties, so George and Cindy would then keep Caylee, no questions asked. Until Cindy saw her party pics on Myspace, and knew Casey wasn't really "working an event". Unless, of course, she was letting Jesse Grund and family take care of Caylee early on when she "went to work", i.e., shopped at Target, etc.
George and Cindy says the heard the name Zany, which I believe is a crock of crap from when they were trying to back up her lies early on in the investigation. I think Casey would tell George and Cindy that the nanny had Caylee when in fact she was sleeping at the boyfriend du jour's apartment or dragging Caylee to beer pong nights with friends.
Those are the facts.
There is a new review up(on amazon). Dont know the person that posted it..
but its called.
Circumstantial Evidence Saved A Psychopath,

and It is really well written.. go take a peek if you can

Also she is one of amazon's top 500 reviews.. and part of vine voice which is an invitation only thing on amazon for people who write good reviews....

lets see the 5 star's pick apart her lol

Just read that review. It is excellent.

JB "testified" for Casey at trial, and he continues to do it in this book. Testimony of lies, without the liar actually speaking. :banghead:
in looking at the radio site that baez was on this am..
it seems they do record and provide tapes of the interviews on line.. i see a list for yesterdays..
here is the web addy..

Im thinking they will have baez's up later today or tommorow.. so we will have to check back..
If anybody can watch, this should be interesting:

In Session‏@InSession

#Zimmerman's long-time friend Frank Taaffe will be on IS @ 12:40 to talk about the possibility of #JoseBaez joining GZ's defense team.
Yup.. allegedly robbed at gunpoint while allegedly working at Sports Authority

This is the story I thought LA was referring to when he asked FCA "Is this like the last time?" In this story, she eventually had to admit to her parents it was just a big lie, IIRC. Can't remember the reason for it, but didn't it have to do with not being able to repay her parents over another lie/theft in which she owed them $?
Hi folks. Greets from Florida...Land of Weirdness. Really, sometimes I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe down here. *sigh*

Anyhoo, I was looking up the publisher of Baez's tome, and saw this on Wikipedia:

"Smart Pop
BenBella publishes the Smart Pop series, a line of essay anthologies on popular culture.[2] Titles include The Science of Dune (2008),[3][4] The Science of Michael Crichton (2008),[5] Grey's Anatomy 101 (2007),[6] and The Psychology of Harry Potter (2007)."

Ooooo. Grey's Anatomy! Harry Potter! Deep stuff. LOL

So happy no reputable publisher would have him. I wonder how many copies of his own book Baez had to purchase to up the numbers? I'm being serious! I pop into Amazon every other day or so just to read the reviews; at last count there were something like 138 "five star" ratings. Didn't realize Jose had that many friends. Or people on his payroll. Or something.

So here I sit, patiently waiting for the day when Casey Anthony turns on Baez, after things don't go her way. Now that will be interesting!
Hi folks. Greets from Florida...Land of Weirdness. Really, sometimes I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe down here. *sigh*

Anyhoo, I was looking up the publisher of Baez's tome, and saw this on Wikipedia:

"Smart Pop
BenBella publishes the Smart Pop series, a line of essay anthologies on popular culture.[2] Titles include The Science of Dune (2008),[3][4] The Science of Michael Crichton (2008),[5] Grey's Anatomy 101 (2007),[6] and The Psychology of Harry Potter (2007)."

Ooooo. Grey's Anatomy! Harry Potter! Deep stuff. LOL

So happy no reputable publisher would have him. I wonder how many copies of his own book Baez had to purchase to up the numbers? I'm being serious! I pop into Amazon every other day or so just to read the reviews; at last count there were something like 138 "five star" ratings. Didn't realize Jose had that many friends. Or people on his payroll. Or something.

So here I sit, patiently waiting for the day when Casey Anthony turns on Baez, after things don't go her way. Now that will be interesting!

You know, I must say that even though I am a Key West Conk by birth....I would have some serious thoughts about moving to and living in Florida. Goodness gracious, some of the horrible crimes that have come out of that state lately.
But I do love to vacay there!
I have been wondering why JB agreed to be interviewed on a radio show where they do not mince words. Did JB not know he could be torn to shreds? Did he not know they might be unsympathetic to a baby murderer and her puppet? Did he expect to be embraced there because of their irreverent format? Or, was he just not aware of the show's format when he agreed to this interview?

In pondering this I have come to this conclusion: JB appeared on that radio program because of their "anything goes" format.

Irreverence is right up JB's alley and he likely thought he could go unchallenged, that his spew would be readily lapped up by the show's hosts. IMO, JB thought that radio hosts known for their sleaze factor would have no limits to how low they will stoop and would thus be ready and willing to embrace JB and his best girl!

Thanks to those who have provided the play-by-play on this particular interview. I may not be interested in many of the issues that radio show discusses but kudos to them for having common sense where it really counts, and for using the airwaves to give JB a clue!
DD is on the next to the last chapter in “The Trash Talk Book”.... Where to begin. She, who watched every minute of the trial was convinced, like me that FCA murdered Caylee. She basically still is, but last night she asked “Do you think George had anything to do with it?” When I asked her why she said JB was very good at weaving lies to fit the facts and create doubt. Such as George was - in those early interviews with LEO - trying to point the guilt towards Casey early on to deflect any suspicion from himself. (This is, of course, per JB).
I said to her, if at the time George was talking with LEO, why oh why wouldn’t Casey have circumvented any type of “diversion” by George BY SIMPLY TALKING TO LEO HERSELF AND TELLING HER “TRUTH”? Problem solved. The reason LEO had to interview approximately 9 million people is that the “mother” of a missing child clammed up and refused to speak to them regarding the “kidnapping”...from the get go. WHO DOES THAT? What type of innocent person would not meet with, talk to, beg or help law enforcement in any way possible to aid in the investigation of what happened to your missing daughter. A GUILTY PERSON, that’s who.
So, when I went to bed last night, I put her on acandyrose site and told her to watch all of the early stuff. The interviews, the TV appearances, etc. so she could see for herself what was going on back then. Like I said earlier I so enjoy revisiting the early “real time” stuff that is still out there, because in my mind that is the best defense for this crock of sh*$ that Jose is spewing.
Gawd this is maddening. Also, by the end of the book he talks about the jurors who have contacted him many times and have talked about an array of things, such as how much they hated Jeff Ashton and the fact that what sealed the deal for them was when Cindy and Lee got up on the stand and contradicted George's testimony on the bagging of the dead pets. They all thought George was trying to cover it up because he dis-remembered doing that. But Cindy and Lee said yes, they buried pets that way and GEORGE DID IT. HE TOOK CARE OF IT.

This was a concerted effort by all of the Anthony's to lie on the stand and get their daughter off. Just when did that family "remember" about burying the pets that way, hmmmm? LEO never heard that. It was a last minute "Hail Mary".....and it worked.

Such as George was - in those early interviews with LEO - trying to point the guilt towards Casey early on to deflect any suspicion from himself. (This is, of course, per JB).

See, this I just don't get! GA was upfront so therefor he was trying to take the heat off himself & pin it on the guilty one.
It never made sense to me. If he lied he would have been suspicious & because he was upfront he also was suspicious.
Because GA had compassion when it came to his animals (that were no doubt killed my KC) being buried he is somehow a murderer. Can he really twist the truth that much to convince someone with brains that KC is innocent? Or that GA was involved in any way? I guess the truth & this world are strangers too.
Such as George was - in those early interviews with LEO - trying to point the guilt towards Casey early on to deflect any suspicion from himself. (This is, of course, per JB).

See, this I just don't get! GA was upfront so therefor he was trying to take the heat off himself & pin it on the guilty one.
It never made sense to me. If he lied he would have been suspicious & because he was upfront he also was suspicious.
Because GA had compassion when it came to his animals (that were no doubt killed my KC) being buried he is somehow a murderer. Can he really twist the truth that much to convince someone with brains that KC is innocent? Or that GA was involved in any way? I guess the truth & this world are strangers too.

I simply see JB's spin as Monday morning quarterbacking. After the fact, he can spin a story to fit which appeals to ... well, how shall we say it? Idiots. I am beginning to believe that Casey wrote this book for/with Jose, because it is so full of inconsistencies - almost as if two people wrote different parts. It also reveals a devious mind....and if we are cursed with ANOTHER Casey Anthony, whoa is me. So either Jose is JUST AS DEVIOUS as his client, or Casey wrote portions of this book.
Hi folks. Greets from Florida...Land of Weirdness. Really, sometimes I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe down here. *sigh*

Anyhoo, I was looking up the publisher of Baez's tome, and saw this on Wikipedia:

"Smart Pop
BenBella publishes the Smart Pop series, a line of essay anthologies on popular culture.[2] Titles include The Science of Dune (2008),[3][4] The Science of Michael Crichton (2008),[5] Grey's Anatomy 101 (2007),[6] and The Psychology of Harry Potter (2007)."

Ooooo. Grey's Anatomy! Harry Potter! Deep stuff. LOL

So happy no reputable publisher would have him. I wonder how many copies of his own book Baez had to purchase to up the numbers? I'm being serious! I pop into Amazon every other day or so just to read the reviews; at last count there were something like 138 "five star" ratings. Didn't realize Jose had that many friends. Or people on his payroll. Or something.

So here I sit, patiently waiting for the day when Casey Anthony turns on Baez, after things don't go her way. Now that will be interesting!

Hi Jane The Dood!! You've been missed! :seeya:
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