Sidebar for Caylee Anthony's forum #14

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I will never ever get over what KC did. I'll never ever get over the prosecution doing their best for a jury that didn't care. I'll never ever get over how hard everyone worked to get some sort of justice for Caylee only to hear 'Not guilty' on all accounts on that miserable verdict day.

No amount of theorising, analysing and journaling is helping heal this hurt. It is so raw and so painful still. It seems a bit overly dramatic to say this but I think I'll look back at this verdict when I'm 95 years old and say "That is one of the hardest things I've had to digest in all my life".

This....all of it.

I'm basically a lurker, but these words just resonate too much to not also post.

While I realize every day that mothers kill their children, this case is so different because seemingly no one in this killer's circle cares about what she did-- her parents & brother lied & covered up for her, her father's 'booty call' (RC) exploited or even possibly lied, her friends & boyfriend seemed passive about the whole situation, the jury was just unaffected, the defense has no ethics, etc.

It's almost like a magnet in the universe pulled all these heartless, stupid, ignorant, passive, manipulative, self-absorbed people into one connected & interwoven existence.

Unfortunately an innocent little baby was accidentally thrown in-- Caylee-- and she paid the ultimate price.

I truly believe that all unfortunate actions have a learning purpose-- I hope one day I can understand what we're all supposed to learn from this monster's actions.

\\Vent over!
This....all of it.

I'm basically a lurker, but these words just resonate too much to not also post.

While I realize every day that mothers kill their children, this case is so different because seemingly no one in this killer's circle cares about what she did-- her parents & brother lied & covered up for her, her father's 'booty call' (RC) exploited or even possibly lied, her friends & boyfriend seemed passive about the whole situation, the jury was just unaffected, the defense has no ethics, etc.

It's almost like a magnet in the universe pulled all these heartless, stupid, ignorant, passive, manipulative, self-absorbed people into one connected & interwoven existence.

Unfortunately an innocent little baby was accidentally thrown in-- Caylee-- and she paid the ultimate price.

I truly believe that all unfortunate actions have a learning purpose-- I hope one day I can understand what we're all supposed to learn from this monster's actions.

\\Vent over!

First, let me :welcome: you here tandt. I like your post because it does defy all logic how all these things lined up to turn into an injustice for Caylee.
Your version of "alive" is far different than most. Being incarcerated, whether it be as OJ is, or as Casey is; entombed in her hide-out, trapped with her mentally unstable mind, the reputation of being a liar, a murderer, a thief, a promiscuous female who uses people to obtain what she wants and then kicks them to the curb - well, that isn't being "alive" at all.

That's called "existing".

As for "celebrated" - which does the name "OJ" first bring to mind, football or murder? What good is celebrity status when OJ can't reap the benefits of such a title and hasn't for many years? It didn't save him from prison; check his current address.

Casey Anthony will never be a celebrity in the minds of normal thinking, morally functioning society. Sure, she'll have her few groupies who are cut of the same low-life cloth she exhibits, but again, her life is basically over; she'll never recover from this, ever. No sane male is ever going to want to marry her or procreate with her. No sane female is ever going to want to befriend her because Casey can't be trusted.

Neither OJ nor Casey Anthony are really "alive", nor will they ever be.

I think a psychiatrist would diagnose her as a narcissistic psychopath. Her condition was greatly fostered by her mother's ability to turn her back and chastise the father if he found out about her lies. KC's mental defect was allowed to grow and be fostered by a neglectful mother. JMO
You have seen no evidence of what? That he is still alive, that he's in prison, or he's still a celebrated athlete? Notice how the first wiki entry mentions his athletic career? And yes, he is still in prison.

Orenthal James "O. J." Simpson (born July 9, 1947), nicknamed "The Juice", is a retired American college track athlete, college and professional football player. Simpson was the first professional football player to rush for more than 2,000 yards in a season, a mark he set in 1973. While five other players have passed the 2,000 rush yard mark, he stands alone as the only player to rush for more than 2,000 yards in a fourteen-game season (professional football changed to a sixteen-game season in 1978). He holds the record for the single season yards-per-game average, which stands at 143.1 ypg. Simpson was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985.

In September 2007, Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, and charged with numerous felonies, including armed robbery and kidnapping.[3] In 2008, he was found guilty[4][5] and sentenced to thirty-three years' imprisonment, with a minimum of nine years without parole.[6] He is serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada.[7]

Isnt he in prison? He is still celebrated? I have seen no evidence of this at all.
BBM Wrong.

Your version of "alive" is far different than most. Being incarcerated, whether it be as OJ is, or as Casey is; entombed in her hide-out, trapped with her mentally unstable mind, the reputation of being a liar, a murderer, a thief, a promiscuous female who uses people to obtain what she wants and then kicks them to the curb - well, that isn't being "alive" at all.

That's called "existing".

As for "celebrated" - which does the name "OJ" first bring to mind, football or murder? What good is celebrity status when OJ can't reap the benefits of such a title and hasn't for many years? It didn't save him from prison; check his current address.

Casey Anthony will never be a celebrity in the minds of normal thinking, morally functioning society. Sure, she'll have her few groupies who are cut of the same low-life cloth she exhibits, but again, her life is basically over; she'll never recover from this, ever. No sane male is ever going to want to marry her or procreate with her. No sane female is ever going to want to befriend her because Casey can't be trusted.

Neither OJ nor Casey Anthony are really "alive", nor will they ever be.
You have seen no evidence of what? That he is still alive, that he's in prison, or he's still a celebrated athlete? Notice how the first wiki entry mentions his athletic career? And yes, he is still in prison.

Orenthal James "O. J." Simpson (born July 9, 1947), nicknamed "The Juice", is a retired American college track athlete, college and professional football player. Simpson was the first professional football player to rush for more than 2,000 yards in a season, a mark he set in 1973. While five other players have passed the 2,000 rush yard mark, he stands alone as the only player to rush for more than 2,000 yards in a fourteen-game season (professional football changed to a sixteen-game season in 1978). He holds the record for the single season yards-per-game average, which stands at 143.1 ypg. Simpson was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985.

In September 2007, Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, and charged with numerous felonies, including armed robbery and kidnapping.[3] In 2008, he was found guilty[4][5] and sentenced to thirty-three years' imprisonment, with a minimum of nine years without parole.[6] He is serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada.[7]

Well, the fact that he is a criminal does not and cannot change his life history can it? He was an athlete and all his records still stay the same. His reputation has changed and not to his benefit. He is not a celebrated athlete by any means.

Even Adolf Hilter's accomplishments are listed in his biography. Does that make him a 'celebrated leader'?
This....all of it.

I'm basically a lurker, but these words just resonate too much to not also post.

While I realize every day that mothers kill their children, this case is so different because seemingly no one in this killer's circle cares about what she did-- her parents & brother lied & covered up for her, her father's 'booty call' (RC) exploited or even possibly lied, her friends & boyfriend seemed passive about the whole situation, the jury was just unaffected, the defense has no ethics, etc.

It's almost like a magnet in the universe pulled all these heartless, stupid, ignorant, passive, manipulative, self-absorbed people into one connected & interwoven existence.

Unfortunately an innocent little baby was accidentally thrown in-- Caylee-- and she paid the ultimate price.

I truly believe that all unfortunate actions have a learning purpose-- I hope one day I can understand what we're all supposed to learn from this monster's actions.

\\Vent over!

Exactly..great post! I often wonder what keeps me so emotionally vested in this case. What you said is so true NOBODY was on Caylees least in other cases there is someone on the victims side. Someone in her world should care enough to want her killer to pay.

Caylee was caught in a vortex of narcicistic, self centered, unusually apathetic, enabling, delusional people. I just cant seem to move past that. :furious:
We can argue till the cows come home. It's a matter of opinion; I think he is still considered a celebrated athlete, you and some others do not.

cel·e·brat·ed verb (used with object) to make known publicly; proclaim

I believe he fits that defintion.

Well, the fact that he is a criminal does not and cannot change his life history can it? He was an athlete and all his records still stay the same. His reputation has changed and not to his benefit. He is not a celebrated athlete by any means.
Even Adolf Hilter's accomplishments are listed in his biography. Does that make him a 'celebrated leader'?
I was looking at the above top secret 31 days time line
Just a thought, she leaves the body in the trunk
Night of June 16th-June 18th
The body is in the play house June 18th pm- June 20th. She didn't go back home June 19th at all (out if the trunk out of her mind and all)
June 20th she's back at the house for a long enough stretch of time to retrieve the body and place it in the woods.
She's away from home all weekend. Celebrating with the hot body contest.
Monday she's back checking on the remains and throwing out anything murder related. She runs out of gas.
I wouldn't expect most here to converse or listen to a lot of sports commentary, but I can tell you that most of those people (sports fans) do separate the sports career of OJ from the murderer. OJ is still in the hall of fame last I checked and his accomplishments on the field are still held up high. Those didn't go away due to personal actions. This is not really even comparable to Casey Anthony because she had no celebrity status before 2008. That to me even makes her more ignored now (I argued this point when she was aquitted). The average person by and large did not follow the trial as everyone here did, therefore the average person may see her in public and may give her funny looks but that's as far as it goes. The word 'hate' is a strong emotional reaction and I do not doubt that a majority of folks who frequent this forum would have that reaction as they had a emotional attachment not only to the case but to Caylee Anthony. A majority of americans did not and I know a lot here don't want to hear that but that is the truth and the reality. It's really hard to 'hate' on someone you barely know, especially over a long period of time. People are going to have a strong emotional reaction to someone if they were somehow personally affected by the individual. In recent memory I can only think of maybe a handful of people that would get that kind of response from a majority of people in this country and Casey Anthony isn't one of them. (Osama Bin Laden comes to mind for obvious reasons but he's dead).

Casey Anthony isn't the first or the last person to murder her child, there are plenty of them. Andrea Yates killed hers and I never heard the phrase 'most hated in America' attributed to her.
Andrea Yates situation was far different from CA . She did not murder her children and spend the next thirty days celebrating and partying. She admitted immediately that she had killed her children and never tried to weave copious lies to excuse or confuse others about her actions. AY did not declare herself the real "victim" and accuse any other family member. No, AY was never called "the most hated woman in America" because, unlike Casey, she never was.

Most people may care a great deal less about CA than those who followed the case as closely as those on the Board...but when reminded of CA...almost everyone I have ever encountered...reacts with REVULSION.

CA is a pariah...and will remain one. Men may use her...but she will come to understand that she is nothing but an "object" just as Caylee was nothing more than that to her. She may have "celebrity" but as some sort of freak...a curiosity...that entertains but disgusts at the same time. She will never have the trust of honest people or the respect of decent ones. She will always hear whispers behind her. She will always see sneers and disgust come onto the faces of people as they learn who she is.

Is that "hate?" Maybe not. But for a woman who desired acceptance and admiration to the fatal degree that she killed her own Baby for being an impediment...she will find the lifelong burden of being Caylee's murderer much more onerous than that once upon a time "burden" of being Caylee's Mother.
I don't know but I think if I was KC I would be most nervous of my crazy followers!
Sane peolple won't harm her, not physically anyway.
The ones that worship her are down right scary IMO

Edited to add - I don't mean people that give her the benifit of the doubt - I'm talking about the ones totally obsessed with her & what she did!'
Celebrity = famous.
OJ = famous v infamous?
OJ = famous to infamous.

Simple really, IMO.

Casey who?
We can argue till the cows come home. It's a matter of opinion; I think he is still considered a celebrated athlete, you and some others do not.

cel·e·brat·ed verb (used with object) to make known publicly; proclaim

I believe he fits that defintion.

Yes, Sandusky is still a 'celebrated' coach to some people ! He's on Wikipedia too..
Once disgraced I don't think that 'celebrity' exists anymore.
It's all infamy from then on..
Uggggg! Blown margins again! I can't see what's causing it.
We can argue till the cows come home. It's a matter of opinion; I think he is still considered a celebrated athlete, you and some others do not.

cel·e·brat·ed verb (used with object) to make known publicly; proclaim

I believe he fits that defintion.

I get what you are saying. I thought most people would acknowledge his past sports accomplishments and then say "what a waste" because of his criminal activity.

The OJ verdict IMO will always be a flashpoint to many people but I don't know how we erase past accomplishments because of post activity.

Many people have the same opinion about President Clinton - and NO I am not comparing the two at all. But a strong breach of moral ethics was enough for some to write him off despite his past and continuing accomplishments.

My one memory of Bill Clinton was his appearance almost immediately at the 9/11 site - where as our Prime Minister was in hiding for three days in case the violence turned north. Many Canadians were so ashamed. I was moved to tears by Clinton's actions.

And I was recently idlely watching a sports show of some kind where OJ's sports past was mentioned. It surprised me but there it was.
I was looking at the above top secret 31 days time line
Just a thought, she leaves the body in the trunk
Night of June 16th-June 18th
The body is in the play house June 18th pm- June 20th. She didn't go back home June 19th at all (out if the trunk out of her mind and all)
June 20th she's back at the house for a long enough stretch of time to retrieve the body and place it in the woods.
She's away from home all weekend. Celebrating with the hot body contest.
Monday she's back checking on the remains and throwing out anything murder related. She runs out of gas.

Respectfully, I don't think that works out. The house pets would have gone nuts out there when they were let out to releave themselves. They would have been drawn to the decomp stench and GA or CA would have found Caylee.
I will never ever get over what KC did. I'll never ever get over the prosecution doing their best for a jury that didn't care. I'll never ever get over how hard everyone worked to get some sort of justice for Caylee only to hear 'Not guilty' on all accounts on that miserable verdict day.

No amount of theorising, analysing and journaling is helping heal this hurt. It is so raw and so painful still. It seems a bit overly dramatic to say this but I think I'll look back at this verdict when I'm 95 years old and say "That is one of the hardest things I've had to digest in all my life".

Thank you for saying so simply put on how I feel and as so many others.
When the jury failed they failed so many Caylees, my heart still hurts and I do know it's a pain that will never go away.
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