Sidney & Tammy's recovered texts, social media postings from bond hearing 3/17

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The whole Jan 17th activity is very interesting to consider. It will be interesting to see a timeline of that day when it is available.

If Tammy was posting her rants in a car in the way back from Florida you can bet that was a car filled with emotion.

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It's quite possible that all/most of those posts were removed after you read them.

yeah, I think you guys have a point. I haven't had time to look back but I will. Either way, I think I should remove my posts pertaining to this bc even though its confirmed in my eyes as I verified the connection to Tammy, it's still not mainstream yet.

Could you please edit your post to delete my post that you quoted? Thanks so very much tarheelslim! :)
What Tammy wanted was to kill the competition and make the pain go away. I have no doubt she was deeply hurt by SM's actions. I don't care what she posted on her social media or what she claimed was "an open marriage." She had to have felt betrayed; otherwise why the anger, rage, and need to take action?

As much as she might profess otherwise, Sidney was her spouse, he was her partner, she was bonded to him, she didn't want to leave him or have him leave her. I suspect the affair shook her to her core.

But she didn't really solve any problems, Heather wasn't *the* problem, she was a symptom of a much bigger issue going on, and killing Heather neither solved anything much or gave her any real peace. And on top of that she ruined her life, the Elvis' family's lives, her family's lives, and created a wide swath of destruction from her attempt to 'solve' this problem and assuage her rage.

I understand all that, but didn't TM have a boyfriend too? Wasn't she cheating on SM before he cheated on her? Or did i misunderstand that somewhere? :/
Ding, ding, ding! Ha!

Sorry 'bout that, but it just seems like they were in Florida for an unnecessarily long time, and I just don't believe ANYTHING that comes out of either of their mouths. Maybe they never really intended to buy property in Florida, and all of that back and forth with an agent, as well as TM's online posts about it, were a load of dung. They were going down there for the marathon, anyway. So they could have timed getting a hold of the real estate agent, to have an explanation as to why their trip was so in a cover-up, ya know?

Just as Closet_Sleuth mentioned that you don't have to be home to post online, they didn't have to still be in Florida to email or text the agent, even if they claimed they were. I feel like I'm being confusing, mostly because I'm changing my mind, mid-thought, about the possibilities here. Either way, they could've used the land purchase to show a legitimate excuse to extend their stay in Florida, OR they could've been home, doing something shady, PRETENDING to still be in Florida. Does that make sense? Now it's my turn: :banghead:

Or..they could have shown real interest, spent extra days checking it out, financing it, took that money along they took out the 18th for a down payment, left a body hidden on it somewhere before leaving. That could have been part of their entire plan to leave before they were linked, close to Disney and forget it all ever happened. They wouldn't want Heather found anywhere near their home or business after they had left and moved on or by some random person. Heather was the only thing tying them there. Maybe that was the trigger....TM said we're moving away from here as soon as we get back from CA and SM didn't want to move....reality hit TM, and it all escalated and ended badly.
I have been following this case since day one. This may be a little off topic, but, I remember reading somewhere that on one of HE social media sites that someone posted drawings, writings or something between 2:00 and 2:30 AM that same morning that she went missing. I think there were quite a few. I wonder what they were and who would post anything in that time frame? Just seems a little odd that someone would do that in the same time frame that all of the other calls were being made. If anyone has any info on this, I would like to know. I haven`t seen much talk about this episode here on the boards.
Just a reminder...

TM & SM's children are minors and not discussable.

I have been following this case since day one. This may be a little off topic, but, I remember reading somewhere that on one of HE social media sites that someone posted drawings, writings or something between 2:00 and 2:30 AM that same morning that she went missing. I think there were quite a few. I wonder what they were and who would post anything in that time frame? Just seems a little odd that someone would do that in the same time frame that all of the other calls were being made. If anyone has any info on this, I would like to know. I haven`t seen much talk about this episode here on the boards.

You may be thinking of the posts made to one of her SM sites. Someone, presumably Heather, posted some quotes and things of that nature to her sight sometime that night. I didn't see anything very revealing when I checked it out. As for the time frame of those posts I do not believe they were in that timeframe. I think they were in the timeframe between Heather getting home from her date and leaving for PTL.

Someone with a better memory could correct any inaccuracies.

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Heather's postings to tumblr, etc fit into the hour between her pay phone call with SM, and when she attempted to call him back. I don't think there is much doubt she made the posts, Jmo.
Thanks for the reply. I was wondering about that. I thought that they said someone else did the posting. I must have read it wrong.
I don't think they would have taken her body to Florida. Who could stand to travel with the decaying body in their vehicle or even in their Disney camper. Plus did they take their kids with them? Try explaining that smell to the kids.
I believe IMO that Heather's body is somewhere locally near where they lived.
I don't think they would have taken her body to Florida. Who could stand to travel with the decaying body in their vehicle or even in their Disney camper. Plus did they take their kids with them? Try explaining that smell to the kids.
I believe IMO that Heather's body is somewhere locally near where they lived.

I agree and feel that in some way SM used his knowledge of disposing refuse from his jobs to hide Heather's body. TM has shown to be very smug leading up to her arrest and I feel she thinks the body won't be found (no body,no case).
One thing for sure, I am thankful that Heather called her friend in Florida and told her what SM said on the payphone. I am sure the minute LE got the story from her friend they were on it immediately.
I suppose though they would have seen her involvement with SM once they looked at her call history and traced it that way. That phone call she made probably cut out a lot of time though for LE to know where to start looking. May have lead to a quicker arrest rather than giving them more time to plan a get away or to get their stories straight.
One thing for sure, I am thankful that Heather called her friend in Florida and told her what SM said on the payphone. I am sure the minute LE got the story from her friend they were on it immediately.
I suppose though they would have seen her involvement with SM once they looked at her call history and traced it that way. That phone call she made probably cut out a lot of time though for LE to know where to start looking. May have lead to a quicker arrest rather than giving them more time to plan a get away or to get their stories straight.

Welcome! :seeya:

Cops knew where to look because of the sickening harassment Heather and her family endured for weeks. IMOO
The last phone calls were icing on the proverbial cake. ;)
Nothing has been confirmed about who this "boyfriend of 2 years" is, if he even exists, or anything else about him or TM's activities related to him or anyone else.

I don't believe there was a BF of 2 yrs.....BUT if he does exist, do you really think he would come forward?!?
You don't have to be at home to post on FB (or a forum)....I am on a plane and posting right now. She could have done everything via her phone if they were traveling.

Funny, I was on a plane a couple if days ago and couldn't post a thing. I did get one email, which was weird. Maybe there are more towers with more altitude in your neck of the woods. If that one email hadn't come through I wouldn't believe you at all. I was on a prop, not a jet, so I suspect lower altitude and closer to towers, which would make it more likely that I could post, but nope.

I don't think that there was ever any open marriage or boyfriend.

I think that everything TM said to imply those things was a lame attempt at reverse psychology. Like she thought that because she said those things, people would believe her and conclude that she had no motive to harm Heather. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, I doubt anyone actually believes that they had an open marriage and/or that she had a boyfriend. And I also think that most people have concluded that she is trashy to the nth degree to publicly say such dirty things about herself and the father of her children.
One thing for sure, I am thankful that Heather called her friend in Florida and told her what SM said on the payphone. I am sure the minute LE got the story from her friend they were on it immediately.
I suppose though they would have seen her involvement with SM once they looked at her call history and traced it that way. That phone call she made probably cut out a lot of time though for LE to know where to start looking. May have lead to a quicker arrest rather than giving them more time to plan a get away or to get their stories straight.

Since her phone was on her dad's bill, I bet he got the story from BW first and was all over LE to jump on SM.

He has known pretty much from day one what happened. He handled himself better than I would have.

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