Sievers Sidebar #3

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I guess it is time to ask the BIG there such a thing as a "reasonable bail" for a person sitting in jail for the premeditated and gruesome killing of a spouse? In my reasoning, there is no amount that is reasonable. MS is not crucial to the continuation of a business nor is he missing out on earning a living to support his dependents.....for all intents and purposes, he is/was the dependent!!! As my posting pal Dex stated up thread, MS is probably more of a danger now that he knows his brother from another Mother has already thrown him under the bus for a 2nd degree murder conviction. And the week before his arrest, didn't he spend a lot of time with "purple truck guy"....the international traveler? Ya know the one who made 5 Himalayan journeys and studied at the Universidad Central de Este, (UCE the abbreviated term) "whatever or wherever" in the Dominican Republic? Maybe they had discussions on the new extradition treaty signed with the Dominican Republic in 2015....or maybe not. (Just thinking out loud on that issue...sorry)
I am aware of the 8th amendment "reasonable bail" ideal....but I don't think it should apply in the case of premeditated "murder for hire" situations. I am thinking the ultimate oxymoron has just been defined..."reasonable bail for a man accused of a vicious murder." It would be a great injustice if he receives a bail reduction and while his partner/hired killer continues to sit in jail.
I just can't accept the thought of a judge saying, "Oh, this is your first arrest for the crime of murder, so we are going to give you a bail reduction."
I guess it is time to ask the BIG there such a thing as a "reasonable bail" for a person sitting in jail for the premeditated and gruesome killing of a spouse? In my reasoning, there is no amount that is reasonable. MS is not crucial to the continuation of a business nor is he missing out on earning a living to support his dependents.....for all intents and purposes, he is/was the dependent!!! As my posting pal Dex stated up thread, MS is probably more of a danger now that he knows his brother from another Mother has already thrown him under the bus for a 2nd degree murder conviction. And the week before his arrest, didn't he spend a lot of time with "purple truck guy"....the international traveler? Ya know the one who made 5 Himalayan journeys and studied at the Universidad Central de Este, (UCE the abbreviated term) "whatever or wherever" in the Dominican Republic? Maybe they had discussions on the new extradition treaty signed with the Dominican Republic in 2015....or maybe not. (Just thinking out loud on that issue...sorry)
I am aware of the 8th amendment "reasonable bail" ideal....but I don't think it should apply in the case of premeditated "murder for hire" situations. I am thinking the ultimate oxymoron has just been defined..."reasonable bail for a man accused of a vicious murder." It would be a great injustice if he receives a bail reduction and while his partner/hired killer continues to sit in jail.
I just can't accept the thought of a judge saying, "Oh, this is your first arrest for the crime of murder, so we are going to give you a bail reduction."

I am reading this after reductin denied! Yay! But in the US he is innocent . People are challenging the idea of being in jail on bail since the person is not adjudicated guilty. This is interesting in that if one is truly innocent, one may soend a long time in jail being innocent.

But do we want someone lke Ted Bundy loose while awaiting trial? Issues
I am reading this after reductin denied! Yay! But in the US he is innocent . People are challenging the idea of being in jail on bail since the person is not adjudicated guilty. This is interesting in that if one is truly innocent, one may soend a long time in jail being innocent.

But do we want someone lke Ted Bundy loose while awaiting trial? Issues

No he's not, he's PRESUMED innocent until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Jail awaiting trial is to ensure the defendant appears in court (if they are likely to flee), to ensure public safety (if they've been charged with a violent crime), and/or to ensure they do not commit another offense in the interim (if they have a lengthy rap sheet). It's not punishment. Punishment comes after conviction.

Regardless, MS is not being held on no bond. He has a bond...he just can't afford to pay it. Thank God.
After watching MS today in court I don't think they can put him on the stand and in front of a jury... in his own defense. He is arrogant and couldn't even last an hour before losing his cool over a simple thing like saying his mother-in-laws name...imo
After watching MS today in court I don't think they can put him on the stand and in front of a jury... in his own defense. He is arrogant and couldn't even last an hour before losing his cool over a simple thing like saying his mother-in-laws name...imo
Honestly? It occurred to me after seeing him today that he might not even last very long in prison. I can just see him pulling his prissy superior act on the wrong person, and then... Not that I think his tough guy act will hold up long in the face of actual danger, but he's just so smug and infuriating to even look at... Even I want to beat him within an inch of his life, and I'm a pretty even-mannered individual. Maybe it's just wishful thinking (yeah, yeah... I'm horrible...) but I'd be interested to see how long a truly violent person would put up with his crap before teaching him a well-deserved lesson.
Gah! I need guidance in this case. I just found it a few days ago and spent several days (and nights!) reading the first 9 threads. Now I'm lost, as it seems that there is no (for lack of a better term) normal discussion threads but instead posts are posted in topical threads, of which there are pages and pages.
Can someone suggest how to pick up where I left off? Only the first two had been arrested at that point then it seems to me things got all divided up.
I'm so interested but so lost.
I've seen many of the videos on the docs. Are there any videos of MS being questioned?
Thanks to everyone who has participated in discussing this case.
Honestly? It occurred to me after seeing him today that he might not even last very long in prison. I can just see him pulling his prissy superior act on the wrong person, and then... Not that I think his tough guy act will hold up long in the face of actual danger, but he's just so smug and infuriating to even look at... Even I want to beat him within an inch of his life, and I'm a pretty even-mannered individual. Maybe it's just wishful thinking (yeah, yeah... I'm horrible...) but I'd be interested to see how long a truly violent person would put up with his crap before teaching him a well-deserved lesson.

I've wondered that myself.... MS thinks he's superior to others BUT that superiority with shrink in the face of a real bad *advertiser censored* or two in jail---they won't put up with him. MS hired others to do his bidding as in hammer his wife to death---as sick as he is, he had someone else do his dirty work. But I would worry what he'd do if he were released---I feel, JMO, that he's capable of anything towards others he feels are vulnerable.... like the kids & TS mom, etc.
Gah! I need guidance in this case. I just found it a few days ago and spent several days (and nights!) reading the first 9 threads. Now I'm lost, as it seems that there is no (for lack of a better term) normal discussion threads but instead posts are posted in topical threads, of which there are pages and pages.
Can someone suggest how to pick up where I left off? Only the first two had been arrested at that point then it seems to me things got all divided up.
I'm so interested but so lost.
I've seen many of the videos on the docs. Are there any videos of MS being questioned?
Thanks to everyone who has participated in discussing this case.

here is a starting place:


i don't believe we have received video of MS being questioned - only transcripts
jmo + my old lady recollection:)
Did I miss something? There seems to be much fewer threads in the Forum for TS. Where did they all go?
Gah! I need guidance in this case. I just found it a few days ago and spent several days (and nights!) reading the first 9 threads. Now I'm lost, as it seems that there is no (for lack of a better term) normal discussion threads but instead posts are posted in topical threads, of which there are pages and pages.
Can someone suggest how to pick up where I left off? Only the first two had been arrested at that point then it seems to me things got all divided up.
I'm so interested but so lost.
I've seen many of the videos on the docs. Are there any videos of MS being questioned?
Thanks to everyone who has participated in discussing this case.

This calendar is also very helpful:;NavType=Absolute;Type=Block&Date=2015/06/01
Did I miss something? There seems to be much fewer threads in the Forum for TS. Where did they all go?

You haven't missing anything, I promise. We haven't removed any threads. In fact, I opened a new one yesterday.
Gah! I need guidance in this case. I just found it a few days ago and spent several days (and nights!) reading the first 9 threads. Now I'm lost, as it seems that there is no (for lack of a better term) normal discussion threads but instead posts are posted in topical threads, of which there are pages and pages.
Can someone suggest how to pick up where I left off? Only the first two had been arrested at that point then it seems to me things got all divided up.
I'm so interested but so lost.
I've seen many of the videos on the docs. Are there any videos of MS being questioned?
Thanks to everyone who has participated in discussing this case.

If you're wanting to read everything chronologically, I don't really have any suggestions other than wading through it. Maybe someone else can help with that.

If you want to dive into the documents, then the Investigative Report is probably a good place to start and gives some info on MS's interviews. I don't think there is a transcript or video (yet).

#4, 5 & 6

Statement #1 of Mark Sievers:

In an interview with M. Sievers, he stated the decedent and their two children went on
vacation to New York and Connecticut on June 26, 2015 for the decedent’s
grandmother’s 75,h birthday celebration. The family continued to spend the following two
days there before driving the decedent to the airport on June 28, 2015 in order for her to
return home to Florida. The last known contact that M. Sievers had with the decedent was
at approximately 10:53 p.m., when she texted him that she had landed safely, had gotten
something to eat and was leaving the parking garage. M. Sievers went on to explain that after learning of the decedent's failure to show up at work the following day, he tracked
her phone and saw that it was at their residence on Jarvis Road. After being unable to
contact the decedent, contact was later made with M. Petrites who was asked to conduct a
well being check, later resulting in discovery of the crime scene. M. Sievers stated he
does not know who would have wanted to hurt the decedent and noted there should not
have been any other person(s) home at the time of her arrival.

During the statement, M. Sievers stated he had a good marriage with the decedent
however the two often ‘‘got on each others nerves.*' M. Sievers denied any suspicion or
allegation of infidelity and went on to confirm the two were taking active steps to
“rekindle” their relationship. When asked if any entry / exit points to the dwelling had
previous evidence of forced entry, M. Sievers stated there was not. M. Sievers stated his
mother, Bonnie Sievers, white female bom October 9, 1941 was tasked with looking after
the two dogs and cat on Jarvis Road and was arming and disarming the alarm system
when she checked on the dwelling. (Refer to audio / video / transcription for specific

Statement #2 of Mark Sievers:

On July I, 2015 at approximately 1 1:40 a.m,, M. Sievers met with detectives at the Lee
County Sheriffs Office Headquarters located at 14750 Six Mile Cypress Parkway to
provide an additional interview in an attempt to obtain further leads in finding his wife’s
killer. The following is a result of said interview and is not verbatim:

During the interview, M. Sievers voluntarily signed a consent to search form, regarding
the download of his cell phone contents. The contents were then downloaded and retained
for further proceedings. As the interview progressed, M. Sievers remained adamant there
was no one in his or the decedent’s life that he would know to be responsible for the
murder. M. Sievers described the layout of the dwelling and described what tools he
would commonly recognize. When shown pictures of the two hammers on scene, M.
Sievers was unable to confirm whether or not they were his. When asked about the pry
marks on the side door, M. Sievers stated they were not there prior to his departure to
New York.

In continuing the interview, M. Sievers stated he, the decedent and their two children,
Josephine Sievers, white female, bom May 14, 2004 and Carmela Sievers, white female,
born February 15, 2007 left for New York on Friday June 26, 2015 to celebrate his
mother-in-law's 75th birthday with other family. According to M. Sievers he dropped the
decedent off at LaGuardia airport between 3 & 4 p.m., on June 28, 2015 and did not have
any other voice contact after. M. Sievers spent the following time there with the two
children and were slated to return days later. When he received the call his wife was
murdered, he flew home and met with investigators.
M. Sievers stated in years past, the couple had experimented with other partners and
swinging however he was adamant that the decedent had never secretly cheated on him.

M. Sievers could not provide any information regarding any of the partners that would
want to hurt him or the decedent stating they all parted on good terms.
When asked about life insurance policies, M. Sievers stated he has a 2.5 million dollar
policy on himself and another on the decedent. When asked to elaborate on amounts, M.
Sievers could not recall stating he did not know and would have to check with his
financial advisor. There is no life insurance on the children. As M. Sievers explained the
contents of the four safes located within his dwelling and the numerous firearms and
other associated values, it was evident that nothing was taken from the scene. One of the
safes was said to have 40,000 in U.S. Currency. When asked about finances, M. Sievers
stated despite the cash in the safe, they commonly live month to month and do not have
that much financial stability. M. Sievers had no other contributions regarding items or
leads of evidentiary value. (Refer to audio / video / transcription for specific detail).

#8 & 9

Mark Sievers Refusal to Cooperate in the Investigation:

On July 7, 2015 Detective Jamie Nolen attempted to set another meeting with M. Sievers
in an attempt to go over what was obtained in the investigation thus far and seek
assistance and aid in finding his wife's killer. Later in the day, detectives were contacted
by Criminal Defense Attorney Lee Hollander who advised he was retained as council and
to direct any further inquiry through him. With this, detectives drafted a formal letterhead
requesting the following assistance:
(l) Palm prints from Mark Sievers, Carmela Sievers, Josephine Sievers, and Bonnie​
Sievers, to be collected by the Lee County Sheriffs Office AFIS Unit.​
(2) Buccal swabs from Carmela Sievers and Josephine Sievers.​
(3) Information in regards to portable electronic devices carried by Teresa while she​
was traveling from Florida to New York, and New York to Florida. What types of​
portable electronic devices did Teresa carry and use?​
(4) Information in regards to all user access codes to the home alarm. Please provide​
the pin code and the user coder number if you know all of them. Also, who knew​
the codes?​
(5) Who knew the code to open the garage door? Is it possible to open the garage​
door remotely with an electronic device?​
(6) When can detectives speak with Carmela Sievers and Josephine Sievers?​
(7) When Teresa didn't show up for work, who contacted Mark to let him know?​
Who did Mark contact, in order, to check on Teresa?​

It should be noted that these inquiries were solely for the purpose of obtaining
information that would expedite the process of elimination in regard to biological testing
and to further aid investigators in finding the person(s) who committed the offense. After
several days passing since submission of the inquiry, there was no answer. With this,
detectives made several attempts to contact M. Sievers council which later led to
notification that these requests will not be fulfilled and no further participation in the
investigation would ensue on M. Sievers’ part. No further contact was made with M.
Sievers as he denied any further aid in finding his wife’s killer(s).

I'm sure you've already found it, but here's the link to the folder with all the discovery documents.

Other notable threads are:

Q&A with a friend of TS

Q&A with a friend of MS

WS mods sleuth a link between MS & JRR
No he's not, he's PRESUMED innocent until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Jail awaiting trial is to ensure the defendant appears in court (if they are likely to flee), to ensure public safety (if they've been charged with a violent crime), and/or to ensure they do not commit another offense in the interim (if they have a lengthy rap sheet). It's not punishment. Punishment comes after conviction.

Regardless, MS is not being held on no bond. He has a bond...he just can't afford to pay it. Thank God.

I do not think you get my point. I am not for him or anyone being out on bail, but one is not convicted until a trial. And we know people get put in jail awaiting trial while innocent.

So let us say you are innocent and cannot pay the bond. You sit in jail maybe for a year, innocent,

People are questioning this, I see it as a huge problem, but then again, I do not want people like MS out.

There will be lawsuits about this whole problem. Groups are gearing up for it
A thought of mine!

Could CWW's wedding have been to cover up for any money he received from MS or was this planned long before?
And If money was given to CWW as a wedding present how can they then prove it was a pay off to murder Teresa.
Can they just take CWW's word for it or do they need some other evidence?
I do not think you get my point. I am not for him or anyone being out on bail, but one is not convicted until a trial. And we know people get put in jail awaiting trial while innocent.

So let us say you are innocent and cannot pay the bond. You sit in jail maybe for a year, innocent,

People are questioning this, I see it as a huge problem, but then again, I do not want people like MS out.

There will be lawsuits about this whole problem. Groups are gearing up for it
HUMAN I used to volunteer at a school and specialized in helping 12 years (ie 8th graders) pass the "Constitution Test"... I would use a series of Key Words to correlate to each amendment.
So here is one of them. SIXTH Amendment: six sounds like sixty, SIXTY DAYS !! Every person has the right to an attorney and a SPEEDY TRIAL (60 DAYS) by an impartial jury.
Innocent people accused of crimes don't have to sit in jail awaiting a trial. Our forefathers didn't want that to happen either, and I would be guilty of a great disservice to our Constitution (BTW, the 2nd greatest document ever written......the 3rd, according to my hubby, is my prenup:blushing:) if I didn't respond to the "fostering of misinformation" in this great country bounded by laws.

One is fun....talking to your pals: (but not in class!) The FIRST AMENDMENT...the right to free speech. . Two is double....double barrel shot gun...The SECOND AMENDMENT....the right to bear arms. Three...three's a crowd...The THIRD AMENDMENT ..."quartering soldiers in private homes without consent..." etc.... All of the students passed the test!
I do not think you get my point. I am not for him or anyone being out on bail, but one is not convicted until a trial. And we know people get put in jail awaiting trial while innocent.

So let us say you are innocent and cannot pay the bond. You sit in jail maybe for a year, innocent,

People are questioning this, I see it as a huge problem, but then again, I do not want people like MS out.

There will be lawsuits about this whole problem. Groups are gearing up for it
No need to defend your character, human. Most of us know you're a good person, hence your name.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
A thought of mine!

Could CWW's wedding have been to cover up for any money he received from MS or was this planned long before?
And If money was given to CWW as a wedding present how can they then prove it was a pay off to murder Teresa.
Can they just take CWW's word for it or do they need some other evidence?
Eileen, I know you don't get many 'likes', but your theory sounds plausible.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
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