Silly String Birthday Party

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AussieAussie said:
I have just started reading about this case. I can't believe a mother could do what Darlie obviously did!

We lost our first 2 sons and I can tell you that we certainly weren't celebrating anything in those first two weeks. Our family probably celebrated the odd days that I actually got myself dressed in the morning! At Christmas our first year we went out to the cemetery and had a beer together (hubby and I) but I can assure you there were no smiles on our faces!

I guarantee that 2 weeks after the death of our sons I couldn't give 2 hoots about anyone else and sure wouldn't have been holding a grave side party to assist anyone else cope with their deaths!

We have 2 beautiful sons here on earth now, one biological and the cutie in my sig tag we adopted from Korea last year :)


Jayne, your baby is gorgeous.
AussieAussie said:
Beesy your Daniel is so precious! One of my angel sons was also named Daniel :) If you would like to meet them we have a website

I haven't updated any of the site in so long, will have to get back in and update at least our 2 living sons pages :)

Take care
Sad stories, Jayne, but glad to see you have adopted so your Patrick will have a sibling. I have found in life that most things happen the way they are supposed to for reasons usually unknown, but somehow in the end it all seems to work out. Bless you and your children.
About 4pm est today, Wednesday, the host at CTV were discussing the current case of a women who's accused of killing her husband by poisoning him with arsenic. Part of the DA's argument is that she didn't act like she was mourning after her husband died. Stick with me here, lol. Low and behold, the host next showed pictures of the Routier kids and then ACTUALLY SHOWED 45 SECONDS OF the film footage of Darlie laughing and giggling while spraying silly string on the boy's graves. I haven't seen that film clip in years.

Did anyone here get to see this on CTV today? It only reconfirmed for me that Darlie is exactly where she should be.
I didn't watch but I wish that I did. You know I am pretty shell-shocked when something horrible happens to me. I don't break down right away, but I do eventually. However in between the times that I am stoic and the time I fall apart I'm sure not grinning and laughing and popping gum. If something were to happen to my kids I just don't think I could continue on in this world, I wouldn't want to. But in the event that I lived anyway I wouldn't be throwing a party over my childs graves.
i remember watching this video the night it aired originally, as i live in the area of the murders and of course this story was #1 in terms of coverage.

i have this to say: if i had almost been killed by an intruder who was still on the lose, there is no way in the world i would be seen in public, let alone throwing silly string at the graves of my two children (which is a whole other can of worms that i will not discuss "since we all grieve" differently). but that aside, i mean come on.

to me her actions on that day of the graveside birthday told me she was not grieving and she had no fear.
I seen the video of that and playing devils advocate here, was she not on that video as well crying and huddling together with her family?
michelle said:
I seen the video of that and playing devils advocate here, was she not on that video as well crying and huddling together with her family?

I never saw her crying on that video.
Jeana (DP) said:
I never saw her crying on that video.
I remember watching 20/20 or one of those shows where a juror was on said he was wrong about her conviction. He said that all they seen was her spraying the string and laughing, then later after the fact he saw more of the video where her family and them were having a service and crying ect....I am going to try to find a link. Here is a link about the juror, its in the second paragraph.....
michelle said:
I remember watching 20/20 or one of those shows where a juror was on said he was wrong about her conviction. He said that all they seen was her spraying the string and laughing, then later after the fact he saw more of the video where her family and them were having a service and crying ect....I am going to try to find a link. Here is a link about the juror, its in the second paragraph.....

He also said that photographs that WERE introduced into evidence were not, so there you go on his account. He's apparently confused. Her own defense counsel said those photographs are in the record. Jurors aren't always the smartest tools in the shed.
Jeana (DP) said:
He also said that photographs that WERE introduced into evidence were not, so there you go on his account. He's apparently confused. Her own defense counsel said those photographs are in the record. Jurors aren't always the smartest tools in the shed.
Oh I know thats true, it is scary though to think that your fate is in the hands of some of these juror's.
michelle said:
I seen the video of that and playing devils advocate here, was she not on that video as well crying and huddling together with her family?

there was indeed a graveside prayer service and while i do recall seeing other family members wiping their eyes (could have been tears, could have been that texas dust) i do not recall seeing darlie doing that. what i did see is her "whooping it up" and spraying silly string. not the actions of someone who had almost been murdered by an intruder.

also if i had almost been murdered in my own home, i don't think i'd be rushing back to live there. nope, would not feel safe.
I think the evidence overwhelmingly pointed toward Darlie Routier with or without the video and with or without bruises on her arms.
If the intruder ran out through the garage where are his (and I am saying "his" just for the sake of argument) bloody shoeprints? He would have HAD to been covered in blood after harming three people. Yet we only see Darlie's footprints.
And why would an intruder use one knife to cut the screen and another one to do the stabbings? And how could he have gotten their knife to cut the screen to start with unless he was already in the house from another entry, and in that case, why would he cut the screen anyway if he had another way out?
I know that there are many threads on all of this on this board and sorry for rehashing so much stuff. I coud go on and on for days about why I think she is guilty though.
White Rain said:
I think the evidence overwhelmingly pointed toward Darlie Routier with or without the video and with or without bruises on her arms.
If the intruder ran out through the garage where are his (and I am saying "his" just for the sake of argument) bloody shoeprints? He would have HAD to been covered in blood after harming three people. Yet we only see Darlie's footprints.
And why would an intruder use one knife to cut the screen and another one to do the stabbings? And how could he have gotten their knife to cut the screen to start with unless he was already in the house from another entry, and in that case, why would he cut the screen anyway if he had another way out?
I know that there are many threads on all of this on this board and sorry for rehashing so much stuff. I coud go on and on for days about why I think she is guilty though.

The evidence is pretty overwhelming. Then, when you take into consideration that Darlie still cannot decide what actually took place that night, nor how many "attackers" there were or if she was fighting or "frightening," its easy to see that there's not a snowball's chance in hell that she'll win her freedom.
White Rain said:
I didn't watch but I wish that I did. You know I am pretty shell-shocked when something horrible happens to me. I don't break down right away, but I do eventually. However in between the times that I am stoic and the time I fall apart I'm sure not grinning and laughing and popping gum. If something were to happen to my kids I just don't think I could continue on in this world, I wouldn't want to. But in the event that I lived anyway I wouldn't be throwing a party over my childs graves.
I agree.

The silly string scene is the most bizarre and asinine tribute I have ever seen. I heard a rumor that before the cameras arrived that Darlie did indeed cry at the private ceremony, yet I did not see any tears. If you know cameras are rolling, and you still act the fool, how can anyone be expected to believe you? In my opinion, even if people grieve differently, this is just pure ridiculous and shows me she is heartless and has no compassion.

Darlie is definitely guilty as charged.

I understand people being fence sitters as I have been on various different cases for quite a long time till I really decided to view all the evidence and admit what was right in front of me.
If she cried before that party, she must have had a complete change in skin since she's been on death row because we've seen her cry for herself and her skin does become blotchy and her eyes red after just a few tears rolling down her cheeks. Why wasn't any of that visible after bawling her eyes out at "an emotional ceremony" minutes before?
Yeah, just like how she was crying on the 911 call, until the " Darrin someone intenionally did this..." part Her voice changed so much. I have had a few cries like the way she sounded on the 911 call, and when I did I would barely be able to catch my breath and my speech would be all broken up. Her voice on that part did a total turnaround. Like I said before, Darlie is like a chameleon, she changes everything to suit whats going on in the moment.

Anyone have any thoughts on why she kept looking up at Darrin the whole time during the so called birthday party interview?
Where can you see the interview at the party? I would like to see it. I hate how in all the interviews in prison now she talks so soft and just so innocent.
White Rain said:
Anyone have any thoughts on why she kept looking up at Darrin the whole time during the so called birthday party interview?

Probably for the same reason John Ramsey kept answering for Patsy during their first televised interview...both were afraid of what the other might inadvertently blurt out.

What's really amazing to me, during the interview, is what Darlie and Darin didn't say. Not once did either of them plead with the public to come forward with information. Not once did Darlie or Darin show any anger toward the man who butchered their two boys & attacked her. A tip line number to call? A warning to other parents that the killer was still out there, and their child could be next? Nope, must have slipped their minds.

This was their chance to reach hundreds of thousands of people through the media, their chance to catch the "real killer" and save other parents the agony they'd experienced, and what did they do? Nothing, except tell the world that "the boys had lived full lives and wouldn't want us to be sad." (Darlie's words on tape).

Good grief, Darlie had the worst short in her emotional circuitry I've ever seen, and Darin runs a close second :)
White Rain said:
Anyone have any thoughts on why she kept looking up at Darrin the whole time during the so called birthday party interview?
Also, along with the above statement, I would assume Ms. Darlie did not want Darin in anyway to spill the beans or say something that may have been out of line. She had to keep a close eye on him. Probably they were both signaling each other. Such kind and loving people! I bet she was secretly giving him the "EVIL EYE!"
Better keep watch of EACH OTHER:banghead:


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