Silly String Birthday Party

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White Rain said:
Yeah, just like how she was crying on the 911 call, until the " Darrin someone intenionally did this..." part Her voice changed so much. I have had a few cries like the way she sounded on the 911 call, and when I did I would barely be able to catch my breath and my speech would be all broken up. Her voice on that part did a total turnaround. Like I said before, Darlie is like a chameleon, she changes everything to suit whats going on in the moment.

Anyone have any thoughts on why she kept looking up at Darrin the whole time during the so called birthday party interview?
Her look to me was all about.."Come on Darin, back me up", she probably was pinching him the whole time. That is what strikes me the most about that clip, the way she keeps looking at him...oh..and the whole.."They lived full lives and wouldn't want us to be sad..." WTF??? full lives?? they were babies. She makes me want to:sick:
This all brings to mind his part in all this. Did he actually partake in it...or when he got downstairs did he just look at her and just "know"??
That is the part I will never understand. If he even had an inkling that she did this..why has he stood by her all these years?? Denial is one a lie about the murder of your own flesh and blood is another.
I don't know how he sleeps at night.

I know how Darlie sleeps..she has convinced herself that she IS innocent..maybe that is what he has done as well.
santos1014 said:
This all brings to mind his part in all this. Did he actually partake in it...or when he got downstairs did he just look at her and just "know"??
That is the part I will never understand. If he even had an inkling that she did this..why has he stood by her all these years?? Denial is one a lie about the murder of your own flesh and blood is another.
I don't know how he sleeps at night.

I know how Darlie sleeps..she has convinced herself that she IS innocent..maybe that is what he has done as well.

Good question. I don't know, but its clear that he won't take a crap without approval from Mama Darlie. I don't know how or when he ended up there, but he's under her thumb.
Jeana (DP) said:
Good question. I don't know, but its clear that he won't take a crap without approval from Mama Darlie. I don't know how or when he ended up there, but he's under her thumb.
He lives close to me....weird. Everytime, I am in Lubbock, I think of him and his parents living there with Drake.
santos1014 said:
He lives close to me....weird. Everytime, I am in Lubbock, I think of him and his parents living there with Drake.

Poor little Drake. At least he's got his grandparents.
Jeana (DP) said:
Poor little Drake. At least he's got his grandparents.
I wonder what he has been told....I guess he has been told that his mother was railroaded and is on DR for no reason. Perhaps when he gets old enough, he will dig into the case and form his own opinion. But more than likely, they will have all that covered too.
Your are right..poor kid.
Even better- watch the video again and while she is dancing around the grave with the silly string-look at Darin's expression- I watched it a couple of times and focused right in on him only -he looks extremely uncomfortable almost embarrased that this is going on-look at his face when you watch you will see what I mean.
Kitty5001 said:
Even better- watch the video again and while she is dancing around the grave with the silly string-look at Darin's expression- I watched it a couple of times and focused right in on him only -he looks extremely uncomfortable almost embarrased that this is going on-look at his face when you watch you will see what I mean.
I noticed that too. She is the only one that is celebrating.
Kitty5001 said:
Even better- watch the video again and while she is dancing around the grave with the silly string-look at Darin's expression- I watched it a couple of times and focused right in on him only -he looks extremely uncomfortable almost embarrased that this is going on-look at his face when you watch you will see what I mean.

That's what I thought too.
Kitty5001 said:
Even better- watch the video again and while she is dancing around the grave with the silly string-look at Darin's expression- I watched it a couple of times and focused right in on him only -he looks extremely uncomfortable almost embarrased that this is going on-look at his face when you watch you will see what I mean.

Yeah I noticed that right away as well. He looks terrible embarrassed. Also did you notice during that interview how both praised the cops and the work they were doing? It's only after she was arrested that the cops became evil entities out to frame an innocent little housewife.
Ok, Darin was under Darlie's thumb, but why didn't her mother do something to stop the silly string party? And others were standing there watching. They must be some kind of a weird family.
Jeana (DP) said:
... Her own defense counsel said those photographs are in the record. Jurors aren't always the smartest tools in the shed.
Neither are defense attorneys. This one in particular. This has to be one of the worst defense efforts of the century, possibly ever!
accordn2me said:
Neither are defense attorneys. This one in particular. This has to be one of the worst defense efforts of the century, possibly ever!

Surely you jest. Her attorney was voted one of the BEST CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS in Texas. Attorneys are only as good as the evidence and clients they represent and let's face it, with clients like the Routiers, he was screwed from the beginning. Their pre-arrest/pre-trial antics alone are enough to make one shutter, but to have your client and her husband get up on the stand and lie likey they did has to be every defense attorneys' nightmare.
Jeana (DP) said:
Surely you jest. Her attorney was voted one of the BEST CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS in Texas. Attorneys are only as good as the evidence and clients they represent and let's face it, with clients like the Routiers, he was screwed from the beginning. Their pre-arrest/pre-trial antics alone are enough to make one shutter, but to have your client and her husband get up on the stand and lie likey they did has to be every defense attorneys' nightmare.
The entire case was a nightmare! I have long scoffed at the "BEST CRIMINAL DEFENSE" attorney in Texas...NO WAY! Who was doing the voting? Who in the world would have nominated him in the first place? WHY?

You have a point about the clients' behavior...but for goodness sakes....even OJ Simpson, with a blood trail from the murder scene to his bedroom, had defense. Darlie had none to speak of. Maybe Mulder did his job for other clients but not for her. She would have done much better...couldn't have been worse...with the court-appointed public defenders.
accordn2me said:
The entire case was a nightmare! I have long scoffed at the "BEST CRIMINAL DEFENSE" attorney in Texas...NO WAY! Who was doing the voting? Who in the world would have nominated him in the first place? WHY?

You have a point about the clients' behavior...but for goodness sakes....even OJ Simpson, with a blood trail from the murder scene to his bedroom, had defense. Darlie had none to speak of. Maybe Mulder did his job for other clients but not for her. She would have done much better...couldn't have been worse...with the court-appointed public defenders.

People who know what they're talking about are the ones chosen to vote. When you have a liar and a family working against you, even a good attorney like Mulder couldn't perform miracles.
Everyone says there is no one way to greive and I agree. But the gravesite party kept bugging me, I just could't buy this as the actions of a greiving mother. I was able to understand others going along with it to help her but not her. Now re-reading the transcripts I think I finally put my finger on why I don't believe her:

21 Q. How did that come about and why?
22 A. Well, it was Devon's birthday, and for
23 those of you who have children, Devon wanted nothing more
24 than to be seven. Devon asked me day in and day out, for
25 two weeks, "Mommy, am I seven yet?"

1 And I told him, "No, not yet. But you
2 will be soon."
3 And it was a way of telling Devon
4 happy birthday. I didn't see anything wrong with it. We
5 have been criticized and ridiculed. How do you ever know
6 what you are going to do unless you are placed in the
7 same situation? And who has that right to tell you --

My point being he never did turn seven. Someone took that from him but she still celebrated, without him, within days of his death.

To me it was all just a continuation of the staging. It was done for show, but it backfired because with all the excuses good people make for the behavior - it goes against a mother's natural reaction to having just lost her children in a violent matter. I specualte at this point she was celebrating the fact that she thought she got away with murder, harsh I know
Everyone says there is no one way to greive and I agree. But the gravesite party kept bugging me, I just could't buy this as the actions of a greiving mother. I was able to understand others going along with it to help her but not her. Now re-reading the transcripts I think I finally put my finger on why I don't believe her:

21 Q. How did that come about and why?
22 A. Well, it was Devon's birthday, and for
23 those of you who have children, Devon wanted nothing more
24 than to be seven. Devon asked me day in and day out, for
25 two weeks, "Mommy, am I seven yet?"

1 And I told him, "No, not yet. But you
2 will be soon."
3 And it was a way of telling Devon
4 happy birthday. I didn't see anything wrong with it. We
5 have been criticized and ridiculed. How do you ever know
6 what you are going to do unless you are placed in the
7 same situation? And who has that right to tell you --

My point being he never did turn seven. Someone took that from him but she still celebrated, without him, within days of his death.

To me it was all just a continuation of the staging. It was done for show, but it backfired because with all the excuses good people make for the behavior - it goes against a mother's natural reaction to having just lost her children in a violent matter. I specualte at this point she was celebrating the fact that she thought she got away with murder, harsh I know

EXACTLY - she though she had Darlie'd her way out of it!! AND IT BACKFIRED. The more I go back and read then more I can't discount the money issues. IMO, she thought life would be easier with just one child. More money for herself, when (if) Darin's business picked back up. SICK AND SAD
EXACTLY - she though she had Darlie'd her way out of it!! AND IT BACKFIRED. The more I go back and read then more I can't discount the money issues. IMO, she thought life would be easier with just one child. More money for herself, when (if) Darin's business picked back up. SICK AND SAD

Beyond sick...and even sicker that the whole family lies and makes exscuses for her. You'd think Darlie walked on water from some of the comments she made.
I don't even think they realize how much worse they make her look with their comments about how nice and sweet she was, how she was the best mom in the whole world. I would never believe their anyway, but I'd be ALOT more inclined to believe them if they would say she WASN'T a perfect mom...that yes she got frustrated at times, yes at times the boys got on her nerves, yes she yelled at them a few times, maybe even cussed at them a time or two.
Beyond sick...and even sicker that the whole family lies and makes exscuses for her. You'd think Darlie walked on water from some of the comments she made.
I don't even think they realize how much worse they make her look with their comments about how nice and sweet she was, how she was the best mom in the whole world. I would never believe their anyway, but I'd be ALOT more inclined to believe them if they would say she WASN'T a perfect mom...that yes she got frustrated at times, yes at times the boys got on her nerves, yes she yelled at them a few times, maybe even cussed at them a time or two.

That kind of testimony from her and Darin on the witness stand would have gone a LONG way further to make the jury even possibly relate to her. They need to remember that they need to make her seem even remotely likeable to the jury and her testimony and the testimony of her husband, which was shredded by the prosecution, simply shined a light on how badly they lied about everything.
That kind of testimony from her and Darin on the witness stand would have gone a LONG way further to make the jury even possibly relate to her. They need to remember that they need to make her seem even remotely likeable to the jury and her testimony and the testimony of her husband, which was shredded by the prosecution, simply shined a light on how badly they lied about everything.

I agree with this 100%. I did not see the trial, but I have read Darlie's testimony several times.

I am the type of person who can give almost anyone the benefit of the doubt, and I am naturally compassionate towards even people who commit the most heinous crimes.

But none of this came out in me when I read Darlie's testimony. She just seemed like a lying psychopath out to save her own skin (which I get - I mean, who wants to be executed and remembered forever for what she did?) and there was a coldness and a calculation in her testimony that left me chilled. Obviously, it had the same effect on some jurors....

To this minute, I am haunted by the "why" but I am undeniably convinced of her guilt.

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