Silly String Birthday Party

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I agree with this 100%. I did not see the trial, but I have read Darlie's testimony several times.

I am the type of person who can give almost anyone the benefit of the doubt, and I am naturally compassionate towards even people who commit the most heinous crimes.

But none of this came out in me when I read Darlie's testimony. She just seemed like a lying psychopath out to save her own skin (which I get - I mean, who wants to be executed and remembered forever for what she did?) and there was a coldness and a calculation in her testimony that left me chilled. Obviously, it had the same effect on some jurors....

To this minute, I am haunted by the "why" but I am undeniably convinced of her guilt.

Oh I agree 100% with you Southcitymom. I wanted to be wrong, wrong that a young woman, with a "seemingly" normal life could just decide one day, "Hey, I will just kill two of my boys and then my life will get better". I don't think anyone wanted to believe it but you just can't deny the over-whelming evidence against her. I wonder how many Darlie supporters jumped over the fence after the trial transcripts were posted for everyone to read.

The reason WHY keeps me intrigued. I have thought about so many reasons from PPD to loving money above all else (nothing can justify their brutal murders). I am more willing to believe that this woman was depressed, had been depressed over her life in general for a very long time. Instead of seeking help (because that would admit she wasn't perfect), she choose to continue to slip deeper and deeper into a state of mental instability. I believe the family was completely aware of what was going on. She does not strike me as the type to keep her mouth shut in regards to how DARLIE feels. From everything I have read, she didn't seem the type to wallow in her own misery. More of "IF I AM MISERABLE THEN YOU WILL BE TOO TYPE."

I USE to believe that Daren was an innocent victim. I had completely forgotten about the confusion in regards to where he met the 1st police officer on the scene. I remember reading it in the trial transcripts wondering why he made such a point to point out that HE WAS NOT OUTSIDE THAT MORNING. Even though a neighbor saw him, he still denies it. WHY, because his sorry butt was was running the sock down the alley. Darlie swears she shouted Karen's name that early morning while on the phone with 911 because she was a nurse and could help. UH HMMM, think about it, if she really thought the woman could have helped don't you think that she would of got her over there before she even called 911, she knew how long it was going to take to get the EMT's there. Another thing, if Darlie was basically left for dead, then why was she up, moving around, getting towels? The boys couldn't move, so how come she could. Oh one last thing, I love the spin on her website about WHO WAS THAT MAN who met the PO in the front yard that was also seen by the neighbor.

That kind of testimony from her and Darin on the witness stand would have gone a LONG way further to make the jury even possibly relate to her. They need to remember that they need to make her seem even remotely likeable to the jury and her testimony and the testimony of her husband, which was shredded by the prosecution, simply shined a light on how badly they lied about everything.

Exactly...What parent hasn't said or did something a couple of times that they regretted? You can be the best parent in the world but you will still make mistakes, and yes at times any kid will try your nerves a time or two.
Exactly...What parent hasn't said or did something a couple of times that they regretted? You can be the best parent in the world but you will still make mistakes, and yes at times any kid will try your nerves a time or two.

My favorite was when they claimed that Darlie LOVED cleaning up after the boys.:crazy: :crazy:
I just wanted to say that I lost my neice to an automobile accident on May 16th 2007 and I would NEVER have been able to do such a thing as Darlie did at their gravesite, I know people grieve in different ways, but I can't imagine being able to smile, I go to my neice's gravesite and cry because I miss her sooo much...but to go there and have a sillystring party WTF??????????:mad:
My favorite was when they claimed that Darlie LOVED cleaning up after the boys.:crazy: :crazy:

Yeah right, I guess thats why shoes had to be taken off on the porch, they couldn't come in to get a popsicle after being in the spa, and thats why she had the maids and then Halena.
I just wanted to say that I lost my neice to an automobile accident on May 16th 2007 and I would NEVER have been able to do such a thing as Darlie did at their gravesite, I know people grieve in different ways, but I can't imagine being able to smile, I go to my neice's gravesite and cry because I miss her sooo much...but to go there and have a sillystring party WTF??????????:mad:
I'm so sorry to hear about your niece. How old was she? Of course you couldn't have a party at her gravesite . . . I haven't been following this case but I can't imagine being able to get out of bed let alone throwing a party at the gravesite of two of my little sons right after their deaths. That's just plain weird.
My neice died as a result of injuries sustained in a car accident....she was going Mothers Day shopping w/ her mother and father, she was doing everything right she was sitting in the backseat(drivers side) w/ her seatbelt on, and a DUI driver came around a curve in the road and hit them head-on, my brother and his wife received little injuries, My neice was taken to the E.R. and they said they were going to keep her over night for observation, (she had a broken collar bone) she was talking and seemed to be alright, then all of a sudden she could'nt move her Right side and we found out she had a massive stroke, she lived for 4 more days, she was 15 and had her whole life ahead of her...anyway sorry for the rambling but sometimes it helps me to talk about it.....:confused:
My neice died as a result of injuries sustained in a car accident....she was going Mothers Day shopping w/ her mother and father, she was doing everything right she was sitting in the backseat(drivers side) w/ her seatbelt on, and a DUI driver came around a curve in the road and hit them head-on, my brother and his wife received little injuries, My neice was taken to the E.R. and they said they were going to keep her over night for observation, (she had a broken collar bone) she was talking and seemed to be alright, then all of a sudden she could'nt move her Right side and we found out she had a massive stroke, she lived for 4 more days, she was 15 and had her whole life ahead of her...anyway sorry for the rambling but sometimes it helps me to talk about it.....:confused:

I am so very sorry that you are having to deal with something like this. TALKING ABOUT WILL HELP YOU. It is hard enough to deal with the loss the of a loved one when it is expected let alone when it is so sudden and unexpected. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
My neice died as a result of injuries sustained in a car accident....she was going Mothers Day shopping w/ her mother and father, she was doing everything right she was sitting in the backseat(drivers side) w/ her seatbelt on, and a DUI driver came around a curve in the road and hit them head-on, my brother and his wife received little injuries, My neice was taken to the E.R. and they said they were going to keep her over night for observation, (she had a broken collar bone) she was talking and seemed to be alright, then all of a sudden she could'nt move her Right side and we found out she had a massive stroke, she lived for 4 more days, she was 15 and had her whole life ahead of her...anyway sorry for the rambling but sometimes it helps me to talk about it.....:confused:

I am so very sorry for your loss. ((((Hugs))))
My neice died as a result of injuries sustained in a car accident....she was going Mothers Day shopping w/ her mother and father, she was doing everything right she was sitting in the backseat(drivers side) w/ her seatbelt on, and a DUI driver came around a curve in the road and hit them head-on, my brother and his wife received little injuries, My neice was taken to the E.R. and they said they were going to keep her over night for observation, (she had a broken collar bone) she was talking and seemed to be alright, then all of a sudden she could'nt move her Right side and we found out she had a massive stroke, she lived for 4 more days, she was 15 and had her whole life ahead of her...anyway sorry for the rambling but sometimes it helps me to talk about it.....:confused:

My daughter is 15 soon to be 16 and I couldn't help but get teary reading what happened to your neice. I am very sorry for your loss and the loss of your brother. What an incredibly hard thing to deal with. My prayers are with you and your family.
My neice died as a result of injuries sustained in a car accident....she was going Mothers Day shopping w/ her mother and father, she was doing everything right she was sitting in the backseat(drivers side) w/ her seatbelt on, and a DUI driver came around a curve in the road and hit them head-on, my brother and his wife received little injuries, My neice was taken to the E.R. and they said they were going to keep her over night for observation, (she had a broken collar bone) she was talking and seemed to be alright, then all of a sudden she could'nt move her Right side and we found out she had a massive stroke, she lived for 4 more days, she was 15 and had her whole life ahead of her...anyway sorry for the rambling but sometimes it helps me to talk about it.....:confused:

Oh how sad. I am so sorry to hear that. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and yes it does help to talk about it.
Everyone says there is no one way to greive and I agree. But the gravesite party kept bugging me, I just could't buy this as the actions of a greiving mother. I was able to understand others going along with it to help her but not her. Now re-reading the transcripts I think I finally put my finger on why I don't believe her:

21 Q. How did that come about and why?
22 A. Well, it was Devon's birthday, and for
23 those of you who have children, Devon wanted nothing more
24 than to be seven. Devon asked me day in and day out, for
25 two weeks, "Mommy, am I seven yet?"

1 And I told him, "No, not yet. But you
2 will be soon."
3 And it was a way of telling Devon
4 happy birthday. I didn't see anything wrong with it. We
5 have been criticized and ridiculed. How do you ever know
6 what you are going to do unless you are placed in the
7 same situation? And who has that right to tell you --

My point being he never did turn seven. Someone took that from him but she still celebrated, without him, within days of his death.

To me it was all just a continuation of the staging. It was done for show, but it backfired because with all the excuses good people make for the behavior - it goes against a mother's natural reaction to having just lost her children in a violent matter. I specualte at this point she was celebrating the fact that she thought she got away with murder, harsh I know

There is a poster on Court TV boards (am I allowed to say that?) who said it so well I think. In Darlie's mugshot we see her face pasty white with tears streaming down her cheeks and we realize that she is grieving for the only person she can greive for...herself.

Oh it's not harsh, I completely agree with you...she was celebrating.
My neice died as a result of injuries sustained in a car accident....she was going Mothers Day shopping w/ her mother and father, she was doing everything right she was sitting in the backseat(drivers side) w/ her seatbelt on, and a DUI driver came around a curve in the road and hit them head-on, my brother and his wife received little injuries, My neice was taken to the E.R. and they said they were going to keep her over night for observation, (she had a broken collar bone) she was talking and seemed to be alright, then all of a sudden she could'nt move her Right side and we found out she had a massive stroke, she lived for 4 more days, she was 15 and had her whole life ahead of her...anyway sorry for the rambling but sometimes it helps me to talk about it.....:confused:

I am so sorry for your loss. ((())) Hugs. Nothing can take away the pain but I hope you know others care.
A few years ago,my friends lost their 24 year old son, it was sudden and without warning. A year later they were still grieving. They and a few friends went to his grave on the anniversary of his death and it was sombre.

No "party" days later, no celebration. Darlie is where she belongs........
There is a poster on Court TV boards (am I allowed to say that?) who said it so well I think. In Darlie's mugshot we see her face pasty white with tears streaming down her cheeks and we realize that she is grieving for the only person she can greive for...herself.

Oh it's not harsh, I completely agree with you...she was celebrating.

Exactly, Cami. The only time you see tears streaming down her face is when she realized she was caught and no one was going to be able to save her butt.

When I was reading the Bond Hearing transcripts (prior to my complete knowledge of her guilt) I was astounded by the fact that this was the very first time she cried like a baby (when they played the 911 tape).

She was celebrating that day at the graves. She was celebrating her new life to come. A life without the hassle of 2 little boys that she had no control over. Now everything left in her life, she had control over, which is exactly what she wanted.
You know this is one of the main reasons that they Jury took just four hours to find Darlie Guilty.
They found it abhorrent that she could be literally 'dancing on her sons graves'
throwing this silly string.
The Lead prosecutor did in fact state ""She has just lost two children, and yet she's out literally dancing on their graves.""

However they were not shown the entire video which showed her sobbing prior to THAT incident..

My question to you all is ....... don't you think if you were guilty in your heart, you would not openly do something that would attract attention to you as being cold and callous ? that would lead people to be suspicious of you ?

Don't you think that if you were innocent in your heart, and that your son loved silly string and so you gave it to him for his birthday like you always would do, because you loved him so much and the grief was overwhelming and you weren't thinking that anyone could possibly take it THE WRONG WAY.....
Because you were just doing what you wanted from your heart....

If you were guilty of murdering someone would you draw attention to yourself in a negative way on purpose ?
First-She did not know that the gravesite was being recorded when she was putting on her show

Second-there was much more people around the first unrecorded session of the funeral where she had to put her 'act' on. it is only hearsay that she was upset (remember it was not recorded from the inside) If you notice (from the recording from shots behind) she was sitting crosslegged on the ground during that session.

Third-Did you see Darin acting this way at any time at all? Watch the video and you will see that he is not smiling, snapping gum or dancing etc. he is greiving and appears soliced and quiet. So if this was a 'traditional' act then why is she the only one all happy?

Fourth-that is not the main reason they convicted her-that is what her supporters spun to look like the reason when in all actuality it was the lack of evidence to support that there was an outside intruder. All the way down to the blood droplets found underneath the glass indicating she walked through that spot and dripped blood before she broke the glass on top of it to stage the scene....I could go on and's all in the transcripts

Ask yourself this....if both your children were brutally murdered, could you even bring yourself to smile or drag yourself out of a huddle in bed to even make it to your childrens funeral let alone hop around popping chewing gum? Seriously-you would break into tears between trying to hold it together-not so sure you would dance around in your cut off jean shorts :waitasec:
If my two children were brutally stabbed to death at 5 and 6 years old, in our own home and I survived, there is no way I or anyone in our family would ever be the same.

I would need a constant watch as I would be suicidal. It would take a long time just to even cope with losing two children in this violent manner, there is no way to ever have closure or "get over it".

If I could make it to the funerals, well I better have people around me to hold me up, people that I would lean on, that would support us in this time.

I would not be "drawing attention" to myself, by inviting the media to the graves of my two children a mere week after their death. You see, it is not a "happy" event to snap gum, smile, joke, and have a great time.

I would forever wear black, as my entire life will be in mourning for my children.

Now that is a "response" that will be acceptable if you DID not murder your children.
I will assert, as I have previously on this topic (to be shot down) that, however innappropriate the behaviour, this video had no place at her trial (and how the pros had the gall to use it when the officers pleaded the 5th re ther other tape I don't know). People acting inappropriately does not make them killers. Evidence of such behaviour proves neither guilt nor a tendency to participate in criminal behaviour.

Irrespective of whether she is guilty or innocent, the video is not relevant to the consideration of whether she killed her children. If it hadn't been included, then maybe there wouldn't be so much debate about whether her conviction is safe or not. Those who say she would have been found gulity without it, well, we don't know that so thats a pointless assertion.

Mothers out there.....ever had a drink whilst being in charge of your children? What if a genuine accident happened and evidence of your drinking behaviour prior to or after the incident was used to implicate you re the actual incident? It just isn't relevant unless there was a direct causal link between the behaviour and what happened.

I do not want to see guilty people go free, I want public confidence in the conviction in the first place.
Cyberlaw, as usual you don't actually read posts properly, you select what you want to hear. I am not even going to bother relying but what I will say is, if the rest was 'conclusive evidence' as you say, then why was it necessary to include the video. If 'actions follow personality' as you put it, I dread to think what that makes me.... I had half a bottle of wine tonight shared with my husband, I must be an alcoholic.

I am a qualified and experienced lawyer, can I ask what qualifies you to be the fountain of all knowledge in legal matters? Shoot me down by all means. If you were a lawyer then maybe I would worry about it.

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