Sixteen years... back to the basics

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I don't want anyone to get upset with me. I am just trying to go down one avenue of many possibilities. I am not saying I know this is what happened. I would just like to talk about it and see what can be proven or what can not. I have been a big RDI for a long time. But that isn't going anywhere. So I would like to explore other senarios with an open mind.
I understand that some parents do terrible things to their children; but I have a gut feeling that niether of the ramseys were capable of that. Here are a few of my thoughts that help me form that opinion. There was no record of prior physical abuse. I can't see going from never bruiseing a child to doing what happened overnight. And Jon Benet was winning pagents and I am sure patsey was pleased with that. And the two ways of killing, the bash and the garote. I just can't keep looking for clues that they did it anymore. There just isn't the evidence to prove that they did it. Keep in mind that I am seperating the murder from being involved in someway. If the truth is in a different direction, then thats where I'm headed.

And here is another thing. Can anyone explain to me the relevance of the basement window? That won't prove anything. I think it is just a distraction from the case. Why couldn't an intruder have walked through one of the doors?
A couple of other red flags, and they are HUGE red flags, were the wetting and soiling issues from both JB and BR. It has been reported that he smeared feces on the wall, and in his psychological report, it stated that social services said he had an ongoing bedwetting problem. JB, also reportedly suffered from these same issues, and Kolar reported that she had feces covered chocolate in her bedroom. If these issues aren't indicative of some kind of abuse, then what Do they mean? Also, IMO, we don't have to look for clues that point to the Rs involvement. PR's fibers, wrapped in the garotte, tell an undeniable story, and the ransom note, screams her involvement. IMO, there's not a person on earth, besides PR, who would have worded that note, even close to the way it was phrased...'$118,000.00, hence, attache, proper burial, don't try to grow a brain John, fat cat, good southern common sense, It's up to you now John', and it was all topped off with an exclamation point.
A couple of other red flags, and they are HUGE red flags, were the wetting and soiling issues from both JB and BR. It has been reported that he smeared feces on the wall, and in his psychological report, it stated that social services said he had an ongoing bedwetting problem. JB, also reportedly suffered from these same issues, and Kolar reported that she had feces covered chocolate in her bedroom. If these issues aren't indicative of some kind of abuse, then what Do they mean? Also, IMO, we don't have to look for clues that point to the Rs involvement. PR's fibers, wrapped in the garotte, tell an undeniable story, and the ransom note, screams her involvement. IMO, there's not a person on earth, besides PR, who would have worded that note, even close to the way it was phrased...'$118,000.00, hence, attache, proper burial, don't try to grow a brain John, fat cat, good southern common sense, It's up to you now John', and it was all topped off with an exclamation point.

And that is exactly the problem I have with the ransom note, Dodie. It is the problem I have always had with it, which is that it is very conveniently does point to PR. So much so that I feel as if I am being pointed toward a suspect by someone very intelligent and very cunning. On the surface it appears to be exactly what you say, but looking deeper, everything about the ransom note is deceptive. I don't want to base my conclusions in a way that someone wants me to base them on evidence I do not trust. The ransom note is very subtle and very deceptive. IMO, whoever created it thought about it and designed in such a way to confuse LE (and others, us) on multiple levels. It is not what it appears to be. The conclusion you are drawing is the exact conclusion whoever made it wanted people to draw. Why? Because if you have that conclusion, it will lead to a hopeless dead end. I don't believe PR or JR wrote the ransom note, although it was meant to appear that they did. What I think is that the ransom note (as well as the practice note that was purposefully left to be found by LE) was part of a purposeful spoliation of evidence at the crime scene. Don't be led to the conclusion someone wants you to have.
Here's another 'slip', I remember...not exactly remorse or undoing, but an unreasonable 'understanding'. I don't remember who said it, but someone reported that JR said something about how the killer didn't intend to kill JB, because she was wrapped to keep warm? So, if JR did make this reference, even He recognized the act of remorse and undoing. moo

This is another one of those comments that MAY be true but we have no official account (unlike the police interviews, which are true and fact). This comment was allegedly heard by the Rs pastor, who was called to the house that morning along with several of the R's friends. He claimed to have heard JR make that comment as he came up the stairs holding JB's stiffened upright body.
BUT- Det. Linda Arndt was also there, and she made no mention of hearing JR say that. Doesn't prove he didn't, just wasn't mentioned by an official source. When you think about it, this wouldn't be something a father would say AT THAT MOMENT - he has "found" his supposedly kidnapped daughter DEAD, strangled, stiff and blue in their basement. And all he can think to say as he brings her up is THAT?? Already kind of "softening" his attitude about the killer...already playing up the "accidental" killing. First of all, just because a body is covered (partially) doesn't mean the killer didn't mean to kill. Sometimes a body is covered to hide it. This wasn't the case here, though. Her body was only covered over her torso. Her lower legs and feet, head and arms were exposed. FW, who was there as JR carried her up, would also have heard that comment. No word from him about it. But he hasn't said much publicly anyway.
And that is exactly the problem I have with the ransom note, Dodie. It is the problem I have always had with it, which is that it is very conveniently does point to PR. So much so that I feel as if I am being pointed toward a suspect by someone very intelligent and very cunning. On the surface it appears to be exactly what you say, but looking deeper, everything about the ransom note is deceptive. I don't want to base my conclusions in a way that someone wants me to base them on evidence I do not trust. The ransom note is very subtle and very deceptive. IMO, whoever created it thought about it and designed in such a way to confuse LE (and others, us) on multiple levels. It is not what it appears to be. The conclusion you are drawing is the exact conclusion whoever made it wanted people to draw. Why? Because if you have that conclusion, it will lead to a hopeless dead end. I don't believe PR or JR wrote the ransom note, although it was meant to appear that they did. What I think is that the ransom note (as well as the practice note that was purposefully left to be found by LE) was part of a purposeful spoliation of evidence at the crime scene. Don't be led to the conclusion someone wants you to have.
As for the ransom note, I think the exact opposite. I think the references to the foreign faction, the tedious instructions involving the exchange of money, all the talk of executing JonBenet, etc. were what was written to deceive. The ransom note was long, and when seen as a whole, the 'Patsyisms', were few and far between, probably not even noticed by PR, until later. What it looks like to me, is PR was exhausted, maybe a little intoxicated, and she lost her focus. All moo, but it was reported that the Rs drank wine that night, and JR admitted to taking some sort of sleeping pill, and on the 911, it's moo, that PR slurred some of her words. moo
There are NO fingernail marks, nor have they ever been officially identified as such. The marks you see are petechial hemorrhages. They are noted as such in the autopsy report, which I strongly recommend reading for those who haven't. It will help to clear up a lot of questions and misunderstanding. So would the autopsy photos.
Many people jump all over the "fingernail" marks and say that it proves she struggled. She did not. There were no fingernail marks.

The undoing was the redressing and wrapping her in her blanket. There is some evidence that a Barbie doll (1996 Holiday Barbie) was reported to be in the room with her and appears in some photos. The presence of her favorite pink Barbie nightgown may also indicate undoing if it was deliberately placed There is a possibility that it may have simply come out of the basement dryer (where the white blanket she was wrapped in came from) attached to the blanket by static cling. JR made a very telling slip when shown a crime photo of the wine cellar depicting the white blanket that JB had been wrapped in and shows the pink nightie lying on top of it. When police showed JR that photo he pointed to the nightie and said "that wasn't supposed to be there".
Neither was the white blanket and dead little girl, right? None of it was "supposed to be there". Yet once again, police simply let it go.

BBM I have always thought that would be the most likely scenario.

It does seem that JR is making a slip in saying it shouldn't be there. That's always been MO. If it was a slip, it was a bigun! Ok, don't yell at me, but what if it wasn't a slip? What if he was saying it intentionally? Is it possible it was part of the staging (for whatever convoluted reason) and he was pointing it out, making sure they see it and know "it's not supposed to be there?" I will say, I don't see what purpose this could have possibly had, but then not much the R's did that night makes sense to me.

The other strange utterance by JR was (supposedly) when he "found" her and brought her upstairs. IIRC, not only the minister, but 2 others claimed to have heard that remark. (Sorry, don't have a link. I can't figure out how you all can just pull up info complete with links at the drop of a hat! LOL Takes me forever to find where I read something!) Again, what if this was not a slip, or "forgiving" the killer? Could he have been trying, in his own bizarre way, to point to someone close to the family but not too close? He's made other statements about it being an "inside job".

That phrase, amongst many others, kind of makes me wonder if he wasn't involved in the RN. I believe PR wrote it, but always thought it was too far out there for JR. Now I'm thinking maybe it's not. Sure seems like a lot of phrasing and terms that could have come from that book on his nightstand. Maybe JR was into all the cloak & dagger stuff. Or maybe PR's "drama queen" was just rubbing off on him.

I dunno, just all random thoughts flying around.
A couple of other red flags, and they are HUGE red flags, were the wetting and soiling issues from both JB and BR. It has been reported that he smeared feces on the wall, and in his psychological report, it stated that social services said he had an ongoing bedwetting problem. JB, also reportedly suffered from these same issues, and Kolar reported that she had feces covered chocolate in her bedroom. If these issues aren't indicative of some kind of abuse, then what Do they mean? Also, IMO, we don't have to look for clues that point to the Rs involvement. PR's fibers, wrapped in the garotte, tell an undeniable story, and the ransom note, screams her involvement. IMO, there's not a person on earth, besides PR, who would have worded that note, even close to the way it was phrased...'$118,000.00, hence, attache, proper burial, don't try to grow a brain John, fat cat, good southern common sense, It's up to you now John', and it was all topped off with an exclamation point.

Excellent post dodie! ITA Yes, yes, yes to the huge red flags! I know it's not always the case, but at their ages, I believe it definately points to abuse.

BBM They are everywhere!

And that is exactly the problem I have with the ransom note, Dodie. It is the problem I have always had with it, which is that it is very conveniently does point to PR. So much so that I feel as if I am being pointed toward a suspect by someone very intelligent and very cunning. On the surface it appears to be exactly what you say, but looking deeper, everything about the ransom note is deceptive. I don't want to base my conclusions in a way that someone wants me to base them on evidence I do not trust. The ransom note is very subtle and very deceptive. IMO, whoever created it thought about it and designed in such a way to confuse LE (and others, us) on multiple levels. It is not what it appears to be. The conclusion you are drawing is the exact conclusion whoever made it wanted people to draw. Why? Because if you have that conclusion, it will lead to a hopeless dead end. I don't believe PR or JR wrote the ransom note, although it was meant to appear that they did. What I think is that the ransom note (as well as the practice note that was purposefully left to be found by LE) was part of a purposeful spoliation of evidence at the crime scene. Don't be led to the conclusion someone wants you to have.

I can see where you're coming from Anyhoo, but they say the simplest answer is usually the correct one. The simplest answer is that is sounds just like PR because PR wrote it.

As for the ransom note, I think the exact opposite. I think the references to the foreign faction, the tedious instructions involving the exchange of money, all the talk of executing JonBenet, etc. were what was written to deceive. The ransom note was long, and when seen as a whole, the 'Patsyisms', were few and far between, probably not even noticed by PR, until later. What it looks like to me, is PR was exhausted, maybe a little intoxicated, and she lost her focus. All moo, but it was reported that the Rs drank wine that night, and JR admitted to taking some sort of sleeping pill, and on the 911, it's moo, that PR slurred some of her words. moo

BBM Exactly!
A couple of other red flags, and they are HUGE red flags, were the wetting and soiling issues from both JB and BR. It has been reported that he smeared feces on the wall, and in his psychological report, it stated that social services said he had an ongoing bedwetting problem. JB, also reportedly suffered from these same issues, and Kolar reported that she had feces covered chocolate in her bedroom. If these issues aren't indicative of some kind of abuse, then what Do they mean? Also, IMO, we don't have to look for clues that point to the Rs involvement. PR's fibers, wrapped in the garotte, tell an undeniable story, and the ransom note, screams her involvement. IMO, there's not a person on earth, besides PR, who would have worded that note, even close to the way it was phrased...'$118,000.00, hence, attache, proper burial, don't try to grow a brain John, fat cat, good southern common sense, It's up to you now John', and it was all topped off with an exclamation point.

I have heard of JB wetting the bed but not burk's psychological report being released. I haven't heard of the poop being smeared either. As far as the wetting and poop thing. my son wet the bed and a few occasions smeared poop on the wall. I can gaurantee he was not abused; he has aspergers. I can't really put a lot of weight on them being abused just on that. If I can find something solid I can put that into the equation.

As far as the fibers in the garote, if I can see the fibers in the rope to where I can tell if it could have gotten there any other way; I will be swayed back to the ramseys did the actual murder. where can I see the fibers. All I was able to see was the autopsy photos.

And what happened to the practice sheets of paper from the ransom note tablet? And the roll of tape. Speaking of tape, I don't beleive for a second that a piece of duct tape can hold some ones mouth shut. It would have to at least be several long pieces.

I am not saying that I don't believe any of the non concrete clues; I just want to look at just what can be proven and see where it goes. I consider the fibers in the garote where it couldn't have gotton there any other way a good solid piece of evidence.
I have heard of JB wetting the bed but not burk's psychological report being released. I haven't heard of the poop being smeared either. As far as the wetting and poop thing. my son wet the bed and a few occasions smeared poop on the wall. I can gaurantee he was not abused; he has aspergers. I can't really put a lot of weight on them being abused just on that. If I can find something solid I can put that into the equation.

As far as the fibers in the garote, if I can see the fibers in the rope to where I can tell if it could have gotten there any other way; I will be swayed back to the ramseys did the actual murder. where can I see the fibers. All I was able to see was the autopsy photos.

And what happened to the practice sheets of paper from the ransom note tablet? And the roll of tape. Speaking of tape, I don't beleive for a second that a piece of duct tape can hold some ones mouth shut. It would have to at least be several long pieces.

I am not saying that I don't believe any of the non concrete clues; I just want to look at just what can be proven and see where it goes. I consider the fibers in the garote where it couldn't have gotton there any other way a good solid piece of evidence.

Particularly when Patsy states she was never down in the basement Christmas Night or early next morning, yet her fibers are on multiple crime scene objects, including the underside of the duct tape?

Holly Smith stated JonBenet's underwear was fecally stained, and LHP the housekeeper said her bed on occassion had a fecal deposit on it and according to Kolar there was a fecal deposit on some object in her bedroom.

All separate witness claims, without the homicide and sexual assault possibly just the result of growing up, otherwise these could be as Holly Smith suggested a big red flag!
As far as the fibers in the garote, if I can see the fibers in the rope to where I can tell if it could have gotten there any other way; I will be swayed back to the ramseys did the actual murder. where can I see the fibers. All I was able to see was the autopsy photos.

...I am not saying that I don't believe any of the non concrete clues; I just want to look at just what can be proven and see where it goes. I consider the fibers in the garote where it couldn't have gotton there any other way a good solid piece of evidence.

From Kolar's book - pages 228-229:

"It would take a year before the black and red Essentials brand
jacket Patsy was photographed wearing was finally delivered to
them. It was frustrating. The clothing articles seemed to trickle
into their office a piece or two at a time. In one instance, a sweater
– that Patsy was said to be wearing under the jacket – was
delivered that looked like it had just come off the shelf of a retail
clothing store. The fold marks were crisp and clearly present,
suggesting it had never been worn.

Trujillo advised me that lab technicians had identified eight
different types of fibers on the sticky side of the duct tape used to
cover JonBenét’s mouth. They included red acrylic, gray acrylic,
and red polyester fibers that were subsequently determined by
laboratory examination to be microscopically and chemically
consistent to each other, as well as to fibers taken from Patsy
Ramsey’s Essentials jacket.

Further, fibers from this jacket were also matched to trace
fibers collected from the wrist ligature, neck ligature, and
vacuumed evidence from the paint tray and Wine Cellar floor.

Some intruder theorists thought that the transfer of Patsy’s
jacket fibers to the duct tape may have taken place after John had
removed it from JonBenét’s face, and placed it on the white
blanket in the cellar. They believed it possible that prior contact
taking place between the blanket and jacket could account for the
transfer of these fibers to the tape.

Lab technicians had conducted experiments with the same
brand of duct tape, by attempting to lift trace fibers from the
blanket recovered in the Wine Cellar. Direct contact was made in
different quadrants of the blanket. There was some minimal
transfer of jacket fibers made to the tape during this exercise, but
Trujillo told me lab technicians didn’t think that this type of
transfer accounted for the number of jacket fibers that had been
found on the sticky side of the tape. It was thought that direct
contact between the jacket and tape was more likely the reason for
the quantity of fibers found on this piece of evidence.

BPD investigators looked to the other jacket fibers found in
the Wine Cellar, in the paint tray, and on the cord used to
bind JonBenét as physical evidence that linked Patsy with the
probable location of her daughter’s death – the basement hallway
and Wine Cellar.

The paint tray was reported to have been moved to the
basement about a month prior to the kidnapping, and investigators
doubted that Patsy would have been working on art projects
while wearing the dress jacket. The collection of jacket fibers from
all of these different locations raised strong suspicions about her
involvement in the crime.

Investigators also learned that fibers collected from the
interior lining of the Essentials jacket did not match control samples
from the sweater that had been provided to police by Ramsey
attorneys. Investigators thought that this suggested she had been
wearing some other article of clothing beneath the jacket."
Where some th
I have heard of JB wetting the bed but not burk's psychological report being released. I haven't heard of the poop being smeared either. As far as the wetting and poop thing. my son wet the bed and a few occasions smeared poop on the wall. I can gaurantee he was not abused; he has aspergers. I can't really put a lot of weight on them being abused just on that. If I can find something solid I can put that into the equation.

As far as the fibers in the garote, if I can see the fibers in the rope to where I can tell if it could have gotten there any other way; I will be swayed back to the ramseys did the actual murder. where can I see the fibers. All I was able to see was the autopsy photos.

And what happened to the practice sheets of paper from the ransom note tablet? And the roll of tape. Speaking of tape, I don't beleive for a second that a piece of duct tape can hold some ones mouth shut. It would have to at least be several long pieces.

I am not saying that I don't believe any of the non concrete clues; I just want to look at just what can be proven and see where it goes. I consider the fibers in the garote where it couldn't have gotton there any other way a good solid piece of evidence.
Where some things are concerned, I don't have to actually, physically see evidence, to believe it. There were countless experts, who did their jobs, and it's not fair to not trust their word and, I don't need to see PR's fibers with my own 2 eyes, to know they were there. They were there, that's a fact. So, how did her clothes fibers got wrapped up in a murder weapon? Really, there's only 1 logical explanation. I guess someone could make a case, that the real killer, in an attempt to frame PR, wrapped a few of her fibers around the garrotte, (while making sure he removed all of his own), and then went and wrote a note that sounded like PR trying to sound like a foreign faction, but I'm not buying it.
Where some th Where some things are concerned, I don't have to actually, physically see evidence, to believe it. There were countless experts, who did their jobs, and it's not fair to not trust their word and, I don't need to see PR's fibers with my own 2 eyes, to know they were there. They were there, that's a fact. So, how did her clothes fibers got wrapped up in a murder weapon? Really, there's only 1 logical explanation. I guess someone could make a case, that the real killer, in an attempt to frame PR, wrapped a few of her fibers around the garrotte, (while making sure he removed all of his own), and then went and wrote a note that sounded like PR trying to sound like a foreign faction, but I'm not buying it.

I guess actually seeing it myself is a bit extreme. What I am trying to do is filter out any hearsay. An official sourse would be good enough for me. There is just so many things that I read that are claimed to be evidence that don't even exist. What I meant by the fibers getting there any other way; is something like when PR threw herself on top of JB when she was found. Fibers could have come off then. Or was she even wearing the same sweater? Or something like fibers on the blanket; I would think it would be reasonable to assume that anyone living there could have gotten fibers on a blanket that JB used. Now if the fibers are in the tied knot or something similar; I would agree that she probably used the garote. That and a few more pieces of evidence (maybe the ransom note) and I would think she used the garote beyond a reasonable doubt. But that would only prove that she stangled her. That would make her the killer. We still need to figure out who bashed her.

Would you say that the person who bashed JB is equally responsible for the killing as the person who tried to cover it up and actually did the killing?
I would have to say the bashing would be manslaughter because there was no intent to kill her (I assume just for this hypothetical question). But the strangleing wasn't meant to kill her either(again just assuming). But somehow I feel that that first degree murder.
Where some th Where some things are concerned, I don't have to actually, physically see evidence, to believe it. There were countless experts, who did their jobs, and it's not fair to not trust their word and, I don't need to see PR's fibers with my own 2 eyes, to know they were there. They were there, that's a fact. So, how did her clothes fibers got wrapped up in a murder weapon? Really, there's only 1 logical explanation. I guess someone could make a case, that the real killer, in an attempt to frame PR, wrapped a few of her fibers around the garrotte, (while making sure he removed all of his own), and then went and wrote a note that sounded like PR trying to sound like a foreign faction, but I'm not buying it.

I guess actually seeing it myself is a bit extreme. What I am trying to do is filter out any hearsay. An official sourse would be good enough for me. There is just so many things that I read that are claimed to be evidence that don't even exist. What I meant by the fibers getting there any other way; is something like when PR threw herself on top of JB when she was found. Fibers could have come off then. Or was she even wearing the same sweater? Or something like fibers on the blanket; I would think it would be reasonable to assume that anyone living there could have gotten fibers on a blanket that JB used. Now if the fibers are in the tied knot or something similar; I would agree that she probably used the garote. That and a few more pieces of evidence (maybe the ransom note) and I would think she used the garote beyond a reasonable doubt. But that would only prove that she stangled her. That would make her the killer. We still need to figure out who bashed her.

Would you say that the person who bashed JB is equally responsible for the killing as the person who tried to cover it up and actually did the killing?
I would have to say the bashing would be manslaughter because there was no intent to kill her (I assume just for this hypothetical question). But the strangleing wasn't meant to kill her either(again just assuming). But somehow I feel that that first degree murder.

Alchemist -
The challenge to make an arrest and bring resolution to this case has been a 16 yr dilemma. Qualified people from all walks of life and careers have invested more than can be appreciated by most in pursuing justice.

Here are some points that are at the bottom line as I see them:
- JB was sexually abused, both chronically and near the time of her death.
- JB was murdered. Ligature strangulation caused death by asphyxiation.
- Whoever tightened the ligature and took the breath of life from JB is her
- Burke cannot be prosecuted for any crime he might have perpetrated in
the state of Colorado on December 25th or 26th, 1996 because he was
under the age of 10.
- According to the laws of Colorado at this time, and due to other statutes
of limitations regarding this case, the only remaining charges which can
be brought are either Murder or Felony Murder (someone correct me if
I'm wrong on this).
- John Ramsey, of the 3 other people known to be in the house when JB
was murdered, is the only person who could be charged and prosecuted
at this time, unless another person is arrested.
- Less than 2 years ago, there was a complete Theory of Prosecution
perpared and presented, by Chief A. James Kolar, to the Boulder Police
Department and Stan Garnett, Boulder District Attorney, to which as of
now, no private or public response has been made to Chief Kolar's work.
- There is reason to believe, according to James Kolar and Steve Thomas
(refer to Tricia's recent interview) that there still remains a possibility this
case can bring justice for JB, though it will not be an easy task.
- We must continue to do what we can to keep the case fresh in the
minds of the public and to NEVER give up hope that there is still one
piece of valid evidence that will fall into place for the final solution.

P.S. Your reference to your son's aspergers and smearing caught my attention. There have been comments in the past that Burke also had asperger's, so now I wonder about his reported incidences of smearing. Can you share any more information with us?
RE: Asperger syndrome.

My step daughter has asperger syndrome. She did not speak until she was almost 5 years old, then when she did she had her own language. She was not social with other children at all. She did not like to be touched at all. There was never any bed wetting or soiling. At 10 she was doing better but still showed many signs of the syndrome. Now at 18, she is beautiful, popular, has many friends and always a boyfriend, and loves hugs. She's also super intelligent, having won many awards and scholarships. Meeting her now one would never know that anything was ever wrong with her.

The reason I bring this up is that I've heard all the reports about BR having asperger and I really don't buy it. I know each individual is different, but where are his symptoms?

-He was reported to have many friends.
-He told the interviewer that he liked hugs & kisses from his mother.
-There have never been any reports of him having any symptoms that are commonly associated with asperger syndrome.
RE: Asperger syndrome.

My step daughter has asperger syndrome. She did not speak until she was almost 5 years old, then when she did she had her own language. She was not social with other children at all. She did not like to be touched at all. There was never any bed wetting or soiling. At 10 she was doing better but still showed many signs of the syndrome. Now at 18, she is beautiful, popular, has many friends and always a boyfriend, and loves hugs. She's also super intelligent, having won many awards and scholarships. Meeting her now one would never know that anything was ever wrong with her.

The reason I bring this up is that I've heard all the reports about BR having asperger and I really don't buy it. I know each individual is different, but where are his symptoms?

-He was reported to have many friends.
-He told the interviewer that he liked hugs & kisses from his mother.
-There have never been any reports of him having any symptoms that are commonly associated with asperger syndrome.

Nom de plume,
Nice story about your step-daughter.

Burke Ramsey well he is not talking to anyone it seems!

Nom de plume,
Nice story about your step-daughter.

Burke Ramsey well he is not talking to anyone it seems!


Too true! Although I doubt his reasons for keeping his lips zipped has anything to do with asperger! More like if he does speak then he &/or daddy go to :jail:.
Too true! Although I doubt his reasons for keeping his lips zipped has anything to do with asperger! More like if he does speak then he &/or daddy go to :jail:.

Nom de plume,
Aspergers might be true or his behaviour has another more lurid explanation.

Aspergers does not explain how you can go from molestation to a fatal head injury in the blink of an eye?

Its more likely that Burke Ramsey learned some innapropriate behaviour from boys older than himself?

Its part of my theory that JonBenet was being molested by both non-family and family members.

This is the missing conspiracy aspect that many people think never happened, i.e. its just a sexual abuse case gone accidently wrong.
P.S. Your reference to your son's aspergers and smearing caught my attention. There have been comments in the past that Burke also had asperger's, so now I wonder about his reported incidences of smearing. Can you share any more information with us?

I can share a lot about the subject; I also have aspergers. You may find my posts kind of od the way jump around form one thing to another. Basically I and my son have a hard time getting our thoughts communicated to another person. Having said that, the easiest way for me to tell you is to tell stories. So .. when my son was about 2yo I guess He wiped poop on the bathroom wall. then a few months later, my wife was at a restraunt with some co workers. My son pooped on the floor by the table. I am spareing you to details of how upset my wife was over both incidents. Then about a year later he pooped in a big boiling pot on the floor in the kitchen, and a few more times in his room and it would be hidden like he knew it was wrong. Then in kindergarten, He got suspended for pooping in the urninal. About a year ago he told me why he did that. The one toilet in the bathroom was stopped up and was already had stuff in there. I felt so bad, he was really inocent but couldn't defend himself because he couldn't communicate.

I'm sorry, I have to stop, I'll post some more on it later. I am getting upset about the last part.
I guess actually seeing it myself is a bit extreme. What I am trying to do is filter out any hearsay. An official sourse would be good enough for me. There is just so many things that I read that are claimed to be evidence that don't even exist. What I meant by the fibers getting there any other way; is something like when PR threw herself on top of JB when she was found. Fibers could have come off then. Or was she even wearing the same sweater? Or something like fibers on the blanket; I would think it would be reasonable to assume that anyone living there could have gotten fibers on a blanket that JB used. Now if the fibers are in the tied knot or something similar; I would agree that she probably used the garote. That and a few more pieces of evidence (maybe the ransom note) and I would think she used the garote beyond a reasonable doubt. But that would only prove that she stangled her. That would make her the killer. We still need to figure out who bashed her.


JB's body was covered with an afghan (including her face/head) BEFORE Patsy came into the room and threw herself on top of her daughter. Patsy's fibers were found ENTWINED (not just on top of) in the KNOT- which was at the BACK of JB's neck. There is no physical way for those fibers to have gotten mixed so intimately with the cord through a blanket and also, the knot was against the FLOOR, as JB was lying on her back on the rug.
The same thing holds for the duct tape. Patsy's fibers there are even more impossible to explain. The tape was left behind in the basement, on the white blanket. Patsy claimed never to have gone in the basement wearing that jacket (she states this in one of her interviews). There was NO way Patsy's fibers got on the duct tape UNLESS she was there when it was applied.
As with many Autism disorders, Asberger's has a WIDE range of symptoms that manifest. That is why it is sometimes referred to as the "Autism Spectrum". Some people are far more impacted than others. Most are very high functioning, and other than possibly being socially awkward or reclusive, you would not know they suffered from it. But some are very debilitated by it. You can't compare BR to other people who have Asberger's.

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