Skeletal Remains of Child Found Near Anthony Home 12-11-2008 #3

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I agree! Of all those who appear on television as experts, I trust Dr. Baden.

After seeing him tap dance to the paid tune of the Spector defense in the first go-around of the PS trial, I don't trust him at ALL. He may be more reliable in an instance where he has no stake in it, but if he were to suddenly become a paid expert witness on the Casey Anthony team, I wouldn't trust a word he said.
I haven't been able to read through everything, so sorry if this was already mentioned.

KC's car was abandoned on June 27. She mentioned (in a text message I believe) that she ran out of gas two Fridays in a row. Anyone recall the date Tony picked her up on Suburban? Was this the day they broke into the shed to get the gas cans? (24th?) The previous Friday would have been the 20th. Confused about the day she would have left Caylee's body there.

The day she ran out of gas on that road was the first time right? I think this is when she was dumping the body. She ran out of gas on purpose while she was there in case there was a witness that saw her car parked along the side of the road. (if she even ran out- that could have been a lie too). Remeber, she was trying to say that the gas guage didn't show empty and it was broken.

The second time she ran out of gas is one of her typical attempts to solidify her story. i.e. texting people saying "can you believe I ran out of gas AGAIN?" It's just like the squirrell story. She knew there might be questions later.

I have to admit, the girl is good at covering her tracks and knowing when she is going to need some plausible answers. Think about it... she has been fooling ALL of her friends and her parents whom she lived with about a fake nanny and a fake job for 2 YEARS! Too bad she used her talents for evil instead of good.
"Investigators removed several bags of evidence from the home early Friday morning, including three vacuum cleaners and a small pillow. A total of three vehicles were filled with evidence. Lead investigator Sgt. John Allen said investigators will return on Friday to remove more evidence."
I kept trying to post yesterday and the Server was Busy!! (No kidding!) I was driving and heard the news on the radio and started screaming. I looked over at the next car and this man was staring at me as if I was nuts. Well, I was. I am so grateful that she has been found. By the way, I heard MN interviewed--I think he has always known KC was involved--I'll bet he's glad he's out of it.
"Investigators removed several bags of evidence from the home early Friday morning, including three vacuum cleaners and a small pillow. A total of three vehicles were filled with evidence. Lead investigator Sgt. John Allen said investigators will return on Friday to remove more evidence."

What possible evidence could there be in a vacuum cleaner six months after the fact ---- :crazy:
After seeing him tap dance to the paid tune of the Spector defense in the first go-around of the PS trial, I don't trust him at ALL. He may be more reliable in an instance where he has no stake in it, but if he were to suddenly become a paid expert witness on the Casey Anthony team, I wouldn't trust a word he said.

ITA.Same here.:clap::clap::clap:
What possible evidence could there be in a vacuum cleaner six months after the fact ---- :crazy:

You'd be amazed at what can get jammed up in the hose and stay there for a very long time. I am guessing they are looking for "death band hairs" to prove the dead body was in the house. Have you ever looked at the bottom of your vacuum? You know, the rotating bristle thingy? I know that there are hairs and fibers wrapped around mine that have been there forever. This may be what they're going for.
Or they could be looking for dirt to tie to the woods where it was found. Although, anything tying KC to that area can be explained by the fact that she ran out of gas there and started walking towards home.
What possible evidence could there be in a vacuum cleaner six months after the fact ---- :crazy:

My first thought on this would be dog hairs that may also be on the duct tape. They can match hairs to a dog, and there would be lots of dog hair in the vaccuum. I hope they have some really good evidence like this. That would definitely place the duct tape in the Anthony home.
My first thought on this would be dog hairs that may also be on the duct tape. They can match hairs to a dog, and there would be lots of dog hair in the vaccuum.

wouldn't it be easier to just pull one off the dog?
"Investigators removed several bags of evidence from the home early Friday morning, including three vacuum cleaners and a small pillow. A total of three vehicles were filled with evidence. Lead investigator Sgt. John Allen said investigators will return on Friday to remove more evidence."

I'm interested in the pillow... what do you think they took that for?
I am so sad for Caylee today. I ran in and kissed my preemie little girls head. Ugh...anyway I've been following this case while I was on bedrest and then went into the hospital and stopped. I am so glad that there will be justice for Caylee. We always knew that Casey was full of BS. Glad to see Tim Miller vindicated after all the A bashing.

In other regards, this will tie nicely into the testimony given by the witnesses. I read on here that someone remembers Kio Marie showing an area near the house that she thought might be where Casey would hide evidence. I wonder if this is close to that area. If so it's a great piece of testimony. Also the "I ran out of gas...opps" really ties in. I hope that girl left that necklace on Caylee.
Zanny's fingerprints should be all over that duct tape. Oh and her hair, possible DNA, we are going to finally find this Zanny person.
I'm interested in the pillow... what do you think they took that for?

I hate to say it and I don't like to speculate but I wonder is KC used it to smother her... after knocking her out with chloroform. Wouldn't that be the ultimate FU to put the pillow back in her parent's home.
The vacuum could have been used to clean up the TRUNK (since there was only one hair there,it had to have been cleaned!)
The day she ran out of gas on that road was the first time right? I think this is when she was dumping the body. She ran out of gas on purpose while she was there in case there was a witness that saw her car parked along the side of the road. (if she even ran out- that could have been a lie too). Remeber, she was trying to say that the gas guage didn't show empty and it was broken.

The second time she ran out of gas is one of her typical attempts to solidify her story. i.e. texting people saying "can you believe I ran out of gas AGAIN?" It's just like the squirrell story. She knew there might be questions later.

I have to admit, the girl is good at covering her tracks and knowing when she is going to need some plausible answers. Think about it... she has been fooling ALL of her friends and her parents whom she lived with about a fake nanny and a fake job for 2 YEARS! Too bad she used her talents for evil instead of good.

You are SO right!!!
wouldn't it be easier to just pull one off the dog?

Yeah, wouldn't you think? But KC could say, "I took the dog for a walk down into that area one day and doggie shed a hair and it floated on the wind onto the bag that..." oops -- that would admit she'd been in the area... hmm...

If there are, perhaps, bits of leaves from an odd tree species that only grows in that little wooded swale, inside the vacuum, that would be telling; CA cannot say she took the vacuum for a walk.
I couldnt get on here at all yesterday! Was chomping at the bit to read everyones thoughts. I have a lot of catching up to do.

My thoughts - IF this is Cayle (who else could it possibly be?):

Decomposition was found in two other places...the trunk and the back yard.
Because of that I believe she died at the house. Either Casey buried her (or placed her under the playhouse) and for some reason needed to move her again (smell?) So then Casey wrapped her up put her in the car to take her to the woods.


She died at the house and Casey put her in the trunk. Couldn't find what to do with her and put her in the back yard. At some time she decided that wasn't a good idea (maybe a smell?) and wrapped her up and moved her again via her car to the woods.

I do believe she drove to the site in the woods. Its logical.
1. The remain site is close enough to the road all the way at the oppisite end of the wood from the A's home.

2. I can't see Casey hiking through the woods with her dead daughter.

3. There was a smell and decomposition in the car.

I took a couple of screen shots on the news last night that support that.
In the first one you can see where the woods are in relation to the A's home.
Fox news is reporting that the crime scene is Chicksaw and Suburban. Thats not true. It's on Suburban down by the woods right before the school.

1st link:

This second shot shows a tent. Is it covering the crime scene or just the entrance into the woods? I heard many reports on how far she was into the woods. 20ft - 50ft. If this tent is any indication I believe it was closer than we are led to believe.

2nd link:

My last thought is on the meter reader, although its irrelevant.
Many years ago (when I was healthy) I read meters for the power company. You start in a neighborhood and read each one walking along until you come back to where your truck is parked. Along the way (and mainly in the morning) you may have to use the bathroom. Woods are great places. The women didn't use the woods unless it was an emergency. Guys didn't care. Sometimes they wouldn't even go INTO the woods but just lean against a tree. I think he went in there to have a bowel movement. So glad he did.

These are all my opinions only
The Sheriff was just on the Today Show, said we may not get the DNA results out for 7 to 14 days. Wow, if this were not such a highly publicised case we would know by now. They know already of course. I have got to hand it to all LE involved, they are dotting all i's and crossing all t's, and for good reason. And then we get Attorney Baden thrown in the mix. Geez! Hats off to LE, FBI, Dr. G, and anyone else, keep all that paperwork straight, gloves on, all that must be done!
why would someone own three vacuum cleaners!
I just deleted my post of a few minutes ago because I am not now sure whether or not I heard Robin on Headline News correctly!!!! I will just wait until I hear it again!

Sorry, everyone!
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