Skeletal Remains of Child Found Near Anthony Home 12-11-2008 #3

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This is terrible to think of, but if she broke her neck, she may have taped it all around her head and spine to keep it together.

OMG that is such a horrific thought, it is such shame that we could actually imagine any mother doing this to their child..:eek: Thanks alot Casey!
The media said it first thing and then they said it was ALSO around the bag to keep it closed.
Yea, I also heard the meter guy said something to that effect as well. My brain can't go there yet.
On CNN today it was said that the "worker/man" that found the body had something to do with... FIRE HYDRANTS... the first thing I thought of was on the physic thread some one predicted the body would be found "WHERE GERMAN SHEPPARDS PEE'... did anyone else here that reported live today?

LOL- I did. I heard that he was there because they were updating/upgrading the FIRE HYDRANT system.

I wonder if neighbors nearby walk dogs down that part of the street?
Originally Posted by gibby207
Well, not to get too graphic but....the skin would shrink back or fall off and the tape would be in the vicinity unless disturbed by animals. I'm not fully on this "tape on the mouth" thing, and if I were I'd throw things in my house. I do believe maybe tape was around the bag, etc., neck, tied to bag, etc. KWIM?

I can't imagine that it would be directly on the mouth as we imagine when "taping someone's mouth shut" However, I can imagine that the tape was on the bag or she taped the mouth shut later (after the death) and the tape ended up close to the the jaw area of the skull.

When I first heard about the tape (around noon), it was said to have been used to keep the bag closed...maybe the story morphed.
He is wrong............check the Body Farm site.

I consider him a "freak" in the forensic science field. Wonder if he ever got any jail time for selling those bodies?

As evidenced in the ANS case, he will say ANYTHING regardless of how false, if he thinks he can make money off of it.

ITA Turbo :clap:
Thank you to everyone regarding the tape question. I lean towards a misunderstanding or something similar, but who knows...maybe it is possible?
O/T please forgive me but most ppl are posting here...where is Karate Dad? No posts from him in daily updates, nor have I seen him throughout the evening. Sorry, I have grown so fond of his creativeness that I find myself looking to see what his latest creation is. :confused:

His pictures all 'disappeared' a couple days ago, I haven't seen him since, I actually looked for him early yesterday when I realized all his pix were gone.
Sorry; I wasn't ignoring you. It's just sooooooo hard to keep up tonight!

I wish I knew the answer, but I don't. I do remember hearing at some point in time, stated by some expert (sorry to be so vague; I've been online for 13 hours and my mind's numb) that if the body were in water, that it would decay more slowly. I don't recall anyone saying with specificity that there was no tissue on the skull. I know, this is all graphic and horrifying to type, but it is what it is.

I have been thinking about this whole duct tape thing and if it were on the mouth. I do think its possible, especially if the hair was still there, I do think the hair would help hold the duct tape in place. OMG that was hard to say..
I think of the well out on my parents farm, anytime it leaks, dad uses the duct tape, in the heat of the summer the tape can get really slimy, but it never comes off..
And ... IIRC the white one came from TonE's. It had one of his roommates receipts in it.

It has been so long now I wonder if any black bags from the A's will be from the same lot.

It might match the one the "garbage lady" took from the front of their house though.

For some reason, I believe they found a roll of black bags in her car too.
The banality of evil. I thought it was all so complex too. Thought she drove a hundred miles to feed Caylee to some especially hungry alligators or burned her poor body in a remote place. And here she was, tooling along, practically throwing that bag from her car window. la dee dah. checking herself out in the rear view mirror on the way to Tony's, thinking which movie they'll rent from Blockbusters. Banality of Evil.

Perfect summary!
His pictures all 'disappeared' a couple days ago, I haven't seen him since, I actually looked for him early yesterday when I realized all his pix were gone.

I just looked and it shows his last log-on was Dec 8th in the early AM. All of his pics are gone. I pray that he is alright. I miss his graphics.
i live in b-more and i thought my dad said something about dateline and the father, i wasnt really listening. i'll watch the news tomorrow morning and see if they repeat that.
This is the day we have been waiting for so long. Along with the relief is a huge sense of sadness. How could anyone kill this beautiful child, wrap her body in a garbage bag and practically dump it on the side of the road? The thought of tape being found around the mouth is angers me beyond belief. BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY!
Yea, I also heard the meter guy said something to that effect as well. My brain can't go there yet.

The meter guy told them it was over her mouth. It made me sick to even think of a child's mouth being taped up with duct tape.

(although I have threatened mine many times with it. LOL)
This is terrible to think of, but if she broke her neck, she may have taped it all around her head and spine to keep it together.

It is terrible, but when I first heard it right after the news broke, it was said that the guy who found her said, that when the skull fell out of the bag, there was duct tape wrapped around it. Take that of course with a grain of salt of course, as there has been several versions. That is heartbreaking to even type. :mad:
The banality of evil. I thought it was all so complex too. Thought she drove a hundred miles to feed Caylee to some especially hungry alligators or burned her poor body in a remote place. And here she was, tooling along, practically throwing that bag from her car window. la dee dah. checking herself out in the rear view mirror on the way to Tony's, thinking which movie they'll rent from Blockbusters. Banality of Evil.
I agree. It's hard to think that a person can just be evil. And I will be ranting if JB can pull off the "she's wacko" defense. If Dahmer wasn't declared legally insane - no way for KC.

nite nite to all - see you tomorrow...again.
Don't know if this has been mentioned already but.....

GVS is reporting that there should be some traces of Caylee's hair left in the trash bag & if Casey had given Chloroform to Caylee there may be traces of it in the hair.
Dr. Baden mentioned tonight that they could test the hair for Chloroform and that it may still be present (I wouldn't think so, but I know I wasn't dreaming it). I thought I heard another forensics say the same thing today. I've watched 5 or 6 channels today so I couldn't even begin to tell you where I heard it.

Interesting that we have two experts with totally opposing positions.
His pictures all 'disappeared' a couple days ago, I haven't seen him since, I actually looked for him early yesterday when I realized all his pix were gone.

What? I noticed that he hadn't done the daily updates the last couple of days, but figured "normal life" had prevailed for a couple of days. That's very worrisome! :confused:
I was at work when all of this was happening.
My heart just breaks for George and Cindy. They loved this liitle girl with all their hearts.

I hope KC rots in hell for what she has done!

Off now to watch NG. I dvr it every night.
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