SKY Investigates: Ronald and Misty - Audio Calls from Jail

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Lots of stuff happening that weekend, for sure. LE says the weekend may be relevant to whatever happened to misty. For the life of me, I don't know how? I could see it being connected if Haleigh was NOT at school on Monday. Her going to school, sort of breaks up any scenario or connection to the weekend, imo, that is, if all the facts we have are correct regarding her actually going to school
Regarding the drug bust with misty and ron. misty was in Katrina's car. rc said he was in the store and came out and was called over to the car of the u/c cop. Does this mean Katrina drove ron and misty for the drug deal? She had to know all about the drugs since this was pre-arranged to meet at the place. Didnt the U/C make them go several different places before the transaction? Do I have this right?
I am hoping Tommy said something..Misty keeps saying Tommy called to much but we haven't heard any of his phone calls,and only 10 minutes of a jail visit,during which he keeps telling his wife not to talk..
Misty/call 2 at the 4:00 mark...She admits "I got some information if he can get me out"...Makes me sick.
So she's admitting right there she held info from LE.. This whole bunch needs to be behind bars and stay there! God bless little Haliegh-
You know, the way he goes on and on about his underwear being dirty and having showers seems almost symbolic. There are things close to me that I normally keep hidden that are unclean, I need cleansing.

And he needs to have his chains. :behindbar

How about he goes working on "The Chain Gang" ?
SERIOUSLY! :furious: I realize that we have not heard ALL their phone calls, but OMG, has anyone ever told these 2 that the world does not revolve around them despite their apparent belief to the contrary! EVERYTHING is ALL ABOUT THEM! (not screaming at you of course Donjeta, I'm just..just pizzed!) Not once did they ask how "others" were's ME, ME, ME..what can you do for ME?

Worst of all AND very telling (not that it comes as a surprise to anyone :sick:)..


Ronald and Misty are too stoopid to even fake it....Like..hey, I know these calls are monitored and someone going to be listening, I better throw in a question or 2 about 'my heart' to make it look good about whether there's any new info regarding HaLeighs whereabouts!!! :loser: Ronald :loser: Misty..

While I'm ranting..

Where in the He!! did Misty think she would be going? To the freakin country club? Newsflash Misty..JAIL is not supposed to be comfortable..getting you (or anyone) all comfy and your tummy full is not exactly LE's goal here, you are in jail!.. :snooty: FINDING HALEIGH or at the VERY LEAST finding out what happened to her IS their priority, so either start talking or stfu and get used to it, cause hopefully you and Ronald will be there a L O N G time, so make yourself at home honey, you're in for a long and bumpy ride! ...:furious:

Ron is just SO FULL of himself if someone were to give him an enema, he would disappear altogether. :waitasec: Sad thing is, while I'm screaming @ the computer screen listening to him, I suppose that to GGMS and "Mother," him having clean boxers is very important. :sick: They must be so proud now that Ronald has learned how to rotate his 2 'outfits' for laundry day all by himself..even if he can't have his electroplated gold chain with him in jail to PROVE to the other inmates how 'thuggish' he is..:furious:..

Where's 'Your Heart' Ronald?..You remember the beautiful little girl named HaLeigh that the Good Lord blessed you with for almost 5 years ....What did you do with her?! I think it's time to take out the trash Ronald and I do believe that LE is gathering it together to do just that!..

BTW, I hope no one takes offense to this, but how many men his age call their mom "Mother"? I'm sure there are some, but I know of none personally. in my mom's generation (she's 76) that was pretty commonplace..things like that were more formal then...not so much at all anymore IMO anyway. It just took me aback when I heard him say that for some reason.

All I can do is shake my head.......and go fix me a drink..anyone care to join me?

LMAO...I know it's not funny, but the part about Ron and the enema made me spit my coffee out! Great Post!!
:waitasec:This is the first time I have ever see the media add Ron's name as one of the "Key Player In The Disappearance Of Haleigh "

Croslin: 'We're all going to prison' for drugs
Haleigh Cummings' dad also talked about drug case in jail recordings.

"Snip"By Cindy Swirko, Sean McCrory & Joe Byrnes

Published: Friday, February 5, 2010 at 6:01 a.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, February 4, 2010 at 10:54 p.m.
( page 1 of 3 )
Ronald Cummings and Misty Croslin, two key players in the disappearance almost a year ago of then-5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, believe they are going to prison on drug charges, according to recently released audio recordings made of the pair in jail.
Ronald sure spent a lot of time telling GGMA how long he had had on his boxers ("12 hours now"), LOL, and never a word about his son or daughter.

This fixation on laundry with this bunch is baffling. With Ron reporting to GGMA how often he is showering and changing his clothes shows me how much they must treat him like a child. Like they had to remind him to shower and change his underwear everyday on the outside. He's now reporting that he's being a good boy and doing just that. This is where his priority lies? What about his son!
Why did misty tattletale on her brother? I am surprised he is not really pizzed off at her..

At least she threw some at rc today in saying they both got into

IMO, it just shows that Misty has no idea how much trouble she is in. I'm sure they asked her for any information she could offer LE to help them go easy on her and she offers up a petty burglary charge on her brother. Geez, I can't imagine that her attorney approved of this exchange.
you knew that

ETA....on 5th call Hank sr is complaining once again about having no money and not knowing what to do. Misty says....Timmy will help you guys. How many people can he help?

IMO, Timmy needs to take care of his own family. This will bleed him dry. I just hope he doesn't get sucked in too far.
This fixation on laundry with this bunch is baffling. With Ron reporting to GGMA how often he is showering and changing his clothes shows me how much they must treat him like a child. Like they had to remind him to shower and change his underwear everyday on the outside. He's now reporting that he's being a good boy and doing just that. This is where his priority lies? What about his son!

I suspect there was more to this call than what we heard and it wasn't about Ron's laundry situation in jail.
I suspect there was more to this call than what we heard and it wasn't about Ron's laundry situation in jail.

Any theories, Raisin, on what? I can't for the life of me figure it out.
Any theories, Raisin, on what? I can't for the life of me figure it out.

LE is not going to release any parts of these calls that might jeapordize the case. If Ron has given information that could incriminate himself or anyone else, and they think it will hurt the case, they will redact it.
Probably a lot of Misty's talks have been left out of the original tapes as well.
Funny that we haven't heard any of Donna B's calls to date. Wonder what she has said so far?
Any theories, Raisin, on what? I can't for the life of me figure it out.

Capri, anything I could think of would be pure specualtion or hope. At this point, my hopes still have not been elevated as I don't think any of them are going to come clean about Haleigh. To do so for at least some of them, would only add to the sentences they are already facing. Sometimes what is not said is equally as telling as what is said. That has been true throughout this case.
Capri, anything I could think of would be pure specualtion or hope. At this point, my hopes still have not been elevated as I don't think any of them are going to come clean about Haleigh. To do so for at least some of them, would only add to the sentences they are already facing. Sometimes what is not said is equally as telling as what is said. That has been true throughout this case.
After all this time, I think LE is mostly hoping SOMEONE will slip up. Hence , the pressure on ALL the players.
It occured to me last night that since the drug bust, this has been the first opportunity for LE to absolutely CONTROL all the players at the same time.
MOO and stuff.

ETA: The MAJOR players.
It's been nearly a year since Haleigh's been gone. Seems to me for Ron and Misty it's "outta sight, outta mind." Haleigh is long gone to them. Pathetic. JMO.
Uneducated folk read and write with X's-- Misty's clan, or lawyer, or some good hearted Samaritan needs to get the pertinent facts in a form she can comprehend. I suggest:
One hundred thirty thousand X's printed out on computer paper (both sides of course).

Then 365 X's for every year she faces in prison for NOT cooperating!!!

There's a book she could understand. :banghead:

Also, just need to add my :twocents: about Ron's shower and dirty drawers talk... sounds to me like code for a boy who can't wipe his own... well, you fill in the blank-- and they knew they were being recorded? Wow, I hope the inmates have some fun with that.
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