SKY Investigates: Ronald and Misty - Audio Calls from Jail

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I agree & also think she was very aware how all of that public support for Misty looked. I think she was trying to save face, by saying it was all part of Ron's plan. But the weird thing is...after they 'threw up their hands' & publicly suspected Misty, Ron still stood by her side.

IMO because once again, she'd "proven herself," by being willing to take the fall for him. (It is astounding to what lengths somebody w/out self-worth, self-respect nor any sense will go to in order to save or maintain a relationship--even one this twisted.) But this probably strengthened their bond in RC's mind who felt "safer" or reassured because she'd demonstrated her loyalty. That's my take anyway. :twocents:

:waitasec:You know the fact that GGMS came with nurse Elysa makes me wonder, what if the Children were left alone and got into Ron and Misty's stash and something happen to Haleigh? They tried to revive her and she did not come to? Jr gets his head shaved, I wonder when that happen? I wish we had some pic's to compare. Far fetch, but possible. Maybe this is why they were all so behind Misty up until Misty's arrest. Maybe they fear she will talk and now are turning on her before she turns on them?

Along about the DCF investigation there were photos of Crystal holding Jr. in her lap in a vehicle while the vehicle was in motion. There was a lot of critical posts about Crystal for not having Jr. in a child seat with seat belt. I'm thinking that his new cropped hair is in that photo. Not sure.
Well, at least by Misty snitching on Tommy, we know why him & Dad were throwing DVD's at each other. I'll bet HC Sr was upset about him stealing from the neighbors.
:waitasec:You know the fact that GGMS came with nurse Elysa makes me wonder, what if the Children were left alone and got into Ron and Misty's stash and something happen to Haleigh? They tried to revive her and she did not come to? Jr gets his head shaved, I wonder when that happen? I wish we had some pic's to compare. Far fetch, but possible. Maybe this is why they were all so behind Misty up until Misty's arrest. Maybe they fear she will talk and now are turning on her before she turns on them?

I've always thought this was very plausible--either while neither one was there (posted under "Changing of the Guards") or other shared culpability scenario in which they're both there but preoccupied (either arguing, or making up) and so not paying sufficient attention to the children. And even tho neither would make MC responsible IMO, once complicit in a cover-up she's committed a felony and has much to lose herself... or they (RC, TN, eg) may have convinced her she is in it as deep as RC. To this day I think this is most likely what happened and that it either resulted shortly after he left because of something he left w/in reach--or most likely happened before he ever went to work. JMO

Just my 2cents ... but to me, Misty seems scared to death about being in there. When I see and hear her asking everyone to bail her out ... pushing past all the small talk and not really listening to what they have to say, it comes across to me, that she's just SO scared, that, that's all she's thinking of .... and pushing for ... to get her out of there.

Looks to me to be FEAR ... more than anything else. JMO

I think she is jonesing,,,,bad,,,,,
I think she is jonesing,,,,bad,,,,,

That is exactly what is she is doing. The same thing with the "I'm hungry". She is wanting that high caffeine, high sugar diet that she is used to. She is withdrawing on several levels all at once.

She isn't worried about anyone or anything other than herself.
Along about the DCF investigation there were photos of Crystal holding Jr. in her lap in a vehicle while the vehicle was in motion. There was a lot of critical posts about Crystal for not having Jr. in a child seat with seat belt. I'm thinking that his new cropped hair is in that photo. Not sure.

There was also proof that the vehicle was not moving and that it was something that someone photoshopped to make it look like it was a moving vehicle.

That is all in the KP mess and I for one, don't believe any part of anything that had to do with KP.
No, listen to the first call! Ron can't wait for someone to be picked up so he can be his cell buddy. He also admits to the drugs. I wonder who got picked up? Dana also paid him a visit that Wed morning, I can't wait for that jail visit to be released.

Thanks for the link. Whoever it was stole a car in Palm Coast, guess we'll have to check the booking logs. LOL
I found that whole conversation strange too. Maybe it is code. She never interrupted him either to say anything, she just listened. Is it code for "don't air your dirty laundry" as in don't talk to the media? Or is it telling someone where there is a stash of drugs or money in the home? He doesn't say sorry I got into trouble and lost Jr..... nothing that you would expect.

We're overthinking this bern lol... it's so simpleminded we think it's gotta have a deeper meaning--it's secret code for something... but the pathetic part is it actually isn't. In reality, this is the level of maturity at which he functions--except where it involves moneymaking.

N/k... MC kinda comes out of the bag in that last call doesn't she... after the whining and I'm skeerd and those tactics fail, she pulls out the next weapon in her arsenal--and we get to hear the pottymouth, raging self-pity, self-absorption, and a more calculating side...

Looks to me like she tried the honey, whining, pleading, poor pitiful me tactic and it didn't work so now she trying the pouting, stomping her feet, hissy fit tactic. Let's see what that gets her. Maybe when she reaches the resignation stage she'll realize that the only thing left is to tell the truth about Haleigh.

Lol... looks like we got her number lone... GMTA! :crazy:

Misty sure did make her food situation sound extreme, the wish list for Honey Buns and such had me rolling on the floor.
When she was telling CC she was "so hungry",,,I am sure it is because she wants money and sympathy from both her and TC....Like most people her age if given the choice they become very picky eaters...I am sure she isn't eating their food so that is why she is so hungry,,,not that they aren't feeding her....sHE SURE KNOWS HOW TO WHINE,,doesn't she,,to get what she wants.....She has not one thought that poor TC's kids need to be fed and a home over their heads,,,but please send her their tax money,,,she is one selfish (@@@@@) imo...
I think LE has kept back the entire first call RC made to Grandma. They must have been cut off cause he said you'll have to talk to Paytel to get your money back. The comment only makes sense if he called once & got cut off. Or else they were discussing it and something was cut out by LE because Grandma never mentions anything about a cut off call and it's like he is answering her question. JMO
He admits on there that he went there to meet the guy.........then takes it all back LOL LOL No take backs in law Ronnie.

and the pleading with the reporter not to print the one part. LOL LOL
If you listen to that rambling statement of Misty's about the honey buns and on and on and on then listen to Rons dirty underwear statement that went on and on and on you get the impression they are both in the same state of withdrawals. They need their Pills.

You don't think they're at all self-focused do you doc... :angel:

Hellllooooooo.... RC? MC.....? anybody home....!!? what about Junior and HALEIGH!!???

Shaking bird head...

I think LE has kept back the entire first call RC made to Grandma. They must have been cut off cause he said you'll have to talk to Paytel to get your money back. The comment only makes sense if he called once & got cut off. Or else they were discussing it and something was cut out by LE because Grandma never mentions anything about a cut off call and it's like he is answering her question. JMO

I was thinking it was something related to him being moved from Flagler to Putnam, maybe the Paytel money for one jail doesn't transfer to another. That call was made after he was moved because he said his letters will have the Flager logo, but they shouldn't send his stuff to Flagler.
"UNCUT" Dana Interview (1)

Listen to the first call. Ron admits to the drugs and tells Dana not to print what he is saying yet. Ron can't wait for someone to be picked up so he can be his cell buddy. I thought he said it had to do with a truck? :waitasec:I may be getting my calls mixed up. I wonder who got picked up?
Who is this guy Ron wants to join him in jail and how does he know that this guy is getting picked up? Did Ron rat someone out?

Dana also paid him a visit that Wed morning, I can't wait for that jail visit to be released.

I read this article today and wonder if Ron knows these LE? I also wonder if they were ever assigned to the Haleigh Case.
2 Putnam Correctional Officers Arrested
Harris and Chisholm

Corporal's Pickup Truck Reported Stolen Found Burned In Marion County
POSTED: Friday, February 5, 2010

PUTNAM COUNTY, Fla. -- Two Putnam County corrections officers were arrested Thursday after an investigation into insurance fraud involving a reported vehicle theft.
Authorities said a 2004 Dodge pickup truck owned by Cpl. Anthony Harris was reported stolen from his San Mateo home on Jan. 24.
Putnam Correctional Officers = Jail Guards

They wouldn't have been assigned to the Haliegh Investigation.

What a stupid thing to do..................:waitasec:
Putnam Correctional Officers = Jail Guards

They wouldn't have been assigned to the Haliegh Investigation.

What a stupid thing to do..................:waitasec:

I was thinking maybe since it's such a small town maybe they had to pull other workers when they had the major search. Not that they were in the Investigations Lead. With it being such a small town, some that work for the city may share what they heard down the grapevine..

And I have seen stupider things in my time..
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