SKY Investigates: Ronald and Misty - Audio Calls from Jail

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Who talks about your underwear and laundry when you just got throw in the slammer for dealing and lost your last child to the ex and are facing years in prison? Really I have to think this was a message of some kind he needed to get out.
Misty sure did make her food situation sound extreme, the wish list for Honey Buns and such had me rolling on the floor.

Wait, where did we hear about Honey Buns before???? It was from Cobra who knew the bail bond guy that was bribing someone with Honey Buns to get people out of jail on their bond agency......
Who talks about your underwear and laundry when you just got throw in the slammer for dealing and lost your last child to the ex and are facing years in prison? Really I have to think this was a message of some kind he needed to get out.

And what kind of family tells their locked up relative not to talk because a snitch is in there ? The family of a guilty man, IMO.
Wait, where did we hear about Honey Buns before???? It was Cobra and the bail bond guy that was bribing someone with Honey Buns to get people out of jail on their bond agency......
Bern, I missed that bit of news. Cobra actually used Honey Buns as a bribing tool ?
I thought about that too. IMO it was striking because of the contrast between the words and the behavior. Misty was all about "I love you, give me money, I love you, give me minutes, I love you, bail me out, I love you..." I mean, love is always wonderful and it warms the heart and all, but there was little real concern for the feelings and needs of the others, no realization that her parents and grandma and her brother's family need to live and eat and they can't squander all they don't have on her. (Teenagers are often a bit self-centered but it seemed a bit excessive to me.)

And all that overflowing love also seemed incongruent with what Misty said in that LVA test. I don't recall the exact words but it was something to the effect of everybody in her family will betray you as soon as look at you, it's just the way they are. (QED, look at her turning Tommy in for burglary...)

IDK, it just seems like a strange kind of love. The fights and rats and restraining orders and everything, and then there is lots of love again when she can benefit from them somehow.

Agree donjeta... but in the co-dependent world, people are merged, boundaries are enmeshed, and lines between needs and emotions get hopelessly tangled and blurred. It truly is sad, the unhealthy ways MC's learned of trying to meet her needs.

Exploiting, enlisting people's sympathies, lack of empathy, sense of entitlement... any of this ring a bell? Narcissistic "traits" is putting it mildly... probably full blown personality disorder, but she's doing the only thing she's ever learned to get what she wants.

Actually MC's reporting of her brother's burglarizing would be admirable if it, too, weren't done completely from self-preservation. Everything is dog-eat-dog, street survival to Misty and her family who are also not opposed to stepping on one another (nor even stabbing one another in the back, probably) to save their own skins...

I found that whole conversation strange too. Maybe it is code. She never interrupted him either to say anything, she just listened. Is it code for "don't air your dirty laundry" as in don't talk to the media? Or is it telling someone where there is a stash of drugs or money in the home? He doesn't say sorry I got into trouble and lost Jr..... nothing that you would expect.

and why focus on what days are "laundry" days at the prison?? Was Ron telling her something else about those days maybe? If I was LE I would be watching GGM on those "laundry" days and see what she is up to.
IMO TN's subtle way of fingerpointing... away from her son.

"Look, see... my son is so innocent that I am even demanding MC be interrogated further."

If anything, this tells me there may in actuality be things which *TN* knows which she has confidence that MC does not. JMO

I agree & also think she was very aware how all of that public support for Misty looked. I think she was trying to save face, by saying it was all part of Ron's plan. But the weird thing is...after they 'threw up their hands' & publicly suspected Misty, Ron still stood by her side.
But are Misty & Tommy really scared of Ron? They seem more cautious than afraid-like they're wondering what he's gonna pull next.Wouldn't they have managed to break away from him, by now? I don't think they're scared of him. Misty's dad seems perplexed @ them for still hanging with him & disgusted with him-like his patience for Ron, has run out. I don't understand any of these people.

(bbm) HCSr definitely is strange and has kiki scratching her head too... :waitasec:

Looks to me to be cold turkey from drugs and cigarettes with a little fear thrown in. I think it is dawning on her that she may be out of circulation for a long while and it is not so pleasant in there. JMO :waitasec:

(bbm) There ya go... she's uncomfortable but not afraid and IMO w/e fear she expresses honestly strikes me as more manipulative on her part... she's used to being the baby, plays this role to the hilt--and the way her gma and family talks to this drug dealing, baby missing 18 year-old is ridiculous ("no-oh-ohhh... naughty Misty-pooh..") MC knows it and plays to their emotions, pouts, whines or acts like a scared little baby which is how she's always gotten by. :angel:

ETA HCSr is the only one of her family who encourages her to tell the truth. JMO

They sure are fixated on laundry...I wonder if there are any laundry mats close to the MH or GGMS house? Have those areas been searched? Because I am beginning to feel that all this laundry talk may have something to do with where Haleigh is. Just thinking out loud here, it's just so odd.

Always wondered if GMS may have done a "pick-up," and not "drop-off" during the Drive-By Laundry Service that eve. Maybe after arriving w nurse Elysa, taken Haleigh to RC eg.

Wow, Misty's phone call (#6) shows her temper. What a sense of entitlement.

She threatens to go to the news and tell them how "shi**y" this jail is and oh yeah, she's tired of it. What nerve, she needs to go into GP, she needs to be counseled by some of the other inmates.

N/k... MC kinda comes out of the bag in that last call doesn't she... after the whining and I'm skeerd and those tactics fail, she pulls out the next weapon in her arsenal--and we get to hear the pottymouth, raging self-pity, self-absorption, and a more calculating side...

Remember the interview Ron did with Dana? Well, listen to the first call. Ron admits to the drugs and tells Dana not to print what he is saying yet. I have not hear the other two yet, still listening to the first call.

Note: Much more at article link, listen to Ron's first uncut call with Dana.
and why focus on what days are "laundry" days at the prison?? Was Ron telling her something else about those days maybe? If I was LE I would be watching GGM on those "laundry" days and see what she is up to.

Makes you wonder if Misty had to wait for GGMS to "deliver" the laundry before she could go out and make a deal.
Always wondered if GMS may have done a "pick-up," and not "drop-off" during the Drive-By Laundry Service that eve. Maybe after arriving w nurse Elysa, taken Haleigh to RC eg.


:waitasec:You know the fact that GGMS came with nurse Elysa makes me wonder, what if the Children were left alone and got into Ron and Misty's stash and something happen to Haleigh? They tried to revive her and she did not come to? Jr gets his head shaved, I wonder when that happen? I wish we had some pic's to compare. Far fetch, but possible. Maybe this is why they were all so behind Misty up until Misty's arrest. Maybe they fear she will talk and now are turning on her before she turns on them?
Misty sure did make her food situation sound extreme, the wish list for Honey Buns and such had me rolling on the floor.

If you listen to that rambling statement of Misty's about the honey buns and on and on and on then listen to Rons dirty underwear statement that went on and on and on you get the impression they are both in the same state of withdrawals. They need their Pills.
(bbm) HCSr definitely is strange and has kiki scratching her head too... :waitasec:

(bbm) There ya go... she's uncomfortable but not afraid and IMO w/e fear she expresses honestly strikes me as more manipulative on her part... she's used to being the baby, plays this role to the hilt--and the way her gma and family talks to this drug dealing, baby missing 18 year-old is ridiculous ("no-oh-ohhh... naughty Misty-pooh..") MC knows it and plays to their emotions, pouts, whines or acts like a scared little baby which is how she's always gotten by. :angel:

ETA HCSr is the only one of her family who encourages her to tell the truth. JMO


Looks to me like she tried the honey, whining, pleading, poor pitiful me tactic and it didn't work so now she trying the pouting, stomping her feet, hissy fit tactic. Let's see what that gets her. Maybe when she reaches the resignation stage she'll realize that the only thing left is to tell the truth about Haleigh.
There are links to some additional calls from Ron here:

Haven't listened to them yet so can't say if they are about his boxers or not.

ETA - isn't anything we havent already heard - his interview with Dana Treen about killing people and his boxers - don't waste your time.

No, listen to the first call! Ron can't wait for someone to be picked up so he can be his cell buddy. He also admits to the drugs. I wonder who got picked up? Dana also paid him a visit that Wed morning, I can't wait for that jail visit to be released.
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