SKY Investigates: Ronald and Misty - Audio Calls from Jail

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Wow, Misty's phone call (#6) shows her temper. What a sense of entitlement.

She threatens to go to the news and tell them how "shi**y" this jail is and oh yeah, she's tired of it. What nerve, she needs to go into GP, she needs to be counseled by some of the other inmates.

I agree. My opinion of Misty has changed some since hearing that call. "I hear he's acting like a .. he's gonna kill this one and that one". Like she thinks it's funny he thinks he's bad a$$. I used to think she was kinda afraid of Ron, I don't think so anymore.
Timmy said he wrecked Katrina's car. Where and When? What kind of car was it? Keeping up with the accidents in this family requires setting up a database.

Timmy wrecked katrina's; his father, Hank, wrecked Timmy's brand new car just bought that day and ? damaged Tommy's...all about the same time? Then we have Nay's Lincoln getting smashed. This is just crazy stuff. That weekend was sure interesting.

Don't forget Ron's car that he allegedly hit with his fist (lol).
Did Misty sell Hank's pills?

I had wondered about that, but then started thinking about how hurt he was and how he may still be in pain. His leg got really messed last Feb and it takes time especially for older people like me to heal. So, I'm not sure if he gave them to her or she stole them. Didn't Tommy take some of his pills at one time? Or am I thinking of someone else. This whole clan has me crazy.
Wow, Misty's phone call (#6) shows her temper. What a sense of entitlement.

She threatens to go to the news and tell them how "shi**y" this jail is and oh yeah, she's tired of it. What nerve, she needs to go into GP, she needs to be counseled by some of the other inmates.

The documents on Gainesville only show four phone calls for Misty. Where can I find the rest of them, TIA.
The download on this file is long on 3,4,5,6. It takes awhile to download =)

Where can I find this file. So far I have found parts and pieces of the phone calls. Is there a place where everything up to date is available?
Kat just reminded me that LE redacted part of the phone calls.

Do you think it clues the families in about what LE is interested in? As in, what did we discuss that LE didn't publish?
Did anyone (TN,GGS,MC,RC,TC,) ever mention in these calls; how dear little JR is?
How he is making the transformation with mom? Anything????
Even I want him back also???
Did anyone (TN,GGS,MC,RC,TC,) ever mention in these calls; how dear little JR is?
How he is making the transformation with mom? Anything????
Even I want him back also???

That is another thing we don't hear on the tapes, the first being anything about Haleigh, and the second, no one mentions Jr going back to Crystal and Marie. Not a word..... from either side.
You know those cops have to be rolling on the floor releasing that tape about Rons dirty underwear.
I guess though, I see it as a growing epidemic.... One in which the human race loses sense of it self...

Not sure of my point here... except for the fact....if Haleigh had no chance, what chance did Misty have to survive? And why?

IMO, misty had a lot better chance than Haleigh did. Why misty did not do better seems to be too fold. Lack of education with the parents and inability to provide a nurturing environment. They seem to have some things going for them but may have let these kids have a very permissive lifestyle. Her gma seems like a doll. I think Misty had it better than rc did in many ways, emotionally speaking of course.
That is another thing we don't hear on the tapes, the first being anything about Haleigh, and the second, no one mentions Jr going back to Crystal and Marie. Not a word..... from either side.
They're too full of salt and venom to speak about it. Marie and Crystal better watch their backs. God forbid, if rc makes bail..
The only one who distances himself from the MH is RC....all the others were there at some point that afternoon, evening. Only people who say they were actually there, though, is Tommy and GMA. GMA vouches for ron being gone and misty being home. Tommy says she wasn't home at 10:00pm.

Yes GMAS' clear purpose IMO appears to have been to establish Ron's alibi--to stretch the timeline and place Haleigh alive and well beyond his leaving...

What is Tommy's... while refuting his sister's claim to be home, and placing himself at the purported "scene" but which likely isn't... :waitasec:

I found that whole conversation strange too. Maybe it is code. She never interrupted him either to say anything, she just listened. Is it code for "don't air your dirty laundry" as in don't talk to the media? Or is it telling someone where there is a stash of drugs or money in the home? He doesn't say sorry I got into trouble and lost Jr..... nothing that you would expect.
Why then would TN call Tim M, begging him to question Misty and administer tests? Would they not be afraid she would say something then, rather than keep the secret if there was one that they knew of?

That puzzles me.

IMO TN's subtle way of fingerpointing... away from her son.

"Look, see... my son is so innocent that I am even demanding MC be interrogated further."

If anything, this tells me there may in actuality be things which *TN* knows which she's confident MC does not. JMO

I found that whole conversation strange too. Maybe it is code. She never interrupted him either to say anything, she just listened. Is it code for "don't air your dirty laundry" as in don't talk to the media? Or is it telling someone where there is a stash of drugs or money in the home? He doesn't say sorry I got into trouble and lost Jr..... nothing that you would expect.

You know, I was wondering the same thing. If he had cash stashed in his underwear drawer.
Misty sure did make her food situation sound extreme, the wish list for Honey Buns and such had me rolling on the floor.
Today is Friday and we know what that means...clean undies for Ronald!

Seriously though, I wonder if MC has always had such a sense of entitlement, or if it is the result of the coddling that the media and investigators have given her over the past year. She sounds like she's never had a need in the world!

On the other hand, she's probably just THAT desperate to pop another pill.
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