Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #17

DNA Solves
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If this was kids, it would seem to me that they would have a history of meaness or violence and probably have been in trouble before. In most cases, you don't just become a cold hearted killer overnight. I wonder if there are any kids around there that have been known to kill dogs or cats for sport.
Ms Mankin has mentioned trying to have a normal school year for the kids. I am certain they are dealing with a number of phone calls, e-mails and strange visitors. I would like to offer that if there are any here that would like a bracelet, I will have immediate access to them, once the new shipment comes in. I would not mind sending them out to you.

I'm not trying to get personal information and be all weird like that, but if you want to PM me, I can help! I know it would help out the staff at the school.
Keyboard just posted a name and address for people to order them directly from the school, Just Nos'n
Keyboard just posted a name and address for people to order them directly from the school, Just Nos'n

Yea, I guess that's better. I just thought I could help take some of the man hours off of the faculty. But if any are in the area, as I had said before, Jiffy Mart and soon Henryetta Free-Lance will have them and a store in Dustin and Weleetka will possibly have some.
If this was kids, it would seem to me that they would have a history of meaness or violence and probably have been in trouble before. In most cases, you don't just become a cold hearted killer overnight. I wonder if there are any kids around there that have been known to kill dogs or cats for sport.

I agree with this. If it was young people then they certainly don't need to sort through 500 or even 100 people to find them.

I have always wondered if the girls hadn't gone for a walk that day would they still be alive? Did someone want one of them dead and so would have killed her/them somewhere else or did this stem from something that happened that day?

If Peter and Vickey weren't home and if it was young locals who did this, it makes me wonder if they knew Peter and Vickey weren't home since it happened so close to the house. If they knew they weren't home, how did they know? Had they talked to the girls earlier or had they seen Peter and Vickey somewhere?
If they have DNA and or fingerprints this case should never really go cold. If they don't, I think this case is already cold. Without DNA or prints, the only way they are going to solve this is if someone calls them.

I can't shake the impression this investigation is moving like an elephant wearing cement shoes. Little information is given out and when they do talk to the public, have you noticed what they say? They tell us how hard they are working. That isn't a good sign.

It sure looks to me like younger people did this. If they were younger they probably knew Taylor. And they had to be capable of doing something like this. And they had to have some free time that Sunday afternoon. The number of people that would qualify can't be very large.

So if it was younger people like this then something is seriously wrong.
They don't even have DNA (and other test) results yet - exactly how should they solve this without all the information to identify and convict the killer? I guess maybe they could start arresting people "just in case" and sort out the guilty ones at some future date? Oh and in the meantime, release ALL of the information to the public even if it compromises the case - because a few people online NEED that information so they have something to discuss on their sleuthing forum.

It took 2 YEARS to catch Coralrose's killer (by DNA) and it was a "Local Stranger" who left her sexually assaulted body lying on a construction site near her home.
Sometimes cases don't get solved in the 1st week, the 1st month or even the 1st year, and yet they still manage to keep the case alive and find these killers. 2 months is NOT a long time after a murder like this one - like I said, I would expect it will be another month before LE even has a full set of evidence (and analysis) to work with. It takes time. I am not so sure LE doesn't already have a pretty good idea of WHO and may be waiting on DNA or other evidence in process to make the case solid.

Regardless, this is NOT even CLOSE to a cold case - most cases go at least a year before they are defined as "cold" and while we are all anxious and want an arrest yesterday, the reality is that this was NOT a simple case and even tho it SEEMS like an eternity - it has just now been 2 months since it happened. Even RUSH DNA takes 8 weeks or more under the best circumstances - in THIS case it may have taken a long time to find and then extract any usable DNA. And again, while we (the public) would also like LE to tell us every single detail of every crime, they have their reasons for not putting all the info out into the public - since they are the experts (and OSBI is VERY well regarded, BTW) we must be content knowing that they are working on this case - in fact a whole "squad" is working on this case all day every day - supplemented by local LE and OHP. Just because we are upset about not being "in the loop" is no reason to badmouth the very people who are working for justice for Taylor and Skyla and who are far from giving up or filing the case away in a drawer.

We want instant results and wouldn't it be awesome if every case could be solved within hours or days? The reality is that real cases often take real time and thousands of hours of investigation and evidence gathering, testing and analysis before they are solved. As in Coralrose's case, sometimes the answers just take a while to make themselves known. People are still trying to solve JonBenet's murder and she would have turned 18 this month - - -

My Opinion
snipped from lengthly post
Oh and in the meantime, release ALL of the information to the public even if it compromises the case - because a few people online NEED that information so they have something to discuss on their sleuthing forum.
To me, that was an unfair assumption, and not the reason for wanting more information.

Many here posting live in the area, and knowing that a killer/killers are still on the loose causes much concern.
Regarding the bracelets, I e-mailed the school and within an hour I received a reply. They have ordered more, and are selling them to the general public for $1.00 each plus $0.50 shipping if they have to mail it. The proceeds will be used to buy new cheerleading uniforms (the girls didn't want to wear the same ones as last year because of what happened). Just send the money to Wanda Mankin, Graham School, Rt. 1 Box 91B1, Weleetka, OK 74880. Cheers!

:clap:Thanks ! ! !
A case is deemed "cold" when all leads have been exhausted. They can have all the DNA they want from as many tests as they could run, but unless they have someone to match it to then it really is like having nothing at all. They are now spinning their wheels because they did not initially find the one piece of evidence to put them on the right path in the beginning of the case. The wrong interpretation of evidence they have now only takes them into one brick wall after another. They need to go back to the beginning and find the right "link" even if they have to admit they have nothing (which will never happen in a million years with LE!).

Look at Brianna Dennison's case and all the evidence they have...but still nothing. Take a quick glance at so many cases where LE has professed to be "working until it is solved", but have whittled down the number of agents, officers, and time spent on it to almost nothing except someone answering the phone when some remote call comes in. I would like OSBI to address how many are still active on this case and how many have been reassigned to other cases now. This will give you a clue as to how diligently they are working on it.
snipped from lengthly post

To me, that was an unfair assumption, and not the reason for wanting more information.

Many here posting live in the area, and knowing that a killer/killers are still on the loose causes much concern.
I agree. If it is someone local...we know what they are capable of and this is more than troubling. Would they care if it was two or fifty-two next time? People have to send their children to school every morning in that community. What is LE doing to protect them? :furious:

The truth is...LE should be releasing a LOT of additional information in order to open up the dialogue/tips from not only the community, but around the country. Either you have a group of methodical, cold blooded, and evil teens going out shooting little girls or you have a stranger/strangers doing it. It doesn't matter if the perp's lawyer has "vested" information in the long run. The person/people responsible need to be found NOW. Not in six months, not in a year, and not in ten years!
They don't even have DNA (and other test) results yet - exactly how should they solve this without all the information to identify and convict the killer? I guess maybe they could start arresting people "just in case" and sort out the guilty ones at some future date? Oh and in the meantime, release ALL of the information to the public even if it compromises the case - because a few people online NEED that information so they have something to discuss on their sleuthing forum.

It took 2 YEARS to catch Coralrose's killer (by DNA) and it was a "Local Stranger" who left her sexually assaulted body lying on a construction site near her home.
Sometimes cases don't get solved in the 1st week, the 1st month or even the 1st year, and yet they still manage to keep the case alive and find these killers. 2 months is NOT a long time after a murder like this one - like I said, I would expect it will be another month before LE even has a full set of evidence (and analysis) to work with. It takes time. I am not so sure LE doesn't already have a pretty good idea of WHO and may be waiting on DNA or other evidence in process to make the case solid.

Regardless, this is NOT even CLOSE to a cold case - most cases go at least a year before they are defined as "cold" and while we are all anxious and want an arrest yesterday, the reality is that this was NOT a simple case and even tho it SEEMS like an eternity - it has just now been 2 months since it happened. Even RUSH DNA takes 8 weeks or more under the best circumstances - in THIS case it may have taken a long time to find and then extract any usable DNA. And again, while we (the public) would also like LE to tell us every single detail of every crime, they have their reasons for not putting all the info out into the public - since they are the experts (and OSBI is VERY well regarded, BTW) we must be content knowing that they are working on this case - in fact a whole "squad" is working on this case all day every day - supplemented by local LE and OHP. Just because we are upset about not being "in the loop" is no reason to badmouth the very people who are working for justice for Taylor and Skyla and who are far from giving up or filing the case away in a drawer.

We want instant results and wouldn't it be awesome if every case could be solved within hours or days? The reality is that real cases often take real time and thousands of hours of investigation and evidence gathering, testing and analysis before they are solved. As in Coralrose's case, sometimes the answers just take a while to make themselves known. People are still trying to solve JonBenet's murder and she would have turned 18 this month - - -

My Opinion

SNIP "A cold case is any criminal investigation by a law enforcement agency that has not been solved for (generally) at least one year and, as a result, has been closed from further regular investigations."

You're correct FC.

I don't think this case is cold yet, or close to being closed as a cold case.
I keep hoping for news, but I understand why LE is unable to give away too much info.
LOL OK so go by the "manual". I am telling you...cold means no leads coming in to most departments. If you do not have any leads to follow up on...what do you have when you have hit a brick wall?! They may not put the file in the "cold case" stack...but that doesn't mean the case is going anywhere by ANY stretch.
Recently on TV there was a show about a cold case in Michigan where a young woman had been murdered. I can't remember how many years had passed but the woman's dad had died not seeing justice done for his daughter. The woman's mother decided to try again so she wrote a letter to the Attorney General of Michigan asking for help.

The AG sent out a couple of investigators to look at the case. The investigators noticed that the best friend of a guy who was the main focus of the investigation had never been interviewed. They talked to the friend, he gave them the information they needed, a little leg work was involved, case solved.

So if mom hadn't written that letter, a murderer would have never faced justice.

I don't see an advocate for these girls. If Rosser doesn't have enough respect for the people of that area to explain why Grandpa sounded like Grandma on the 911 call, then why should he be trusted to do justice for these girls. This case is way too important for that kind of blind trust.
With this post I hope I won't sound stupid or ignorant. Anyway, Albert18, I agree with you 110%. I would exhaust every avenue to be heard for Taylor & Skyla if one were my child, grandchild, but that is just me, and thank the Lord I have mine. But then again maybe the Plackers or ? think they can take care of this behind the scenes. MHO
I wonder what the ratio is on solved/unsolved cases. If we knew, we probably wouldn't sleep very well. There are a staggering number of unsolved cases in America. This board is full of them. People just disappear off the face of the earth to never be seen or heard from again. Cold, warm or luke-warm, an unsolved case is still an unsolved case.
I agree with this. If it was young people then they certainly don't need to sort through 500 or even 100 people to find them.

I have always wondered if the girls hadn't gone for a walk that day would they still be alive? Did someone want one of them dead and so would have killed her/them somewhere else or did this stem from something that happened that day?

If Peter and Vickey weren't home and if it was young locals who did this, it makes me wonder if they knew Peter and Vickey weren't home since it happened so close to the house. If they knew they weren't home, how did they know? Had they talked to the girls earlier or had they seen Peter and Vickey somewhere?

I believe it stemmed from something that happened that day and that the girls knew their killer/killers. If the Plackers weren't at home when the girls left, a lot more time could have elapsed than 30 to 45 minutes before the shootings. The purse makes me wonder if they went to meet someone for an exchange of something.
I wonder what the ratio is on solved/unsolved cases. If we knew, we probably wouldn't sleep very well. There are a staggering number of unsolved cases in America. This board is full of them. People just disappear off the face of the earth to never be seen or heard from again. Cold, warm or luke-warm, an unsolved case is still an unsolved case.

IIRC, last I read it was in the 60-65 percent solved and 35-40 percent unsolved.

It will continue to climb imo due to the criminals getting smarter about forensic evidence.

What is it with the purse?! At her age, it was one of the most important pieces I owned. I didn't carry much in it except a pen, paper, and probably the Wrigley's chewing gum wrapper chain necklace I was working on...but it went EVERYWHERE with me. I don't find it at all surprising she had it to walk to the bridge at all. It is NOT unusual. I used to think it made me "look older and more mature". Probably the same reason she carried it...not to mention as a place to keep her cell phone and those markers the girls were obviously fond of using.
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