Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #20

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I wish 20/20 or 48 Hours would do a story on this case.
Your post shines a whole new light on alot of things....what an eye opener.Sheza,thanks so much for sharing.

It might be a good idea for one of us to make a pitch to them. I'm going to check to see how one would do something like that.
So someone knew that girls were dead at 5:20 because "they" called Vicky to get home, but this person(s) didn't bother calling 911 at 5:20.
They waited for 20 minutes for Vicky to get home. What did "they" do until Vicky got home????
Were "they" just looking at the bodies. Moving the bodies. Trying to resuscitate the bodies.
Cleaning up the mess. Watching cartoons? What?
What were the people that first discovered Taylor and Skyla AT or before 5:20 DOING FOR 20 MINUTES?

Twenty minutes. Someone knew. For twenty minutes. At least.....

Arizona, Good questions!
Who was the first person to find the girls?

It seems that standing alone over 2 murdered children for 20+ minutes would seem like an eternity..

I read somewhere there was other people at the P.'s very small house that Sunday...

The boot print found near the girls was reported to belong to when did she get to the crime scene?

Who told her and by what means did she hear about the murders, and when and where was she at the time?

IF someone found the girls murdered, WHY wasn't the other people at the P. house notified first, instead waiting to notify Vickie, by way of a child's voice???

If the others had left the P. house, what time did they leave?....I'm confused!!!!!

If I remember correctly, I read, someone said," the girls eyes were already 'set' when they arrived"...How long does that take?
I am sooo happy to see everybody, I've had limited or no connectivity for 4 days now.

Missing Sarah, I'm praying for you and hope you'll be back with us soon.

I love the ideas about sleuthing the girl scout murders and the Freeman Bible murders too. I remember the coverage of the girl scout murders from when I was a child growing up in AL and remember the shock and fear I felt. So sad that these murders remain unsolved and I don't want our girls case to grow colder by the day like these have.

I was thinking about starting awareness right here at WS by putting 'siggies' (is that what it's called) for the girls included on our posts. Many of you already have these but many of us don't. That way when posting on other forums others may see and check out this forum for the girls. I don't know how to do it so if someone can pm instructions to me I'd be forever grateful. I know it seems like a little thing but we've gotta start somewhere. All JMO...... Hugs, matilda
I used to have something on my siggie, WM! I will have to do it again!

Prayers for Missing Sarah!
Hi k4kathy~
I do not know the direction of the tracks that LE took castings of. I am not even sure the type of vehicle that the tires matched. I am assuming there were probably more than one set of tire prints found in the area. While the road is "rural" it is also somewhat busy. (imo) Sorry, I could not be of more help.


I thought I would post a pic of tire tracks taken on an average day at the crime scene. When Frog went to memorial I asked her to take a pic of a tire track so I could get an idea of what that road looked like. So here is a pic she took for me :)

You can just imagine after people walking around and contaminating crime scene I am shocked that they were able to get any evidence.
Does anybody recall whether tire tracks left at the scene of the crime ,indicated the position of the vehicle while it was stopped on the side of the road?Or was this information even released to the public?

iirc it did a u-turn
When Sheza and I were at the site earlier this month we noticed that the graded road also had been graveled!


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This case is beyond bazaar.Two little girls are brutally gunned down in broad daylight,in clear view for anyone who might pass by to see.The killer/s took the time to gather and pile the bullet casings,thats pretty weird,why would they take that kind of chance?Why was the killer/s so confident to do this?
I wish I could find out everything about tire tracks at the crime scene.Did the killer/s stop and off to the side of the road,stop in the middle of the road,stop in a cat-a-corner parking position,could it have been a drive by,where the killer/s were riding in the back of a truck(I highly doubt it ,but it's anyones guess),were the girls killed up the road,and merely dumped where their bodies were discovered.
I wonder if the killer/s know what karma is?If they don't,I hope they will educate themselves.
This case is beyond bazaar.Two little girls are brutally gunned down in broad daylight,in clear view for anyone who might pass by to see.The killer/s took the time to gather and pile the bullet casings,thats pretty weird,why would they take that kind of chance?Why was the killer/s so confident to do this?
I wish I could find out everything about tire tracks at the crime scene.Did the killer/s stop and off to the side of the road,stop in the middle of the road,stop in a cat-a-corner parking position,could it have been a drive by,where the killer/s were riding in the back of a truck(I highly doubt it ,but it's anyones guess),were the girls killed up the road,and merely dumped where their bodies were discovered.
I wonder if the killer/s know what karma is?If they don't,I hope they will educate themselves.

The police said that the girls died where they were shot. Also they did mention tire tracks and that someone had turned around in the road as if to go back in the opposite direction.

Didn't LE say they found some kind of DNA? I think that the killer or killers were outside of the truck when he/they shot and killed the girls.

All I can hope for is one day the DNA they have will match up with someone in CODIS. I think the killer or killers are younger and have no DNA on record anywhere to match it up to.........

I wish that justice would have happened quickly in this case but 40% of cases aren't solved. But there is always hope...that the killer will break the law again one day and his DNA will be taken and it will be matched to this case.

It is so hard for the families who wait and wait ......with no justice in sight.

But even today LE found a serial killer that may have committed up to 30 murders over the years. Thank goodness there is no time limitation on murder.

Bless Skyla and Taylor.

Never forgotten.
The killers must have had some kind of silencers on their guns for no one at the Placker house to have heard all those shots.
The killers must have had some kind of silencers on their guns for no one at the Placker house to have heard all those shots.....

YellowDog, Very good point, 13 shots less than 300 feet from their house...

I remember reading sometime after the murders, that several people a mile, 5,200+ feet down the road said they heard shots that evening...

I think it may have been the K's and several of the boys questioned....correct me if I wrong..
I think you are right about who heard the shots, Mysterylover. As for family not hearing the shots, that gives me one of two explanations. Either no one was home, or someone is not telling the truth.
I think you are right about who heard the shots, Mysterylover.
As for family not hearing the shots, that gives me one of two explanations.

Either no one was home, or someone is not telling the truth.......

CC, Exactly my thoughts, also....I would love to know the answer...maybe that answers our questions as to Why Le has not said..

when someone 'lies' this tells me they have something to lie about...:liar:
YellowDog, Very good point, 13 shots less than 300 feet from their house...

I remember reading sometime after the murders, that several people a mile, 5,200+ feet down the road said they heard shots that evening...

I think it may have been the K's and several of the boys questioned....correct me if I wrong..

Some are known to get adjusted to sounds they may hear often and they learn to tune it out. Such as those who lives by a railroad track for instance. When they first move in every time the train blows its horn they notice it but as time goes on they pay no mind to it anymore. From what has been said it was not uncommon at all to hear spontaneous gunfire as young teenagers and adults too, I suppose, shot their weapons on Sunday afternoons.

Also wind speed and direction of the wind can drastically alter the sound of a gun being fired. The wind that day may have been rather brisk and was not blowing in the direction of their home but carrying the sound further away.

Iirc, it seems the ones that heard gunfire that afternoon were people that were standing outside of their home in their yards at the time. Gunfire is heard much clearer in wide open outside spaces rather than from inside an enclosed home.

I check in hoping for can 2 innocent girls be brutally murdered and no one has a clue as to who did it??? SOMEONE does.....please do the right thing. This is beyond bizzarre as someone stated. Beyond sad. I mean, WTH???
I think you are right about who heard the shots, Mysterylover.
As for family not hearing the shots, that gives me one of two explanations. Either no one was home, or someone is not telling the truth.....

Everyone seemed to be fairly close by, or everyone drove to the house at about the same time.

We know V. and a child was at the house when PP found the girls murdered

I heard the child and V. on the 911 tape we can only guess, WHO else was there that evening, before LE arrived..

I keep wishing someone in the Whitaker family would 'accidently' tell who was at the P.'s that Sunday..and showed-up at he murder scene....jmo
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