Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #21

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2.5 years after this crime, OSBI is asking for the FBI to do a profile????
This makes me crazy. Unbelievable.

What is unbelievable... Is they turned down the FBIs HELP early on... They did have some Retired Agents Volunteer if I recall correctly !! I will search for article and post it ..about them turning down various agencies..

THIs Agency needs to clean house...
2.5 years after this crime, OSBI is asking for the FBI to do a profile????
This makes me crazy. Unbelievable.

What is unbelievable... Is they turned the FBIs HELP early on... They did have some Retired Agents Volunteer if I recall correctly !! I will search for article and post it ..about them turning down various agencies..

THIs Agency needs to clean house...

This all seems part of OSBI's "polish up the ol' image" effort, following blistering (and justified) criticism of the agency this year. In addition to including Pastor Daniels in this "effort," they also recently released relatively useless info they'd had for 10+ years - vague descriptions of two vehicles - in re: the Freeman/Bible case in rural Welch.
If it wasn't so sad and frustrating it would almost be funny ... I just googled ...osbi refused fbi help

[ame=""]osbi refused fbi help - Google Search[/ame]

About 11,600 results (0.34 seconds)

Search Results

  1. FBI and OSBI Discuss Involvement in Lester Hobbs, Aja Johnson Case ...

    Apr 2, 2010 ... There are several reports suggesting that the FBI offered OSBI help in this case and it was refused. NEWS 9 heard those reports weeks ago ...


    [ame=""]FBI: OSBI Rejected Help In Aja Case - Crimeseekers[/ame]

    1 post - 1 author - Last post: Apr 3
    FBI: OSBI Rejected Help
    [*]Apr 2, 2010 ... The OSBI had a lot of agencies offering to help but they clammed up ... Refused
    [*]Apr 2, 2010... in the Aja Johnson search and that the OSBI refused. ...

OSBI asks FBI to profile Weleetka girls’ killer
Portions of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation file involving the June 8, 2008, deaths of Taylor Paschal-Placker, 13, and Skyla Jade Whitaker, 11, were given to an FBI unit that specializes in profiling offenders, OSBI spokeswoman Jessica Brown said Thursday.
The files were sent to an FBI behavioral analysis unit that focuses on crimes against child victims, including abductions, homicides and sexual victimization.
Brown said a few months ago the OSBI was looking at several suspects. She said Thursday the OSBI thinks the killers are still in the area.
more at

better late than never, I guess.
Stunned and outraged here that the FBI wasn't brought in to help when they OFFERED months ago. In the above article, don't you just love the statement that the FBI doesn't charge to do a profile?(sarcasm) Like this would be a reason to not involve the FBI. :shaking head in disbelief:

Why did the OSBI just give the FBI portions of the investigation file? I hope that is a typo.
Finally! It is good to hear some news in this case. Wonder if the profiles will be made public? thanks to all for the updates and links :)

Finally! It is good to hear some news in this case. Wonder if the profiles will be made public? thanks to all for the updates and links :)


IMO, the profile(s) will be pulled out and paraded to the public whenever the OSBI has once again, taken hits from the public and need to make themselves look good. I just finished a class titled "advanced criminal profiling". One of the first things taught about creating an offender profile is -

1) It is used as a tool to help "drive the investigation"
2) Narrow the suspect pool
3) Give LE a tool to help discern possible suspects.
4) Should be completed as quickly as possible following the act of the crime.

You can bet the OSBI have offender profiles already in the files of all the cases. (Pastor Daniels, Taylor, Skyla, the Bible murders) By throwing out the name, "FBI", they are trying to placate the public. Mentioning that the case is being looked at by the FBI automatically makes most people think the best of the best are working on a case. This is just another ridiculous ploy by the OSBI to make people think they are trying new avenues to help solve these cases.
Well, here we are on 1-4-11 and still no answers. Thinking of you Taylor and Skyla!

Flossie, I hope I'm not putting you on the spot here and if I am, just say so. We've been here long enough to be honest like that. I was just wondering if you would share more about what you learned in the profiling class and if you would share your opinion with us here regarding this case. I hope my curiosity doesn't offend you. :)

Waltzing Matilda ~
Hi. You did not offend me or put me on the spot. I would love to write my profiling thoughts on this case. It will take me a little time because I need to review all my notes. It has been awhile since I have looked at them. Give me a few days and I will be happy to share my profiling opinions. Sorry I have not responded sooner. It has been a hectic New Year! Hope you are well.

Well, !

Flossie, I hope I'm not putting you on the spot here and if I am, just say so. We've been here long enough to be honest like that. I was just wondering if you would share more about what you learned in the profiling class and if you would share your opinion with us here regarding this case. I hope my curiosity doesn't offend you. :)

Hi WM ~
Here is the offender profile you requested. Please, keep in mind, I am NOT a profiler. I am not even employeed in an ocupation that has to do with criminology. I have a passion for studying crime and criminal offenders and hope one day, to use my passion to help others.

Offender Profile –

Age: 17 to late 20s.

Sex: Male

Race: Caucasion, but local ethnic make-up should be considered.

Marital status: Single

Education/intelligence level: High school drop-out. Maximum Educational Level is High School Graduate Below average intelligence. Considered a marginal student.

Employment: Unemployed or if he is employed it will be in a position of ‘unskilled work.’ His job will be a simple menial one, requiring little contact with the puplic.

Residence: Close to the area of the crime scene. Usually lives alone in a rental property or with his parents.

Arrest record: This offender has been "in trouble with the law". Most likely assault and / or drugs / DWI. However, none of his crimes have required a DNA sample to be entered into CODIS. The murders of Skyla and Taylor were the first murders he has ever committed.

Social - He will be known as a "hot head". Someone with a temper. Loyal only to himself.
Hurrah, Ruflossn, bravo! And thank you. We need to kick-start this discussion thread, which is never less than interesting and almost always poignant. (And OK needs to solve this case. I guess that goes without saying.)
Ruflossen, that looks like good work to me--and very interesting.

I'm wondering if it means anything to you in terms of the profiling that one of the girls was mainly shot in the face and pelvis? To me, that's not something that "just happened that way," and speaks volumes ... but while it's been pointed out, it seem that not too much has been made of it. I'm curious to know what it means to you, if anything.

Maybe it's just me, but the person represented by your profile strikes me as a male who may have been attracted to one or both girls at one time ... and then felt rejected, or that they were making fun of him?
Ruflossen, another question comes to mind: What do you make of the use of two guns? Does that have any bearing on your profile?
Hi DreamyEye ~

Both of your questions are interesting. Other than offender profiling, my other main interest is crime scene analysis. (Not to be confused with crime scene investigation). Often, offender profiling and crime scene analysis overlap. The reason I am mentioning this is because to answer your questions, one has to consider both the profiling and the crime scene analysis aspect of this case. After studying the crime scene, I believe the following to be true -

1) Taylor was the main target. Skyla was murdered simply because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

2) Both the girls could identify the shooter and therefore, once the shooting started, he felt it necessary to silence both of them.

3) I do not believe Taylor was shot because of rejecting someone romantically / sexually. However, I believe she belittled / disrespected him and this was what triggered his anger. The individual does not like feeling less than respected and when he felt disrespected, he reacted in an extreme manner. His extreme anger may have been precipitated by drug use. This individual may have recently been fired from his job, broken up with a girlfriend, argued with a girlfriend, etc..... Something, that made him feel 'disrespected', and when Taylor disrespected him, he took his anger out on her.

4) Two firearms - traditional profiling and crime scene analysis would say, if there were 2 guns fired, there must have been 2 shooters. I am still not sure whether I believe there were one or two shooters.

5) Taylor was shot mostly in the face and at least one shot was in the groin area. (iirc) Again, with Taylor being the main target, I am not surprised by these shots. This offender wanted to belittle Taylor. What better way than to mark her facial features with violence and to 'sexualize her in death'?

I hope I answered all of your questions. Please remember, all of the above is just my opinion. It is not based on scientific fact.
Flossie, Thank you much for sharing your 'opinions' from your studies with us here. I am so very grateful. You nailed it IMO!!!!

Based on the assumption that your profiling and crime scene analysis is correct, the DD would be ruled out, wouldn't he? (since he is in prison his DNA would be in CODIS right?)

Also, please refresh my memory as it's been awhile since I viewed the autopsy report and refreshed my memory on MSM articles, but wasn't DNA found on Taylor?

I can only hope that whoever did this screws up along the way and is imprisoned. I think that is the 'one piece of evidence' that OSBI is waiting to be handed to them on a silver platter. JMHO.

I am so grateful for you and all the sleuths who participate in this forum and continue to seek justice for Taylor and Skyla!



Hi DreamyEye ~

Both of your questions are interesting. Other than offender profiling, my other main interest is crime scene analysis. (Not to be confused with crime scene investigation). Often, offender profiling and crime scene analysis overlap. The reason I am mentioning this is because to answer your questions, one has to consider both the profiling and the crime scene analysis aspect of this case. After studying the crime scene, I believe the following to be true -

1) Taylor was the main target. Skyla was murdered simply because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

2) Both the girls could identify the shooter and therefore, once the shooting started, he felt it necessary to silence both of them.

3) I do not believe Taylor was shot because of rejecting someone romantically / sexually. However, I believe she belittled / disrespected him and this was what triggered his anger. The individual does not like feeling less than respected and when he felt disrespected, he reacted in an extreme manner. His extreme anger may have been precipitated by drug use. This individual may have recently been fired from his job, broken up with a girlfriend, argued with a girlfriend, etc..... Something, that made him feel 'disrespected', and when Taylor disrespected him, he took his anger out on her.

4) Two firearms - traditional profiling and crime scene analysis would say, if there were 2 guns fired, there must have been 2 shooters. I am still not sure whether I believe there were one or two shooters.

5) Taylor was shot mostly in the face and at least one shot was in the groin area. (iirc) Again, with Taylor being the main target, I am not surprised by these shots. This offender wanted to belittle Taylor. What better way than to mark her facial features with violence and to 'sexualize her in death'?

I hope I answered all of your questions. Please remember, all of the above is just my opinion. It is not based on scientific fact.

Thank you Ruflossen. I think your analysis of the perp and the crime scene are right on target. I have felt since first reading about it that shooting Taylor in the face and groin was likely a male who wanted to destroy her bodily life--but her dignity, femininity, and maybe humiliate her, or, at the very least, "show her." I see extreme hatred in it.

Young girls seem so much more sophisticated these days than in my day, but I remember that as a girl Taylor's age, I giggled constantly. It was just about my stock reaction anytime anyone said anything to me. It was never about the other person or had anything to do with belittling the other person ... it was an expression of shyness from a young girl who didn't know any other way to answer--and maybe even a sign that I was flattered that someone was paying attention to me.

But I can see where some very insecure males might take a giggly reaction as being insulted and laughed at. Not saying this is how it went down, but it's what came to my mind as a former giggly girl.

The two guns confounds me. Sometimes I wonder if that's the hold-up in resolving this case. Sometimes I wonder if LE has an idea of one offender who might be involved ... but be at a loss to explain the use of two guns. Oddly, I think that in order to build a successful case, LE will have to have an explanation about those two guns.

Thank you Ruflossen. I admire your work a great deal. You have given me much to think about!
Flossie, Thank you much for sharing your 'opinions' from your studies with us here. I am so very grateful. You nailed it IMO!!!!

Based on the assumption that your profiling and crime scene analysis is correct, the DD would be ruled out, wouldn't he? (since he is in prison his DNA would be in CODIS right?)

Also, please refresh my memory as it's been awhile since I viewed the autopsy report and refreshed my memory on MSM articles, but wasn't DNA found on Taylor?I can only hope that whoever did this screws up along the way and is imprisoned. I think that is the 'one piece of evidence' that OSBI is waiting to be handed to them on a silver platter. JMHO.

I am so grateful for you and all the sleuths who participate in this forum and continue to seek justice for Taylor and Skyla!




Hello, WM and all WS'ers...Regarding the bolded statement above - The only statement I recall was Jessica Brown's "We have DNA". I would certainly like to know more about DNA found on Taylor.

Many have speculated about the DNA referred to by JB. Some have suggested it may be from a cigarette butt found at the scene. Since DD and his friends were known to frequent the area - evidence like this would preclude DNA from being a "smoking gun", unfortunately and imho.

DNA on or near the bodies would be a completely different story though.

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