Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #21

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I'm from Ohio and have been involved in many cases. Just some observations. I agree that facial & especially groin shots are very personal. Even the Mafia code states that you never shoot someone in the face. It was only done so the mother could not have an "open casket". A groin shot in a female even goes beyond that. It is almost beyond consideration that a male would do a groin shot, unless they are a seriously disturbed jilted lover. It is possible that the shooter was a woman or women. There are very few cases of groin shots from men. Usually if it is done by a man it's via knife. Sorry for the graphic depiction.
I disagree with the drug deal witness because two people can do that in a mall in 1-minute, let alone out in rural OK. However, after much research it appears the Weleetka, Tulsa areas have more meth drug busts than they have Bibles. The simple reason is that to "cook" meth you need anhydrous ammonia. It's use is 80% for farm fertilizer. It's a controlled substance so, it's often stolen from farmers' tanks. Also, the cooking of meth creates a terrible
"rotten egg" odor that can be smelled for miles. Rural areas are the perfect places to have meth labs.
Drug traffickers do not kill over marijuana, or any other drug because it's "bad business". Too much risk ratio vs. profit. They will kill over Meth Territory and "send a clear message" to any and all threats. I also agree that someone in the family may have created a reason for the "kill".
A Glock 40 doesn't have a lot of recoil kick so, I suspect it was one killer with 2 guns. Since it took 8-shots to kill Skyla, with only 1 fatal shot, I suspect the other gun was a small caliber - possibly 22 or 32 caliber. If it was a drug-territory "message" why risk 2 guys being seen when one will do?
...enough for now. Hope I didn't offend anyone. Respectfully, Jeff

JL ~
Thanks so much for posting your thoughts and ideas.

When you posted the facial shots were done only "so that the mother could not have an open casket", are you saying the girl(s) were murdered as a
vendetta against the mother(s)?

Also, I was confused about your comments in regard to the Glock 40. What does the recoil have to do with whether there was one or two shooters.

Thanks so much for posting your thoughts. It is always nice to read fresh input / insight into this case.
I'm from Ohio and have been involved in many cases. Just some observations. I agree that facial & especially groin shots are very personal. Even the Mafia code states that you never shoot someone in the face. It was only done so the mother could not have an "open casket". A groin shot in a female even goes beyond that. It is almost beyond consideration that a male would do a groin shot, unless they are a seriously disturbed jilted lover. It is possible that the shooter was a woman or women. There are very few cases of groin shots from men. Usually if it is done by a man it's via knife. Sorry for the graphic depiction.
I disagree with the drug deal witness because two people can do that in a mall in 1-minute, let alone out in rural OK. However, after much research it appears the Weleetka, Tulsa areas have more meth drug busts than they have Bibles. The simple reason is that to "cook" meth you need anhydrous ammonia. It's use is 80% for farm fertilizer. It's a controlled substance so, it's often stolen from farmers' tanks. Also, the cooking of meth creates a terrible "rotten egg" odor that can be smelled for miles. Rural areas are the perfect places to have meth labs.
Drug traffickers do not kill over marijuana, or any other drug because it's "bad business". Too much risk ratio vs. profit. They will kill over Meth Territory and "send a clear message" to any and all threats. I also agree that someone in the family may have created a reason for the "kill".
A Glock 40 doesn't have a lot of recoil kick so, I suspect it was one killer with 2 guns. Since it took 8-shots to kill Skyla, with only 1 fatal shot, I suspect the other gun was a small caliber - possibly 22 or 32 caliber. If it was a drug-territory "message" why risk 2 guys being seen when one will do?
...enough for now. Hope I didn't offend anyone. Respectfully, Jeff

Welcome to Taylor and Skyla's thread. You have very interesting thoughts.

As far as I know, we never did determine who Taylor's mother is.

Do you think it could have been classmates of Taylor and Skyla?
Missing Sarah just reminded me that yesterday was Taylor's birthday. She would have been sweet sixteen!

It is so sad that this case has not been solved! I hope that one day justice might prevail.
Hi, all. I'm another one out here keeping an eye on this case without having anything to contribute.... I certainly think a lot of you do! "The RuFloss," among others, comes to mind. And now, jlkidder--welcome.

It's great to have a new poster's info and opinions come into this, especially when they've already been following along. JL, your ideas are fresh and stimulating but I'm going to need you to spell out the connections, if you will.

It's mostly the statements in the first paragraph I need help with:

I agree that facial & especially groin shots are very personal. Even the Mafia code states that you never shoot someone in the face. It was only done so the mother could not have an "open casket". A groin shot in a female even goes beyond that. It is almost beyond consideration that a male would do a groin shot, unless they are a seriously disturbed jilted lover. It is possible that the shooter was a woman or women. There are very few cases of groin shots from men.

Is there a real "Mafia code"? Where is it and what all is it? In looking at and reading about Mafia crime scenes, I never put it together that they don't do facial shots. Maybe that's only in the movies!

It seems like there could be lots of reasons why a shooting into the face would be done besides ensuring no open casket. I don't get how you rule out other reasons to arrive at that one.

I don't want to sound naive but it's not beyond my consideration that a male would do a groin shot. Why would that be?? And frankly, I couldn't name even one groin shot--by anyone--that I ever read about. If there are very few cases of groin shots by men, does that mean that there's a record of groin shots and women are overwhelmingly the shooters?

I hope this doesn't sound challenging in some unwelcoming kind of way. I am very interested in finding out where you are coming from. In particular, nothing about this shooting made me think there was a female involved and I'd like to think more about that angle.

thanks, "The Tapu" (i think we should all use "The" in our names!)
I wanted to check in... Knowing Taylor's BD was here already.. I am still saying my prayer and have not given up on the prayer of justice !!
The Tapu, It is good reading you here. You ask very good, legit questions.

Personally, I have felt in my 'gut' from the beginning that a woman was involved in these murders.

I'll be happy to share privately why I think this but don't wish to share on this thread. :)

Who killed Taylor and Skyla? I think of these girls every day.

Wednesday is the third anniversary.

Our Weleetka girls are WS's featured cold case this week:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Weleetka OK Girls remembered[/ame]
I have not read here in a while....I ROTFALMAO when I read about DD'S tattoo that read "Grotesk"....Is that the jailhouse slang for Grotesque....or were they just illiterate? I did Google the word and found that it is German typeface or font that was inveted in 1896, called Akzidenz-Grotesk. I seriously do not. Think that this is what they were talking about....LOL

God Bless the families of Sweet Angels Taylor and Skyla!
Hi DreamyEye ~


. After studying the crime scene, I believe the following to be true -

1) Taylor was the main target. Skyla was murdered simply because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

2) Both the girls could identify the shooter and therefore, once the shooting started, he felt it necessary to silence both of them.

3) I do not believe Taylor was shot because of rejecting someone romantically / sexually. However, I believe she belittled / disrespected him and this was what triggered his anger. The individual does not like feeling less than respected and when he felt disrespected, he reacted in an extreme manner. His extreme anger may have been precipitated by drug use. This individual may have recently been fired from his job, broken up with a girlfriend, argued with a girlfriend, etc..... Something, that made him feel 'disrespected', and when Taylor disrespected him, he took his anger out on her.

4) Two firearms - traditional profiling and crime scene analysis would say, if there were 2 guns fired, there must have been 2 shooters. I am still not sure whether I believe there were one or two shooters.

5) Taylor was shot mostly in the face and at least one shot was in the groin area. (iirc) Again, with Taylor being the main target, I am not surprised by these shots. This offender wanted to belittle Taylor. What better way than to mark her facial features with violence and to 'sexualize her in death'?

I hope I answered all of your questions. Please remember, all of the above is just my opinion. It is not based on scientific fact.

<snipped by me>

I think you hit the nail on the head with this. Someone was awfully mad at Taylor to shoot her in her face and groin area. The amount of GSWs the girls experienced seems to speak rage/anger and of a known shooter or shooters. But then again I can see where this crime sounds like a vendetta/message scenario. I've always wondered if a female could have been involved. One who had an issue with Taylor.

I am just rambling here....kinda thinking out loud. And it is all MOO. I do wish we had more info to work with, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
<snipped by me>

I think you hit the nail on the head with this. Someone was awfully mad at Taylor to shoot her in her face and groin area. The amount of GSWs the girls experienced seems to speak rage/anger and of a known shooter or shooters. But then again I can see where this crime sounds like a vendetta/message scenario. I've always wondered if a female could have been involved. One who had an issue with Taylor.

I am just rambling here....kinda thinking out loud. And it is all MOO. I do wish we had more info to work with, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Suthrnqt, I also feel (strongly) a female was involved in this crime, FWIW.

This may be the redhead.

Wasn't he questioned about Taylor and Skyla's murders? Does anyone remember?

BUMPING for Taylor & Skyla

I do not remember this guy but would very much like to have Claycat's question answered.... anybody ????

For a long time, there were so many of us "manning" this case.... it's sad that our girls get so little attention now... but it is heart-breaking that somebody is getting away with double murder!
BUMPING for Taylor & Skyla

I do not remember this guy but would very much like to have Claycat's question answered.... anybody ????

For a long time, there were so many of us "manning" this case.... it's sad that our girls get so little attention now... but it is heart-breaking that somebody is getting away with double murder!

I'm still here, but I don't remember reading the name, Kevin Sweat.
I am still here too. I have just not had anything to add .. I really hope this proves to have evidence I guess when OSBI test things found they will release info ...Yeah right ..

Interesting quote from Skyla's father in this piece, to commemorate the 3 year anniversary of this crime.

Skyla's father doesn't believe they made it all the way to the creek. I don't know if that means he thinks they were shot upon the beginning of their journey (i.e., close to the home) or something else happened to them.

His comment is interesting because it goes basically against all that LE has released about the timeline of this event. They left, were gone about 45 minutes to an hour, and were shot on the side of the road that would suggest they were walking back home.

So, it is just something to think about why the father of one of the victims doesn't really believe the released story in some form or fashion.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Is there a connection to Keven Joe Sweat in the unsolved murders of Skyla Whitaker, 11, and Taylor Paschal-Placker, 13, who were found dead in Weleetka three years ago on June 8, 2008? There is an aggressive investigation and according to sources law enforcement are piecing together what could possibly result in Keven Sweat being charged for the girls murders.

Interesting but I'm not seeing the connection. I get he killed his fiance, which is a sad to say "typical" domestic homicide type situation and he did it with a knife not a gun. How did the blogger wind up linking him to Skyler and Taylor in any credible way?

I'd love for the perp to be caught in this case more than anything.
Those photos from Susan's journal prove that 'Josepi' has access to guns. Can anyone identify the type of guns he is holding? TIA

Thanx to all of you that have kept this thread alive. Skyla & Taylor are who brought me to websleuths. I think of them so often.

I can't wait for the day I read there's an arrest in this case. It will happen.

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