Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

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And what did Little Miss do? She scrawled with her little gnarled talons (joke)

ok i know this isn't important and it's a bit ridiculous but her hands actually bother me. when she gesticulates, touches her face, wipes away a 'poor me' tear, i don't see hands. i see claws, like a gargoyle. they just gimme the creeps.
ok i know this isn't important and it's a bit ridiculous but her hands actually bother me. when she gesticulates, touches her face, wipes away a 'poor me' tear, i don't see hands. i see claws, like a gargoyle. they just gimme the creeps.

I thought that very same thing! I thought it when I saw her raise her shackled hand in court last week.
I can't believe that JB says that 'we' don't know the real KC. The wonderful KC. He said it again on Greta last night. How is it that he knows this wonderful KC and we don't? I haven't seen anything that points to the fact she is anyone I would EVER want to know! A liar, a manipulator, a thief and a murderer. yuck.

I heard that too. Unfathomable, unless its just media spin.
Baez's job isn't to "know the truth" but to present Casey's side. She has to be thriving knowing that someone lets her tell the story the way she wants to tell it, regardless of whether there is any truth in it. She has no use for her parents and their needs anymore. She has Jose-the-Hero, who is going to save her from the rest of those people who are keeping her from living her life (she already took care of one of them, but PROVE IT LE!!!!!!).
Baez's job isn't to "know the truth" but to present Casey's side. She has to be thriving knowing that someone lets her tell the story the way she wants to tell it, regardless of whether there is any truth in it. She has no use for her parents and their needs anymore. She has Jose-the-Hero, who is going to save her from the rest of those people who are keeping her from living her life (she already took care of one of them, but PROVE IT LE!!!!!!).
I agree it is JB's job to present positive spin to the world. BUT I would think it is his (moral) duty to tell KC what the reality of her situation is. He should be not lying to her and spinning that she will win the case. In all probability she will not. He should be preparing her for that possibility at least. On the other hand there is no reason for everybody else to keep playing to this farse. If some or all of the family and confidants confronted KC she might start to get real?
Corrected and moved forward from previous thread ...

The following tape extract (for those who cannot view the jailhouse tape) is the most fascinating to me. Barely a word about Caylee. In Casey's mind, it's all about Casey.

George: If for some reason there's something that hasn't been told or hasn't been said, you ...
KC: Dad, I told Jose. No, I've given him the information to give you guys. You guys have given everything to the police. They're [LE] not helping us, it's obvious. We KNOW their intentions. So I'm sorry, I've helped in every way that I possibly can since the day I got here. They didn't even give me 24 hours to help them, the police, without putting me here. So it's obvious where everybody's intentions lie. I know you guys want Caylee. I want Caylee more than anybody can understand. But I can't do anything. I can't do anything from where I'm at.
[Discussion of possible meeting DELETED.]
KC: Jose is making sure that I'm well aware of everything that's going on. He's keeping me completely updated on stuff which I in every way appreciate because he's all I have to go off of with stuff.
George: I want you to realize something. Number 1 or at least number 1.1 should be you and Caylee. That’s the way it should be. It shouldn’t be Jose, then you, then Caylee and everything else is falling in line. It's has to be first you two, you and your daughter, he's focusing on.
KC: Well he's [Jose] focusing on Caylee and I. You guys are focusing on Caylee, I know I'm still part of your focus but she's your main focus and I understand that. Dad, I know where everyone's priorities are. I knew that from the day that I got here.
George: ... Well, ... you're the one who can control everything.
KC: No, I … Dad, please!
George: I'm not trying to get you upset. But I …
KC: I AM upset now. I am completely upset. Number #1, the media is going to have a freakin' field day with this. I wasn't even supposed to "take" this.
George: [inaudible]
KC: Let me speak for a second! Dad, I let everybody talk. They're not releasing it? Well, I hope not. I'll keep saying whatever I have to about the police if they don’t let it go.
George: Here's Mom. [Hands phone to Cindy.]
KC: You don't want to go ... [Raised voice.] Can someone let me speak?!! Come ON! GOD!!!
Cindy: Casey, hold on, sweetheart. Settle down.
KC: No one’s letting me speak. He wants me to talk and then ...
CA: Alright I'll listen to you.
KC: Give me three s-e-c-o-n-d-s! [Pause.] I'm not in control of any of this because I don't know what the hell is going on. I don't know what's going on. My entire life has been taken from me. Everything has been taken from me. You don't understand. Everybody wants me to have answers, I don't have any answers because I don't know what's going on. I have no one to talk to and Jose when you come ... I can't even say anything to you guys besides telling you I love you. I want Caylee. That's not even being put on the air which it should be. It's everything else that I've thought, what I'm saying. That's why I haven't been calling, or taking calls. We said we weren't going to do that to make sure I wasn't going to give anybody anything else to throw against me. Even with me giving them nothing, they're still doing it. So ... how am I ...?
Cindy: Everything's going to go away with you. You'll be fine once Caylee is found.
KC: Mom! I understand. Do you understand my position on this? You guys expect me to have a thousand answers. And I have nothing. I've been here a month! Out of contact with everybody except you guys on the rare occasions that I get to see you and my attorney. Do you understand? What am I supposed to learn from that? What am I supposed to learn from that? The first week and a half, yeah I tried to help you guys backtrack. Again ‘cause that's all I could do was backtrack. I can't backtrack on anything. I've been removed from the situation and you guys are not understanding my side on this and I'm sorry.
Cindy: No, I understand.
KC: No, you don't, ‘cause you're still asking if there's anything I can tell you that's gonna help. That I'm the one that can do it. I can't. The opportunity was there that I probably could have helped ... I'm trying. I was trying. There's nothing more I can say or do until I'm home, but even then I don't know what I can do from that point, but I can at least do something other than sit on my butt all day and read or look up stuff for my case. That's what I have to do right now. That's what I have to focus on now. That has to be my focus. That has to be my focus right now.
Cindy: You can focus on Caylee.
KC: Mom? [Said angrily.] If that's my focus, which it is, I can't do anything from here. I don't have access to the Internet. I can't make phone calls. I can't go anywhere. I already told you, Mom, I told you everything!
Cindy: I've thought about everything that you've told me in the last month.
KC: I'm sorry but that's all I can do. That's the only knowledge that I have.
Cindy: I was in Lake County a few days ago.
KC: Okay. [Said calmly.]
Cindy: Is there anything there?
KC: [Yelling.] MOM! [Quickly calms herself.] I'm sorry. I love you guys. I miss you.
Cindy: Alright Sweetheart, you're upset. Here's Dad.
KC: I'm going to hang right now. I'm frustrated and angry and I'm going to just walk away right now.
Cindy: No, no please don't.
KC: I'm frustrated and angry, and this is the first time I’m truly, truly angry this entire time. But I'm so beyond frustrated with all of this, I can't even swallow right now, it hurts.
Cindy: You just have to understand we're all going in so many different directions. We just want to go in the right one.
KC: Well I can't point you in that direction when I'm literally at a standstill. And I'm just so removed from the situation as someone who has no clue about what's going on in the least. Even random people I've even never met have more of an outlook on this than I do right now. It's really sad. It's really really sad that I literally have nothing right now. Nothing.
Cindy: None of us have anything right now, Casey.
KC: You guys have each other. You're sitting next to Dad. You still have Lee. You have access to our community and to our family and friends, to our house. You're taking for granted the fact that I have no one to comfort me but myself. And the occasional visit which has to be business for the sake of finding Caylee. To say I ... I may look like I'm in charge, well, but I'm completely pushed away from everything.
Cindy: I know, but every time you visit, you can tell, they have to honor your wishes in this case. That's all Dad's trying to tell you. Jose has to honor your wishes.
KC: He has been. He has been with everything. Everything.
Cindy: He's in New York right now for a couple days.
KC: He's doing stuff for business for me.
Cindy: I know.
KC: Well, Mom! You're not telling me that I don't know. Please I don't want to get frustrated with you!
Cindy: In his absence. Dominic's a good person to talk to if you want to talk to anybody.
KC: Mom, I ... Thank you. I've already talked to everybody. I know who I'm allowed to talk to, who I'm not allowed talk to. Who I can see, who I can't see. Who's going to see me, who's not going to see me. I've already arranged all that. It's already been set up. Jose's the one person keeping me in the loop because he's the one person that can, and he's making sure that he's doing that in every way possible.
Cindy: Well, I just hope he's telling you honestly what you're up against.
KC: Mom, I know what I'm up against. Do you guys know what I'm honestly up against? And keeping me here, you're not helping me help myself... I'm sorry to say that.
Cindy: We don't have the means to get you out, sweetheart. We honestly don't.
KC: I understand that. But the opportunity was there and it wasn't taken advantage of and ...
Cindy: We didn't have an opportunity. I don't know where you're hearing that, I honestly don't.
KC: Let Dad pick up the phone, please, I don't want ... Give Dad the phone.
George picks up the phone.
KC: This is seriously the first time that I've been angry. That I've been frustrated to where I can't even think straight at this moment. Throughout this entire thing I was pissed off. That day at the police station I was mad when all of that happened, but I tried to look at things objectively for this entire time, I haven't sat in my room for the entire month and not once, not one time. But right now this is the most agitated and frustrated that I've been, even when I sat with Jose and watched that episode of NG and stuff was being said about Mom and about me and Tim everything else stuff that I heard. I was frustrated but I've let it go. Right now I'm so hurt by everything. I don't even know what to say. And I hate to say that.
George: Well I'm not trying to upset you and neither is Mom. We’re not trying to. And if we are, I'm sorry for that.
KC: I know that's not your intention. But you have to understand where I'm coming from in this, and obviously none of you are. You’re expecting me a month literally out of the loop, to have some new insight on stuff? I mean ... really?
George: I realize this is hard to talk about especially ...
KC: Because I can't do anything. Because I've done everything! I've said everything. I've sat and thought about everything. That's all I can do is sit and think. Everyday. And that's what I've done. Every bit of information I have it's been passed on. I know that.
George: You know, it's just hard for you and it's hard for us. We've never gone through anything like this ...
KC: Well obviously not. We need to stick together, but it's hard to do at this point. For Mom to say that you guys have nothing when I told her ... you guys all have each other to lean on. I don't have anybody. I have myself and the occasions that I can see my attorneys, they are trying to do everything for myself and for Caylee. So you guys have the crutch or multiple crutches throughout the community with everybody.
George: Well, even that is waning and is going to change. We have our issues each and every day.
KC: Dad, I know it's going to take its toll on everybody, but please understand where I'm coming from in this. I’ve been praying every single day for insight. And everybody’s thoughts, and everybody’s feelings. So I know where you stand and where you’re coming from and I know where you're sitting right now. And Mom. And Lee. And Joe Schmo walking down the block. I see this every day … for the last month. I can see everybody's side. But the worst part is no one can see my side. I have to keep my mouth shut. I have to keep my mouth shut about how I feel and almost everything else. Because all I have to do is [inaudible] and the detectives and whoever else will throw it right back in my face when this goes to trial.

From this point on Casey calms down as she talks to George about having a meeting with him, an approaching cold, then speaks to Cindy to say she's sorry but how she had to get out her frustration. Near the end of the tape Casey says:

KC: I know in my gut Mom she's still alive. I can feel it. She's coming home.
I thought that very same thing! I thought it when I saw her raise her shackled hand in court last week.

thank you for posting that janis. i'm really relieved ... i thought it was just me going a bit
kc is "literally at a standstill!" and needs the Internet to
find Klee. :confused:
I guess at this stage of things KC was feeling pressured and unhappy in jail, and GA seemed to think that they could somehow get the truth out of her if JB wouldn't interfere. JB didn't seem to really want her to meet with her parents, because of the danger she might talk, but had to keep them on a string so that they would bail her out somehow. I'm sure his claim of improper conduct has to do with this potential "private meeting." What a ball of manipulation.

They all think they're so clever, deciding if they badmouth LE in a conversation, it won't get released to the public.
Makes me wonder, though, what Casey kept saying that she thought would keep the conversations private. Oh, how LE didn't listen to her? They weren't looking for the real ZFG? This is her idea of cooperating? Her detachment is very, very scary!
kc is "literally at a standstill!" and needs the Internet to
find Klee. :confused:

i'd forgotten about that, i'm so glad you posted it!
i'm sorry but that is such a bizarre thing to say. wouldn't you just have to stop kissing her @rse for a moment and say, 'girl, what in fresh hell are you talking about?!'
Jose asked for these to be released in a motion to compel filed 1-7-09. Here's the file on docstoc:

Motion to compel

Here's a snip:

"3. On August 14, 2008, George and Cindy Anthony visited Casey Anthony Casey Anthony at the Orange County Correctional Facility.
4. Defense has yet to receive any video, transcripts, logs, reports and other documentation of the visitation conducted on August 14, 2008.
5. A number of suspicious activities, which may include police misconduct, relates directly to this visitation.
6. In November 2008 the State Attorney's Office released all video's [his misspelling, not mine] pertaining to Casey Anthony's jail visitations, except the visit of August 14, 2008.
7. In December, the State Attorney's Office released to the media all visitations except that of August 14, 2008."

I think it is clear JB had not seen this tape before it was released, and thought it held more incriminating information than it did. This motion was granted on the 1-9-09 court date and LE was given 10 days to release. JB probably saw it and wished he could close THAT box, :laugh:but that's what you get.
ITA...he got WAY more than he bargained for. I truly felt for the grandparents after seeing this. I think the sole purpose of this was to get Casey to agree to talk to "someone". I personally don't think that CA wanted Casey out of jail. I remember hearing a snippet right around the time of her release that she (Cindy) didn't really think she'd get out. Just can't remember if it was the first time or the second time.
I agree it is JB's job to present positive spin to the world. BUT I would think it is his (moral) duty to tell KC what the reality of her situation is. He should be not lying to her and spinning that she will win the case. In all probability she will not. He should be preparing her for that possibility at least. On the other hand there is no reason for everybody else to keep playing to this farse. If some or all of the family and confidants confronted KC she might start to get real?
I agree, Hercule. I truely believe that every player in this is walking on eggshells around Casey. Everyone tiptoeing around reality with her and I believe she has been given a false sense of " everything will be ok" by this delusion.
I do not feel that anyone has talked seriously to her about the consequences here. She is oblivious to the gravity of the situation here. I know we don't know everything, but I think Jose is trying to 'gather' as many Defense players as possible to put on his (Dream) team and is bragging to Casey of all their 'star players' onboard and of how they will get the justice Casey deserves . He's playing right along with Casey's mind set of " I am the victim", and little Caylee was thrown by the wayside a long, long time ago.
Haven't read the whole thread but thought I would drop the following info into the discussion: In an article in the Orlando Sentinel today, unrelated to the case, it mentions that the Orange County Jail does NOT have cable or satellite and the only channels the inmates can watch are local ones. so KC did NOT watch Nancy Grace on any TV in jail - which means that Baez managed to share the show with her. I will see if there is a link to this article on the Sentinel Website.

Here is a link to the whole article:,0,354335.story

Here is the part about Orange County Jail:

The Orange County Jail will use money from its commissary -- which relies on sales of recreational and food items to 4,100 inmates -- to upgrade 127 televisions, jail spokesman Allen Moore said.

The bill for the upgrade is nearly $9,500, but inmates won't be tuning in to shows on ESPN, MTV or Bravo. The local jails and the state prisons don't have cable access, so inmates aren't spending their days flipping channels, Moore said.
Don't know if it's been answered, but JB supposedly brought some film by (of what's been presented through the media) for them to have "a good laugh".
QUOTE=amethyst221;3182921]I guess at this stage of things KC was feeling pressured and unhappy in jail, and GA seemed to think that they could somehow get the truth out of her if JB wouldn't interfere. JB didn't seem to really want her to meet with her parents, because of the danger she might talk, but had to keep them on a string so that they would bail her out somehow. I'm sure his claim of improper conduct has to do with this potential "private meeting." What a ball of manipulation.

They all think they're so clever, deciding if they badmouth LE in a conversation, it won't get released to the public.

Is anyone else noticing the "disconnect" between the Anthony's public stance on Casey vs. what seems to go on on these tapes? They honestly seem suspicious that she has done something (maybe they think it was an accident). Cindy's comment to her that " we don't have the means to get you out anyway" says to me that even they believe that her being stuck in jail will get her to talk. It seems they believe that she is exactly where she belongs. George then tells her that she "is the one that can control everything". In other words, tell what happened and you will be out of there - it's your own fault you're still there. I just am struck by the pretty large chasm between what they say publically and what I see on these tapes. And yes - Baez has to be kicking himself. Boo hoo! :boohoo:[/quote]

All very true. I wonder if they're worried that Casey will somehow implicate them. They are clearly not please with JB. He has isolated Casey from them. CA can't possibly like the fact that she has lost control here. They probably have no idea at this point what Casey's defense will be.
I am astounded at the amount of carp you can buy at a jail..I didn't realize they had this type of service.

I know, it's more like a full-service hotel, isn't it? Place your order, and it's delivered right to your door. Seems pretty cushy to me, especially for a baby-killer. Casey probably didn't get waited on like this even at home!
*respectfully snipped
i think you can translate that as - mom i know people are saying i killed caylee but i'm telling you i didn't so quit asking me the same question. ok?!
actually i think that's what all the sparks of rage are here - it's got faff all to do w/ not being allowed to talk and everything to do w/ cindy having the temerity to keep asking casey the same questions which clearly means she isn't buying the BS and appears unstable enough that if not made to shut the hell up by means of a quick tantrum might actually crack and ask the question casey fears most (is caylee dead? please just tell me i need to know). once that question's been asked there's just no way back.

ETA this vid is the closest i've ever seen cindy come to actually challenge casey. if allowed to keep going on this path she could've asked casey a good many questions that must surely have been consuming her and for which casey knew full well she had absolutely no answer but to get up and march out, which she threatened to do for far, far less. i wonder was this a warning: 'hey i'll walk out of here if you look at me sideways so think about it - if you cross me you won't get the pleasure of my company for months!!' .. kinda thing.
Having known a sociopath (all too well and for way too long), this is a tactic they often pull when they don't want to deal with someone. Casey doesn't miss her family one bit. She can live without seeing them. She has no use for them anymore.
It seems to me almost certain that KC is going to get LWOP. (perhaps DP)

On the off chance that a crack in the Universe occurs, and she gets off murder 1, she is still clearly guilty of a long list of crimes, and will be sentenced to decades in prison. Somebody needs to tell her this everyday, untill she gets it. She is never going to have a Facebook or whatever again. Never going to have a cell phone full of numbers of aquaintances and sex partners. Most probably she will never again see most of the characters who populated her various little worlds. It's over.
Baez's job isn't to "know the truth" but to present Casey's side. She has to be thriving knowing that someone lets her tell the story the way she wants to tell it, regardless of whether there is any truth in it. She has no use for her parents and their needs anymore. She has Jose-the-Hero, who is going to save her from the rest of those people who are keeping her from living her life (she already took care of one of them, but PROVE IT LE!!!!!!).
OMG, Debs...I just read your post. You've hit the nail on the head.

PS- one thought to add, she will think nothing of punishing parents even more.
It seems to me almost certain that KC is going to get LWOP. (perhaps DP)

On the off chance that a crack in the Universe occurs, and she gets off murder 1, she is still clearly guilty of a long list of crimes, and will be sentenced to decades in prison. Somebody needs to tell her this everyday, untill she gets it. She is never going to have a Facebook or whatever again. Never going to have a cell phone full of numbers of aquaintances and sex partners. Most probably she will never again see most of the characters who populated her various little worlds. It's over.

Yeah, but who? The only person she talks to now is her, HOsay.
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