Slide Show and Video of 8-14-2008 Jail Visit

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I haven't been able to catch up on this thread! 22 pages!

I did watch the video. OH....My......GOSH! That was difficult! Veeeerrrrrry difficult. I had a lump in my throat the entire time. This is just so sick, so sad.

Her daughter is dead by her own hands. Her own mother is beyond desperate for answers and her heart is completely broken. Cindy is falling to pieces here and can barely choke a word out over her own pain (which was really painful to watch - it brought tears to my eyes and I've been no fan of CA or GA) yet all KC can do is not only think of HERSELF, but add to CA and GA's pain by throwing a guilt trip on them by accusing them of missing the opportunity to bail her out of jail. I want to put my own hands around her scrawny neck and choke her. She has to be the most selfish and sick individual I have ever witnessed in my entire life. She has not a care about Caylee, or the heartbreak she has caused her family. Put her away forever.

I wanted to add. I doubt KC has ever been held responsible for anything she's ever done. GA and CA are WAY too soft on her. They may be manipulative themselves, but I can bet you KC was never punished growing up and she never felt the sting of a belt on her bare bottom. Some of you may not believe in such punishment, but I've always thought "Spare the rod, spoil the Child"!

Proverbs 13:24
Proverbs 23:13-14
I am only 11 minutes into this video and OMG, she is pure EVIL!
Just one time I would like to see Cindy or George confront Casey. They had only a few chances to get a point across.
Why couldn't one of them just lay it on the line.."Look, tell us the truth, or we are out the door, if you get out, you are on your own, but not in my home"
Why not just once couldn't one of them plant their foot firmly on the ground.
This girl would not have lasted a minute in my house. I stayed out of much trouble growing up just by being afraid of the consequences.

Oh, I was so hoping they would! It sure looked like they wanted to. I kept waiting and waiting. Talk about egg shells!
I listened to the whole tape and the things that struck me the most were:
A: Her ABSOLUTE faith in Jose....
B: Someone is keepin her "informed" as to what they want her to know is going on...on the outside of her cell....
C: ME < ME < ME what about ME?
D: She is NOT appreciative of her "protective custody" status Daddy tried to remind her of it and she blew him off..
E: She sees Lee as an Interrogation person not her friend?
F: SHE was EXTREMELY JEALOUS that GA and CA had people over and that CA cooked Chili last Saturday......Not upset OVER where is Caylee....

G. KC said she is not getting any hatemail...only letters of support, when Cindy tells her all the hate that she faces everyday. Obviously HOSAY is going through her mail.
I also have to say that from some of the comments KC made about JB....I am not at ALL sure he has her best interest in mind. I think he is steering this defense down the hardest road he can, simply to make a name for himself. From any of the talking head lawyers I have seen on tv..they all say that if JB were smart he would cut a deal. NOW. JB will not do that because all of his 15 minutes of fame would be OVER.
And she kept throwing him up to them, how he is her only link to the world. And I see from the wonderful timeline from nancy botwin, the family had canceled a few meetings with her leading up to this.
IMO, JB is playing her for his own gain.
She is a piece, that one.
The tape surprise surprise, its Casey talking all about herself again.
And for once I agreed with a defense attorney, the one on NG tonight. He said (Paraphrasing) them releasing all this stuff is how people get out of things.
Yeah we like to know, but the more publicized/rea;eased info/drama/news, the more she gets yet another million dollar professional scientist helping her. And that makes me mad.
This family knows her better than we do. There's a reason they walk on eggshells. She is a cruel, violent person. Always has been. It has been the family secret. They have all caterred to her throughout her life. What I can't resolve is how they allowed her to be alone with Caylee at all. What is wrong with these people?

Whatever she did to Caylee most days, she didn't leave marks, but it was not good. Almost every minute with Caylee must have been shear h$%^ for darling Caylee. Casey is a psychopath. We all knew it and now anyone with a thinking brain can witness it. May the devil welcome Casey home soon. I am sickened by her and by anyone that caters, believes,trusts, or defends her. George and Cindy....wake up! The sooner you release her from your heart or brains, the better you will be. God bless the rest of the family, there is not much else to ask for.
I haven't caught up with the thread yet so this may have been asked but, she mentioned watching what was being said about her on Nancy Grace with Jose. Was JB able to bring in his laptop at this time. I thought it was after the 2nd arrest that he went to the judge to ask that he be able to bring it in

Also, she said she was reading what was being said about her online and disgusting those people were..Was JB printing out pages off of messageboards and blogs I wonder?

Also, talking out of one side of her mouth she said she was out of the loop many times, but out of the other side of her mouth she says JB has kept her up to date on everything..

I also see how she manipulates George. I bet she got away with bunches of stuff because she could buffalo daddy dearest.
Casey: I,I,I,I,I,me,me,me,me,I,I,I,I, poor me, me,me,I,I,I

the whole 30 minutes is about Casey, she makes damn sure about that.

How sickening in hearing her spout Bible verses.
and calling aherself the VICTIM! Wow..unreal
What opportunity did the A's have to get her out? What was casey talking about? She tells cindy that the opportunity was there??
I think KFN was a major part of it. I also think their little worms started filling their heads with nonsense. MN leaving was not a sudden decision. I think he was wormed out of the way. I also think George may have been taken in by the get rich quick angle from them, promising him a spokesman position, maybe telling him he could be the next John Walsh. That was about the time they started wearing the KFN t-shirts, wasn't it? Sorry if this is O/T. I'm just trying to find answers in a very disturbing sad, so telling. jennyb said exactly what I couldn't put my finger on. It is obvious that no one in this family has ever had an authentic conversation with each other.


It was like watching some very inexperienced actors stumbling through their script. I have never known anyone to have the type of conversations these people have.
I am only 11 minutes into this video and OMG, she is pure EVIL!

LJ, I left this thread to watch it again, I am sorry if people dont agree, but I am positive they knew Caylee was dead going into this meeting from some source. Right before Casey sits down, Cindy can be heard saying "I think Im going to be sick" and cups her mouth; universal grief sign attempting "to stuff it down." I hate that all the people that told me they knew this long were right, and I hate that I had an once of compassion for these people. Nuff said
FWIW, this is my impression of the video:

Casey is utterly beside herself b/c she's totally trapped. She has no excuse to act "wronged" b/c she's not being interrogated by the "evil police" or prosecutors and her parents in this scene are actually being very loving to her. Yet no matter how gentle her parents are with her, Casey still can't tell them them "who really took Caylee" and "why" so that the parents can go and find Caylee. And the reason she can't tell them? Because nobody, in fact, took her. So George and Cindy continue trying to pry it out of her by being sugary nice and every once in a while VERY SUBTLEY and gently asking Casey for info ("we'd love to have a place we can at least start looking"). Casey immediately lashes back for the obvious reason -- she CAN'T GIVE THEM A PLACE WHERE CASEY MIGHT BE FOUND BECAUSE SHE'S DEAD ALREADY. This is all so frustrating to Casey. If the parents were screaming at her, she could say, "F You, See Ya" but they are not. Which is maddening to Casey. So she is lashing out and trying to explain how "frustrated" she is. Well of course you are frustrated. The truth will not set you free. That is frustrating indeed.

As for George and me, it's obvious that in any other situation where Casey might have lied to them or done something with their granddaughter, George would be laying down the law and Cindy too. But here, Casey is holding the cards (a potentially alive Caylee) so they are eerily submissive and pussyfooting around issues. It's more demoralizing to keep up the charade to Cindy than it is to George and that's why she is often stooped over and looking dejected. It's almost like a kidnapped person trying to talk sweet to the kidnapper, hoping he'll let you go. My only question is now that Caylee has been found dead, what the hell is keeping Cindy and George by their daughter's side? You'd think that once all hope of a live Caylee was gone, they'd change their ways.
Ok, I'm pizzzzed. Which is it Casey, Jose keeps you in the loop or you don't know anything?

"My whole life has been taken from me" ... oh, geez, sorry about that. The first thing that comes to mind is that in KC speak, its that her plan to rope in a man, such as TL has been destroyed and she's back to square one.

"Until I'm home, I can't do anything" ... yeah that really panned out. She did absolutely nothing because she was too busy hanging with the new man at his office.

Oh... poor KC, she doesn't have access to the internet and can't make phone calls.

This video is the most telling of them all. That's it folks
KC plays GA & CA like a fiddle...

I felt so sorry for them. All KC could think about is how this was affecting her, not them. It's clear GA & CA want Caylee home safe - but KC just wants to get her own butt out of jail...
Just one time I would like to see Cindy or George confront Casey. They had only a few chances to get a point across.
Why couldn't one of them just lay it on the line.."Look, tell us the truth, or we are out the door, if you get out, you are on your own, but not in my home"
Why not just once couldn't one of them plant their foot firmly on the ground.
This girl would not have lasted a minute in my house. I stayed out of much trouble growing up just by being afraid of the consequences.

While KC was growing up, GA and CA should have planted one foot firmly on the ground, while planting the other firmly on her butt! That girl obviously never got disciplined!
I haven't caught up with the thread yet so this may have been asked but, she mentioned watching what was being said about her on Nancy Grace with Jose. Was JB able to bring in his laptop at this time. I thought it was after the 2nd arrest that he went to the judge to ask that he be able to bring it in

Also, she said she was reading what was being said about her online and disgusting those people were..Was JB printing out pages off of messageboards and blogs I wonder?

Also, talking out of one side of her mouth she said she was out of the loop many times, but out of the other side of her mouth she says JB has kept her up to date on everything..

I also see how she manipulates George. I bet she got away with bunches of stuff because she could buffalo daddy dearest.

I was wondering about the watching NG shows with Jose too.
Maybe he brought in a little dvd player? It was way before the laptop request.
Casey: I,I,I,I,I,me,me,me,me,I,I,I,I, poor me, me,me,I,I,I

the whole 30 minutes is about Casey, she makes damn sure about that.

How sickening in hearing her spout Bible verses.

Yea when I heard her spouting off verses from the bible I stood up from my computer chair and yelled yea how about thou shall not kill and eye for an eye B*tch. My hubby heard me from the other room and yelled sheesh tell her how you really feel:)lol
All I can say is JB was an absolute fool for wanting this tape..
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