SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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Me too, but then again mine hardly leave my sight now...

However, one has to remember that they have had that Captain from the Sheriff's department *living* with them. He wasn't with them at the gym. So, logic says he was back at the house with whoever was there.

I would be slightly more comfortable leaving if my baby and babysitter were being guarded by a Sheriff who I had grown to trust. I still probably wouldn't do it... but, I'm not known for doing what is best for ME in the first place.

I understand what you are saying, but it's not even just about the safety. One child is gone. I don't think I could leave the physical presence of my remaining child(ren) even if I felt there was no actual danger. My one child is gone. I would want/need the physical connection with the remaining child(ren).

I don't know how to explain it better. It's just not sitting right with me and it doesn't have anything to do with the safety of the remaining child(ren).
At first, I found it very odd that at the gym, when approached my media, they didn't make a simple statement or plea for Kyron's safe return. But then the more I thought about it, I guess they figured that the media would be shouting questions as to why they were at the gym rather than searching for Kyron. While I am not sure that having parents out searching is ever a good idea, in fact I am sure it is not, it seems that it would be an instinct for at least one of them to be out there where searching was taking place.

I don't know, I am going round in circles about so many elements of this case. If Terri is innocent of all of this speculation, she is very unlucky in that no one else saw Kyron after she left the school that day. I would think she would have grabbed a microphone herself and pleaded for anyone who saw her leave that day, come forward, even without LE's permission to do so. Anything so that LE can move past her, as Mark Klaas says,
I understand what you are saying, but it's not even just about the safety. One child is gone. I don't think I could leave the physical presence of my remaining child(ren) even if I felt there was no actual danger. My one child is gone. I would want/need the physical connection with the remaining child(ren).

I don't know how to explain it better. It's just not sitting right with me and it doesn't have anything to do with the safety of the remaining child(ren).

I know what you mean. Kyron isn't even my child and I'm afraid to let my own child out of my sight.
I agree with you and I get it. You are talking to the one who has both children at the hospital when one has to be hospitalized. I can count on one hand the number of nights they have spent apart from each other, or I have spent apart from either of them. They were born in 2003. :innocent:

I am just giving you the reason that would likely be given. The "defense" to leaving that other child would be, "What better babysitter can you get, than a Sheriff who is also a father?!" Really, it is a pretty good time to go if you must go at all. If they felt it was crucial to their mental state to go.

I understand what you are saying, but it's not even just about the safety. One child is gone. I don't think I could leave the physical presence of my remaining child(ren) even if I felt there was no actual danger. My one child is gone. I would want/need the physical connection with the remaining child(ren).

I don't know how to explain it better. It's just not sitting right with me and it doesn't have anything to do with the safety of the remaining child(ren).
Hi everyone!

I've been reading over the last couple of hours and wanted to share some of my experiences as mom of two elementary school kids.

1. In our schools, the kids have to bring their science projects to school before any public/parental viewing. This is so the teachers can grade it first, and then other judging/viewing can go on later. Therefore, I believe that his project was brought at LEAST a few days..if not a week before he went missing.

2. My nephew was evaluated for ADD/ADHD by his PCP. He had to wait months for a good and qualified psychiatrist's appt. It could simply be that SM and dad had to wait for an appt. too.

3. In our schools, regardless of the event during the school day..we have to sign in at the front desk and provide a valid ID. Period. The events after school, however, we do not have to sign in. I live in a very rural part of Texas. Policies may differ from state-to-state or SD-to-SD.
I know what you mean. Kyron isn't even my child and I'm afraid to let my own child out of my sight.

Me tooooo! As if it wasn't bad enough that the Haleigh Cummings case scarred me for life.
From Feb/09 up until about March this year... I wouldn't let my (then 3 year old) daughter sleep in her room alone because I was SO afraid of someone coming thru her window (even tho it's a good 10 ft from the ground) or someone coming thru the back door to take her. Even tho we live in a private/gated community. I slept on the sectional sofa on one end.. and she slept on the other end.. and the baby slept with hubby in our room because I was just soooo paranoid. Now I'm deathly afraid to send her to school next year for kindergarten (2011-2012 school year) because apparently... no security system is infallible.
My hubby tried to reason with me and tell me that these kidnappings are most always done by a member of the child's own family.. and I guess it's true.. but she bio dad is a psychopath and I wouldn't put anything past him. Plus my neighbor kinda freaks me out
I was asked to take a poly once (not a murder; a major theft at work) and I was happy to do so. I figured the faster they cleared me the sooner they could forget about me and find the real thief. I was HAPPY to clear myself and for others to know I was cleared as well. I didn't like suspicion hanging over my head due to the deed of another.

That's just me though. I know others view these things differently.

I had a friend who was accused of attacking someone with no reason. My friend was a woman who was less than five feet tall and weighed less than 90 pounds. The man who accused her of attacking him was well over six feet tall, over 200 pounds and had a history of domestic violence (one conviction and three restraining orders); no history of violence towards strangers, though.

No witnesses, so it was a "he said, she said" situation. The police asked both to take polygraphs.

The man had an inconclusive result.

My friend? Failed.

The police declined to file charges against her anyway. The examiner explained that if she had a strong emotional reaction to the charges, she might fail the test even though she was innocent because the test measures emotional reactions, not absolute truth.

I have absolutely no doubt that she was telling the truth. She had no prior relationship to this man, she had never shown any violent tendencies at all, in fact, I can't even recall her raising her voice ever. He did have a motive to want to discredit her whereas I don't think she had any motive at all (work situation).

Another friend, who has quite a lot of experience with recreational substances, passed three work polygraphs that included asking if he has ever taken illegal drugs. He's a white collar worker and this was back in the 80s when anti-drug paranoia was high.

I would really love to know whether TH's computer shows if she has ever done internet research on passing polygraphs.
I really want to know more about what errands were run, and if anyone at any store or stop on the way back from school that Friday morning has told LE they can verify SM's whereabouts, or ATM/card usage.... It seems to me things would have had to happen pretty quickly within a suspected timeline, if everything else is checking out with LE - errands, time at home, etc....
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I hope that the bio mom is doing better in her recovery, my heart truly goes out to her. She is suffering in so many ways.

I think she has shown much trust and faith in Terri. I hope that isn't broken or violated in anyway. Personally she shown awsome character! If my best friend went to take care of my baby while I was getting life saving medical treatment I would think she was so amazing...IMOO..until she married my exhusband then I would have mixed feelings. Greatful but betrayed.

I'm not sure I understand that. In the article here:

it says:

The story dates to 2000, when Desiree married Kaine Horman. The couple's relationship quickly soured, however, and they planned to separate, but then Desiree got pregnant. So, they gave it another shot. But in August 2002, when Desiree was eight months pregnant, she filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.

This sounds like Kaine and Desiree's relationship was definitely over before Kyron was born.

Why would it be a betrayal for Terri Horman to have started a relationship with Kaine?

All I can go on is my own experience; my first husband married a co-worker and I was happy for them, hoping that perhaps he could find lasting contentment with her.
I had a friend who was accused of attacking someone with no reason. My friend was a woman who was less than five feet tall and weighed less than 90 pounds. The man who accused her of attacking him was well over six feet tall, over 200 pounds and had a history of domestic violence (one conviction and three restraining orders); no history of violence towards strangers, though.

No witnesses, so it was a "he said, she said" situation. The police asked both to take polygraphs.

The man had an inconclusive result.

My friend? Failed.

The police declined to file charges against her anyway. The examiner explained that if she had a strong emotional reaction to the charges, she might fail the test even though she was innocent because the test measures emotional reactions, not absolute truth.

I have absolutely no doubt that she was telling the truth. She had no prior relationship to this man, she had never shown any violent tendencies at all, in fact, I can't even recall her raising her voice ever. He did have a motive to want to discredit her whereas I don't think she had any motive at all (work situation).

Another friend, who has quite a lot of experience with recreational substances, passed three work polygraphs that included asking if he has ever taken illegal drugs. He's a white collar worker and this was back in the 80s when anti-drug paranoia was high.

I would really love to know whether TH's computer shows if she has ever done internet research on passing polygraphs.

There are so many variables in lie detector tests. It's sad that something better hasn't been developed. I've seen enough guilty people pass to make me not take them at face value. As long as they are kept as in investigation tool I'm ok. Admitted in court? No way!
has it been said why bio mom doesn't have custody?
and NO WAY NO HOW would I leave my other child with ANYONE OTHER THAN ME, if my child was missing, they would eat, sleep, shower and go to the bathroom with me.....
But if a person has a hearing deficit, and you know it, do you yell across a crowded gym info that you think is important for her to know? Wouldn't you make your way over to the teacher and tell her, make sure she heard you, if you thought it was that important? And why WAS it that important, on a busy day such as science fair and then talent show, to tell her that information? Seems like setting up a premeditated act to me, but thats of course JMO.

I think I read that there was only 2 days left of school. If so, it might be because she needed them by then, even though the appointment was set for June 11.
I think I read that there was only 2 days left of school. If so, it might be because she needed them by then, even though the appointment was set for June 11.

FYI The last day of school at Skyline was June 15th.
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