SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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No, you are not imagining it. I heard it, too, as well as others, we discussed it in one of the discussion threads.

I also heard after the second press conference (where the parents stood behind but did not speak) LE say "this is the pings" when showing the media one of the two maps they had there. This was after the actual press conference, but the camera for the live stream was still on. I asked about it here, but no one answered. All the videos for that press conference stop at the end and do not have the extra where I heard the word pings.

Prob because we have no link to that stream, sadly. I am curious though if anyone else on here saw that livestream with media and LE....because they would have had to release info on "who's pings" they heard. So....I guess off limits for now?
Flip! Really? So the stream actually went into the "pressroom" for lack of a better word? Can I re-pose your question to the boards? Mods? Anyone remember this? As far as I know, "pings" are still rumor, except for anonymous LE sources quoted in the Willamette Week article:

Last I heard on the board, this was still an appropriate media reference, and this article is mentioned in the Oregonian and with other media outlets. (WW got a Pulitzer for an investigative report a few years back by the way....)

So, was Terri still in the room when the word "pings" was brought up? Wonder what SHE thinks of all the searching being done based on HER cell phone pings? I'd be crapping my pants if I were her, guilty or not, shes in the bulls-eye.
Flip! Really? So the stream actually went into the "pressroom" for lack of a better word? Can I re-pose your question to the boards? Mods? Anyone remember this? As far as I know, "pings" are still rumor, except for anonymous LE sources quoted in the Willamette Week article:

Last I heard on the board, this was still an appropriate media reference, and this article is mentioned in the Oregonian and with other media outlets. (WW got a Pulitzer for an investigative report a few years back by the way....)

You may quote from that source now. :)
Prob because we have no link to that stream, sadly. I am curious though if anyone else on here saw that livestream with media and LE....because they would have had to release info on "who's pings" they heard. So....I guess off limits for now?

Yes, could pings of any one of several phones. I thought I heard pings, but obviously I could be mistaken.

Kyron, we miss you so much, and we want you back where you belong!!!
So, was Terri still in the room when the word "pings" was brought up? Wonder what SHE thinks of all the searching being done based on HER cell phone pings? I'd be crapping my pants if I were her, guilty or not, shes in the bulls-eye.

No, none of the family was there. What I heard was after the family had left the room and after the sheriff had given the rest of the press conference. It really wasn't supposed to go over the airwaves, IMO.
Yes, could pings of any one of several phones. I thought I heard pings, but obviously I could be mistaken.

Kyron, we miss you so much, and we want you back where you belong!!!


Yes, home with your bio mom and LE step dad, where you will be safe. JMO
The part I have a hard time with is she takes him to school, then takes him from school, then snaps and kills him. Why?

That's exactly how I feel, Ruby. I've been on the fence, but these past few days it looks increasingly like Terri's attracted the attention of LE.
"It's a tough deal," said Larry Moulton, Terri's father, who's still in Roseburg. "There's a lot of grilling. There's a lot of pressure."

When her father said that in the article, I understood that there really is no question about what's going on behind the scenes. Grilling and pressure point to something more than trying to jog a family member's memory for anything that might help. On the other hand, I'm every skeptical of anything other than a definitive answer from LE (though in this case, that's sparse), and because I cannot imagine an answer to the question Ruby has asked, I'm still at a loss and back at square 0 (yep, even one less than square one!).
Are you sure, those who heard "pings" that it was not a question posed by media to LE?

Also, I too am having a very hard time with this case; but yesterday with LE stating that she was the last to see Kyron...well, they sounded so definte about it. It just seems so unlikely that a perp would be in the right place at right time when no one else was around. As though she turns her back to walk away and a perp instantly appears, does not make a sound, and poof, Kyron is gone?

I still think (cling to the idea) that IF she is guilty, it was not premeditated. He asked her there in the hallway or wherever if he could come home, or started fussing to go with her, i.e. and she agreed and then he acted up once they were in the vehicle and something happened. And everything else is an attempt to throw blame on the school.
My hubby and I were talking one night and I actually said "JMO" at the end of my sentence. Yeah, I am MB addicted.
He MADE me make a sign to hang over the washing machine downstairs because I kept forgetting to check the stupid drain screen before doing each load, which made the laundry sink overflow. He told me constantly for years and I still forgot to check that &^#$%^ drain. So he got poster board and MADE me write "CHECK DRAIN BEFORE USING WASHER" which made me mad, to be treated like a moron and have to write it, so at the the end of that, I added "FGS".. :) He doesn't know what FGS means, and it drives him nuts. haha.
Sorry, OT.

For Goodness Sake?
Are you sure, those who heard "pings" that it was not a question posed by media to LE?

Also, I too am having a very hard time with this case; but yesterday with LE stating that she was the last to see Kyron...well, they sounded so definte about it. It just seems so unlikely that a perp would be in the right place at right time when no one else was around. As though she turns her back to walk away and a perp instantly appears, does not make a sound, and poof, Kyron is gone?

I still think (cling to the idea) that IF she is guilty, it was not premeditated. He asked her there in the hallway or wherever if he could come home, or started fussing to go with her, i.e. and she agreed and then he acted up once they were in the vehicle and something happened. And everything else is an attempt to throw blame on the school.

But why would he want to come home, he was in the talent show at 1pm????
Are you sure, those who heard "pings" that it was not a question posed by media to LE?

Also, I too am having a very hard time with this case; but yesterday with LE stating that she was the last to see Kyron...well, they sounded so definte about it. It just seems so unlikely that a perp would be in the right place at right time when no one else was around. As though she turns her back to walk away and a perp instantly appears, does not make a sound, and poof, Kyron is gone?

I still think (cling to the idea) that IF she is guilty, it was not premeditated. He asked her there in the hallway or wherever if he could come home, or started fussing to go with her, i.e. and she agreed and then he acted up once they were in the vehicle and something happened. And everything else is an attempt to throw blame on the school.

What I think I heard/saw was one of the LE move the map/easel down from the stage to right in front of the media saying "these are the pings".

But I could be wrong, of course, I wasn't expecting to hear anything of importance since the press conference was over.
I wonder, if LE does think she harmed Kyron, what they think she actually did to him. That is where I am having a hard time. The possible scenarios presented point to premeditation and planning. How could she do something like that to Kyron?! So it is hard for me to believe she did this.
I am back on the fence, I guess.

All scenarios point to premeditation and planning? I don't see that. What I see is possibly a parent who lost it on their child. Have you read the "Crimes in the news" at WS lately? Parents kill their kids for the heck of it all the time. Seriously, it's bedwetting, because of perceived lack of respect, or simply they had a bad day, or maybe they were just mean and evil. There is rarely premeditation and planning when a child is murdered by their parent or similar caregiver. Bottom line parents kill their kids all the time or stand by while someone else does.
But why would he want to come home, he was in the talent show at 1pm????

That could be why?

No, really I just am trying to find a way that this, if it happened with Terri, was not pre-planned. That, I don't think I can wrap my head around at all. Maybe she was going somewhere that sounded like more fun to Kyron once he was done showing off his project and maybe he did not want to be in the talent show. Maybe it was rare for her to be going anywhere without the baby and he wanted to be alone with her. I don't I said, I was trying to figure out a way that he went with her and THEN something happened...
I think **IF** Terri did this, the only mistake she made was NOT to go to that talent show in the afternoon....that would have made her look more innocent than not if she showed up at the concert to watch Kyron (becaseu she knows he's at school) and then say "Where is Kyron"

Then I think, well maybe she was still busy at 1:00...but, I thought that is when she was posting pics on FB? So.. she was at home.

Therefore, I think this was one major slip-up on her part **IF** she did it.

I have to admit.. I watch Missing, CSI & shows like that.. and it didn't enter my mind that LE could trace cell phone pings. I thought they could only ping IF I talked on the phone.... I guess I was wrong about that!!

I'm babbling .. LOL.. trying to make sense of my own thoughts..LOL.. Sorry!
Ok, the trafficing of children keeps getting brought up. In Portland as in many cities, it's a problem with teenage prostitutes and sometimes male protitutes. Teenagers not children. This has nothing to do with Kyron. Has legit child trafficing ever had to do with any of these cases?

Also, other than crimes to do with the WWF crowd, has any of these similar cases ever had to do with steroids? It always gets brought up in every thread and never has anything to do with anything.

Sorry, but it's always brought up and is distracting.
I think **IF** Terri did this, the only mistake she made was NOT to go to that talent show in the afternoon....that would have made her look more innocent than not if she showed up at the concert to watch Kyron (becaseu she knows he's at school) and then say "Where is Kyron"

Then I think, well maybe she was still busy at 1:00...but, I thought that is when she was posting pics on FB? So.. she was at home.

Therefore, I think this was one major slip-up on her part **IF** she did it.

I have to admit.. I watch Missing, CSI & shows like that.. and it didn't enter my mind that LE could trace cell phone pings. I thought they could only ping IF I talked on the phone.... I guess I was wrong about that!!

I'm babbling .. LOL.. trying to make sense of my own thoughts..LOL.. Sorry!

Not a bit of babble Zaha, I think it is one of the CLUES in the case. I've written it here and is why I asked the question today, 'Has anyone heard or is it written that TH said she would be at the talent show ??? ???
Ok, the trafficing of children keeps getting brought up. In Portland as in many cities, it's a problem with teenage prostitutes and sometimes male protitutes. Teenagers not children. This has nothing to do with Kyron. Has legit child trafficing ever had to do with any of these cases?

Also, other than crimes to do with the WWF crowd, has any of these similar cases ever had to do with steroids? It always gets brought up in every thread and never has anything to do with anything.

Sorry, but it's always brought up and is distracting.
I'm not suspicious of steroids in this case but I can see how some ppl might be, shes into body building...steriod use is not uncommon in body building, and steroids can make you "rage' which would explain her freaking out on Kyron. Steriods=rage=harm to Kyron. See?
I'm not suspicious of steroids in this case but I can see how some ppl might be, shes into body building...steriod use is not uncommon in body building, and steroids can make you "rage' which would explain her freaking out on Kyron. Steriods=rage=harm to Kyron. See?

But it never is proven to be the case after case that I've followed. See?
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