Small Details that are interesting in the Cooper Harris case, #1

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The media is being really slow to report on the new article by the AJC. Only The Daily Mail has, so far.

It would make no sense for the media to start making the public think this was an accident. Public interest would plummet.

How did AJC get access to the tapes, but not other outlets? Did they pay for them? Did other media refuse to pay? I would think the defense would hand them out to free to all the media if it helps Ross's case.

LOL, that is hilarious. I told you guys that you had to take Stoddard with a grain of salt. Looks like I should have said a carton of salt.

This makes me so furious! So, the paper is defending him based on small details that will obviously be revealed in court - that aren't going to amount to squat in the trial IMO. Instead of counting Mississippi's of how long he was in the car before he got out, how about we concentrate on the huge details that point to this man intentionally leaving his child to die. Sorry, but I am so angry when I read things like this!
LOL, that is hilarious. I told you guys that you had to take Stoddard with a grain of salt. Looks like I should have said a carton of salt.


Right, because a newspaper has never been sensational to make money.

Pretty convenient you have to subscribe to read the whole story. I wonder how much money they have made today.
point by point. one witness said RH was trying to get to his child. Others indicated he was placed in cuffs because he refused to get off the phone and told the female officer onscene to "F" off.

The defense does not address the other reports about the incident, only cherry picks the one which seems to portray his client as an "organically" grieving father.

on the point by point I notice the defense does not address the ill fitting carseat and its continued use after the Alabama trip, the setting for an infant etc. He simply explains why he was told that carseat was being used. Nothing further to explain why it was not at least adjusted to a larger child or not swapped back for the new one when the trip to Alabama ended.

ITA. The defense is picking and choosing the few details they can try and spin, but the majority is unable to be explained any other way. IMO

Once LE is finished with their investigation, the defense won't be able to keep up the spinning with the mountains of damaging info that will come. Unless they are a F5 tornado.
The detective said Harris opened the driver's side door and stuck his head inside, where he would have had a "clear view" of his child, strapped in his car seat and suffering in oven-like temps.
The Journal-Constitution said the tape clearly showed Harris head above the door frame the whole time.
The incident took about three seconds, and only Harris' arm and shoulder entered the SUV, the report said.

Stoddard's sworn testimony at PCH

STODDARD: The car pulls up, and from interviewing the two friends, he went to lunch with, they pull up, he gets out of the car, they immediately take off. You can see him walk up to the car. He approaches the car from the driver's side. Approaches his car. Opens up the driver's side door, and he kind of tosses the light bulbs inside. He's all the way inside the frame but tosses the light bulb inside the car.

UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: Does he approach from the rear or the front?

STODDARD: From the left-hand side. Kind of an angle, judge.

UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: Is that angle consistent with that photograph the judge has?


UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: Where he can see the car seat?

STODDARD: Correct.

UNIDENTIFIED DEFENSE ATTORNEY: That calls for speculation. I object to that.

UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: I just asked if it's consistent, judge.


UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: When he approaches, does it appear -- is this video -- can you describe to the judge how it appears he reaches in and where his head is?

STODDARD: When he reaches in, he comes up, he opens up the door. And as he's reaching in, turns his head a little bit. He's in there, he has a clear view, and he kind of turns his head and then just tosses the light bulbs into the car.

Hard to follow what Stoddard is describing but I think he is describing RH turning his head in such a manner that he cannot see inside the vehicle as he is tossing the lightbulbs. As if RH had is low enough but his head was turned to the side to purposefully avoid catching sight of the back interior (carseat area) of the vehicle. Just my own interpretation.
also the trip to the UPS store during lunch now makes sense as that was apparently the registered business address for the web design startup he and his friend/coworkers were launching. They were checking for mail. MOO

UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: Now, let me stop you there. Did you eventually find out where he had gone during lunch that he had left out?

STODDARD: Yes, sir.


STODDARD: He had gone to Publix, the UPS Store and Home Depot. And he had purchased two boxes of light bulbs.
The AJC also could have gotten the footage from a contact at Home Depot or the surveillance company if they outsource it.
MOO AJC is sidestepping the unspoken threat of defamation suit from LH by offering to provide "balance" by allowing RH's side of things to be presented.
Stoddard doesn't mention anything about Ross' eyes. I think his point was that Ross took out his phone to avoid any interaction with anyone. Most folks I know usually exchange a hello or good morning when they pass each other at the office parking lot. Ross was pretending to be oblivious to both. And, by now, detectives have no doubt identified these men and know whether they did know Ross.


I don't know. Every second person I pass is staring into a phone, walking or stopped.
Open records is one thing. State's evidence I would think is another. Evidence to present to a GJ should not be taken as fact and put out to the public until a decision has been made whether or not try this client. I'm appalled if this is the case.

I'm appalled that anyone would support a LE officer lying on the stand.
point by point above. Defense wants to play this CFA visit with Cooper as a break from the routine. But that is not necessarily true. We heard from Stoddard that these little breakfasts at CFA were sometimes taken with Cooper and sometimes were taken after dropping Cooper at daycare. This was no break from the norm. If anything it was the norm for him to breakfast solo sometimes and with Cooper along a couple of times a month. Daddy son bonding time. After which daycare personnel confirmed for Stoddard per his testimony that Cooper would arrive alert, happy and excited.

Something you make a practice of with any regularity (such as taking your toddler to CFA for breakfast before dropping at daycare several times a month) is not what I would call a break from the routine. It IS part of the routine. MOO

I agree, I believe it was part of his routine, and even if the defense wants to spin it the other way, HOW CAN YOU FORGET YOU HAD YOUR CHILD IN THE CAR LESS THAN A MINUTE AFTER STRAPPING HIM IN CAR SEAT AND KISSING HIM GOODBYE????!!!!???!!! REALLY? GRRRRR!
Is it possible that the tape they saw might have been altered? Kinda like whae they redact or black out names on document dumps?
I dunno..
The detective said Harris opened the driver's side door and stuck his head inside, where he would have had a "clear view" of his child, strapped in his car seat and suffering in oven-like temps.
The Journal-Constitution said the tape clearly showed Harris head above the door frame the whole time.
The incident took about three seconds, and only Harris' arm and shoulder entered the SUV, the report said.

Stoddard's sworn testimony at PCH

STODDARD: The car pulls up, and from interviewing the two friends, he went to lunch with, they pull up, he gets out of the car, they immediately take off. You can see him walk up to the car. He approaches the car from the driver's side. Approaches his car. Opens up the driver's side door, and he kind of tosses the light bulbs inside. He's all the way inside the frame but tosses the light bulb inside the car.

UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: Does he approach from the rear or the front?

STODDARD: From the left-hand side. Kind of an angle, judge.

UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: Is that angle consistent with that photograph the judge has?


UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: Where he can see the car seat?

STODDARD: Correct.

UNIDENTIFIED DEFENSE ATTORNEY: That calls for speculation. I object to that.

UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: I just asked if it's consistent, judge.


UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: When he approaches, does it appear -- is this video -- can you describe to the judge how it appears he reaches in and where his head is?

STODDARD: When he reaches in, he comes up, he opens up the door. And as he's reaching in, turns his head a little bit. He's in there, he has a clear view, and he kind of turns his head and then just tosses the light bulbs into the car.

Hard to follow what Stoddard is describing but I think he is describing RH turning his head in such a manner that he cannot see inside the vehicle as he is tossing the lightbulbs. As if RH had is low enough but his head was turned to the side to purposefully avoid catching sight of the back interior (carseat area) of the vehicle. Just my own interpretation.

That's how I understood it.

Besides who throws light bulbs? Who tosses them even?
I know with my luck, if I did that, not one would work when I got home.
That's how I understood it.

Besides who throws light bulbs? Who tosses them even?
I know with my luck, if I did that, not one would work when I got home.

I just bought some lightbulbs and did a test and threw the bag onto a seat in my car.

Not one broke.
MOO AJC is sidestepping the unspoken threat of defamation suit from LH by offering to provide "balance" by allowing RH's side of things to be presented.
Ahh haa! Yes! I missed it!
CYA mode.


Does this help? I reversed the image and blew it up and fiddled with the contrast to enhance the text on the paper.

We're gonna go to the early
movie so I should be home
close to 7.

When you getting my

(Call me) -can't read the rest of the line because Stoddard's hand is in the way
I'm appalled that anyone would support a LE officer lying on the stand.

:confused: I'm confused. Who are you talking about?

ETA: are you talking about Baygeant, RH's half brother?
Who is supporting LEO lying and when was it established that one did so on the stand?? Going to have to do some backreading. It is clear I missed something.

ETA backread and still completely confused. :confused:
So what difference does the 15 second discrepancy (if there actually is one) make? Honest question. Given the whole picture of evidence, testimony, etc., I guess I am not understanding why this alleged 15 second difference would be exculpatory.
@ykw: Thanks! Another poster did this already and deciphered what you did. Can you help find the point in the court video where Stoddard is given this paper without his hand in the way? I'm going to try to find it myself too.
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