Small Details that are interesting in the Cooper Harris case, #1

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Define normal.

Normal for a family man who plays guitar in church and is a great father and leader of the household?
This morning I timed how long it took me to collect my bag and devices and exit the car when I got to work. I think even 15 seconds is a long time! It really doesn't take long to grab the stuff in the next seat over, collect the coffee and phone and head off. It will be interesting to see the video and the actual time, but seems the point being made is that he was in that car long enough to realize that another living, breathing being was in there too, and perhaps even to interact with Cooper in some way,
This morning I timed how long it took me to collect my bag and devices and exit the car when I got to work. I think even 15 seconds is a long time! It really doesn't take long to grab the stuff in the next seat over, collect the coffee and phone and head off. It will be interesting to see the video and the actual time, but seems the point being made is that he was in that car long enough to realize that another living, breathing being was in there too, and perhaps even to interact with Cooper in some way,

I wonder how long to turn car off and gather stuff and leave the car. I know I leave my car running in the heat when I have to get stuff, pulling the key at the last moment.

Im more irked at the det, report about the lunch time trek to the car. He made it seem as if he had his head in the car and turned to look at Cooper and he also made it seem like he was watching the guy that passed his car.

Im kind of really ticked about it. If the evidence is there, fine.. But don't make stuff up or embellish it.
Hey Scarlet :seeya: Glad to see you back. I missed your posts.

May I ask why you put more weight in Baygent and AJC than Det Stoddard?
Maybe because Baygent was sworn in before the AJC interview

Well, then he might have a problem because anyone that can pull into a parking lot, back up, then pull into their parking space, turn off the vehicle, pick up their briefcase and a drink from the console, exit that vehicle all in 15 seconds must be superman. That's point one. His point of internet sites that just came up in a feed somewhere is also a feeble excuse. If you see it in your feed, you don't view it unless you click on the link. That's the choice of the user. He had to have clicked on those sites to view them. That's point two. If he had actually planned to go on vacation with the families, where's the documentation on that? It's just heresay. If this brother knew him (RH) half as much as he thinks he does, this wouldn't even be happening right now. To be so preoccupied with your personal addiction that you forget your child under these circumstances is criminal, proof of premeditation or not. SMH that the benefit of the doubt is being given to the accused because of an "interview" from his brother. It holds no water IMO.
This morning I timed how long it took me to collect my bag and devices and exit the car when I got to work. I think even 15 seconds is a long time! It really doesn't take long to grab the stuff in the next seat over, collect the coffee and phone and head off. It will be interesting to see the video and the actual time, but seems the point being made is that he was in that car long enough to realize that another living, breathing being was in there too, and perhaps even to interact with Cooper in some way,

Did you include the time you pulled into the parking lot and found a space?
Did you include the time you pulled into the parking lot and found a space?

Do you think the 15 seconds included that? I guess we will need to see. I just included the time from when my car stopped until I exited the car. That was how I interpreted the comments, but I guess others could read them differently.
Do you think the 15 seconds included that? I guess we will need to see. I just included the time from when my car stopped until I exited the car. That was how I interpreted the comments, but I guess others could read them differently.

No, but the "around 30 seconds" stated by Det. Stoddard does. That's the difference.
No, but the "around 30 seconds" stated by Det. Stoddard does. That's the difference.

Yes, agree. But what I am saying is the in MOO even 15 seconds in the car from the time of parking is pretty long to collect stuff and exit.

Yes, agree. But what I am saying is the in MOO even 15 seconds in the car from the time of parking is pretty long to collect stuff and exit.


I hear what you are saying but the issue is the discrepancy of time between what big brother says and what LE says are what's in question. What's on that videotape will clear all this up if we can ever view it and show what actually happened. It's supposed to show RH sitting in the car for a bit, so we'll see.
UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: And after he got his laptop bag, did the defendant immediately get out of the car?

STODDARD: He did not.

UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: So after he parks, how long does the defendant sit in his car before he actually exits to go in the building?

STODDARD: It's around 30 seconds from the time he parks the vehicle to the time he gets out and shuts the door.

UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: So he's sitting in there 30 seconds?

STODDARD: Yes, sir.
I hear what you are saying but the issue is the discrepancy of time between what big brother says and what LE says are what's in question. What's on that videotape will clear all this up if we can ever view it and show what actually happened. It's supposed to show RH sitting in the car for a bit, so we'll see.
I believe that the time discrepancy is from the AJC and not Ross's brother.

A close review by the AJC of video from a surveillance camera at the Home Depot office complex where Harris worked revealed discrepancies — some striking — with assertions made by Detective Phil Stoddard on the witness stand.
Did you include the time you pulled into the parking lot and found a space?

Once again, on the wild about trial PCH at 24min and 5 sec, Stoddard says that the (paraphrasing) 30 seconds was the time between the car having ALREADY been parked and JRH exiting the car. This is what I heard. JMears
around 30 seconds

I would be concerned had Stoddard said it was exactly 26.45 seconds. And that was not correct.

What he said was "around 30 seconds"
Think of my cousin Vinny...

I shot the clerk..

Inflection matters. Demeanor matters.

With what I heard yesterday about the article and the video information, I have to say I may have jumped back on the fence.

I need more time but I am not sure today what I think. I sure don't like when officers embellish or try to make things bigger than they are. And there was a whole lot of guff the other day when we discussed the detectives demeanor and testimony. But it looks like we were not the only ones who think there was something off.

He didn't embellish. He said it took about 30 seconds sit in the car, and get out. His brother is so desperate for something he calls Stoddard a liar, and says he was in the car for 15 seconds, to have SOMETHING. Stoddard never said, "he pulled up, and then sat in his car for exactly 30 seconds." No, he said the time it took him for him to park and then sit in the car was "around 30 seconds."

Cam you not see how desperate and pathetic their reaching is?
The ACJ report of the time Ross spends in the car doesn't include Ross closing his door, just until he slides out of his driver's seat. Also EXACTLY how many seconds is it that they measured after viewing the video, if the ACJ in fact viewed the video? Less that 15 seconds? What does that mean? 10 seconds? This publication is no being specific and NEITHER was Stoddard on the stand. Stoddard said AROUND 30 seconds and responded after to the prosecutor 'yes' when asked if he was in the vehicle for 30 seconds. We expect an exact amount of time to be used in court and now the publication is not using an exact amount of time. The end of the time measurement is not given unless sliding out the the car seat is the end time. Also, is the cell phone in his hand as he leaves the car? He has a computer bag, a drink of some kind, and his phone. Are all three of those items visible or implied?

I "reviewed" Stoddard's statements, all viewable at the link, and there really isn't much to dispute. He is VERY detailed and specific with the account of Ross placing the light bulbs in his car. How he turns his head (so his head MUST be outside of the car if it is viewable in the video).

I can't get out of my head how telling it is that the brother is sure to mention his awesome credit score. Who cares about credit score? Credit score and financial troubles are two diferent things. He conveniently makes no comment on how much debt they are in. Between credit card(s,) student loans, and cars...that's a lot of debt.

Every rebuttal of his is thinly veiled and doesn't dig at the big tickets. Credit score, not debt. "Around 30 seconds," is now a huge lie. He loved Cooper and was planning all these things coming up very soon, Cooper is dead weeks before. No mention of being able to see the head. No mention of him having to forget Cooper in 40 seconds. No mention of the crime with a minor. No mention of lying about a promotion. No mention of his unsavory behavior. No mention of a single thing that matters.

I also think it's ironic that they call not being specific a lie, when the paper themselves doesn't give a specific exact time. Not a lot to cling to. Hope he grabs the life jacket soon.

Nor do they say where they got the video, what day it's from, or have they let anyone else view it.
I see many people posted the same as I did r.e. the 30 seconds.

What about Ross' use of the phone for 6 minutes, etc? His behaviour with police on the scene (*advertiser censored** You to an officer)?
What's going to be next? The car seat was 7 inches away from Ross' head instead of around 6 inches? Ridiculous.
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